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Part II-C1: Shocking inside information -The "tiny invisible operatives/little spirits/bees" of

surveillance station/system can secretly enter people's home/office, car, boat, plane, etc. to induce
illness/death on their targets. And attempts by the involved cooperators to impersonate me on Usenet
to dismiss these information -The shorter the lie is, the better it is. So, the liar can avoid
inconsistencies and mistakes that other people can catch. Only a person who tells the truth would
rather describe the facts in the most detail - in order to let others know the truth - instead of discussing
things in very general terms. <Back to Index>

According to the inside information, the personnel & their equipment will become invisible, tiny and
have the characteristic of levitation (floating in the air) in the invisible electromagnetic field after
using the invisibility technology. Based on inside information from Taiwan, US Navy have developed
the invisibility technology successfully in WWII. The invisibility technology has been transferred to
Taiwan in 1950s. Since 1960s, Taiwan's invisible operatives have secretly entered important political
person's home/office, car, etc. to keep them under close surveillance and induce illness/death on some
of them whom Chiang Ching-Kuo disliked (see details on webpage Part II-A, J and Part IX-A, B).

Comparing with the history, US Navy must have successfully developed this technology of invisibility
in WWII. Thus, Navy learned mind control technology from Nazi after WWII and was earlier than
CIA to conduct US first (classified) mind control research Operation Chatter in 1947 (see Part II- A &
F for detail). According to 'Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons (see details on
attachment), the first goal of mind control research is to develop the reliable assassins.
Why would the first mind control research be conducted by US Navy (but not other Agencies-e.g.
CIA, FBI, etc.) if the mind control first goal is to develop the reliable assassins?

The only reason is that US Navy has successfully developed the invisibility technology in WWII and
these invisible operatives can be secretly used as assassins after they secretly enter a target's
home/office, car, boat, plane, etc. to keep their targets under close surveillance. Thus, to further use
these invisible operatives to murder their targets whom the involved LEO of surveillance system
dislike, they need the mind control technologies to train their invisible operatives to be professional

The second goal is to develop a method (which these invisible operatives can use it) to control
citizens. Thus, beside developing mind control technology & death inducing techniques to train their
invisible operatives to become reliable assassins, they also developed the bodily control technology
which can be used by invisible operatives to control citizens' bodily functions.
How could these invisible operatives achieve these two goals of inducing illness/death (as reliable
assassins) and citizens control?

According to inside information from Taiwan, after entering the invisible electromagnetic field, the
invisible personnel and equipmrent become invisible, tiny and have the characteristic of levitation.
Thus, by using propeller and/or propuslion equipment, every invisible operative can move as a single-
seated "plane" (with carried equipments such as weapons & mind machine). Since the invisible
situation are similar as levitation (in the secret dimension) and every invisiblle operative can use the
propuslion to move as small "plane", it enable these operatives to lightly land on a taeget's body (on
any organ) to induce illness/death without most victims' knowledge. Also, the tiny invisible
operatives/bees can fly onto the people's head to control people's brain functions after they secretly
enter people's homes/workplaces. vehicleas, etc.

Human body functions are controlled by the bio-electric (impulse) activities from brain. Therefore,
after scientists develop the brain map (identify every function/reaction of human body and the
corresponding area on the brain which control these functions), the invisible operatives of surveillance
system can fly onto people's head to control human mind & bodily functions through the brain control
(by using brain map & mind machine)_see details on my webpage Part I-B.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt

It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of hitherto
secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military and
intelligence community. (3) Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs
bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to
stand for Mind control), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and
associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims
were the development of a method of citizen control (Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control -
Fontana Books, London 1979).

In this article, the emphasis will be placed on the information concerning the exact size of these
invisible operatives and how could these invisible operatives use the most effective mind control
methods to completely control their target's emotion, consciousness, speech , & behaviors, etc. This
most effective mind control method of these invisible operatives can insure a mind control target to
achieve the following four goals:

1. To create an assassin/murderer: driving a target to kill along with microwave voice (see cases and
details on Part VI-A, C).

2. To interfere with a target's thoughts, they will irradiate the target's brain with ELF waves and make
the target appears to be confused in publics.

There is an information from Dr. Robert Becker on 1985 book_The Body Electric_. Although Dr.
Robert Becker do not know the invisibility technology, his information shows that the target must be
influenced by invisible personnel with ELF waves.

According to the report from Dr. Robert Becker, "I recall hearing about one secret American
experiment in which a scientist was supposedly set up with invitations to three conferences to give the
same presentation each time. The first one went fine, but at the last two he was irradiated with ELF
waves, reportedly to induce Adey's calcium efflux, and he became confused and ineffective.

How could the scientist be irradiated with ELF waves in public meeting without being seen by
It does prove that the invisible personnel have been used in this case. Thus, the invisble personnel
could irradiate ELF wave on the scientist without being seen and known by publics.

(attachment)-1985 book_The Body Electric_

I recall hearing about one secret American experiment in which a scientist was supposedly set up with
invitations to three conferences to give the same presentation each time. The first one went fine, but at
the last two he was irradiated with ELF waves, reportedly to induce Adey's calcium efflux, and he
became confused and ineffective.

Another FOIA release from the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1976 may be revealing. Prepared by
Ronald L. Adams and E. A. Williams of Battelle Columbus Laboratories, it's entitled "Biological
Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves), Eurasian Communist
Countries." The pages released merely recount Allen Frey's discoveries without mentioning his name,
implying instead that only the Reds would be so dastardly as to investigate such things for use as
weapons. Immediately after mention of the blood-brain barrier leak phenomenon, a paragraph was
deleted, followed by the tantalizing sentence, "The above study is recommended reading material for
those consumers who have an interest in the application of microwave energy to weapons." Even
without this document, considering the relentless pace of arms development, we would have to be very
naive to assume that the United States has no electromagnetic arsenal."

3. To use microwave voices device to frequently deliver false messages on an unaware victim and
mislead the victim falling nto false situation, it can cause the unaware target appearing mentally ill to
the public by having him say strange things when he is in public (see details on Part VI-B John
DuPont case).

4. To affect the target's decision: affecting the judgment of a decision maker.

I would deduce that MRU (Mankind Research Unlimited) must be involved with 0000the
development of mind control technology & illness inducing techniques. Also, these technologies
must be used by these invisible operatives/little spirits of surveillance station/system. That's because
this company first research the area in Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields and the" latter focuses on
the induction of illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography" is obviously involved with
invisible operatives to induce illness from surveillance station/system.
"Also under research were, "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to refer to
experiments in telepathic mind control), "Behavioural Neuropsychiatry," Analysis and Measurement
of Human Subjective States" and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns" could be used by
invisible operatives as mind control technologies & techniques to mind control others.
(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt
An obscure District of Columbia corporation called Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) and its
wholly owned subsidiary, Systems Consultants Inc. (SCI), operated a number of classified
intelligence, government and Pentagon contracts, specializing in, amongst other things: "problem
solving in the areas of intelligence electronic warfare, sensor technology and applications." (14)

MRU's "capability and experience" is divided into four fields. These include "biophysics - Biological
Effects of Magnetic Fields," "Research in Magneto-fluid Dynamics," "Planetary Electro-Hydro-
Dynamics" and "Geo-pathic Efforts on Living Organisms." The latter focuses on the induction of
illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography. Also under research were "Biocybernetics,
Psychodynamic Experiments in Telepathy," "Errors in Human Perception," "Biologically Generated
Fields," "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to refer to experiments in telepathic
mind control), "Behavioural Neuropsychiatry," "Analysis and Measurement of Human Subjective
States" and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns."

Based on the inside information, it states:

1. The size of these invisible operatives in the secret magnetic dimension is about the tiny size of
flea. Their code-name is "bees." These invisible operatives' original code-name in the project
of Operation Pandora in 1965-70 was "little spirits." They gave up this code-name because
most of people in west know that the "little spirits" of Pandora are invisible, tiny and will spread
illness/death on human. Therefore, they changed their codename to " bees" to prevent people
from knowing that they become invisible, tiny and will induce illness/death on their target after
using invisibility technology. These invisible operatives/little spirits/bees and their equipment
have the characteristic of levitation (floating in the air) in the secret (invisible electromagnetic-
field) dimension. Thus, by using propulsion equipment, every invisible operative can move as a
single-seated "plane." So, they are analogous to the flying "bees" with "stingers" in US (in
Taiwan, beside call themselves as "bees", these invisible operatives in such kind of situation call
themselves as the special group of tiny people country.).
2. By using interdimensional technology, the tiny invisible operatives can enter people's homes
through the power lines ( To these tiny invisible operatives, they usually enter people's house
from the upper-section of the wall's corner which is nearest to the outdoor electric meter. Also,
the small corner of upper-section of wall which these tiny invisible operatives through it to enter
or get out is used as their communication center to surveillance station/system). However, the
local invisible operatives also can hitch a ride with their collaborator's car to approach the
target's home and then fly into the target's home.
3. With this same technology, the tiny invisible operatives can enter refrigerators of people's homes
to keep people's eating habits under close surveillance. To keep carrying close surveillance,
they also follow people to the bathroom when people use the toilet; by observing one's eating
habits and urine/feces, the operatives can gauge that person's health condition (such as the
health of the kidneys, liver, and other organs).
4. When taking a rest , these invisible operatives will either back to the upper section of wall's
corner -their communication center to surveillance station/system, or hide in the freezer (the
electric cord behind the ice maker) during summer or on hot days.
5. When they try to use more effective tactics to drive a target mad with microwave voices device,
the tiny invisible operatives will either hide behind the motor of an electric fan, or in the fish
pump (if it used in the target's home) and sent their microwave voices to the targets through the
fan or fish pump. This tactic creates a vibrating effect on the microwave voices. That's because
of the spinning of the blade in the fan or pumping action of the fish pump cause a scattering
effect on the microwave voice (This is similar to trying to listen to radio during a hurricane, the
radio signal will be distorted due to atmospheric interference). By using this tactic, it will make
the unaware victim to confuse that if the microwave voices were produced by normal household
items or from others. It can easily confuse an unaware target and drive an unwitting target mad.
6. These tiny invisible operatives can also enter into computer case or keyboard (located in
people's homes or offices) to interfere with computer' operations. Sometime, these invisible
operatives will use this method to interrupt an unaware target's article or cause mistake. It can
cause the readers to have difficulty to understand the article, or even mislead readers to
mistakenly believe that the author's brain might be damaged (as if a mentally ill person).
7. In general, when the invisible operatives secretly enter people's home to interrogate a target,
they most hide on the upper section of wall (floating in air near the wall) in order to protect
themselves. After they use ultrasound to wake up a target who is sleeping, they will deliver
microwave voices on their target's head with microwave voice device. At same time, an
operative will also sent a special ELF which creates an image of a normal-size person in their
target's mind. The tactic is used to mislead their target and prevent others from knowing about
their tiny size (in the secret dimension). According to the inside information, "even their top
scientists still do not know that why these invisible operatives become tiny and what dimension
these invisible operatives enter after using invisibility technology over five decades." Also,
since the tiny invisible operatives cannot be explained with scientific theory by their top
scientists, it has become their usual tactic to falsely accuse anyone as insane if one tell society
the facts that the invisible operatives are tiny.

