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Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Darwin Institute of Technology

RTO Code 41128 | CRICOS Code 03609J

Student ID: DIT-

Student Name:

Trainer’s Name:

Submissions Date: Term, Year


☐ C (Competent) ☐ NYC (Not Yet Competent)
SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Outcome (FOR TRAINER ONLY)

Assessment Attempt ☐ First Attempt ☐ Second Attempt ☐ Re-Assessment
Unit Assessment Task 1 ☐ S (Satisfactory) ☐ NS (Not Satisfactory)
Unit Assessment Task 2 ☐ S (Satisfactory) ☐ NS (Not Satisfactory)
Completion Status ☐ Complete ☐ Incomplete
Final Result ☐ C (Competent) ☐ NYC (Not Yet Competent)

Completion Date:
Reassessment date
Assessed by:
Feedback to candidate on overall performance during assessment:

Assessor declaration

☐ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the
assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment

☐ Do you understand student right to appeal the decisions made in an


Assessor name
Assessor signature

Assessment outcome C (Competent) NYC (Not Yet Competent)

Student Declaration:

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Course Name: Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Unit of Competency: SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work

health and safety practices
Student Name:

Student ID: DIT-

Student Email:

Student Mobile No:

Trainer’s Name:

☐ I fully understand the context and purpose of this assessment.

☐ I am fully aware of the competency criteria against which I will be
assessed. I have been given fair notice of the date, time and venue for
I declare
that: the assessment.
☐ I am aware of the resources I need and how the assessment will be
conducted. I have had the complaints & appeals policy and privacy
explained to me.
☐ I agree that I am ready to be assessed and that all work produced is my own.

Signature of Student:

Date: / /

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health
and safety practices. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices describes the performance
outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined work health and safety
practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to
monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk assessments, work
health and safety training, and the maintenance of records.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: WHS project – You are required to implement and monitor a range of
WHS activities.

Preparing for assessment

Please read through all of the assessment tasks and related documents carefully before you get
started. Ensure that you have everything that you need and seek clarification from your trainer,
assessor or workplace supervisor if you have any questions.

Supporting resources: Supporting resources include templates, journals, workbooks and

portfolios which can be used to support you in providing evidence of your competence. Your
assessor will provide you with these documents before you begin your assessment tasks. For
this unit, the supporting resources comprise:

 Blue Healer Café WHS Administration Policy and Procedure (Assessment Task 2)

 WHS Action Plan (Assessment Task 2)3

 Risk Management Plan template (Assessment Task 2)

 Meeting Room Hazard Inspection Checklist (Assessment Task 2)

 Hazardous Incidents Register (Assessment Task 2)

 WHS Management Report template (Assessment Task 2)

 WHS Training Report template (Assessment Task 2)

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Once you have read through the assessment tasks and are satisfied that you are clear on the
requirements and submission dates, complete and sign a Student Assessment Agreement. Your
assessor will countersign the agreement and keep it on file. You will find a Student Assessment
Agreement in Appendix B of your Hospitality Works Student User Guide or your RTO will provide
you with one.
Remember to check your Hospitality Works Student User Guide for information about:

 submitting assessments  re-assessment guidelines

 assessment appeals  responding to written questions.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks


1. Identify five examples of actions that a business needs to take to be legally compliant under
WHS legislation.

Answer: Here are the five examples of actions that a business needs to take be legally under
WHS legislation:

 Develop a WHS policy: A business needs to develop and implement a Workplace

Health and Safety (WHS) policy that outlines its commitment to creating and
maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for its employees.

 Conduct risk assessments: A business needs to identify and assess any potential
risks and hazards in the workplace that could harm its employees, customers, or
visitors. This includes conducting regular inspections and assessments of equipment,
machinery, and work processes to ensure they are safe.

 Provide adequate training: A business needs to provide its employees with adequate
training and supervision to ensure they are aware of any potential risks and hazards in
the workplace and how to manage them safely. This includes providing training on
safe work practices, use of protective equipment, and emergency procedures.

 Maintain accurate records: A business needs to keep accurate records of any

incidents, injuries, or accidents that occur in the workplace. This includes reporting
incidents to the relevant authorities and keeping records of any corrective actions
taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

 Consult with employees: A business needs to consult with its employees on WHS
matters to ensure they are aware of any potential risks and hazards in the workplace
and have a say in how to manage them safely. This includes encouraging employees
to report any safety concerns and taking action to address them.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

2. Identify four responsibilities employers have to provide a safe workplace.

Answer: Four responsibilities employers have to provide a safe workplace are:

 Identify and control workplace hazards: Employers have a responsibility to identify potential
hazards and risks in the workplace and take steps to control or eliminate them. This may

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

involve implementing engineering controls, administrative controls, or personal protective

equipment (PPE).

 Provide training and instruction: Employers are responsible for providing their employees
with appropriate training and instruction on how to work safely, use equipment safely, and
how to respond in the event of an emergency. Training should be provided to new
employees and regularly refreshed for all employees.

