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Interview with the Purple Progenitor Part 1

Huh? What are you doing here?

You want to interview me? Hmm, seems like you’ve got a lot of spare
time on your hands, Ra—

Huh? Don’t say your name? That’s asking a lot. Why don’t you just
edit it out of the article yourself?

That’s too tedious? Are you serious? Tch. Okay, fine.

I’ll do your interview, but I hope you’re grateful for my kindness,

It goes without saying, but the demon world is so boring, right?

No one’s got anything to do except fight among themselves, and

wherever you go, all you see are weaklings causing a ruckus to prove
that they’re better than the others. For someone like us, none of them
are close to being worthy opponents.

I could take on those rowdy weaklings… But it would be like using a

sledgehammer crack a nut. Nothing more than a bit of pointless
entertainment. Huh? What? I should just get incarnated quickly and
aim for something bigher?

That doesn’t sound that fun, either. For starters, no one in the living
world, which is basically the human world, is strong enough.

That’s why I’m not in any rush to be incarnated.

Yeah, I guess. Your theory is that Demons should follow the principles
and be incarnated in order to evolve even further, right? To do so.

That’s a fair argument. I can see why you can’t understand why we
refuse. But simply being incarnated is no fun. Like I said, the demon
world is just so boring.
That’s why we’re playing a game to see who can achieve the ideal
incarnation first.

But it’s no fun just finding any old body.

Our rule is that whoever obtains a perfectly matching vessel is

deemed the winner. And by the way, none of us are allowed to go
look for a vessel ourselves. They have to be prepared by our
subordinates, you see…

So all three of us have been playing this game for thousands of

years, each in our own way. Initially, it looked like Yellow was in the

I’m still annoyed at Blondie for having ordered her militant henchmen
to go attacking my subordinates.

That being said, I’m sure she thinks I’m the mean one, since I totally
got my revenge on her.

Regarding that… I won’t deny that both sides were at fault. Anyway,
while we were engaged in an all-out war, that devious White made
her move.

Seriously, White is one cunning fox.

I swear she’s always been like that. She was scheming behind the
scenes and almost got the jump on us, but me and Blondie joined
forces to prevent her from getting ahead.

She almost had us that time.

From that point on, our competition has continued in a three-way


What’s been interesting is that all three of our personalities are

reflected in our different approaches. For example, White always lays
down the groundwork, and then proceeds cautiously, so as not to get
caught by us.
That might seem like a smart move, but at the same time, it means
that she only has a single plan. That’s why we can easily crush it by
attacking her subordinates at the very last moment.

I guess that’s easier said than done, though.

After all, she does everything she can to keep her plans a secret, so
we have to constantly engage in information warfare to keep up with
the latest developments.

On top of that, White’s forces are so well protected that if me or

Blondie went in with just our own forces, we wouldn’t be able to bring
them down.

That’s why it’s a must that we join forces when we’re trying to take
down White. But that being said, I don’t think Blondie’s even trying to
win this game anymore.

The last time she put in any effort was when she created a powerful
life form in some small country in Sarion, but even that was about a
hundred years ago.

Oh, you heard about that?

Yeah, that’s right. The Blond Hero, otherwise known as Demon Lord
Leon, took it down.

Well, I was actually the one who led the Hero there. You should have
seen the frustration on Yellow’s face that time!

On top of that, she didn’t know that it was all my doing, and she
ended up getting upset at Leon!

I mean, I couldn’t believe that Leon would build his own nation in
Yellow’s domain, of all places! I gotta say, that was hilarious!

Oh, you’re the one who recommended that continent to him?!

Wow, I bet you did that on purpose, knowing that Yellow would have a
fit and take it all out on Leon.

I always knew it, but you are one twisted girl… Huh? Look who’s

Hahaha, I’ll let that slide since you let me in on a good story. Besides,
Yellow’s focus is on Leon now, so it’s all good.

I guess I ought to thank you for that.

After all, she’s recently taken up the hobby of developing super flashy
and powerful magic

and has been relentlessly blasting it away at Leon’s nation for days
on end.

I’d be so upset if she was directing it at me, but it’s hilarious watching
it happen to other people.