Although some people use de-materialization to explain that ship & personnel became invisible
and tiny, it is also not true and was mainly used to mislead public. Why? It might be possible to
de-materialize and then re-materialize non-living objects without any problems, but if a living
being was de-materialize, the living being would be dead the instant it happens. This is very
basic logic.

Furthermore, according to the witness's (Drue) report of Philadelphia experiment on August

15th, 1943, the invisible ship & crewmen returned to normal & became visible only after Drue
moved to shut down the power of generators on the ship (see details on following attachment).
These facts prove that the personnel did not de-materialized. That's because some of crewmen
could move around (it proves that they were not de-materialized) while they became invisible.
Furthermore, Drue could not only see but also moved his feet and used his hand to shut down
the generators to cause the ship & crewmen to return to normal. Drue's invisibility experience
proves that he was not de-materilaized and was able to see, walk, and use his hands to shut
down the generators as a human being. It also proves that after using the invisibility technology,
the personnel was not de-materialized or had their form changed. Drue also mistakenly claimed
that they were de-materialized because they became invisible & had been physically
miniaturized by the invisibility technology.

(attachment) The Philadelphia Experiment-Written by Drue

It was the early hours of August 15th, 1943 ... When we switched the generators to full power, it
had created a strong electromagnetic field, which totally overcame and engulfed us within a
heavy fog or a mist. It was at this precise moment that I sensed myself being shook violently
from a strong vibration and at the same time I noted the ship disappearing from around and
below me. With a generator to my back, all of a sudden as if in slow motion, I felt a tremendous
impact in which I sensed my entire body being propelled outwards into hundreds of fragmented
pieces. With this impact, there was a brilliant flash of light, so intense it was not only blinding,
but consuming;........ I was able to move about the ship taking note of many others who also
were in the same predicament. There were those who were moving about in total panic, some
consumed with fire and others seemed to glow. I had to reach the pilot room to locate the
Captain of the ship in order to assess damages, but he too, was stuck. It was at this time I felt the
necessity to shut down the generators to unplug the operation. The entire ship was transparent,
like that of a dark red colored gelatin. Therefore, I was able to not only see through the walls of
the ship, but able to move through the walls as well. An attempt made solely out of desperation,
I reached through the wall for one of the generator switches - it had no substance....
Actually, if a scientist really want to know that is the invisibility technology existence, he can
easily find the truth. That's because a scientist can use proper laboratory to continuously create
powerful electromagnetic field on a small material (e.g. pen, pencil, etc.). After the pen or
pencil become invisible, one will believe that invisibility technology exist and it definitely can
be used on material. However, do not simply try on personnel because it needs real know-how.

Furthermore, the following information proves that invisibility technology has been invented in
According to interview From "The Metaphysical Experience" by Peter Moon and Preston
Nichol , the invisibility technology experiments started in Princeton University back in 1939.
They made small objects invisible. They presented this technology to the government. In 1940,
they had a full test on a small ship at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. It states:"Everything worked and
the project was declared a success."

(attachment 1)-Interview From "The Metaphysical Experience" by Peter Moon and Preston
The Philadelphia experiment originally began back in the 1930's in Chicago with three people.
Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nickola Tesla, who
was an Austrian physicist and Dr. Kurtenaur who was on staff at the University.

They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the concept of things and people
being invisible. This subject had been discussed for several year. They got together and did
some research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In 1933 the Institute of
Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of
the people on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was from Budapest
Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He
taught in Europe for about four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the
graduate level for three years and was invited to join the Institute.
Other people at the Institute included Albert Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the
California Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then went to the Institute
upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot of other people showed up there as time went on. The
project expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of the project. He was
a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt, whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of
the Navy. Tesla was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the war effort,
which he did. He accepted and became director of the invisibility project until he resigned in
1942. In 1936, after intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their work. They
achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and everyone else was encouraged to continue the
work, and the Navy supplied money for research.
In 1940, after research using Tesla's approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at the
Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided
the power and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by
cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test ship.
Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

8. After nonlethal weapons have been transferred to law enforcement and used by invisible
operatives to criminally induce illness/death on victims. These "tiny invisible operatives/little
spirits" rarely land on the target's body to induce illness/death as their original way. The goal
is to prevent the target from accidentally discovering the existence of these 'invisible
operatives/little spirits" & their tiny size.
9. However, these "invisible operatives/little spirits" will also land on an unaware target's body to
induce illness/death when it is
necessary. For example, these
"invisible operatives/little spirits" can land on a target's stomach and/or lower abdomen to
induce indigestion; land on the target's upper chest/back (near the neck) and lightly use
infrasound or microwave weapon to induce heart dysfunction; land on the target's belt, near the
kidney, to induce kidney dysfunction with chronal gun or sonic weapon ; land on different
acupuncture points on the target to induce numerous different illnesses/deaths with chronal gun;
and even fly onto the head of the target to induce cerebral hemorrhage. They can also enter a
small distance into a target's anus to damage the excretory system and/or interfere with the
target from farting, excreting waste, etc. causing it to eventually fail. Why can these invisible
operatives/little spirits even enter a target's anus without being infected by bacteria or becoming
dirty? That's because they only enter anus a small distance and they are surrounded with
electromagnetic field after using invisibility technology on them. When these invisible
operatives/little spirits induce excretory system failure on a target, they will also induce kidney
dysfunction on him in order to quickly achieve the goal of excretory system failure. The
excretory system failure inducing technique is also frequently used to induce death on middle-
aged adults & senior citizens.
10. When mind control a target, these invisible operatives must land on an unaware target's head in
order to control the target's brain. After the "tiny invisible operatives/little spirits" secretly fly
onto the head of an unaware target, these tiny invisible operatives can totally control an unaware
person's thoughts, emotional states, consciousness, speech, & behaviors, etc. (During NBC's
"The Other Side" program, Dames stated that "The U.S. Government has an electronic device
which could implant thoughts in people." He refused to comment further. The program was
broadcast during April 1995-Major Edward Dames, was a long-serving member of the highly
classified operation GRILL-FLAME.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt

Major Edward Dames, formerly with the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency until 1992,
was a long-serving member of the highly classified operation GRILL-FLAME, a program that
focused on some of the more bizarre possibilities of intelligence gathering and remote
interrogation. Known as "remote viewers," GRILL-FLAME personnel possessed a marked
psychic ability that was put to use "penetrating" designated targets and gathering important
intelligence on significant figures.....
Following the Oliver North debacle, the Secretary of Defense officially terminated GRILL-
FLAME, fearing bad publicity if the program were to become known to the public. The leading
members of the project -- including Dames -- immediately relocated to the privately owned and
newly formed Psi-Tech, and continue their work to this day, operating under government
contract. In the course of his work, Dames was (and remains) close to many the leading figures
and proponents anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons, especially those that operate in the
neurological field. During NBC's "The Other Side" program, Dames stated that "The U.S.
Government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people." He refused to
comment further. The program was broadcast during April 1995.

In my past article, I have pointed out that highly classified research Operation Grill-Flame
(which has been re-named remote viewing & re-located in Psi-Tech company) must be related
with technology of invisibility & interdimensional travel (see details on my webpage Part II-A,
F, G). Thus, these invisible operatives must have the ability to implant thoughts (using ELF) on
their targets.

11. In some important mind control cases, these tiny invisible operatives will fly onto an unaware
target's head to completely control this unaware target's emotion, consciousness, speech &
behaviors, etc.. This method can be used to achieve three goals:
If the unaware target is a important decision maker, this tactic can affect the target's
judgment/opinion and make the target's decision to be in favor of the involved LEO.
If the target is selected to be a mind control programmable murderer/assassin, this method
can insure to drive the programmable murderer/assassin to kill.
If the target had been mind controlled to kill (a programmable murderer/assassin) and is
on trial for that murder, this method can make the created murderer to appear as mentally
ill in publics, or produce incorrect testimonies in the court room. Hence, the mind
controlled killer appears to be crazy and thus mislead the public to believe that the murder
was committed by a mentally-ill person but not committed by a programmable

How could these invisible operatives/little spirits achieve above goals?

A few invisible operatives will fly onto the head of the unaware target and use illness inducing
techniques to cause the target to become hazy. After the target becomes hazy, these invisible
operatives can easily control/suppress the target's consciousness. After these tiny invisible
operatives have suppressed the target's consciousness, they will send a subliminal message (e.g.,
ELF, or created thoughts transferred from operative's mind ) to the target. Since this target's
consciousness has been completely suppressed by tiny invisible operatives hiding on the target's
head, it guarantees that the subliminal message (no matter if it's a command/encouragment to
murder or makes an important decision in favor of the involved LEO) will appear in the target's
mind and act upon as if it were the target's own will.
Now, I would further clarify it with few examples.

First example-driving to kill:

We know that the first aim of mind control programs is to create reliable assassins. Therefore,
the involved LEO can either train their operatives to become assassins /murderers or mind
control a selected target to become a assassin/murderer.

(attachment 1) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G.

It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of
hitherto secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military
and intelligence community. (3) Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert
programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK
being understood to stand for Mind control), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The
principal aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable
"programmable" assassin. Secondary aims were the development of a method of citizen control
(Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control -Fontana Books, London 1979).

The above facts prove that the involved LEO's first goal in these mind control programs was
that to develop their invisible operatives to become their own assassins/murderers or to mind
control others to become an assassin/murderer to kill the targets/citizens.

How could they mind control the selected target to become a murderer/assassin?

If a person has violent tendencies, he will be easily selected as the target to become a future
mind control murderer. After the target has been selected as a future murderer by the involved
LEO & operatives from surveillance station/system, the involved LEO will often use EM mind
machine, mind control equipment (microwave voices equipment, Voice Synthesis) & tactics on
the target in order to influence his emotions & behaviors (e.g., cause the target to become angry
more easily, develop more violent tendencies, etc.).

Once the involved LEO & operatives need this target to commit a murder, these tiny invisible
operatives will either send microwave voices, or transfer the thoughts of invisible operative as
subliminal murderous message (commanding/encouraging the assassin to kill) to the target's
head. This will encourage the target to kill others or kill a particular person whom the invisible
operatives have selected for the programmable murderer.

However, if their target (a programmable murderer) wasn't driven beyond the breaking-point (at
which the target will kill), the target might resist the invisible operative's microwave voice or
subliminal message to kill.

To insure that the target will commit the murder, these tiny invisible operatives will fly onto the
target's head in order to completely control the target's emotions, consciousness, speech,
behaviors, etc. After these tiny invisible operatives are on the target's head, they will use illness
inducing techniques to cause the target to become hazy. One method, the invisible operatives
use the chronal gun to strike an acupuncture point at the lower left section of the back of the
head to cause the target to become hazy. When the target becomes hazy, these tiny invisible
operatives can completely suppress the target's consciousness. To force this target to kill, these
invisible operatives will even secretly inject the special drugs on the target's body (usually on
the buttock) and it will cause the the target to go on a rampage.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs bore the project titles
MKULTRA, ...ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and associated
programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin.

