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Robust active stereo calibration

Article · January 2002

DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2002.1013611 · Source: OAI

11 94

2 authors:

Jeremiah Neubert Nicola Ferrier

University of North Dakota Argonne National Laboratory


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Robust Active Stereo Calibration
J. Neubert, and N. J. Ferrier∗
Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA 53706

Abstract accurate and provides quantitative assessment of the

accuracy, 4) performs well when restricted to small
We present a calibration procedure to determine the
rotations of the sensor, and 5) exploits information
kinematic parameters of an active stereo system in
that is known (e.g. the motion of the pan-tilt units,
a robot-centric frame of reference. Our goal was to
PTUs). Brooks et. al. [3] assumes that the pan and
obtain a solution of sufficient accuracy that the kine-
tilt angles are unknown and solves for them. Knight
matic model information can be used to estimate scene
and Reid [8] present approaches based on projective
structure given the measured motion/position of the
geometry, however neither provides a solution as func-
eye and target object’s image location. We formulate
tions of the controlled movement (PTU angles). Tsai
our problem using canonical coordinates of the rotation
and Lenz [14] transform the problem to a linear form in
group. which enables a particularly simple closed form
terms of the sines and cosines of the rotations sought.
solution. Additionally, this formulation and solution
Similarly, Shiu and Ahmad [12] re-formulated the vi-
provides quantitative measures of the resulting solu-
sion hand-eye problem as AX = XB then solved the
tions. Experiments verify that the solutions are accu-
problem by transforming it into a linear problem. The
rate, 3D structure can be estimated from the kinematic
re-formulation into the form AX = XB allows the use
models, and the algorithm can indicate when image er-
of solutions to similar problems in other robot calibra-
rors are large enough to produce un-reliable results.
tion tasks. Li [9] used this formulation of the problem
Keywords: Active Vision, Stereo Vision, Calibra-
and developed a non-linear optimization technique to
tion, 3D Reconstruction
solve it. His approach uses the motion of the PTU
from a home position to a set of discrete positions
1 Introduction and performs a classical camera calibration at each
position, and then an optimization step computes the
Active stereo camera systems, often called “head-eye” camera transformation.
systems, typically consist of a pair of cameras whose Our approach is similar to that of Li [9] in that we uti-
motion can be controlled. Control over, and measure- lize a classical camera calibration at a set of discrete
ment of, the motion of the eyes can facilitate many pan-tilt positions. However, unlike Li, we use the rel-
vision algorithms and is a central tenet of many active ative motion between positions (not the motion from
vision solutions. For example, the ability of a system home to each position) and thus errors in each pair
to fixate can yield useful information about the envi- of configurations are independent (not biased towards
ronment. In order to extract metric information from errors in the home position). Unlike our method, Li’s
controlled eye movements, a precise kinematic model approach does not afford a robot-centric solution.
parameterizing the motion of the visual sensor can be Here we present our active stereo calibration method
used. Unlike classical camera calibration, the extrinsic that uses the AX = XB formulation. Instead of using
parameters in a dynamic stereo camera system change optimization we use a Lie theory approach for kine-
continuously and new calibration procedures must be matic modeling [1]. One advantage of this approach
developed. is that the use of canonical coordinates enables the
Many approaches have been proposed for active stereo formulation of the solution as a linear least squares
calibration. For a system mounted on a mobile robot fit [11]. Martin and Park [11] derive a closed form
we sought a solution that: 1) determines the kinematic solution to the AX = XB problem as a linear least
parameters so that they can be used in later computa- squares fit and this result is applied here in deter-
tions, 2) uses a robot-centric frame of reference, 3) is mining the “hand-eye” transformation. Additionally,
∗ This our formulation provides a quantitative measure of the
research supported in part by NSF IRI-9703352.
(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) The coordinate frames that are present on the dynamic stereo head. (b) The active stereo head.

