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Grass and

Forage Science The Journal of the British Grassland Society The Official Journal of the European Grassland Federation

Effect of population combinations on the

reproductive success and germination of seeds of
Bromus auleticus (Poaceae)
H. F. Guti errez, J. F. Pensiero and J. M. Zabala
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Esperanza, Argentina

Abstract Introduction
Bromus auleticus is known for its qualities as forage but Bromus auleticus Trin. ex Nees belongs to the Pooideae
its domestication has limitations relating to seed pro- subfamily and the Bromeae tribe (Clayton and Renvo-
duction technology and farm-scale seed propagation. ize, 1986), and is commonly known as ‘cebadilla
The effect of different combinations of population on chaque~ na’ (Argentina and Uruguay) or ‘cevadilha vaca-
the reproductive success and seed germination of a riana’ (Brazil). It is a South American native perennial
relict population of Argentina was studied. The tests grass with an autumn–winter–spring cycle (Longhi,
used a population of Santa Fe (SF) as the recipient of 1977; Guti errez and Pensiero, 1998). It has been consid-
pollen and three populations as donors (LP: La Pampa, ered a potentially promising forage species (Burkart,
ER: Entre Rıos and BA: Buenos Aires). Reproductive 1969; Covas, 1978) because of its high forage quality
success was determined in plants from five pollination (Oliveira and Moraes, 1993; Gasser et al., 1996) in a
treatments: (i) (SFxSF), (ii) LP, (iii) ER, (iv) BA and critical period of the year (e.g. winter) and a yearly dry-
(v) mixture of donor. Three temperature conditions matter production similar to that of other forage species
were evaluated for germination: (i) 15°C, (ii) 28°C like tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) (Romero and
and (iii) alternating 15–28°C (12 h each). There were Ruız, 1997). In Argentina, this species occurs in a
significant differences in reproductive success depend- fragmented fashion in the central region (Guti errez and
ing on the source of pollen. Seeds obtained from new Pensiero, 2012), with some populations undergoing a
genotypic combinations did not increase their weight process of drastic reduction in size due to anthropic
in relation to the pollen donor. Germination behav- action.
iour was more affected by extrinsic factors (tempera- Even though B. auleticus is remarkable for its forage
ture) than by their genetic origin. However, under qualities, the quantity of seeds produced in natural pop-
non-optimal germination conditions, seeds originating ulations and cultivars is variable (Burkart, 1969; Millot
from new genotypic combinations showed a signifi- et al., 1990; Ruız and Covas, 2004). Millot et al. (1990)
cant increase in germination percentage and germi- determined in 100 accessions an average seed produc-
nation rate. This work contributes additional tion of 376 kg ha1, with extremes ranging from 21 to
knowledge to previous studies regarding the effect of 853 kg ha1. Medium seed production (400 kg ha1)
pollen quality limitation on seed production and qual- was obtained even when applying nitrogen fertilizer
ity of B. auleticus. The results confirm the hypothesis equivalent to 200 kg urea per hectare (De Batista and
that a mixture of genotypes from a diverse origin Costa, 1997). Similarly, seed production was also close
increases the quantity of flowers that become fruits and to the average value when using nitrogen fertilizer in
seed quality, which is of great importance to improved Bromus auleticus cv. ‘Pampera INTA’ in Argentina (Ruız
seed production and field establishment of B. auleticus. and Covas, 2004). Within yield components, the per-
centage of fruit-forming flowers also shows consider-
Keywords: fruit/flower ratio, Pooideae, self-infertility able variability, with reported values ranging from 30 to
70% (Ruız and Covas, 2004).
A relict population of B. auleticus with a low num-
Correspondence to: H. F. Gutierrez, Facultad de Ciencias
ber of individuals was found on the edge of a forest in
Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Kreder 2805,
the Province of Santa Fe (Argentina) (population SF,
Esperanza (3080), Argentina.
E-mail: Table 1). Although this population stands out for its
forage quality (leaf/stem ratio), it presents a low
Received 4 July 2012; revised 2 September 2013

176 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 70, 176–184 doi: 10.1111/gfs.12096
Reproductive success of Bromus auleticus 177

Table 1 Origin of the populations studied.

Population Province (Department) Town Collection site (Lat./Long.)