At this moment, these invisible operatives will transfer the murderous thoughts from an
invisible operative's mind to the target as a murderous subliminal message. After this target's
consciousness has been completely suppressed, it guarantees that the murderous subliminal
message will appear in the rampaging target's mind and will be easily acted upon as the
rampaging target's own will.

Second example: mind control a victim to show the public that the victim is mentally ill.
To mislead other to believe the mind controlled murderer/assassin is mentally-ill, these tiny
invisible operatives will fly onto the murderer's head to completely control his emotions,
consciousness, behaviors, speech, etc. when he is in public (such as when the reporters are

This tactic can also be used in the court room when the target is testifying. Thus, hiding on a
target's head to manipulate the target is the most effective mind control technique of these tiny
invisible operatives. Using this technique, they can easily cause the target to appear mentally
ill, sit in prolonged silence & make mistake while testifying, or produce incorrect testimonies in
the court room. This tactic can cause this mind control target to appear crazy and thus mislead
the public to mistakenly believe that this person is mentally ill.

Third example, how could these invisible operatives affect the decision maker's judgment or

These tiny invisible operatives can fly onto the head of an unaware decision maker (e.g. judge,
cabinet secretaries, the President, etc.) and secretly attack the acupuncture point on the head (see
details on first example) to cause the decision maker to become hazy. Therefore, these tiny
invisible operatives can easily suppress the decision maker's consciousness. At this moment,
these invisible operatives can send ELF to the decision maker as subliminal message (a message
that is advantageous for the involved LEO). Since the decision maker's consciousness has been
suppressed, it guarantees that
the invisible operatives' subliminal message, which is advantageous for the involved LEO, will
ultimately be acted upon by the decision maker.

The following information also proves that the involved LEO have purchased this kind of
device from Russia. This device can be used by invisible operatives to affect the judgment of
important decision makers (e.g. judges, cabinet secretaries, the President, etc.).

(attachment 2)
DEFENSE ELECTRONICS described a spring, 1993 meeting between Administration officials
and Soviets psychotronics experts, including Dr. Igor Smirnov. Amongst the U.S. agencies
represented at the meetings with Smirnov were the FBI, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence
Agency, and the Advance Research Projects Research Agency (ARPA). Administration
officials wanted "to determine whether psycho-correction...programs COULD BE UNDERTAKEN
BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. These devices could be used to AFFECT JUDGMENT OR

In some important mind control cases, this method was probably used in court rooms to affect a
judge's decision and cause the decision to favor the involved LEO.

I deduce that the invisible operatives have used this device in OKC Bombing case to affect the
judgment of the decision makers. Therefore the OKC federal building, along with the evidence
of the bombing itself, was allowed to be quickly destroyed. After the involved LEO destroyed
the reaming ruin of the federal building, other officials could not further investigate evidences of
demolition charges being used as part of the OKC Bombing. Therefore, General Partin's
opinion that "demolition charges had to be placed on the column of the building to achieve the
observed damages" could not be proven by other officials (see details on Webpage Part XIV-B).

How could prove that the inside information about tiny invisible operatives from Taiwan is true?

The following eight reasons (which including facts, reported cases and histories) have proven that tiny
invisible operatives/bees must have been used in surveillance system.

(A). The history of US Navy learned the mind control technology from Nazi after WWII and
conducted the classified mind control research Operation Chatter in 1947. That's because the first goal
of mind control research is to develop the (invisible operatives to become) reliable assassins. This
invisibility technology cannot be used in military because the personnel and equipment become tiny,
invisible (after using the invisibility technology).

(B). The original inside information was from Taiwan's former President Chiang Kai-Shek.

The inside information from Taiwan points out that the invisibility technology has been developed
successfully by US after WWII and transferred to Taiwan's surveillance system in 1950s. Since 1960s,
Taiwan's invisible operatives have secretly entered important political persons' homes/offices, cars,
etc., for secret surveillance & life control. Since then, these invisible operatives have also induced
illness/death on some persons under surveillance whom Chiang Ching-Kuo disliked. This inside
information about invisibility technology must be true because I originally got the real information
from the Taiwan's Legislator Yu (who was the chairman of Defense committee-similar as US Congress
chairman of military & intelligence committee) from 1947-1969. Legislator Yu is my father and rested
at home in 1968. That's because the Taiwan's invisible operatives induced brain hemorrhage on him in
1968 and caused him to have some symptoms of stroke. This induced brain hemorrhage happened on
the same day after he met with former President Chiang Kai-Shek and went to Taiwan Congress (see
details on my webpage Part IX-B). Legislator Yu's information of invisible operatives (who induced
illness/death on their targets) was from former President Chiang Kai-Shek (see details on my webpage
about author or Part II-J). According to inside information, these invisible operatives' code name was
"little spirits" because they are tiny and have been changed to "bees." Although their top scientists
cannot use scientific theory to explain that why the personnel and equipment will become tiny after
using invisibility technology on them, it also become a good reason to falsely accuse any aware person
as insane if he dare expose the tiny invisible operatives to society.

(C). The US defense department's classified research of Operation Pandora in 1965-70. It included to
learn that how to create leaks on brain/blood barrier.
The name of Operation Pandora (illness/death inducing technique research) in 1965-70. The word
Pandora is a reference to a Greek myth about the "little sprits" which were released from Pandora' s
box. These "little spirits" brought forth illness/death (which didn't exist prior to the box's opening)
onto people.

This hidden meaning of Operation Pandora support the invisible operatives' code name "little spirits"
and support the insider information that these operatives become tiny and invisible (like little spirits)
when they enter the secret magnetic dimension; also, these small invisible operatives (as little
"spirits") will induce illness/death on their victims remotely from the secret magnetic dimension after
they enter people's home/offices from surveillance system. Currently, they have changed the
codename from "little spirits" to "bees." It is also because most westerners know that the "little
spirits" in Pandora box are tiny, invisible and would spread illness/death on man.

Furthermore, the following information also prove that the first goal of mind control programs
(research) is to develop assassin. That's why the involved LEO would develop the induce
illnesses/deaths techniques to train these invisible operatives/little spirits/bees to be professional
assassin. Thus, these invisible operatives/bees can be illegally used to murder citizens (whom the
involved LEO dislike) after they secretly enter people's home/office, car, etc. to keep them under close

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of hitherto
secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military and
intelligence community. (3) Primarily focusing on narco-hypnosis, these extensive covert programs
bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to
stand for Mind control), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and CHATTER. The principal aim of these and
associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims
were the development of a method of citizen control. (4)

From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA), with up to 70-
80% funding provided by the military, set in motion operation PANDORA to study the health and
psychological effects of low intensity microwaves with regard to the so-called "Moscow signal." This
project appears to have been quite extensive and included (under U.S. Navy funding) studies
demonstrating how to induce heart seizures, create leaks in the blood/brain barrier and production of
auditory hallucinations.

The classified research Operation Pandora in 1965-70. It included to learn that how to create leaks on
brain/blood barrier. This information also prove that the invisible operatives must be tiny otherwise,
they cannot induce brain hemorrhage on any victim from a victim's top (center) of head (only the tiny
invisible operative can lightly fly onto a victim's head and clearly watch the correct location to induce
brain hemorrhage without blocked by victim's hairs or hat-see details on my webpage Part II-C3).

(D). Some of citizens have experiences of being secretly interrogated at their homes with microwave
voice device and/or being attacked with radio-wave, chronal gun (in the process of interrogation).
However, according to a few victims' reports, they only know the microwave voice and attack came
from the high section of wall at their home but could not see anyone (although a victim heard a
number of persons' microwave voices to ask him questions one by one). Thus, it proves the invisible
operatives are very small or tiny and have entered citizen's home to secretly interrogate unaware
citizen with microwave voice device-see details on my webpage Part I-A2).

Now, I would use some reported cases to further prove my above words that the invisible
operatives/little spirits/bees have entered people's home/office, car, etc. to keep people under close
surveillance, or deliver microwave voice on unaware victims, or induce illness/death on some victims.

According to Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experiment by Julianne McKinney on

December 1992, there are many victims who have experiences of being attacked with radio-wave
and/or "hearing" microwave voices in their homes. However, these victim didn't see anyone who
entered their homes to attack and/or deliver the microwave voice to victims.

(attachment)- _Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experiment by Julianne McKinney on

December 1992
FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of requests for assistance
from "mentally disturbed persons" who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves" and/or
"are hearing voices..."

There are eight cases has been reported in such kind situation.

Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was Told by an employee of a local power
company that, if she Value the lives of her children, she would drop the her opposition to the
company's installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the individual's 11-year-old
daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization treatment of
illness which cannot be diagnosed. It's now also apparent to this individual that her three-year-old son
is on the receiving end of externally induced auditory input.

We know that current illness/death inducing technique of surveillance station/system use remote
electric method. It means that by using their weapon, the involved LEO & operatives can manipulate
citizens' emotion/behaviors or induce illness/death on their target without physical contact. However,
it also means that by using these weapons, they can attack their target in a limited (short) distance.
That's because these operatives must can see their target's activities clearly in order to accurately injure
their target either on the acupuncture points or an organ of the target. Also, these operatives must see
clearly that there is no other person between their target & weapons, otherwise, the other person will
be injured.

Furthermore, although there are some hidden emitters that have been installed in cars, boats, electrical
appliances, etc. the operatives must be nearby these hidden emitter in order to remotely power it with
power beaming system (technology). Thus, only the invisible operatives can secretly enter people's
home/office/car, etc. and remotely power these kinds of hidden emitters to attack a target.

For example, an operative can use the power beaming system to energize a nearby hidden emitter to
injure his target (e.g. the emitter inside a TV and a computer monitor can be remotely powered from a
short distance by invisible operatives to emit strong microwave radiation to injure the user's vision).

Under such kind of situation, when these operatives can see their target clearly & use their weapons to
attack the victim, the target must also can see these operatives who use weapons on him. However, in
many illness/death inducing cases, microwave voice "hearing" cases, or murder cases, these victims
didn't see any operative when these victim have been delivered microwave voices, or injured and even

How could these illogical things happen?

The only reason is that they use invisibility technology. When these involved LEO & operatives of
surveillance system try to spy on citizens or deliver microwave voice on a victim, and induce
illness/death on a victim, they must use the invisibility technology first. After using invisibility
technology on their equipment, weapons, personnel, etc. they will become invisible & tiny.

Thus, these invisible operatives can secretly enter people's home/office, car, boat, etc. for surveillance,
or for mind control. Furthermore, the invisible operatives can use sound or radiation wave weapons to
illegally attack their victim accurately without being seen by others.

(E). After I have experiences to capture a few of these invisible operatives on my body while they
attacked me, I definitely know their size are tiny. Once, I have captured a few of invisible operatives
with magnets (these invisible operatives usually wear some type of "body armor" when they land on a
target's body to "directly" attack the target). A few of them had been captured after these invisible
operative landed on my chest. How could I capture these invisible operatives/bees?

I would describe more clearly with one example.

When an invisible operative land onto my chest and attack me, I started to capture him/her.
First, I pressed a magnet on top of the operative, but the invisible operative keep moving toward my
heart and continuously attack my heart with the chronal gun. Since I have used magnet to pressed the
invisible operative, I got a very good "feel" about the size of this invisible operative and can estimate
its size by the what I felt on my skin. After I captured a few of them on my body while they attacked
me, I definitely know their size are tiny (see details later-Why am I personally sure that these invisible
operatives are tiny?).