calibration results, indicating whether further data is (g)aze the coordinate system attached to the pan/tilt
needed to ensure an accurate estimate of the kinematic unit for the current gaze position (i.e. it changes
model. with the pan/tilt angle). When the pan/tilt an-
In the remainder of the paper we present our for- gles are both zero, the axes of the gaze and ptu
mulation of the active stereo calibration problem for frames coincide. (i.e. Tgp (φ, τ ))
a system with two pan-tilt units mounted on a mo-
(c)amera the camera coordinate frame located at
bile robot base. Some background is presented and
the optical center of the camera with positive z
the calibration procedure is described. We present
axis along the optical axis.
results showing the accuracy of the method in the
presence of noise, and the ability of the procedure (w)orld a frame of reference (often attached to a cal-
to quantify possible inaccuracies (when the noise is ibration grid or some physical landmark) - the
too high). The kinematic model that results from this robot moves relative to this frame.
procedure enables us to estimate depth using the mea-
sured/controlled position of the cameras, along with The coordinate systems ptu, gaze, and camera are de-
image data, as demonstrated in section 5. fined for both the right and the left camera.
We express a point, b q with respect to the camera by
modeling the transformation
2 Head Geometry c
q = [Tcb ] b q (1)
Our physical system is similar to numerous others.
where [Tcb ] is decomposed into 3 transformations
Two pan-tilt are mounted on a mobile robot base. The
PTUs have two degrees of freedom, both of them ro- [Tcg Tgp Tpb ] . (2)
tational. In order to describe the physical set-up, it
is convenient to assign frames of reference. Here we The transformation from system base to camera has
present the mathematical notations and definitions for been decomposed into three transformations. Tpb is
the transformations used. the transformation from the robot base coordinates to
In the following discussions, we will outline the coor- the home position of the pan-tilt unit. Tcg is the trans-
dinate systems used throughout the rest of the paper formation from the pan-tilt unit to the optical center
(see figure 1): of the camera. Assuming a fixed focus and rigidly
attached pan-tilt units, Tcg and Tpb are assumed to
(b)ase the robot-centric coordinate system located
be fixed (constant) transformations. Tcg and Tpb can
midway between the two pan-tilt units. We de-
be found using the Robust Active Stereo Calibration
note the base coordinate system with a “b” (xb ,
(RASC) method described in section 3. Tgp represents
yb , zb ).
the pan/tilt action and is a function of those two an-
(p)tu fixed on the pan/tilt unit when in “home” po- gles. The transformation Tgp (φ, τ ) describes the mo-
sition (both cameras parallel to each other facing tion of the unit from its home position (0, 0) to the
“forward”). The pan/tilt angles are zero at this current “gaze” position (φ, τ ). Our Directed Percep-
position. (i.e. Tgp (φ = 0, τ = 0)) tion pan-tilt unit [4] rotates about a fixed origin, thus

we can model the PTU to gaze transformation as 2. Base-PTU calibration.
 
cos τ − sin τ cos φ − sin τ sin φ 0 (a) Use physical measurements between the
 sin τ cos τ cos φ cos τ sin φ 0  PTUs to determine the distance and angle
Tgp = 
 0
 (3)
between the PTUs.
− sin φ cos φ 0 
0 0 0 1 (b) Construct PTU to base transformations
from the transformation between the PTUs.
where τ is the PTU tilt angle and φ is the pan angle.
The value τ is a negative rotation (with respect to
the chosen right hand coordinate system) but a pos-
3.1 Camera Calibration
itive value as commanded on the physical unit (see The RASC method requires both intrinsic and extrin-
figure 2). With this notation, our goal is re-stated as: sic parameters. This requires some type of 3D-2D
correspondence. Using a known 3D model or calibra-
Given the ability to control Tgp , find Tcg and tion grid: Determine correspondences between known
Tpb for each of the “eyes”. model points and image projections of those points,
solve for the projection matrix, and decompose the
projection matrix. Proceedures for this are laid out in
detail in [5] and [13].