SF Santa Fe (Castellanos) Lehmann S 31° 09′W 61° 18′

LP La Pampa (Realico) Realic
o S 34° 56′W 63° 38′
ER Entre Rıos (Uruguay) Concepci
on del Uruguay S 32° 28′W 58° 13′
BA Buenos Aires (Pdo. de la Costa) San Bernardo S 36° 38′W 56° 42′

percentage of seed set (Vegetti, 1997; Guti errez et al., research on germination requirements (Ruız et al.,
2006b). This population was the only one detected in 2006), seed dormancy (Silva et al., 2002), optimum
the Province of Santa Fe (133 007 km2) despite the harvest time (Ruız et al., 2003) and the effect of seed
numerous scientific expeditions conducted. Green- weight on germination (Silva et al., 2007). For this
house tests on supplementation with pollen from dif- species, most reports indicate optimal germination
ferent sources were performed for the said population, temperatures close to 15–20°C (Ruız et al., 2006) and
and although the contribution made by donors the presence of dormancy induced by temperatures of
increased population fertility, seed production could higher than 28°C (Olmos, 1993; Silva et al., 2001).
not be raised beyond 40% (Guti errez et al., 2006b). The present work had the objective to quantify the
These data, along with the values reported in the liter- limitation by pollen quality of a relict population of
ature (regarding seed production and fruit-forming B. auleticus, assessing the increase in fertility and/or ger-
flowers), allowed us to assume that limitation by mination of the seeds obtained from cross-breeding
pollen is one of the reasons for low seed production. with different pollen donors. Explicitly, we sought
Aizen and Harder (2007) indicated that limitation answers to the following questions: (i) What effect does
by pollen has two components: limitation by pollen limitation by pollen quality have on the fruit/flower
quantity and quality, the latter being more common ratio? (ii) Is there a variation in the remaining yield
than thought. In the case of wind pollination of allog- components? and (iii) Do seeds obtained from cross-
amous species, the quantity of pollen arriving at the breeding with different donors differ in quality (higher
stigma is related to the density of donors (number of weight) or have a different germination behaviour?
individuals and distance to the source), whereas the
quality of pollen is directly linked to its genetic consti-
tution, the ends of which are represented by inbreed-
Materials and methods
ing depression (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1987)
Plant materials
and outbreeding depression (Waser and Price, 1991).
The former implies the deposition of the species’ own Trials were carried out in Esperanza, Argentina (31°
pollen or that coming from genetically related donors, 27′S, 60° 56′W) with populations from four different
while the latter entails cross-pollination with very dis- Argentine origins (Table 1). A population from Santa
tant plants (Ashmann et al., 2004; Aizen and Harder, Fe (SF) was used as the recipient of pollen, and three
2007). Seed production may be reduced in both cases. populations were used as donors (LP: La Pampa, ER:
Another aspect relating to limitation by pollen Entre Rıos, and BA: Buenos Aires).
quality is that, due to habitat fragmentation, plants Ripened inflorescences were harvested in mass in
could generate seeds of a lower quality because small every population of no less than 50 plants per place of
and isolated populations are more likely to experience origin separated by a minimum of 5 m to ensure that
cross-breeding in the same plant or among neighbour- a representative sample was obtained from each popu-
ing plants that are usually related (Ellstrand and Elam, lation. Inflorescences were threshed by hand, and
1993; Routley et al., 1999). In this case, limitation by caryopses were germinated at 15°C in plastic trays
pollen would lead to inbreeding depression, which containing three Whatman paper discs and moistened
manifests as a reduction in the viability, size or germi- with distilled water. Seedlings were transplanted,
nation capacity of the seeds produced (Henriquez, placed in 5-L pots and then kept in the vegetative
2004). In the case of B. auleticus, a poor establishment stage by means of periodic cuttings up to the moment
in open fields was reported (Silva et al., 2007) as of cloning and transplanting.
related to seed quality. Thus, the seed production of
B. auleticus is variable, not only in yield but also in
Experimental design
quality (Ruız et al., 2006). Therefore, it is important to
be able to determine seed quality to obtain a correct The plants of the SF population were used as pollen
field establishment (Olmos, 1993). This has led to receptors in all treatments (i.e. with the purpose of

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178 H. F. Gutierrez et al.