(F). When I use equipment to build magnetic fields to surround my bed (to use the fields as defensive
wall), I usually found that these invisible operatives still can enter through the space between two
small magnetics to attack me. So, I adjusted these magnetic field to make the space between the two
field smaller. Therefore, by adjusting the space between the two magnetic fields until no operatives
can enter, one can estimate the sizes of these operatives.

By performing this type of adjustment of the small space between the two magnetic field, I can stop
these invisible operatives from entering some places, and the small space (between two magnetic
field) lead me to know that the invisible operatives' size must be very small or tiny.

(G). According to the facts and victims' reports, the invisible operatives must be tiny.
(a). If these invisible operatives are not tiny, they cannot secretly fly onto people's head to control a
target's bodily functions, emotion and mind (see details on my webpage Part II-C2).

(b). According to a few victims' reports, the bottom of their feet have been injured when they are
sitting down at a restaurant or in a classroom. The floor at these restaurants and classrooms are made
of concrete, and this concrete would not contain the electrical wires that concealed emitters would
require to power them. Thus there cannot be any concealed emitters in the floor. This proves that the
invisible operatives must be tiny, so they can carried their electroshock weapon (or chronal gun, laser
gun, etc.) to secretly injure a victim's foot, from below the foot.

(c). Many victims have reported that they have been attacked by invisible operatives from any
direction and that these attacks do not affect any nearby person who is, relative to the victim, in the
direction the attack originates from.
For example, a college student has been injured from below his bed while sleeping in the top bunk bed
of his dormitory. Yet his roommate, who sleeps in the bottom bed, is just fine. How could the
invisible operatives make such kind of attack? The only reason is that the invisible operatives are of a
tiny size and can land on the victim's bed to attack the student from below. The above example
proves that these invisible operatives are of tiny size in the invisible electromagnetic field.

(H). The deeply involved scientist of life control surveillance system, Col. John Alexander has been
indicated to develop the new technologies for invisible warrior (based on John Alexander's article,
these invisible warrior would have used mind machine, etc.).
Who is Col. John Alexander?
John Alexander is a scientist who has learned death science.
In one of his articles in Military Reviewing on December 1980, when describing Soviet development
of psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted
over distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able
to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator.

John Alexander has developed the mind control technology, sound & radiation wave weapons (so-
called Nonlethal weapons) for involved LEO. That's because he know the the LETHAL nature of
many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons.

(attachment)-New World Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny by C. B. Baker on December 1994
Alexander first became known to the public through his December, 1980 MILITARY REVIEW article
titled, "THE NEW MENTAL BATTLEFIELD." That article clearly described the LETHAL nature of
many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons, Describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons,
Alexander stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing
illness or death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able to induce illness or death at
little or no risk to the operator.

MICROWAVE NEWS (on Nov/Dec 1993) report, In November, 1993, a three day top-secret non-
lethal weapons conference took place in the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University
in Maryland. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare leading law enforcement officials for
the use of psychotronic mind-control weapons. Amongst the subjects covered at the conference were
ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal voices into a victims head), VOICE
TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONS." Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal
(psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as conference chairman.

According to information of Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G.

Guyatt , "Col. John Alexander is dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with
enhanced abilities leading to an 'invisible warrior." (see details on following attachment ). Considering
with above two information, we know that Col. John Alexander is deeply involved in life control
surveillance system and "dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with enhanced
abilities leading to an 'invisible warrior." Thus, it further proves that the invisible operatives have been
used in life control surveillance system for a long time.

This information support the above reported cases and current facts, some business manager/owners
will be recruited by involved LEO as operatives and use invisibility technology, mind machine,
microwave voice device, and Nonlethal weapons to secretly enter people's home/office, car, etc. for
surveillance, or illegally eliminate their targets in life control battle-field.
The information also proves that every invisible operative would have used EM mind machine in
surveillance system.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by David G. Guyatt

Alexander wrote a book an article (and later co-authored a book entitled The Warrior's Edge)
published in Military Review in which he outlined a number of hitherto "fringe" subjects --including
telepathy - - that should be brought in to the battery of future weapons. Alexander is dedicated to the
development of a super-human soldier with enhanced abilities leading to an "invisible warrior."
The above report fully supports the inside information from Taiwan.

The above information (which including facts, reported cases, and histories) all tell that invisible
operatives have been used in surveillance system to induce illness/death on citizens. This also proves
that the inside information from Taiwan must be true. Thus, the tiny invisible operatives/little
spirits/bees can secretly enter people's home/office, car, boat, plane, to keep people under close
surveillance, or deliver microwave voices on unaware victim to drive him mad/or drive him to kill, or
secretly interrogate a citizen at home, and induce illness/death on their victims.

Beside above facts, reported cases and histories, the testimony of mind control victim (murder case) in
court also shows that these tiny invisible operatives have been mistakenly considered by the mind
controlled murder Luke Woodham as demons. Also, Luke Woodham's testimony to the demons (tiny
invisible operatives) has shown that these tiny invisible operatives did have flown onto the target's
head to mind control a victim to kill as the above inside information states (see details on my webpage
Part VI-A). In another mind control murder case, the tiny invisible operatives could be mistakenly
considered as ghost, or small animals/insects under the bedroom's sheet by John DuPont (see details
on my webpage Part VI-B).

According 1/29/96 "World Journal" (Chinese newspaper published in the United States) reported:
Millionaire John DuPont used his (.38) gun to kill the Olympic wrestler on 1/26/96 and was captured
on 1/28/96. The friends and relatives of DuPont said that: Recently, the actions of Mr. DuPont appears
strange. He had driven his Lincoln Town car into the lake in his estate twice. He also ordered the
wrestlers who practice in his home to chase the ghosts of his house.

Local Philadelphia TV News report on 1/28/96 that an acquaintance of Mr. DuPont said that he saw
Mr. DuPont talking with the wall in his home. In addition, Mr. DuPont had said that there are animals
hidden in his bedroom and under the sheets of his bed (indicated by the wrinkles). It was supposedly
the indication of something hidden under the sheet.
What is the invisible operatives' usual tactics to fight with their target who is aware of their tiny size?

Since these invisible operatives are very tiny in the secret magnetic dimension, it has shown that they
can also be easily attacked by an aware target when these invisible operatives try to induce
illness/death on the target. Under such kind of situation, these invisible operatives will spend their
whole man powers to fight with an aware target. It means that these tiny invisible operatives will use
human wave tactics to fight with an aware target. They will wear down the target by using different
teams and having them take turns in attacking the target everyday, much like work-shifts in a store that
is open 24 hours a day. When the target is tired or sleeping, these tiny operatives will spread germs
on their target to create itching or pain on their target to interfere with his sleep, or fly onto the target's
head to implant mind control device(s), or even hide near the target's buttocks to inject poison (or
drugs) into the target to cause him to become uncontrollably angry in order to drive him to kill.

Recently, beside being attacked with acoustic weapon, I have been injected with poison or drugs twice
(9-3-99 & 9-7-99) because I didn't expect that these invisible operatives would dare inject drugs on
me. However, I could quickly squeeze the places where they injected me to force out the
poison/drugs. Therefore, their poison/drugs didn't affect me.

According to the following information, acoustic weapons were transferred to ONDCP (Office of
National Drug Control Policy) as nonlethal weapons. However, these weapons & some drugs are also
used from surveillance station/system by invisible operatives to induce illness/death (or create mental
illness) on citizens. According to this information, "there are some observers who fear that the
burgeoning narcotics industry is an ideal 'cover' in which to 'transit' Non Lethal Technologies to
domestic political tasks."

Since these sound & radiation weapons or even drugs have been used from surveillance station/system
to induce illness/death on citizens, it proves that what these observers fear must be true.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

In a 1993 U.S. Air Command and Staff College paper entitled Non Lethal Technology and Air Power,
authors Maj. Jonathan W. Klaaren (USAF) and Maj. Ronald S. Mitchell (USAF) outlined selected
NLT weapons. These included "Acoustic" (pulsed/attenuated high-intensity sound, infrasound (very
low frequency) and Polysound (high volume, distracting) as well as high-power microwaves (HPM)
that possessed the ability to deter or incapacitate human beings. These and other classified weapons
are being passed to domestic law enforcement agencies, as shown by the 1995 ONDCP (Office of
National Drug Control Policy) International Technology Symposium, "Counter-Drug Law
Enforcement: Applied Technology for Improved Operational Effectiveness," which outlined the
"Transition of advanced military technologies to the civil law enforcement environment." There are
some observers who fear that the burgeoning narcotics industry is an ideal "cover" in which to
"transit" Non Lethal Technologies to domestic political tasks.
Once, these tiny invisible operatives prepare a huge syringe to inject poison (or drugs) on my buttock.

How could they achieve it?

These tiny invisible operatives prepared the poison (or drugs) in syringe and waited around the toilet.
After making above preparation, these invisible operatives used a carrier frequency to connect my
brain and send a signal, it caused me to go to bathroom.
When I sat on the toilet, these invisible operatives suddenly injected the the poison (or drugs) in the
syringe on my buttock.

Second time, after I sleep and wake up, these tiny invisible operatives carry the syringe and wait at the
side of my bed.
When I walked out of my defensive wall (built with magnetic field) and sat down to wear my shoes, a
few invisible operatives suddenly injected the syringe into my buttocks.
What is the feeling?
After I have a feeling of being stung, I felt that a strong itch & pain came from the point where I was
stung. Such kind of feeling can cause an unaware target with violent tendencies (who is under mind
control) to become violent angry.

According to inside information, these invisible operatives usually will inject drugs (narcotics) on
their targets who is under mind control and drive them to kill. Since the invisibility technology is used
on these tiny invisible operatives and their equipment, their equipment also becomes very small.
Thus, the syringe is specially designed to be large enough for use on a regular human body (after the
syringe has been miniaturized) and to inject enough drugs (narcotics) to cause their target to go on a
rampage in order to drive him to kill someone.

Such kinds of experiences make me to believe that these invisible operatives certainly can inject drugs
into an unaware target in a mind control case. Thus, after the invisible operatives secretly fly onto a
target's head, they can easily drive their target to kill. That's because the drugs (or special stimulant)
will cause the unaware target to go on a rampage (as inside information stated). However, after I have
such experiences & very well knowledge to defense, they cannot easily inject me anymore.

How am I personally sure that the inside information is accurate that these invisible operatives' size is
as tiny as flea or small mosquitoes as the inside information stated? There are six reasons.

(1). A few of victims who have experiences of being secretly interrogated at home by involved LEO's
invisible operatives who told me that they did hear invisible operative deliver microwave message
from the upper section of wall
to them. Thus, it shows that these invisible operative's size are very small to stay at the upper section
of wall .
The above situation shows that these invisible operatives are indeed very tiny and could enter people's
home from the power lines (near the electric meter of outdoor) with the technology of inter
dimensional travel.
(2). I have had many experiences of being attacked by certain invisible operatives (who are
acupuncturists or have extensive knowledge of acupuncture) using special illness inducing technique
on an acupuncture point at my knee joint.