3.2 Gaze to Camera Calibration

We can measure a point with respect to the world co-
ordinate frame (determined in the individual extrinsic
calibration step). The relationship between the posi-
tion of a point expressed with respect to the camera
at position/frame {i} and at frame {j} depends on
Figure 2: Pan-tilt transformation is a pure rotation ¡ i relative
j T
¢motion of the PTU between the frames,
Rgp (Rgp ) and the other (fixed) transformations
for our hardware.
(equation (4)). Additionally one can use the extrinsic
calibration estimated at each position (Rcw , ticw ) and
j j
(Rcw , tcw ) to determine the “change of coordinates”
3 Calibration Procedure (equation (5)).
c i
£ ¡ i j T
¢ T¤ c j
First we present an outline of our calibration proce- P = Rcg Rgp (Rgp ) Rcg P
dure, then the details of each step will be presented. £ ¤
+ I − Rcg Rgp (Rgp ) (Rcg )T tcg (4)
i j T
The kinematic calibration of an active stereo head is
broken down into the following steps: £ ¤
= i
Rcw j
(Rcw )T cP j
1. PTU-camera calibration. For each “hand-eye” £ i ¤
system (PTU/camera) +ticw − Rcw j
(Rcw )T tjcw (5)

(a) Move each eye to a set of discrete positions. where (Rcg , tcg ) ∈ SE(3) is the transformation from
Record the PTU position and the image. For the gaze to the camera (which we wish to determine).
each position: Equating equation (4) and (5) separates the rotation
– Perform camera calibration to determine and translation components to produce:
intrinsic and extrinsic parameters at each £ ¡ i j T
¢ ¤ £ i ¤
Rcg Rgp (Rgp ) (Rcg )T = Rcw j
(Rcw )T (6)
– [Optional] Find the best intrinsic param-
£ ¤
eters (use an average of those found, do ro- i
I − Rcg Rgp j T
(Rgp ) (Rcg )T tcg =
bust statistics to reject outliers) then re-do £ i ¤
the extrinsic parameter estimation using the ticw − Rcw j
(Rcw )T tjcw (7)
new (fixed) intrinsic parameters. The first is easily rearranged to be of the form AX =
(b) Calculate the transformation from gaze to XB, for X = Rcg . Refering to the solution outlined by
image, Tgc using equations (6) and (7). Park and Martin [11], if A = XBX T then there exists

vectors α and β and corresponding skew-symmetric The solution for tcg is unique for a given X. The choice
matrices1 , [α] and [β] such that A = e[α] and B = e[β] of X is unique if M T M is nonsingular and has no re-
and A = XBX T can be re-written as peated eigenvalues. This clearly shows the advantage
T of using canonical coordinates because our nonlinear
e[α] = Xe[β] X T = eX[β]X = e[Xβ] . problem is transformed to a linear one for which a
closed form least squares solutions [2] can be applied.
Thus AX = XB implies the linear relationship
We use this to solve equation (8) and obtain the rota-
α = Xβ (8) tion component of the gaze to camera transformation.
Our rotation component is computed explicitly with-
Using canonical coordinates of SE(3) to parameterize out the use of optimization/minimization techniques.
the coordinate transformations, the equation AX = The quality of the solution can be verified by calculat-
XB is transformed into a linear equation. Park and ing the noise in the rotation solution. This is a good
Martin [11] first made this observation for solving indication of the overall solution quality. The amount
robot sensor calibration problems. The linear form of noise in the rotation solution can be obtained by
of AX − XB allows the use of earlier results in least averaging the Frobenious norm of
squares fitting on matrix subgroups [2] to derive a £ ¡ i j T
¢ ¤ £ i ¤
closed form solution to α = Xβ for X ∈ SE(3), α, β ∈ Rcg Rgp (Rgp ) (Rcg )T − Rcw j
(Rcw )T (10)
<3 (and hence to AX = XB, for A, B, X ∈ SO(3)).
for all i and j where i 6= j. Our experience indicated
The calibration procedure yields a set of estimates
that if Frobenious norm exceeds unity then the solu-
(Ak , Bk ), k = 1, . . . n (where Ak and Bk are elements
tion is unusable.
of SO(3) of the form given in equation (6)). Define
(αk , βk ) where αk = log Ak and βk = log Bk , where
3.3 Robot base to PTU calibration
log Θ = (Θ − ΘT ) (9) The relationship between the PTUs can be found ex-
2 sin φ
plicitly using loop closure. First we write the equation
for Θ ∈ SO(3) such that Tr(Θ) 6= 1. Then the solu- of the loop,
tion X that minimizes £ ¤−1 £ R R R¤
X Tpg Tgc Tcw TRL Tpg Tgc Tcw = I (11)
η= d(XAk − BXk )
k Then solve for TRL to obtain
where d( , ) is a suitable metric on SO(3) is given by £ L L L ¤ £ R R R ¤−1
TRL = Tpg Tgc Tcw Tpg Tgc Tcw (12)
T −1/2 T
X = Rcg = (M M ) M L R L R
The values of Tpg , Tpg , Tgc , and Tgc are known through
where parameterization or calibration and Tcw can be found
X using the methods described in [5, 14]. These val-
M= βi αiT ues are substituted into equation (12) and TRL is cal-
i culated. This procedure provided reasonable results
(see [2] for details) and we take the symmetric, posi- (rotation error of 2 - 3 degrees and baseline distance
tive definite square root of (M T M )−1 (see [7]). The found within about a centimeter).
translation tcg that satisfies equation (7) A more practical and accurate way to determine the
transformation between the PTUs is to physically
tcg = (C T C)−1/2 C T d measure the angles and translation (because the PTUs
were placed using precision machined mounts we have
where a good estimate of the transformation and measure-
    ment confirms the estimate). This method eliminates
I − A1 bA1 − XbB1
 I − A2   bA2 − XbB2  the noise associated with Tgc and Tcw that can lead
    to large errors in TRL . When the transformation was
C= ..  and d =  .. .
 .   .  constructed using physical measurements the angular
I − An bAn − XbBn error was less one degree and the error in the baseline
1 Formally, α is the element in the Lie algebra that maps, via was on the order of 2-3 mm.
the exponential map, to the element A of the Lie group, details There is an ambiguity in the translation placement of
are given in [6]. the base frame “symmetrically” with respect to each