evaluating the same genotypes in all treatments). The Table 2 Treatment configuration with different pollen
experimental design allowed every experimental unit donors.
(SF) that acted as a parent (pollen receptor) to have a
high probability of being fertilized by any pollen from Pollen donors genotypes
five different sources (SF-LP-ER-BA or a mixture of (clones)
(cloned SF
them). The SF 9 SF treatment was regarded as the Treatment genotypes) SF LP ER BA
control treatment. In open field, the receptor geno-
types were placed in the centre of a hexagon with its Control 14 21 – – –
vertices placed at the donor genotypes. Donor plants (42)*
were 30 cm from the receptor plant. When the succes- Donor LP 14 – 21 – –
sive hexagons of the same trial were joined, a spatial (42)
configuration (similar to a bee hive) was obtained Donor ER 14 – – 21 –
(Figure 1). Each of the five treatments consisted of 14 (42)
genotypes of SF that acted as pollen receptors and 42 Donor BA 14 – – – 21
donor plants (two clones of 21 genotypes) (Table 2). (42)
The experimental unit was the pollen receptor plant. Donors 14 – 14 14 14
This design was similar to one used in work with mixture
other species like Agrostis sp. (Belanger et al., 2003), *In Control (SF 9 SF), the 21 genotypes used as pollen
Avena fatua (Murray et al., 2003), Amsinckia sp. (Chep- donors were different from the 14 used as pollen receptors.
tou and Schoen, 2003), Eucalyptus sp. (Campinhos
et al., 1998) and Datura stramonium (Motten and Anto- beginning of flowering (flower anthesis), to avoid lim-
novics, 1992). itation in reproductive success due to a lack of nutri-
Due to the fact that this species is wind pollinated ents.
and the flowering phenology of these procedences The reproductive success of the SF genotypes and
coincide in time (Gutierrez et al., 2006a), the plots for the fruits produced in relation to the flowers (florets)
crossing were placed at a distance no less than 600 m that made each spikelet was determined for every pol-
and in the direction of the predominant wind so as to lination treatment. Spikelets are multiflowered in
avoid pollen contact among treatments. Once the B. auleticus with every floret having an hermaphrodite
transplanting process was finished, the plots were peri- flower. Following Wiens et al. (1987), the pre-emer-
odically watered and fertilized with urea (N) every gent reproductive success of one species can be
15 d and superphosphate (P), up to 3 weeks after the assessed as the product of the relationships fruit/
flower and seed/ovule. As in the grass family fruits are
uniovulated, the fraction corresponding to the seed/
ovule ratio is equal to one, which is the reason why
the pre-emergent reproductive success for the species
is defined by the fruit/flower ratio.
The variation in reproductive success was deter-
mined as the proportion of flowers able to give fruits
(fruit/flower ratio) in two panicles per experimental
unit and per treatment. In all cases, harvested inflores-
cences belonged to the first three reproductive tillers,
responsible for 75% of the final yield (Maia et al.,
2006). So as to evaluate the variability in other yield
components, we determined the: (i) number of pani-
cles per plant, (ii) number of spikelets per panicle, (iii)
number of florets per spikelet and (iv) weight of 1000
seeds. The physiological maturity of receptor geno-
types was established in agreement with the criterion
proposed by Ruız et al. (2003). The variation in num-
ber of panicles per plant, as the average number of
inflorescences from the receptor genotypes for every
analysed treatment (n = 70), was also determined at
Figure 1 Spatial configuration of the treatments, where 14 that time. A harvest of all the inflorescences from the
receptor genotypes (R) are surrounded by 42 donor plants receptor plants was made 20 d after physiological
(d) (2 clones from 21 genotypes). maturity and kept in labelled envelopes. The variation

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Reproductive success of Bromus auleticus 179