How did this happen?

When I am sitting down, the invisible operatives use the special metal (substituting for an acupuncture
needle) to injure me using the acupuncture points at the knee joint. This attack using the acupuncture
point would temporarily cut off the blood from reaching the lower legs, thus causing the victim's lower
legs to become numb. By using this attack on an unaware person, it can cause this victim to fall down
and possibly injure himself when he tries to stand up. This injury had caused an old woman to brake
her leg and stay in the hospital for two months (see details on my webpage Part III-B). Some invisible
operatives frequently use this attack against me. They use this illness inducing technique to cause me
to have difficulty walking and practicing martial arts, thus slowly disabling me. I have gained
knowledge of traditional Chinese acupuncture through my years of practicing martial arts and the
breathing exercises associated with it. Because of their malicious intention, I have had numerous
experiences of feeling the special metal piercing this acupuncture point. I have learned from the
piercings that this special metal, which is a substitute for an acupuncture needle, is extremely tiny, thin
and sharp. These piercings are definitely not bee stings or mosquito bites because (a) I have put
protection around this acupuncture point that neither a bee nor a mosquito could penetrate and (b) only
a acupuncturist would know the locations of acupuncture points. Since this special metal is tiny, the
invisible operatives would also have to be tiny to be able to utilize it. (c). The thing which is used to
prick at the acupuncture point is smaller than bee.

(3). Based on insider information and articles on the Philadelphia experiment, I know that these
operatives become invisible by creating strong magnetic field around themselves. So the invisible
operatives must be covered with electromagnetic field. To catch these invisible operatives, one can
use two magnetics (with both pole) to capture them.

Once, when I walked in my living room, few of these tiny invisible operative (just like the flea or
small insects) flew to land on my body. Then one of invisible operative moved toward my heart and
use chronal gun to attack my heart. Therefore, I used two magnets to capture an operative and put it
on my table. When this invisible operative had been captured by me, other invisible operatives tried to
save him/her and attacked me. Thus, I also captured a few of them with similar method (using two
magnetics). However, I found these invisible operatives have been rescued because some of my
magnets disappeared next morning. I would deduce that these invisible operatives secretly use
invisibility technology on these magnets at night when no one was around. This enable them to steal
these magnets and carry them away. However, I clearly know that these operative's are sizes tiny after
I had caught a few of them consecutively.

How could they use invisibility technology to save these invisible operatives/bees who had been
captured by me?
Based on the inside information, these invisible operatives/bees can carry (by using small "transporter
plane") bigger generator into people's home then create the strong electromagnetic field on a target's
household items (e.g., letter, books, or small equipment, etc.), it can cause these items to "disappear
from view" and then secretly taken away.

(4). I have put few electric fans in my living room to check that if these invisible tiny operatives
would hide behind motor of electric fans to deliver their microwave voices to me in order to drive me
mad after I reported of this invisibility technology on internet (I dare to do it because I have real
knowledge on mind machine and microwave voice device. Thus, not only I would not be confused or
affected with their microwave voice to crazy, but I also can identify their real identities from their
tones & accents from their delivered microwave voices).

Interestedly, these invisible operatives did hide behind the motor of electric fans and try to drive me
mad with microwave voices. One of these invisible operatives delivered the microwave voice to my
head and threaten me. He told me that if I don't stop me posting my articles, they will kill me. The
reason is that I post too much information about them (invisibility technology & their tiny sizes after
they become invisible in surveillance station/system).

I have stated on above that the invisible operatives must be covered with electromagnetic field. To
catch these invisible operatives, one must "box" these invisible operatives inside another magnetic
field. Either, you create a field which is has a strong-pull ("attraction") which does not allow these
operatives to leave or generate a field which block their escape (such if these operatives try to leave,
they are repel back [because of the normal repulsion properties of "like" poles which is commonly
observe when one try to put the North poles of two magnets together]).

So, I created another magnetic field with "my tools" and used it to cover the motors of electric fans
(which was in use, so there was also a magnetic fields being generated by the motors). After these
invisible operatives deliver microwave voices to me from the electric fan, it proves that they were
hiding behind the motor. Therefore, I used "my tools" and cover the back of the fan's motor. So, the
invisible operative was caught between the magnetic field of the fan's motor and "my tool".

How am I positive that I have caught few invisible tiny operatives behind the motors of my electric

The reasons are that:

(a). These few invisible operatives deliver their microwave message to other invisible operatives
around there and said that "they are caught & cannot get away because they are blocked off with
another magnetic field". Then, these few invisible operatives used microwave voice to asked help
from other invisible operatives.

(b). These invisible operatives use their microwave voices to yell and asked me to release them. Thus,
I asked these invisible tiny operatives to stop inducing illness/death on my family members and pay
monetary damage to us. Although these invisible operatives use microwave voices to promise that
they will stop inducing illness/death on me temporarily, they refuse to pay monetary damage to me.

(c). When I stand near the created magnetic field which is used to capture few invisible operatives, one
of them use microwave voices to discuss how to get out and I heard their conversation: One of them
ask other invisible operatives to shutdown their generators in their single-seat transportation inside my
home in order to return to normal persons after they secretly get next to defensive weapons in my
home. Then, they plan to use my defensive weapons to kill off my entire family. After that they will
mislead people and claim that my family members are all mentally-ill persons and kill each other off.

(d). An operatives used microwave voices to threaten me that they will inject cocaine on my leg many
times and then falsely accuse me as drugs users in order to arrest me with false accusation if I don't
release them. At the same time, I started to feel many stinging sensations in my legs and it started to
go numb. Therefore, I ate some garlic to prevent any poison. Also, I eat raspberry because I was told
that the raspberry can clean the toxin from blood stream.
I swear in the name of God that I never use any drugs (e.g. cocaine, marijuana, etc.) in my life.

However, the above facts prove that the previous shocking information is accurate and these invisible
operatives' sizes are as tiny as the small mosquito or flea in the magnetic dimension. Unfortunately,
on the next day after I posted article to report capturing them, other invisible operatives used the High
Power Microwave weapon to create EMP (electromagnetic pulse) to cause the motors of electric fans
to malfunction temporarily; enough time for these invisible operatives to escape (flew away).

The High power microwave (HPM) weapon can be used as EMP weapon and is controllable.
According to an international Red Cross document, this HPM weapon can be used as EMP
(Electromagnetic Pulse weapon) "which give an operator the same ability to wipe out electronic
circuits. The main difference is that new technology on HPM is controllable
and can be used without violation nuclear weapons treaties."

"When microwaves being pulsed between 10-100 pulses per second, "A HPM (High Power
Microwave) weapon employs a high power, rapidly pulsation microwave beam that penetrates
electronic components. The pulse action internally excites the components, rapidly generating intense
heat which causes them to fuse or melt, thus destroying the circuit .. HPM weapon attack at the speed-
of-light thus making avoidance of beam impossible, consequently negating the advantage of weapon
systems such as high velocity tactical missiles." (see details on Earth Rising The Revolution by Dr.
Nick Begich & James Roderick in December 1999).

Based on the information of NIJ report, 4/94 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN magazine, MICROWAVE
NEWS Nov/Dec 1993, and NEXUS magazine, it prove that state & local law enforcement have used
the mind control equipment (microwave voice equipment, voice synthesis) and life control weapons
(microwave radio-frequency, High Power Microwave weapon (HPM), electromagnetic pulse weapon)
on civilians. Therefore, state and local law enforcement have become mind control basic units. Police
officers control local people's lives from current surveillance system.
According to NIJ's report on the function of EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) weapon, it can "short-
circuits" a vehicle, knocking the motor out, but leaving the brakes and steering operative.

(attachment 3)
>Mike Sweeney wrote:
>National Institute of Justice March 1993 NIJ Initiative on
>Less-Than-Lethal Weapons by David W. Hayeslip, Ph.D., and Alan
>Preszler, Ph.D.
>New types of less-than-lethal devices NIJ had begun in 1987 to examine
>operational requirements for future innovative less-than-lethal devices and
> examined several new technologies that might be developed for use in law
>enforcement. Of interest were electrical and electromagnetic devices... ---
>these now exist, one is the Patriot, a device that short- circuits a vehicle
>which the police are pursuing, knocking the motor out, but leaving the
>brakes and steering operative, and the second is a similar device that is set
>up like the "spike strips" across a road the pursuit is following alternative
>impact devices, [one is the Pneu-Gun, which shoots a 2 1/2 oz. beanbag at
>your assailant, knocking him silly.] --------------------------------
> [Dalewin Group Ltd. Selection Menu]

(attachment 4) "Aviation Week & Space Technology" 24 May 1993

The US Army like the Air Force is developing weapons that generate electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to
disable aircraft and vehicles. One set of target is the "fly by wire" system of electronic sensors and
computers that keep aircraft stable.

The pulse from a radio-frequency EMP weapon could send false voltage reading or destroy computer
chips and send the aircraft into uncontrolled flight, Army officers said. An EMP weapon could disable
aircraft on the ground before they go into combat. The Army also expects to use burst of EMP to jam
airborne navigation aids and "induce engine failure" in tanks and other enemy vehicles by destroying
or inactivating "electronics, including electronic ignitions," according to an unpublished report by the
Army's training and doctrine Command. ......

I also know that these invisible operatives can use the invisibility technology to steal some important
item which they want. That's because they have stolen a special item which I use it to block their
monitor system. However, these invisible operatives returned it to me with same invisibility
technology (making the material appearance at somewhere in my house when I was not there) after
they found that I know it must be caused by them. That's because such kind of material to disappear
is really illogical when it was installed in a fixed place and used to block their monitor system.

However, this technology must have been used by the "invisible operatives/little spirits/bees" in the
White House. According to news reports, documents which were involved with Hillary Clinton's
activities in Whitewater & subpoenaed by Ken Starr disappeared in the offices of White House.
However, the documents suddenly appeared in one of the offices (in 1996) after this event had been
tracked by Ken Starr & news reports for a few years.

I do believe that none of the staff in the White House would dare to hide these documents which an
independent council subpoenaed. That's because the involved staffs must be secretly investigated after
the document disappeared. Since there was no evidence to be found, it has shown that the involved
staffs have passed the investigation. Therefore, the logical explanation is that the invisible operatives
used the invisibility technology on these documents in order to take them. Their goal is to create
distrust between either the White House and its staff, or between Ken Starr and the White House.
However, these invisible operatives returned them to an office table of the White House in 1996 after
these documents' disappearance were reported across the country. If anyone disagree with that the
document's disappearance was caused by these invisible operatives, I hope that he can point out that
who dare hide these document in an office of White house for a few years.

5. My kidney has been injured several time with chronal gun while I was using the bathroom.

Before receiving inside information about the small size of these invisible operatives, I only
considered these injuries were caused by hidden emitters. Therefore, I usually put small equipment as
the shield in front of my kidney region to protect it from injury. However, the result was not very

After I found out about the size of these invisible operatives, I determine the kidney injuries were
caused by these invisible operatives after they land on my belt (near the kidney region) to attack my
Therefore, when an invisible operative attack my kidney, I used magnets to capture the invisible
operatives on my belt (located near my kidney). After I try to use the magnets to capture the invisible
operative, the invisible operative flew away because the pains were gone immediately. From the above
case, one can figure out that an invisible operative's real size is tiny if they can hide on a person's belt
(according to inside information, these kinds of invisible operatives secret codename is spider-man).