Her subordinates have always been the type that are only interested
in strengthening their own forces, so her troops have always stirred
up most chaos in the demon world.

I gotta thank Demon Lord Leon for attracting all their attention to him.

Did I do all that in order to train Demon Lord Leon? Sure, if that’s how
you want to interpret it.

Oops, I got sidetracked. So yeah, basically, I’ve got several plans

running simultaneously.

I’m equally dedicated to all the plans, but at the same time, they all
act as decoys. You see?

I only need one plan to succeed, so why not increase my chances by

running multiple plans at once?
As well as trying to actually accomplish something, it’s kind of like a
hobby for me, too…so you could say that I’m trying to kill two birds
with one stone. As for the result, well…as you can see, I’ve still not
been incarnated. Also, it’s not like the more minions I have, the better
life gets. I hate having to deal with all the idiots that end up joining my
forces. Seriously, being a king ain’t easy…

Interview with the Purple Progenitor Part 2

Exactly! Like the other day, my plan got ruined just as was about to

That really annoyed me. I mean, the perfect vessel was just about to
be born, and then poof…it was gone. Then again, the minion I put in
charge of was no good to begin with.

You want to hear what the plan was? Hmm, okay, I’ll give you the gist
of it.

It took place in a small nation next to the Forest of Jura…Raja, I think

it was called.

It used to be a nation where monsters and humans lived together.

But they were weaker than the Armed Nation of Dwargon, ruled by
the Dwarf King, so it got attacked by ferocious monsters and it was
also targeted by humans as a useful source of labor. Back when the
nation was first founded, there were no local specialties, and food
productivity was low due to its poor soil.

Goes without saying, really. It was a nation where the oppressed fled
to, so it was only natural that it wasn’t wealthy.

If you ask me, the queen of that nation was too kind.

But because she was so good-natured, I thought she would be the

perfect person to play a trick on.
Back then, this queen was under a lot of pressure, desperately
praying every day. So I thought I’d answer her prayers, you see…

Yeah, so offered to play a game with her. A game in which I’d channel
my powers into a tiara, and see how she’d handle wearing it.

The more of the tiara’s power she used, the more the cursed poison
cast on it would consume her body.
It was my intention to pass down the curse through the generations
until one day a perfect vessel would be created for me to take over.

Since there’s no limit to human greed, most of them rely too much on
the tiara and quickly end up completely ruined.

But at the time, predicted that the queen had such a noble soul that
she wouldn’t rely on the tiara more than necessary.

My prediction was right, and she was never consumed by her own

Instead, she used the power of the tiara to enrich her nation and help
the most vulnerable monsters and people in society. But as a result,
eventually her soul was greatly worn out.

The curse was embedded into the queen’s body, and passed on to
the next queen.

But just because the first queen had enriched her nation, that didn’t
make it easier for the following generations.
Like I said earlier, this nation was the worst place imaginable. Not
only was it constantly under attacks from the forest, but there were
plenty of greedy, ambitious people, too…

Raja was the target of all these threats.

And it was the gold mine that I found for the Humans that really
ignited their greedy desires.

The gold from the mine provided wealth to the nation, but it also
brought out the worst in Humans. My plan was to use that to cause a
great disaster.

I also knew that if the nation suddenly got wealthy, the surrounding
nations would want a piece of it. As a result, Raja would enter an era
of constant warfare.

Huh? Am I okay with saving someone and then making them go

through so much suffering? You’re not seriously asking me that, are

I like watching people go through pain, despair, and sorrow. But what
I like even more is witnessing someone with a strong will overcome
that adversity.

You’re the same, right? Yeah, I thought so.

The best thing about this game is watching how the generations of
queens tried to fight back in the face of great calamity.

Okay, back to what was saying. You see, the more they used the
tiara, the more the cursed poison was embedded, and the closer I got
to finding the perfect vessel.

So there was no reason for me to help them out.

As for how the game went down…well, got to enjoy it a lot more than
The descendants of the first queen really inherited her noble soul.

Normally, you’d get an idiot every few generations, but still to this day,
those queens have all had integrity.

That’s pretty rare, so I thought there might be a chance that one of

them would win the game for me.