PTU: an entire plane of solutions exists. The cyclo-
pean frame assumes translations equal and opposite
in X (for our particular choice of axes). Choosing this
form above allows for a unique solution for b.
Although there is flexibility in its exact placement,
note that the base frame of reference is on the robot.
Hence employing this kinematic model, say using tri-
angulation to produce an estimate of scene depth,
will produce a measurement relative to the current
pose of the robot. This proves very useful for naviga-
tion/localization. In contrast to others who report the
need for localization [9], we can use image information
to solve the localization problem.

4 Evaluation
The procedure outlined in section 3.2 was imple-
mented along with the method outlined by Li [9]. Figure 3: Error in the translation vector found with
These methods were evaluated using simulated data varying amounts of input data error. Noise in the
to determine the effect of various levels of noise. input increases with set number. (See below for level
The simulated data was created using a set of known of noise)
transformations. This set of transformations was con-
structed to model the active vision system described in
section 2. Both methods require as input the pan/tilt
angles and Tcw . Because the pan/tilt angles are known figures 3 and 4. The error in the rotation matrix, or
within a few seconds of a degree, error was found to rotation error, is defined as kRcalc − Rtrue kF , where
arise prodominantly from the calibration procedure k · kF is the Frobenious norm of the matrix. The tans-
(image noise and errors in corner detection), and hence lation error is simply the L2 norm of the difference
in our simulation noise was added to the Tcw transfor- between ~tcalc and ~ttrue . The standard deviation was
mation. The following formula was used to add noise defined in a similar fashion with the standard devia-
to the true Tcw : tion of the rotation matrix defined as the Frobenious
  norm of the deviations of each term. The standard
1 −ω3 ω2 deviation in the translation was the L2 norm of the
error true 
Rcw = Rcw ω3 1 −ω1  (13) deviations in each of the terms in the translation.
−ω2 ω1 1 Referring to the results (figures 3 and 4) of each
£ ¤T method some interesting observations are made. The
tcw = ttrue
cw + t1 t2 t3 (14) RASC method produced results with lower error and
where the noise in the rotation is described by the pa- standard deviation in both the rotation and trans-
rameters ω1 , ω2 , and ω3 and t1 , t2 , and t3 charicter- lation components on average, but the difference in
izes the error in the translation component. The noise the rotation error was not significant. The trans-
parameters were Gaussian with mean zero. Equa- lation component of the Tgc found with the RASC
tion (14) was used to create data sets with eight differ- method contains significantly less error than that ob-
ent levels of noise. The data sets were defined by the tained with Li’s method.
radius of the Gaussian noise in the angle and transla- Another one of the major advantages of the method
tion parameters. In order to get a good statistical described by this paper is its robustness to noise in
representation of the performance of both methods data obtained from any one of the camera positions.
30 samples were created for each of the noise levels: The method outlined by Li [9] is dependent on the
(0.005 rad, 1 mm), (0.010 rad, 2 mm), (0.015 rad, 3 PTU home position, thus if data from this particular
mm), (0.020 rad, 4 mm), (0.025 rad, 5 mm), (0.030 position contains a large amount of error the results
rad, 6 mm), (0.035 rad, 7 mm), and (0.040 rad, 8 will be significantly effected. Using only a moderate
mm). amount of noise, (0.030 rad, 6 mm), in the image at
These eight data sets were used with each method and this home position, the method described by Li re-
the resulting error in the transformation is plotted in sulted in an order of magnitude more error than those