6. According to inside information, the most dangerous tactics of tiny invisible operative is that after
an individual operative wear metal "body armor", he will either enter a target's urinary tract or ear
canal to torture an unaware target. From above information, one can estimate that how tiny size an
invisible operative is.

I believe that any victim of life manipulation/control can get real help and know how to easily protect
themselves after they learn this true information. If a victim doesn't know the invisible operatives' tiny
size, he cannot know how to protect himself to any attack from the invisible operatives (in victim's
home/office, car, school, etc.). Thus, I must tell the true information to society to save these victims'

*The latest accusation on Alan Yu: Why they called me as their secret agent?

After failed to falsely accuse me mentally ill, the involved LEO or their collaborator of surveilance
station/system openly called me as their secret agent on internet. Their goal is to mislead people and
reduce my credibility on my reports (about invisible personnel and life control of surveillance
station/system). I am a retired lieutenant colonel of Taiwan's National Defense Department. Sixteen
years ago, I immigrated to the United States (to Maryland) and have since then been naturalized as a
U.S. citizen. In 1992, I moved to New Castle County, Delaware after I bought a single house in this
state. I am only a civilian now although I have real knowledge on invisible personnel and life control
technology of the global surveillance system (see details on about Author on webpage).

(attachment)-falsely accusing Alan Yu as their secret agent on Internet

From: "JBennett" Newsgroups: alt.politics.usa.constitution.gun-rights
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 03:48:28 -0600
Message-ID: <> Reply-To: "JBennett" <>
MOST URGENT! Special Secret Agent THX-1138 submitting my Ninety Seventh Special Field
Report herewith, Sir!

Most Exalted Supreme Excellency, Mr. Yu, Sir!

Well, most exalted one, I certainly have good news for you and the cause today! Earlier, as I was
changing the foil in my Secret Agent Battle Cap, IAW your Directive No. I-D-IoT-90841 (The Use of
Foil in Lieu of Stealth Protection Under Combat Conditions), I began to hear voices. Suddenly it
became evident that I was receiving Satellite Signals of a very sensitive conversation, of greatest
national importance, through the harmonics of a fortuitous arrangement of salt shakers, napkin
holders, and tableware, arrayed before me on the counter at the truck stop. Immediately grasping the
importance of the matter, I made notes upon napkins, counter top, undershirt, and other materials at
hand, so that I am now able to provide a nearly complete transcript of greatest value. Beginning
transcript: Voice 1- "...the entire staff?" Voice 2- "All the key personnel are assembled here, in the
conference room, sitting at attention and listening to the speaker phone, sir." Voice 1- "Very good.
Now about taking the Oath of Office, what have you found out? With one hand on the Bible and the
other in the air, crossing my fingers could be picked up by the cameras and shown on re-play." Voice
2- "Not a problem, Sir. Since there is no governing authority on the matter, the President himself will
perform this vital act for you by proxy." Voice 1- "That is good news! Now what about that Bible? I
don't want the thing burning my hand and I don't want to be struck down by lightning. Could I wear
fire resistant gloves and will that protect me?" Voice 2- "We had some difficulty with that, at first; but
thankfully the President himself came to our rescue." Voice 1- "Oh? How so?" Voice 2- "He is going
to let you use the same prop for the ceremony he did. Basically it looks like a Bible, nice leather cover
with pages gold leafed, but the pages are all blank and the words "Holy" or "Bible" are not anywhere
on the thing." Voice 1- "How brilliant." Voice 2- "Yes, the President credits it with saving his life."
Voice 1- "Now about the appointments I've suggested, any comments from anybody?" Voice 2- "We
all think James Carvel is an inspired choice for Press Secretary. Him or Sam Donaldson, our second
choice, are so obnoxious that nobody will stay long in any room with either of them. Accordingly,
Press Conferences should last only long enough to provide a hand-out and we expect nobody to stay
around and ask questions." Voice 1- "Excellent! Now, about Joyceland Elders; I feel I owe her for her
timely advise about masturbation. Any problems with her for Secretary of H.E.W.?" Voice 2- "We
could think of nobody with better qualifications, at this end, Sir." Voice 1- "Very good. How about
Department of Justice, Attorney General? Can we use the cardboard cutout of Janet with a recording
of her Congressional testimony? I just loved her replies of, 'I can't comment on that, Senator, since it is
part of an ongoing investigation.' What a hoot! Never were any investigations or indictments over that
whole Buddhist Temple thing." Voice 2- "Yes Sir. And, of course once you are actually in office there
will be even less danger. Your campaign rhetoric about, 'I have learned through bitter personal
experience the need for campaign finance reform' certainly played well to the uninformed masses.
Who came up with that line, anyway?" Voice 1- "I have no idea, somebody on the speech writing staff.
Good polished professionals at their craft. But the real art is being able to deliver a line like that with
apparent conviction. I practiced that with a drama coach for hours; video tape sessions, mirrors, the
works." Voice 2- "Well, it was certainly worth the effort. It brings to mind another great moment of
your sincerity when you decried, 'Cop killer bullets' in a quavering voice." Voice 1- "Yes, that was also
very good. We achieved that very dramatic effect by having a staffer pull on a piano wire wrapped
around my testicles at the critical moment." Voice 2- "Such sacrifice certainly shows your unstinting
dedication to the honorable Office, Sir." Voice 1- "Thank you. Yes, I think it does." Voice 2- "That
reminds me, do you want to discuss your proposed Campaign Finance Reform Bill at this time? Your
proposal allows the DNC to write checks directly on the National Treasury but we can find no mention
of the Republicans or any other party having similar authority." Voice 1- "See if I can handle that by
Executive Order; the Treasury is part of the Executive Branch, after all." Voice 2- "If we can't use the
cardboard cutout, who do you have in mind for DOJ?" Voice 1- "Johnny Cochran. He got the OJ off
and that certainly seems like the kind of ability we can use. Check into having Rosie O'Donnall head
the FBI and I like the idea of Oprah Winfry for Secretary of Treasury. We can have Sara Brady
heading up BATF for as long as we need to get the guns. She is absolutely outstanding at ignoring
facts or law and will let nothing stand in the way of her zeal to punish inanimate objects! Ain't she a
hoot?" Voice 2- "All excellent choices, Sir. CNN will trumpet your vast wisdom in these selections.
Have you come up with someone to head CIA? Voice 1- "Absolutely! There is a Mr. Alan Yu who is a
noted authority on these pesky Mind Control Bees and invisible agents--you know, the source of those
voices you hear when not wearing your protective fo....." End of transcript.

Tragically, Sir, at this critical moment a counter agent of the LEO's moved a key salt shaker, under the
guise of refilling it, and my ability to monitor the conversation was abruptly halted. However, it is
certainly apparent that your unceasing efforts have gained you the recognition you deserve and that
soon you may move on to greater challenges. Ah, Sir, if it isn't premature, I'd like to be considered for
the position you presently occupy. Once you move on, that is.

I believe the urgency of this great news precluded encryption in the Secret Pizza Topping Code. The
Pizza Parlor was closed and I just knew you wouldn't want to wait for this vital intelligence.

Secret Agent THX-1138

I am a retired lieutenant colonel of Taiwan's National Defense Department. Sixteen years ago, I
immigrated to the United States (to Maryland) and have since then been naturalized as a U.S. citizen.
In 1992, I moved to New Castle County, Delaware after I bought a single house in this state. I am only
a civilian now although I have real knowledge on invisible personnel and life control technology of
the global surveillance system.

Time travel, de-materialization, and aliens from outer space in Philadelphia Experiment are all lies
used to mislead the public about the invisibility technology of Philadelphia Experiment. That's why
have neither the US space-craft nor Russia's space-craft been able to find any aliens so far.

*The fact of the collaborator of involved LEO of surveillance station/system make false accusation on

>Date:08/23/2000 > From: Ronald S. Shin, PhD <> >>Alanyu5 wrote:

(2/2)The criminal life control surveillance system (Revised on >> The factors which change the
behavior control surveillance system into a life >>control system and how can these involve LEO &
invisible operative obtain >>absolute power. There are six factors: 1. The invisibility technology of
>>Philadelphia Experiment

>its newest Invisible operatives have successfully injected Alan Yu with mind >altering drugs to make
him appear insane...

The above statement is purely a false accusation.

Since you didn't argue with me about the content of my article but instead made serious accusation on
me, it only shows that you have closed your mind before entering the discussion. It also appears that
you are a collaborator of involved LEO to defend for them.

Furthermore, to falsely accuse other as insane without evidence is the trademark of mind/life
controllers (involved LEO of surveillance system) and their collaborator. Thus, you must be the attack
dog of involved LEO of surveillance system.

Former US President Dwight Eisenhower warned that: "The prospect of domination of the nation's
scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is
gravely to be regarded."
Eisenhower's message tells us that researchers and scholars, in order to obtain funding for their
research, may make false statements to support the interests of involved LEO.

I hope that you won't defend them for your research budget next time.

Why am I so positive that invisibility technology has been developed successfully and invisible
personnel have been used to secretly enter people's homes, workplaces , vehicles, etc. to criminally
induce illness/death on their targets when keeping targets under close surveillance? (the answer see
details on Part I-A3)

*After failing to stop me from posting the information on the Usenet and produce counter-evidences to
deny my posts, their cooperators attempt to shutdown my account by impersonating me and sending
complaints to my servers. At the same time, they impersonated me on Usenet and posted fake
announcement which claimed that I were wrong and falsely accused me of being on medication in
order to dismiss my report.

I would enclose a few of fake & misleading posts of an impostor (who impersonated me & altered
his/her posts to make look like these posts were from my AOL account) to deny my report and falsely
accuse me under medication.

After reading following fake posts, one would have a real question to ask?

If the inside information from Taiwan were wrong, the involved LEO & operatives of surveillance
system must be very glad. So, why would the collaborators/operatives of involved LEO need to
impersonate Alan Yu to deny it so many times!?

First fake post:.

This evening (8- 24-1999), I found a fake post on the internet by the impostor who impersonating me.
The article was posted on Wed, 18 Aug 1999 from host: NNTP-Posting-Host:
and was NOT posted by me, Alan Yu (nor posted from my AOL account). The impostor made an
obvious mistake that he/she neither attached my webpage address, nor attached my signature.

Since the impostor cannot use counter evidence to debate with me on internet openly and only
impersonated me (Alan Yu) to dismiss my article, it has shown that they have failed to deny my
reported facts with counter evidences.

Also, after this impostor falsely accuse me under medication, it has shown that the involved LEO &
operatives might try to falsely accuse me as mentally ill person in order to dismiss my real information
and mislead the people.

(attachment 5)-impostor used the account address of to post his own words
(Note, I have marked the beginning of each line from his post with '>' because I would like add some
comments regarding his/her statements in this fake post and intentionally enlarge the part of the post
which show its true origin).
>From: impersonated AYu556548 <>
Newsgroups: alt. conspiracy
Subject: Re: (Revised) A shocking informational Yu caught few invisible operatives
>Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 14:10:47 -0700
>Message-ID: <>
References: <
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
>Xref: alt.conspiracy:423899
>My mistake! There is no involved LEO in my home. I was mistaken all this
>time. So sorry to mislead everyone. I have not captured any agents.

