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 The term thorax identifies the portion of the body extending from the base of the neck superiorly
to the level of the diaphragm inferiorly.

 The thorax is the chest that contains lungs, trachea and bronchi (these are the organs responsible
for the respiration to supply oxygen and disposing of carbon dioxide. Even the cardiovascular for
the circulation since it is included in the chest region, they are sharing responsibility with the
respiratory system by supplying the body with oxygen and they give off carbon dioxide as a waste

 It also contains the thorax, an outer structure that is referred to as thoracic cage. This structure
contains the sternum, 12 pairs of ribs, 12 thoracic vertebrae, muscles, and cartilage. (Yung mga
nasa thoracic cage natin ay sila yung mismong nagsisilbing proteksyon sa ating mga organs na
nakapaloob kagaya na lamang yung lungs, heart at blood vessels)

 For the upper right part of the thoracic cage is the clavicle or also called collarbones. As you can
see in the presentation, the clavicle has slender and doubly curved bones. (Each of clavicles
attaches to the manubrium or yung mismong gitna ng sternum and attaches also to the scapula
laterally, or tinatawag din na shoulder blades kung saan nakakatulong para magform ng joint sa
ating shoulder). In addition, The clavicle acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the top of the
thorax and helps to prevent shoulder dislocation.

 The upper border of manubrium is Suprasternal Notch or also called Jugular notch. (This notch is
visible in our neck, between in the clavicle and in the top of the manubrium of sternum tsaka ito
din yung naproprotekta sa ating trachea kasi nasa mismong loob lang nito ng Jugular notch)
These notches represent articulations for the clavicles and receives the costal cartilage of the first

 Next is the Manubrium of sternum, it is superior-most element of the sternum and is the widest
part of this bone which is to form of articulation between the clavicles and the first pair of the
ribs, same with the Suprasternal notch since it was located on top of it. (Ano nga ba purpose nito
sa Thorax natin yung Manubrium? ito naman yung nakakapagbigay protection sa ating lungs,
heart, and blood vessels from the mechanical damage)
 The intercostal space which can be found between the two ribs and may be can be found also in
the above or below but present in the thorax. (The total of intercostal space is 11) The intercostal
space also has three intercostal muscles such as external intercostal muscle, internal intercostal
muscles and innermost intercostal muscle or the thinnest among the three. These muscles help
to move the ribs during breathing by the process of inhalation and exhalation. The most
important muscle is External intercostal space because they have a contract with the diaphragm
during inhalation which is when the thoracic cavity increases or expands.

 Next the sternal angle or also called the Angle of Louis. It is a fibrocartilage joint that allows for
some movement so that the body can move anteriorly during deep inspiration. The sternal angle
can be found below of the manubrium and between the second level of the ribs. Its function,
when counting ribs to locate the second intercostal space for listening to certain heart valves.

 Body of the sternum or mesosternum is the longest part of the sternum located anteriorly along
the midline of the thoracic region. The sternum is a typical flat bone and the result of the fusion
of three bones (fusion means yung nakaconnect sa mismong sternum at yung manubrium, body
and xiphoid process tsaka nakaattach ito sa una hanggang ikapitong pair ng ribs sa pamamagitan
ng costal cartilages) The sternum has also three important bony landmarks (ito yung Suprasternal
Notch, sternal angle at xiphisternal joint since alam naman natin kung saan naka locate ang mga

 Costochondral Junction are the joints between the ribs and costal cartilage in the front of the rib
cage. (kung yung ibang joints ay may makagawa ng movements pero dito sa Costochondral
junction ay wala naman) These joints represent the demarcation of the unossified and ossified
part of the rib (ang unossified ay yung tinutukoy ay nakaseperate sa ribs pero kadalasan kapag
meron ganito ay yung nadislocated or may abnormalities at kapag ossified naman ito naman
yung pagkakaroon ng development along the vertebrae, ribs and sternum, habang tumatanda
tayo mas lalong nagbabago yung buto na nasa ribs natin)

 Next is the Xiphoid process, the lower and end of the sternum which is not attached to any rib
cage. As you can see, the shaped has pointed and thin that it looks like a sword. Its function, a
vital attachment point for several major muscles or it served as attachment point for organs that
forms the floor of the ribcage so that it performs well the process of breathing. (bale isa
nagbibigay suporta sa diaphragm natin pagdating sa breathing process)

 Costal Cartilage can be found only at the anterior ends of the rib which provides a medial
extension. This can connect the ribs to the sternum and its functions to allow movement of the
rib and provide flexibility to the chest wall. (Kung yung ribs natin may 12 ganon din yung
mismong costal cartilage kase nakaconnect rito mismo yung rib cage)
 Dome of the Diaphragm is located below the lungs and in the right side. (tsaka dito din
nakalocate yung liver natin sa mismong diaphragm) The diaphragm has dome shaped because of
the space provided to reduce pressure in the chest cavity and this pressure changes forces air
into the lungs. (Ang ating diaphragm kapag tayo nag-iinhale nagiging flatten ito and kapag naman
nag-eexhale dun lang nagiging dome shape) (kaya malaki talaga yung purpose ng diaphragm sa
process of breathing.)

 The costal angle located in between the left and right costal margins where the rib acts bent is
located on the proximal part of the body of the rib. The purpose of this in the thorax to protect
the higher abdominal organs such as the liver.

 If there is a costal angle and it has costal margin, located in the lower margin of the thoracic wall
within the cartilage from the level of 7th to the 10th ribs form (bale nakaattach ito sa manubrium
hanggang xiphoid process of the sternum kase sa mismong gitna rin ito nakalocated) As you can
see, the difference between costal angle and costal margins: the costal angle has the 90 degree
then located between of the rib cage while the costal margins in the medial where the sternum is
located. Furthermore, the costal margin is the function same with the costal margin (kung saan
kaya rin ito protektahan yung nasa higher part ng abdominal.) and it gives important for the
attachment within diaphragm.

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