I got a lot of enjoyment out of them, so I thought I wouldn’t mind if the

game ended that way.

Yeah. Whatever the outcome of the game was going to be, it was
really entertaining for me. But then, one of my minions totally messed
everything up.

You see, I created a prototype of a magic circle with cursed poison…

I was going to use it on the Demon Lord Luminus to pester her, but
this minion of mine took it without my permission and went out of their
way to inflict a disaster upon Raja.

Even though it was only a prototype, it was still something that I made
myself. It spread poison for hundreds of years, tormenting
generations of queens.

Not only that, but it seemed the poison spread to the surrounding
nations as well. Talk about driving the queens to their limits…

Yeah, that was totally against the rules.

After all, there’s nothing more boring than a game that you know for
sure that you’re going to win.

Of course, I do want a vessel, but I’d rather be incarnated fair and


And yet… One of my own minions spoiled all my fun.

But it actually ended up making me even more impressed. Like, how

could they withstand such misery for hundreds of years?
Honestly, I was so impressed that I even thought about rewarding
them for it, regardless of the game.

But what I didn’t like was the fact that THAT guy was the one who
informed me about it…

Interview with the Purple Progenitor Part 3

Yeah, THAT guy. You know, that pain in the neck, Noir.

Don’t you think it’s just awful that he butted in like that when the game
had nothing to do with him?

Oh, you agree? Hmm, I guess he’s been annoying you as well, huh?

What? He definitely saw you, but he totally ignored you?

Yeah, he’s like that. Noir’s always so selfish and egotistical.

That’s not all? Hmm… You’re upset that he disrespected you, huh?

Yeah, I bet he thinks he’s the strongest out of all of us. Gosh, that’s
so annoying.

Oh, that reminds me. Did you know that he totally sold out?

Remember how he had no interest in evolving to become stronger,

because he always wanted to put himself in difficult battles?

Well, guess what? Not only did he get incarnated, but he even got a

Thanks to that, he got so strong that even I can’t hold him back.

So, as much as I hated to do so, had no choice but to withdraw.

Although, did put up a fight, since I’m not one to back down so easily.
But he defeated me just like that. Even Nihilistic Vanish, which was
supposed to be my trump card, barely worked on him.

I thought it would at least leave a scratch on him.

I hate having to repeat myself, but he’s so annoying. What? You’ll get
revenge on him for me?

Nah, I don’t think you’d stand a chance.

Sure, you’ve been incarnated and got yourself a name, so you’re on

equal terms with him, but no…

You’re probably stronger than me now, but he’s just fundamentally


I guess Guy’s the only one who can defeat him.

You’re still going to fight him? Okay, I won’t stop you, and wish you
the best of luck, but I think you’re cruising for a bruising.

Besides, he did at least accept your interview, right?

Ah, see… So halfway through, it stopped being an interview and just

turned into him boasting, huh?

So now you’re annoyed at him for that.

Oh! Was he boasting about that Slime called Rimuru, who recently
turned into a Demon Lord?

I knew it… Huh? Why do I know about it?

Well, I had to suffer loads of endless boasting about him, too.

I mean, the reason he came all the way to see me was basically that
he wanted to boast about his incarnation and how he got a name.
I bet he only told me about my minion messing things up just so he
could talk about himself.

Seriously, he just wouldn’t shut up about that Great Rimuru guy.

Oh yeah, didn’t you meet him at Walpurgis, too?

What was he like? Wait, don’t tell me you’re interested in this Demon
Lord Rimuru as well.

So you want to talk about him, too? I can tell. You’re ready to start
going on and on about him.

How could I tell? It’s easy. For a split second, you had the same eyes
that Noir had.

You don’t want to be compared to Noir? Well, I can’t help it. It’s the

I see… To have even made you interested in him, Demon Lord

Rimuru must be pretty unique.

Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have withdrawn halfway…

What am I talking about? Don’t worry, it doesn’t concern you.

Oh yeah! Actually, it’s still not too late.

I’m gonna head back to the human world one more time to try and
accomplish what I originally set out to do.

Alright, that’s all for the interview.

There’s still time? As if I care!

Okay, I’ll be off now. Bye!

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