I only reported that I have caught few invisible operatives with created magnetic field and I didn't
know that if I have caught agents who direct these invisible operatives. However, if the impostor's
words were all true, why didn't this impostor deny my information with his own name, account
address directly? If they tell truth, they didn't need to impersonate me (Alan Yu) to deny it?

It is obviously that they knows that they are liars and people will not trust their own words to simply
deny my reports without counter evidence.

>Please ignore impostor who claims he is Alan Yu.

Yes, Please ignore any impostor who claim he is Alan Yu without attaching my webpage address and
my full signature at the end of each post.

> There is no involved LEO or Philadelphia experiment.

If the impostor's words were true, why can't he deny it with counter evidences and debate with me on
internet openly? Since the impostor impersonated me (Alan Yu) to deny everything, it has shown that
the involved LEO & operatives have failed to deny the facts with counter evidence.

> I was on very strong medication, and I was mislead by this before, but
>I am OK now. please ignore former posts about magnetic dimension.

Why would the impostor falsely accuse me that I were under medication (& were under very strong
I believe that the impostor was trying to cooperate with other collaborators of involved LEO to falsely
accuse me as mentally ill person.

I swear with God as my witness, I tell the truth about invisibility technology, invisible operatives and
illness/death inducing techniques of surveillance station/system (Just like when I first started to post
on Usenet about the EM mind reading machine, many of their cooperators falsely accused me as
mentally-ill, impersonate me on the Usenet, etc. Now, information has surfaced to prove what I have
posted about EM mind reading machine to be true). I will be responsible for my words to God and I
have no fear because what I say is true.

Second fake post:

On (August 24, 1999) I found another fake post on the internet by someone impersonating me. The
article was posted on 8-23-99 from the host NNTP-Posting-Host: (as same as
first fake post) and was NOT posted by me, Alan Yu.

The impostor repeated the obvious mistake that he/she neither attached my webpage address, nor
attached my signature.

The impostor is trying to use my name to deny my report after these involved LEO & operatives have
failed to debate the content of my articles about invisibility technology with me.

Why would this person impersonate me and post the announcement using my name?
That's because these involved LEO & operatives know that people don't believe them after they
frequently tell lies and mislead people with false accusation without any evidence (e.g., they denied
the electromagnetic wave mind machine & microwave voices device exist after I reported it on
internet in 1994. Furthermore, they even falsely accuse me as mentally- ill person after I continuously
claim that EM mind machine & microwave voice device have been invented & used in surveillance
station/system-see details on my webpage-Part I-A).

Therefore, besides arranging invisible operatives of surveillance station/system to secretly enter my

home to induce illness/death on me, one of them impersonated Alan Yu's Aol address to post the fake
letter on internet to falsely accuse me as under medication. Their goal is obviously trying to falsely
accuse me as mentally-ill person in order to dismiss the real information of life control, invisibility
technology and illness/death inducing from surveillance station/system.

(attachment 6)-Fake post- forging address but it was actually posted from
NNTP-Posting-Host: and not from the server. Note, I have marked each
line of forge post with ">" because I have added some comments regarding the content of this forge
post. I have also enlarge the line which point out the true origin of this post.
Without webpage address of Alan Yu on top

>From: AYu5565448 <>

>Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
>Subject: Re: (4): Citizens' health/lives are illegally controlled by involved >LEO from local
surveillance station/system
>Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:09:24 -0700
>Message-ID: <
>References: <> <7poijb$dae$6@ssauraaa-i-
>X-Accept-Language: en
>Xref: alt.conspiracy:425079
>I have wasted much time and bandwidth on this theory of mine which is
>now a mistake.

This impostor impersonate me (Alan Yu) to claim that life control is a mistake. If his words were
correct, why he didn't use counter evidences to directly and openly deny it on internet?

>There is no involved LEO with secret magnetic dimension agents.

If above words were true, the impostor can also deny it with counter evidence directly. Why he didn't
do it on internet directly but impersonate me (Alan Yu) to deny my words?
Does he know that he is a liar and people will not trust the words of these involved LEO & operatives
in surveillance station/system?

> I thought this was so because of my medication was much

>too strong and It made me hallucinate.

Why would the impostor try to falsely accuse me under medication & hallucinate? It only proves that
these involved LEO & operatives are planing to set me up as mentally-ill person.

>I am better now, but I apologize for ranting as if there were actually
>secret operatives in the magnetic dimension, which I now know to be false.

Why would the impostor impersonate me to apologize for my reports and claim that the invisible
operatives do not exist? If my reports are false, they can produce counter evidences to directly debate
with me on internet openly.

Their effort to impersonate me only further show that my report on invisible operatives & illness/death
inducing from surveillance station/system are true. Also my reports have caused them to be afraid that
their secret will be exposed to society completely.

>I am aware also that there is an impostor claiming to be me and

>tries to discredit me by saying that there is evidence from experiments
>that these bees do exist.

The impostor further impersonate me to deny my own articles which discuss the invisibility
>do not listen to him. it is all false.

The impostor further asked readers to listen to him (impostor) but do not listen to the real author. Why
can't impostor use his own name, own account address to deny what he try to deny on internet openly?
It must be that the impostor knows that after I use real information (e.g. news reports, scientist's
books, released document, etc.) to prove my report, he cannot simply deny everything with his own
words without counter evidences.


This is the only words that I can accept and offer to the readers for their efforts to find out the truth.

Third fake post:

On 9--5-99, the impostor is once again impersonating me (Alan Yu) from my account address
( with the following article:<Shocking Update> Tiny Invisible Operatives
Found To Only Be A Bad Case >Of Head Lice!

It is obvious that the impostor's intention is to make me look silly and dismiss the real information
about the invisible operatives' "tiny size (little bee)" from surveillance station/system.

(attachment)-The impostor's post was from NNTP-Posting-Host: and should be from 936512047
From: (AYu5565448)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns
Subject: <Shocking Update> Tiny Invisible Operatives Found To Only Be A Bad Case Of Head Lice!
Message-ID: <>
X-Newsreader: MicroPlanet Gravity v2.12 Lines: 117
X-Trace: 936512047 (Sun, 05 Sep 1999 02:14:07 EDT)
>Shocking Update as I (Alan Yu) had my hair cut! Yesterday I decided it
>was time to get a cutting of the hair. After checking closely for
>activities of the Life Controllers (with their tiny invisible operatives
>and corrupted LEO's) around my armpits, heart, lungs, urethra, anus, and
>especially near my genitals, I decided to get a cutting of hair.
It is obvious that they are trying to spread false information to cover up their embarrassment after I
have captured a few invisible operatives with magnetic field (although they escaped later (with
creating electromagnetic pulse from HPM weapon).

Also, I have used two magnets each time to capture a few invisible operatives who flew and landed on
my body to attack my heart. However, these few invisible operatives have been rescued (by using
invisibility technology on these magnets and taking it away to safe place to release them) when I went
to sleep.

To regain their reputation of "undefeatable" invisible warriors, these invisible operatives used
poisonous snakes to injure me, or secretly inject me with drugs when I was sleeping. However, before
I go to sleep, I have spread enough alcohol on the side of my bed and it is enough to keep these
invisible operatives away for about an hour. That's the reason why these invisible operatives have
stolen a few bottles of alcohol from my home.

> <Conclusion> ........ While the barber was very nice man, he told many lies
>to me about how I (Alan Yu)
>needed to be on medication and perhaps
>even locked away at what he called
>"The Giggle Hotel" for a while.

Why do they still impersonate me to falsely accuse me of being under medication? After the involved
LEO & operatives frequently make false accusation on their targets and use lies to mislead our society,
aware people do not trust their words.

>Please do not listen to the impostor. He/she is only an agent for the Life
>Controllers and is most certainly a corrupt LEO.

Only these words can be accepted as a true statement.


Dear Readers,

When I responded to a reply on internet, I found that the reply was coming from the same place (see
detail on path) & same server ( where an impostor impersonate me to post a article
lately -subject:<Shocking Update> Tiny Invisible Operatives Found To Only Be A Bad Case Of Head
Lice! (as above attachment).
Therefore, I must suspect this person, Edward K. Jordan, might be the same guy who impersonated me
to post a fake article lately.

If this person Edward K. Jordan ( is an involved LEO and was

the impostor who impersonated me, it does prove my words that these invisible operatives induce
illness/death on citizens from surveillance station/system under involved LEO's direction.
Recently, these tiny invisible operatives secretly used poisonous snakes to bite me, secretly injected
drugs into my buttocks, and spread poisonous substances on my body. Their goal is to poison me and
falsely accuse me as mentally ill in order to dismiss my true information about invisibility technology
and the tiny size of these invisible operatives from surveillance station/system.

If they successfully passed the poison through my blood stream to affect my brain, they would achieve
their misleading goal AND falsely accuse me as mentally ill. With the three recent fake posts which all
claimed that I were under medication and the numerous invisible operatives who have recently tried to
poison me, it proves that these collaborators on the internet & invisible operatives are working
together to set me up as mentally ill and that these criminal activities must be a scheme under the
direction of the involved LEO.

To prove my words, I would attach the reply following the latest fake post.

>Subject: Re: Why is an invisible operative's size tiny?

>From: (Edward K. Jordan)
>Newsgroups: alt.government.abuse
>NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 21:13:39 EDT
>Date: Mon, 6 Sep
>>1999 20:11:58 -0500 On 06 Sep 1999 21:08:30 GMT,
>>AYu5565448 said....
>> How can we know that the invisible operatives' size are tiny in magnetic
>>dimension? There are six reasons: 1. Based on inside information, these
>>operatives become invisible & tiny after they use the invisibility
>>technology to enter the magnetic dimension.
>...and once they are in the "magnetic dimension" how could they know their >direction?

In my previous post, I have stated that based on the informant, none of their scientists (who are related
with these involved LEO) knows that what the dimension these invisible operatives enter into?
However, the informant called it magnetic dimension because the invisibility technology is to create
strong electromagnetic field on subject to achieve.

However, after I read your opinion, I think that this secret dimension should be called electromagnetic

>how do they find out what direction they are traveling? It is clear that a
>magnetic field (especially a artificially created electromagnetic one) would
>make ordinary compass totally useless. It would be unfortunate to be
>shrunk down to the size of a mosquito only to end up in Mexico due to
>some poor navigation.

Obviously, this question must have been solved in Philadelphia experiment. That's because in the
Philadelphia experiment, after creating strong electromagnetic field to the ship to make it invisible,
after a few minutes the ship could appear Norfolk, VA as the original plan.

Furthermore, American people current all in GWEN system-in a electromagnetic field, the facts
proves one can still use compass in an electromagnetic field.

