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2- Actividades de Contextualización

Dear apprentice, you will see in this part of the learning guide, a challenge about what you`re about to see
in this trimester. Focus on what challenge says and do it properly. Read well and answer each challenge
the way you think it is at this point. Good luck!!

Challenge #1: Is the last day in the company where you have been doing your productive part and the
company is asking you a feedback about the experience during this time: how has been your learning
process, the environment with the coworkers and the experience working as an apprentice in the
company. Write a short paragraph telling your experience.

My practice process as an apprentice was good, both work and socially, the people of senior
positions were very patient with me, because they knew that I was not yet an expert in work
performance, in general it was an experience where I learned and at the same time I felt very well

Challenge #2: Your process in the company has been excellent and the Company is considering continue
with an employment contract. For that reason the "Human Resources Department" wants a short
interview where you have to show up your desires, expectations and plans in the company.

It is a good offer that they offer me, my wishes in the company will be to continue learning to reach
greater ranks in the company or simply personally in my working life, I always ask for respect for
myself and the rights I have as an employee


3- Actividades de Apropiación

“Precisar vocabulario, tiempos verbales, frases y enunciados necesarios para la construcción de textos.”

3.1 Vamos a tomar en cuenta en este primer encuentro el tiempo futuro. Para eso tenemos que saber
diferenciar los diferentes futuros que van a utilizar o han utilizado hasta el momento. Para entender
toda la metodología de una manera eficaz, se le sugiere al aprendiz leer muy bien y analizar el proceso
gramatical para resolver de una manera adecuado los ejercicios.

Hasta el momento aprendiz ya sabes o tienes una idea de cómo utilizar el futuro Will por lo que
enfocaremos esta explicación en la diferencia gramatical y de conocimiento entre Will y Going to.

GOING TO: Utilizamos esta forma para hablar de FUTURE WILL: Utilizamos esta forma para hablar de
predicciones o intenciones para el futuro. predicciones, decisiones, promesas y
Observa de acuerdo ofertas(ofrecimientos)

Aprendiz observa la forma gramatical de ambos tiempos en las siguientes imágenes:



Activity #1: A typical centre lathe is shown below. Add the missing labels, identified by the arrows.

1. Lathe Bed 9. Gear levers

2. Feed Shaft 10. Motor lever
3. Tailstock 11. coolant supply
4. Saddle 12. Top slide


5. Saddle handle 13. Leadscrew
6. Headstock 14. Cross slide
7. Toolpost 15. Feedshaft
8. Chuck 16. Emergency stop

Activity #2: Next week “Pedro” is going to do lathe preventative maintenance procedure in the
company where he is working. In the chart below, there is the schedule of the week. Answer the
questions using “going to” according to his activities.



level of
Doctor’s Meet with Test bottom Centre lubrican t oil Buy Clean the
appointment boss of coolant point on visor groceries house
tank alignment main for the
gearbox weekend

AFTERNOON Check tension Check Remove solids conditions Refill Lunch
of belts brake of coolant of all coolant tank with
Go to gym
conditions tank external parents
Run the lathe Check Check top Do
EVENING and test tailstock Attend bench maintenance Dinner with Relax at
coolant is locking conference lubrication report girlfriend home
supplied condition manual
properly. pump.

Answer the questions according to Pedro’s schedule:

1. When is Pedro going to see the doctor? Pedro is going to see the doctor on Monday morning
2. How many times is Pedro going to go to the gym next week? _____Pedro is going to a gym on
Saturday afternoon ___________________________
3. When is Pedro going to clean the house? _____Pedro is going to clean the house on Sunday
morning _________________________________________


4. Who is Pedro going to have lunch with? _________Pedro is going to lunch with
parents ______________________________________
5. What is Pedro going to do on Saturday before his dinner? ______________Pedro is going to gym
before his dinner ___________________
1. What is Pedro going to do on Tuesday? Pedro is going to meet with boss , Will check
brake conditions and will Check
2. tailstock locking condition
3. How many times is Pedro going to be at the supermarket? __________________ Pedro va solo
al supermercado el sábado por la mañana______________
4. When is Pedro going to have dinner with his girlfriend? ______________________Pedro is going
to dinner with his girlfriend Saturday evening ____________