in number of spikelets per panicle was determined in seeds were analysed with the statistical program Info-
three inflorescences per experimental unit and per stat (2009) by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences
treatment (n = 210). This value was expressed as the between mean values were tested for significance
average number of spikelets of the receptor genotypes using Tukey’s test (P < 005). The statistical model
for every analysed treatment. The variation in number used to determine reproductive success was
of florets per spikelet was determined for two other
Yij ¼ l þ treati þ eij :
panicles per experimental unit and per treatment. Ten
spikelets placed at the apical, middle and basal sites of where:
the inflorescence were taken from every panicle
(n = 1400). This value was expressed as the average of Yij ¼ stands for the observation in treatment i in plant j;
the number of florets from the receptor genotypes for
l ¼ general mean;
every analysed treatment. The variation in weight of
treati ¼ effect of the pollination treatment i;
1000 seeds was quantified as an indirect indicator of
seed size. Consequently, all harvested fruits (seeds) eij ¼ effect associated with the experimental error:
were placed in envelopes so as to make seed pools for
treatments from which eight samples of 500 seeds per The statistical model used to evaluate the yield
population were weighed. The values obtained were components was
expressed in grams as the weight of 1000 seeds.
Yijr ¼ l þ treati þ popj þ treat  popðijÞ þ eijr :
An independent trial was performed to test self-
infertility. It consisted of isolating three receptor geno-
types of SF from other conspecific pollen pools by a
distance not <600 m. From every ‘isolated plant’, two Yijr ¼ observation in treatment i in plant j;
inflorescences were randomly taken, and 15 spikelets l ¼ general mean;
from different sectors (n = 90 spikelets) were analysed. treati ¼ effect of treatment i;
The quantity of caryopses present per spikelet was popj ¼ effect of population j;
treat  popðijÞ ¼ effect of the interaction between
Germination behaviour was evaluated in seeds
from SF plants (pollen receptors) under five treat- treatment i and population j;
ments of pollen donors. Caryopses were gathered in a
pool per pollination treatment and kept in paper bags eðijrÞ ¼ experimental error attributed toYijr observation:
at room temperature for up to 3 months after harvest.
Before sowing harvested caryopses in petri dishes, Germination analysis consisted of a factorial design
they were disinfected with 1% sodium hypochlorite with two factors, pollination treatment (five levels),
for 1 min and then rinsed in abundant water. Every germination temperature (three levels) and their
sample consisted of 250 caryopses per treatment (five interactions. The data obtained were analysed by
repetitions of 50 caryopses per treatment). Three tem- ANOVA. The statistical model for evaluating germination
perature conditions were evaluated in a germination behaviour was:
chamber without supplementary light, at two constant
(15 and 28°C) and one alternating temperatures (15 Yijr ¼ l þ treati þ tempj þ treat  tempðijÞ þ eijr :
and 28°C, 12 h each). Counts were carried out at 7,
14 and 21 d after germination (Maia et al., 2006). where
When the radicle appeared with a minimum length of Yij = stands for the observation in the treatment in the
2 mm, germination was considered to have begun. plant j;
Germination percentage and germination rate were μ = general mean;
the variables analysed. Germination rate was calcu- treati = effect of the pollination treatment i;
lated according to the Maguire index (Maguire, 1962). tempj = effect of the germination temperature j;
Caryopses that did not germinate at the end of the treat * temp(ij) = effect of the interaction between
trial but were intact were considered dormant seeds treatment i and temperature j;
(Maia et al., 2006). eijr = experimental error attributed to Yijr observa-
Statistical analysis
The variables of reproductive success, number of pani-
cles per plant, average number of spikelets per panicle, The reproductive success (fruit/flower ratio) of B. au-
quantity of florets per spikelet and the weight of 1000 leticus was the only component of the yield that

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180 H. F. Gutierrez et al.

showed significant differences as a function of the ori- (P < 00001), pollination system (P < 00001) and
gin of the genotypes used as pollen donors their interactions (P < 00019). Germination percent-
(P < 00001) (Figure 2). age and germination index were significantly higher
The differences in reproductive success among at constant 15°C than alternating temperatures and
treatments showed three defined groups. One group constant 28°C in all pollination treatments. The signif-
constituted of the donor treatments LP and ER, and icant interactions indicated that the seeds from differ-
showed the highest values for the fruit/flower ratio ent populations varied in germination responses
(mean of 68%). Another group, the one formed by depending on the temperature treatment applied.
the treatment mixture of donors and donors BA, Because of these significant interactions, it was con-
showed intermediate values (mean of 60%), and a cluded that temperature treatments had to be analysed
third group, composed of the control treatment (donor separately. There were significant differences among
SF), exhibited the lowest reproductive success (mean populations (P < 001) at all the tested temperatures
of 45%). The spatial isolation of genotypes from other (Table 3). All populations subjected to 15°C showed a
conspecific pollen sources (self-infertility test) reduced germination percentage value higher than 80%, and
fruit production significantly. The range of values the highest differences in germination between lines
obtained was 49–143%, with a mean of 106  27 were found in the 15/28 and 28°C treatments. The
(mean  standard deviation) fruits every 100 flowers. lowest germination percentage and germination index
The variation in germination percentage and were found in the control group for the 15/28 and
germination rate was significant for temperature 28°C treatments (Table 3).

(a) (b)
50 70
a a
Spikelets per panicle
a a
Panicles per plant

60 a
40 a a
a a a 50
30 40
20 30
0 0

(c) (d)
Weight of 1000 seeds (g)

a a a a a
Floret per spikelet

a a a a a
10 4

5 2

0 0
Control Donor Donor Donor Donors Control Donor LP Donor Donor Donors
LP ER BA mixture ER BA mixture
Reproductive success (%)

100 (e)
c c
80 b b
Control Donor Donor Donor Donors
LP ER BA mixture

Figure 2 Yield components of the genotypes of Bromus auleticus, under different pollen donors. (a) Quantity of panicles per
plant; (b) Quantity of spikelets per panicle; (c) Quantity of florets per spikelet; (d) Weight of 1000 seeds and (e) Reproductive
success. Means with different letters are different at P < 005 (Tukey’s Test).