x y z
error 1.02 0.57 18.3
std 8.8 12.8 53.7

Table 1: Error and standard deviation of the recon-

structed points (in mm). Data is based on the recon-
struction of 2772 points.

The projective equivalence relationship yields

ũ ṽ
u= , v= (16)
λ λ
and we solve for the components in equation (15):
a11 xb + a12 yb + a13 zb + a14
u= (17)
a31 xb + a32 yb + a33 zb + a14
Figure 4: Error in the rotation matrix found with
a21 xb + a22 yb + a23 zb + a24
varying amount of noise in the the input. The noise v= (18)
in the data set increases with set number. a31 xb + a32 yb + a33 zb + a14
where aij are the elements of the matrix A in equa-
tion (15). Combining the image projective relation-
obtained with the RASC method (and hence results
ship for each camera (and using superscripts, L and
are not plotted for this experiment). R
to represent the left and right cameras) results in
the linear system of equations
5 Experimental Results  
31 −a11
u R aR 32 −a12 33 −a13
u R aR R
u R aR R  
The stereo vision system seen in figure 1 was calibrated
 vR a R31 −a R
21 v a R
R 32 −a R
22 v a R
R 33 −a R 
23    =
 uL aL31 −aL11 uL aL32 −al12 uL aL33 −aL13  yb

using the RASC method described in section 3. The z
method outlined by [13] was used to find the intrinsic vL aL31 −aL21 vL aL32 −aL22 vL aL33 −aL23 | {zb }
| {z } ~x
and extrinsic parameters for each camera at nine po- B
sitions(pan, tilt)[deg]: (±8, ±8), (±8, 0), (0, ±8), and  R
a14 − uR aR

(0, 0). Then the extrinsic parameters were used to find
 L24 − vR a34
 aR R 
 a14 − uL aL34  (19)
the transformation from the gaze to camera frames 
with the method described in section 3.2. The trans- aL24 − vL aL34
formation between the PTUs was constructed via | {z }
physical measurement. The robot-centric coordinate q

system was arbitrary placed in the middle of the

which can be solved for xb , yb and zb using least
squares (or total least squares). These four equations
Given the kinematic parameters, and assuming that
relate the four uv values (uR , vR , uL , vL ) to the base
we have identified a point in each eye corresponding
coordinates xb , yb and zb .
to an object of interest. The location of this point,
The calibrated model obtained using the method out-
relative to the base frame, is computed using a direct
lined in this paper was used to map the pan/tilt an-
kinematic model approach.
gles and image position of various points to there cor-
The uv coordinates of the left and right image points
responding 3D base coordinates. The calculated 3D
can be expressed as projections of points in the base
base coordinates were then compared to the measured
coordinate system. Applying equation (1) to both
values to determine the performance of the calibrated
cameras results in:
head. The target locations observed by the stereo
 
  xb head occurred in 1 by 1 meter planes at three dif-
· ¸ ũ ferent depths with respect to the robot base, 1.622m,
u  yb 
≡  ṽ  = c P Tcg Tgw Twb   (15)
1.771m, and 1.8615m. Data was collected using the
v | {z }  zb 
λ method outlined in Neubert et. al. [10].
A 1

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