Þ Taking into account the schedule for the maintenance write 5 positive examples that Pedro is going to
do and 5 negative examples
1. Pedro is not going to check brake
1. Pedro is going to check tension of belts conditions on Tuesday afternoon.
on Monday afternoon 2. __pedro is not going to Check tensión of
2. ______pedro is going to check of belts on Sunday evening 3. _pedro is not
tailstock locking consition on Tuesday going to check tailstock locking condition
evening on Monday morning
____________________________ 3. _______________________________
Pedro is going to of check brake 4.Pedro is not going to check level of
conditions on Tuesday afternoon lubrican oil visor main gearbox on
4. _pedro is going yo of remove sólids Tuesday afternoon
of coolant tank on Wednesday ________________________________
afternoon_________________________ 5. ___pedro is not going to remove sólids of
________ coolant tank on Monday evening
5. ___pedro is going to of verify conditions of allá _____________________________
external switches on Thursday

Activity #3: De acuerdo al tema visto, aprendiz desarrolla la siguiente actividad. Escribe 2
ejemplos utilizando “will o will not” acerca de su vida o su familia en el a;o 2030.


1. __i will profesional and have my own

2. __i will buy motorcycle and car sport ______________________________________
3. _I will not be bad person _____________________________________
4. ____i Will not get bad job _____________________________________
5. __I will good father with my son _______________________________________
6. _____ I will travel on airplane to many places and
7. __ my family will have a life loving and cheerful_______________________________________
8. _ my family will travel with me to new York________________________________________
9. __i will have my family with my wife _______________________________________
10. ____I alone will have two sons one girl and one boy ____________________________________
11. ___i Will not have money dirty _____________________________________
12. ______ I will be very happy in the life with my family, my wife and my two

a) PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Querido aprendiz ¿sabías que también puedes utilizar el presente continuo
para hablar sobre tus planes en el futuro?

Þ We're coming back tomorrow. (Volvemos mañana / vamos a volver mañana.)

Þ I'm getting my hair cut today. (Hoy voy a cortarme el pelo)
Þ We're staying until Monday. (Vamos a quedarnos hasta lunes)

A partir de los ejemplos anteriormente vistos, convierte las siguientes oraciones a presente continuo:

● I watch TV (tonight) (____i am watching tv

● She cook dinner (tomorrow) (___she is __cooking dinner
___for tomorrow________________)
● They play tennis (on Saturday) (_______they are ___playing
tennis on Saturday ______________)
● We go shop (on Friday) (____we are going shop on friday) ●


He work (next week) (______he is working next week)
I visit my uncle (at the weekend) (____________i am ___visiting My
uncle at the weekend_________)

Activity #4: Following the parameters of the “lathe preventative maintenance procedure”, consider
the guidelines values in lubrication parts and write sentences using present progressive about it

Lubricatio Perio Lubrican

n d t
Leadscrew nipple (by gun Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or
oiler) y compatible
Bed ways (by gun Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or
oiler) y compatible
Change gear nipple (by gun Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or
oiler) y compatible
Tailstock nipple (by gun Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or
oiler) y compatible
Apron & carriage (by handle Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or
pump) y compatible
Compound slides (by gun oiler) Dail SHELL TONNA 33 or compatible
Headstoc twice a year SHELL TELLUS 27 OR
k compatible

1. Leadscrew nipple is lubricating daily by a gun oiler with SHELL TONNA 33 or compatible 2.
Bed was is lubricating daily by gun oiler with setel tonna 33 or compatible
3. Charge gear nipple is lubricating daily by gun oiler with tonna 33 or compatible
4. Tailstock nipple is lubricating daily by gun oiler with tonna 33 or compatible
5. Apron a carriage are lubricating daily handle pump with shell tonna 33 or compatible
6. Compond sildes is lubricating daily by gun oiler with shell tonna 33 or compatible
7. Headstok is lubricating twice shell tellus 27 or compatible

Aprendiz esta es herramienta de verbos que a continuación les comparto una para que cada uno, utilice,
identifique y memorice. Los invito a que la lean y memoricen los verbos y como se pronuncia cada uno.



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