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Reproductive success of Bromus auleticus 181

Table 3 Percentage of germination and germination ratio of seeds of B. auleticus obtained by free pollination with different pol-
len donors for three temperature treatments.

Percentage of germination *,† Germination rate *,†

Treatment 15°C 15–28°C 28°C 15°C 15–28°C 28°C

Control 876  68ab 596  75a 96  39a 38  04b 22  05a 03  01a
Donors LP 952  42b 804  89b 188  5ab 36  02b 36  07bc 06  02ab
Donors ER 94  32b 884  83b 288  95b 4  04b 46  08c 11  04b
Donors BA 812  642a 744  921ab 272  64b 27  06a 31  07ab 11  03b
Donors mixture 888  87ab 740  109ab 316  138b 38  04b 39  06bc 12  04b

*Mean  standard deviation. †Different letters show significant differences among treatments at different temperatures (Tukey’s
test, P < 005).

Discussion even for commercial cultivars (Ruız and Covas,

Even though limitation by pollen occurs at the level Under isolation conditions (spatial separation from
of individuals, it transfers its effect to the level of pop- other pollen sources), the reproductive success of
ulations (Ashmann et al., 2004). Indeed, in a relict B. auleticus was less meaningful than for the control
population, this effect is presented in the form of loss group. Under such conditions, B. auleticus showed a
of fertility, which jeopardizes its survival in the long very low frequency of self-fertility (less than 15%),
term by reducing the quantity of seeds for subsequent as demonstrated previously (Guti errez et al., 2006b).
generations. The allogamous or auto-incompatible When pollen flow came from donors of a different
condition of a species makes limitation by pollen risk- origin, the fruit/flower ratio was higher than that of
ier (Burd, 1995). Fertility obtained by means of isolat- the control group and showed significant differences
ing plants from other sources of pollen represents among origins. Donors LP and ER improved the
what happens at the level of individuals, whereas fer- fruit/flower ratio by 32 and 35%, respectively, while
tility achieved by free pollination with donors of the donors BA and the mixture increased this ratio by
same origin or with genotypes of a different origin 23 and 26% respectively. The differences in repro-
represents what happens at the level of populations. ductive success between the control and the donors
In the present experiment, seed production obtained could be due to the quantity of effective matings.
from donors ‘SF’ represented what occurs with an For the control group, the values obtained are
adequate density of donors (pollen quantity), while related to a decrease in effective matings, probably
with donors of different origins, it represented poten- caused by a lower variability in incompatibility
tial seed set. Therefore, reduced population size in genes, as suggested by Marshall and Ludlum (1989)
allogamous species, particularly in self-incompatible for ryegrass. Seeds obtained from new genotypic
ones, leads to endogamy (crosses between related indi- combinations did not increase their weight in rela-
viduals) and inbreeding depression (Keller and Waller, tion to the pollen donor, in agreement with the
2002). Inbreeding depression causes a reduction in the findings by Silva et al. (2007). The weight values of
mean value for quantitative traits associated with fer- 1000 seeds were similar to those obtained by Ruız
tility, as in Bromus inermis (Christie and Kalton, 1960). and Covas (2004) under conditions of high fertility.
If it is considered that fruit production consists of Germination behaviour was similar to that reported
defined components before pollination-fecundation by other authors. Olmos (1993) and Silva et al.
(panicles per plant, spikelets per panicle and florets (2002) reported dormancy induced by high tempera-
per spikelet) and components that are defined after tures for this species, similar to other cool-season
that process (seed weight and fruit/flower ratio), it is grasses (Zabala et al., 2009).
worth highlighting that for trial conditions, the only Under non-optimal germination conditions, seeds
yield component with significant differences among originating from new genotypic combinations showed
treatments was the fruit/flower ratio. The evaluated a significant increase in germination percentage and
yield components showed values in the range of germination rate. In Blandfordia grandiflora, a partially
those obtained by different authors for both natural self-fertile species, fewer self-seeded seeds germinated
populations (Boggiano and Zanoniani, 2001; Traverso, compared with out-crossed seeds, particularly in an
2001; Silva et al., 2007) and commercial cultivars adverse field environment (Ramsey and Vaughton,
(Rivas, 2001; Ruız and Covas, 2004). Some of these 1998).
studies reported values 30–40% of empty florets,

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 70, 176–184
182 H. F. Gutierrez et al.

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