>> 2. The name of Operation Pandora (illness-inducing technique research)

>> in 1960s. The word Pandora is a reference to a Greek myth about the
>>"little sprits" which were released from Pandora' s box. These little spirits
>>brought forth illness/death (which didn't exist prior to the box's opening)
>>onto people. This meaning of the code name of Pandora suits the insider
>>information that these invisible operatives become very small (like little
>>spirits) when they enter the secret magnetic dimension; also, these small
>>invisible operatives (as little "spirits") will induce illness/death on their
>>victims remotely from the secret magnetic dimension after they enter
>>people's home/offices from surveillance system. Furthermore, the
>>following information also prove that the first goal of mind control
>>programs (research) is to develop assassin. That's why the involved LEO
>>would develop the induce illnesses/deaths techniques and illegally use it on
>>citizens from surveillance station/system.

>And why would they reach the conclusion that control of citizens only
>comes from a well developed assassination program?

No! The government didn't agree with that by using the assassination program to control citizen. The
government only allowed that by using remote electric method to control people's emotion states and
behaviors in order to control citizen well.

Since 1970s, the mind-control technologies (including electromagnetic wave mind machine & remote
electric method) have been used in surveillance systems. It was used to build a "more controlled and
directed society." This society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by
allegedly superior scientific know-how.

The original goals were to use the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and
keeping society under close surveillance and control. Therefore, this so-called elite group obviously
includes the law enforcement officers (LEO) and their operatives. That's because LEO are responsible
for the surveillance and control of society.

(attachment)--_Angels Don't Play This HAARP_ by Jeane Manning & Dr. Nick Begich in 1995
As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter,
predicted a "more controlled and directed society" would gradually appear, linked the technology. This
society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses voters by allegedly superior scientific
know- how.

Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its
political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping
society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific momentum would then feed on
the situation it exploits, Brzezinski predicted (see page 200 on Angels Don't Play This HAARP by
Jeane Manning & Dr. Nick Begich in 1995).

After the remote electrical life manipulation method, electromagnetic waves mind machine (see details
on webpage Part X) and mind-control technologies had been used in the surveillance system, the
surveillance system has become the citizens' emotional states & behaviors control surveillance system.

That's why the Gwen system towers keep emitting electromagnetic wave to make people staying in a
electromagnetic wave field.
After setting the entire country in the electromagnetic field, each involved local LEO & operatives can
remotely manipulate people's emotional states, behaviors etc. by directing a carrier frequency to
stimulate the target's brain.

(attachment)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

In his pioneering work, Dr. Ross Adey determined that emotional states and behavior can be remotely
influenced merely by placing a subject in an electromagnetic field. By directing a carrier frequency to
stimulate the brain and using amplitude modulation to shape the wave to mimic a desired EEG
frequency, he was able to impose a 4.5 CPS theta rhythm on his subjects.
Therefore, after the electromagnetic field (waves) is irradiated across the entire United States from
GWEN system (since early of 1980s), the US citizens have all been set into the electromagnetic field.
Thus, the involved law enforcement officers & operatives can use a carrier frequency to influence
citizens' emotional states and behaviors (GWEN system see details on webpage Part II). It means that
the involved LEO & operatives can use technologies similar to that of power beaming system (see
details later) to power the electromagnetic wave (as a carrier frequency) to influence the citizens'
emotion or behaviors in US.

>That defies logic as assassinations tend to create turmoil rather than


The above information has proven that government was only trying to control citizens' emotions &
behaviors. However, power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore, some corrupted
LEO secretly & illegally transferred the illness/death inducing techniques to the legal surveillance
system, along with mind control technology. Thus, not only can the involved LEO influence citizens'
emotions. behaviors, but they also can illegally induce illness/death on citizens (including high
ranking political persons-e.g. 1998 FL. governor Lawton Chiles) from surveillance station/system
without most victims' knowledge.

What are the illnesses/deaths inducing techniques?

According to an April 2, 1979 WASHINGTON POST article, since 1950s, the CIA have conducted
research on methods to induce death (cancer & heart attack) in order to knock off or assassinate their
targets, so the targets appeared to die of natural causes.

(attachment)-"Assassination by 'Natural Causes' - CIA Considered Inducing Death" (Washington Post,

Heavily censored CIA documents from a quarter-century ago show the Agency considered performing
experiment on terminal cancer patients under the guise of "legitimate medical work.
The document do not indicate, however, whether the talk of inducing cancer and heart attack got past
the memorandum stage.
The CIA project apparently started with an undated, unsigned note indicating concern about the
vulnerability of US leaders to assassination by "natural causes." Knock off key people," the heavily
censored document said, "how knock off key guys ... natural cause...
Human subjects would be available for work that could be carried out as legitimate medical

Since such kinds of research and experiment started in the 1950s, it has proven that the CIA mind-
control technologies include such death inducing techniques.

The above document also proves that there was unsigned note "indicating concern about the
vulnerability of US leaders to assassination by "natural causes." The above words shows that
government document indicated that the inducing illness/death techniques was designed to use on
enemy of foreign country and concerned about to be abused on US citizens (including political
persons). Therefore, to induce illnesses/deaths on US citizens (including political leaders) from
surveillance station/system obviously is either a crime (if inducing of illnesses) or murder (when
inducing of deaths).

>> 3. When I use equipment to build magnetic fields to surround my bed (to
>> use the fields as defensive wall), I usually found that these invisible
>>operatives still can enter through the space between the two magnetic
>>fields to attack me. So, I adjusted these magnetic field to make the space
>>between the two field smaller. Therefore, by adjusting the space between
>>the two magnetic fields until no operatives can enter, one can estimate the
>>sizes of these operatives. By performing this type of adjustment of the
>>small space between the two magnetic field, I can stop these invisible
>>operatives from entering some places, and the small space (between two
>>magnetic field) lead me to know that the invisible operatives' size must be
>>very small or tiny.

>You are a very busy man, being unable to even lie down without the
>application of a magnetic field to your sleeping quarters.

Yes, That's because these invisible operatives are trying to induce illness/death on me after I expose
their top secret of invisibility technology & their tiny size on internet openly.

>It has also been noted that a large dose of Thorizine has been known to
>create large magnetic fields around the subject making it impossible to use
>invisible operatives.

If it were true, you can use it by yourself.

>> 4. Last month, I have captured few invisible operatives with magnets
>>(these invisible operatives usually wear some type of "body armor"
>>when they land on a target's body to "directly" attack the target). One of
>>them was captured after an invisible operative landed on my chest.
>>First, I pressed a magnet on top of the operative, but the invisible
>>operative keep moving toward my heart and continuously attack my heart
>>with the chronal gun. Since I have used a magnet to pressed the invisible
>>operative, I got a very good "feel" about the size of this invisible
>>operative and can estimate its size by the what I felt on my skin.

>Why not just use a fly swatter? If they are large enough to "feel" then
>they are large enough to crush to bug-juice with a fly swatter.

No! These invisible operatives' size even small than the space in the fly swatter.

>> 5. My kidney has been injured several time with chronal gun while I was
>>using the bathroom. Before receiving inside information about the small
>>size of these invisible operatives, I only considered these injuries were
>>caused by hidden emitters. Therefore, I usually put small equipment as the
>>shield in front of my kidney region to protect it from injury. However, the
>>result was not very good.

>What kind of "small equipment"? A chastity belt?

No! The chastity belt cannot be used to block the invisible operatives to injure a woman's birth canal
because these invisible operatives are tiny enough to pass the space in chastity belt.
>> After I found out about the size of these invisible operatives, I determine
>>the kidney injuries were caused by these invisible operatives after they
>>land on my belt (near the kidney region) to attack my kidneys.
>>Therefore, when an invisible operative attack my kidney, I used magnets
>>to capture the invisible operatives on my belt (located near my kidney).
>>After I try to use the magnets to capture the invisible operative, the
>>invisible operative flew away because the pains were gone immediately.
>>From the above case, one can figure out that an invisible operative's
>>real size is tiny if they can hide on a person's belt.

>Solution: Don't wear a belt.

NO! These tiny invisible operatives can still hide on the elastic band of your under wear.

>> 6. According to inside information, the most dangerous tactics of tiny

>>invisible operative is that after an individual operative wear metal "body
>>armor", he will either enter a target's urinary tract or ear canal to
>>torture an unaware target. From above information, one can estimate that
>>how tiny size an invisible operative is.

>That sounds horribly nasty. Ear wax and urine might get past the "metal
>body armor" and make this whole procedure a serious disease risk to the
>tiny invisible operative (under the direction of Life Controllers and
>corrupt LEO's).

It is their tactics and only use on unaware person to avoid themselves being injured. Also, these
invisible oepratives are surrounded with electromagnetic field. Thus, they can avoid touching feces
and becoming infected with bacteria.

>How do they keep the tiny invisible operatives from being exposed to
>various disease causing organisms.

I would suggest that everyone use alcohol to spread on them if anyone is aware of being injured by
these invisible operatives.

The fourth fake post:

Unfortunately, one of these involved LEO & operatives impersonate me to post fake article again. I
would enclosed this fake post and make some comment to it.

>From:AYu6656448 <> >Newsgroups:alt.conspiracy >Subject:EVERYONE!!
NOTICE!! Invisibility & interdimensional travel is >FALSE!!
>Date:Fri, 17 Sep 1999 14:29:41 -0700 >Organization:
>Message-ID: <
> NNTP-Posting-Host: is impostor's real address)

>This impostor who claims he is Alan Yu must STOP!!!!

Yes! The impostor must be telling lies because he deny everything without counter evidence.
Therefore, he only can impersonate original writer to deny the truth.

>As I have said before, I had taken strong medication due to my condition
>and this caused me to hallucinate

After you guys continuously impersonate me to post fake article, I do believe that you guys had taken
strong medication due to your condition,

> that there were secret agents working through the magnetic dimension.

You can use your own name to deny it with counter evidences if you guys were telling truth.

>As the doctors and Engineers who have worked on this technology
>answered in this newsgroup before, there is no possibility that any human
>can transport through the magnetic opening, and move through the
>invisible dimension.

However, after I replied it with several posts, the doctor and engineers didn't reply my posts to give
detail answer.

Scientists' knowledge should be respected, but everyone knows that a researcher working on classified
projects is not allowed to reveal true information. Furthermore, to protect their classified project's
secrets on the internet, some of these kinds of scientists might use their professional status to
intentionally mislead people.

For example, when I reported EM mind machine has been invented and used from surveillance system
in 1994, some scientists also use mislead words to deny EM mind machine existence.

If you guys are willing to earn the trust from people, you can use counter evidences & information to
deny my report. Why you can only impersonate me to deny everything without counter evidence?

Normally, one would openly deny another person's report with counter evidence under one's own real
name & account address. After a person impersonates another by posting fake articles and use them to
deny reports, anybody aware of this will never believe any word of the impostor.

>This imposter continues to claim he is me, please do not listen to him.

Comparing with above words, these involved LEO's operatives must have many experiences to
impersonate other.

>There is no secret magnetic dimension that illegal LEO operatives can use. I
>have documentation that the "Philadelphia Experiment" is false entirely.

If your words were true, you guys only need to use your own account address and enough counter
evidence to deny my reports.
After you continuously impersonate Alan Yu to post your words, it has shown that you know that Alan
Yu is telling the truth and you have no enough counter evidences to deny his reports.

>Thanks for your attention.

I hope that you guys can use your own names & real account address to post your words-no matter
what you want to say- next time

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