 Provide adequate resources: Employers have a responsibility to provide adequate

resources to ensure the workplace is safe. This may include funding, staffing, and
equipment required to ensure that the workplace is free of hazards and risks.

 Consult and communicate with employees: Employers are required to consult and
communicate with employees about matters of health and safety in the workplace. This
involves sharing information on hazards, risks, and safety procedures, and encouraging
employees to report any safety concerns or incidents. Employers should also encourage
employee participation in safety initiatives and seek their feedback and suggestions for

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

3. Identify four responsibilities employees have to ensure a safe workplace for themselves, their
colleagues and others who attend the workplace.

Answer: Four responsibilities employees have to ensure a safe workplace for themselves, their
colleagues and others who attend the workplace are:

 Follow safety procedures and protocols: Employees have a responsibility to follow all
safety procedures and protocols established by their employer. This includes following safe
work practices, using PPE, and reporting any safety concerns to their employer.

 Report any unsafe conditions or practices: Employees have a responsibility to report any
unsafe conditions or practices to their employer as soon as possible. This includes
reporting hazards, risks, or unsafe behaviors that could lead to injury or illness.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Participate in safety training: Employees have a responsibility to participate in safety

training and instruction provided by their employer. This includes attending safety meetings
and training sessions, and seeking clarification or guidance when needed.

 Take care of themselves and others: Employees have a responsibility to take care of
themselves and others in the workplace. This includes ensuring they are not under the
influence of drugs or alcohol while on the job, following safe work practices, and reporting
any injuries or incidents that occur while on the job. Additionally, employees should
encourage their colleagues to work safely and report any safety concerns they may have.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

4. List three reasons businesses are required to consult with the workforce on WHS matters.

Answer: Three reasons businesses are required to consult with the workforce on WHS matters

 Improved safety outcomes: Consulting with the workforce on WHS matters can lead to
improved safety outcomes in the workplace. Employees are often the ones who are most
familiar with the risks and hazards associated with their work and are therefore in a
position to identify areas where safety improvements can be made.

 Better risk management: Consultation with the workforce can help to identify potential risks
and hazards before they become serious issues. This allows businesses to proactively
manage risks and take steps to prevent incidents from occurring in the first place.

 Greater engagement and commitment: Consultation with the workforce can lead to greater
engagement and commitment from employees towards WHS matters. When employees
feel their opinions are valued and their input is being used to improve safety in the
workplace, they are more likely to take ownership of the safety culture and work proactively
to identify and manage risks. This can lead to a positive safety culture in the workplace,
which ultimately benefits both the business and its employees.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

5. Name the four occasions when employers are required by WHS legislation to consult with the

Answer: Four occasions when employers are required by WHS legislation to consult with the
workforce are:

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 When identifying hazards and assessing risks: Employers are required to consult with
their workforce when identifying hazards and assessing risks in the workplace. This
includes seeking input from employees on potential hazards, risks, and safety
concerns associated with their work.

 When developing and reviewing safety procedures: Employers are required to consult
with their workforce when developing and reviewing safety procedures. This includes
seeking input from employees on the practicality and effectiveness of safety
procedures and ensuring that safety procedures are communicated effectively to all

 When making decisions that may affect health and safety: Employers are required to
consult with their workforce when making decisions that may affect the health and
safety of their employees. This includes seeking input from employees on the potential
impact of decisions and taking into account any safety concerns raised by employees.

 When conducting WHS training: Employers are required to consult with their
workforce when conducting WHS training. This includes seeking input from
employees on their training needs and ensuring that training is effective and relevant
to their work. Employers should also provide opportunities for feedback and address
any issues raised by employees.

Satisfactory ☐ ☒ Not

6. Identify who the employers are required to consult with regarding WHS issues.

Answer: Employers are required to consult with their employees and any relevant health and safety
representatives regarding WHS issues. This includes employees who are directly affected by the
issue or who have the relevant knowledge or expertise to provide input on the issue. Health and
safety representatives are elected by the workforce to represent their interests on WHS matters
and can provide a channel for employees to raise and discuss WHS issues with their employer.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

In addition to employees and health and safety representatives, employers may also need to
consult with other stakeholders who are directly affected by WHS issues in the workplace. This
may include contractors, visitors, or customers who may be exposed to workplace hazards or risks.
Consultation with these stakeholders is important to ensure that their safety is taken into account
when developing and implementing WHS policies and procedures.

It is important that employers provide all stakeholders with adequate information about the WHS
issues and seek their input in a meaningful way. This may involve providing training or other
resources to ensure that stakeholders have the knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the
consultation process. Employers should also provide opportunities for feedback and address any
issues or concerns raised by stakeholders in a timely and effective manner.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

7. Complete the box below by briefly explaining how each option operates to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues.


Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

Consultative Process Explanation

Diary, whiteboard or suggestion Diary: An employer may provide a diary for

box. employees to record any safety concerns or incidents
they encounter during their workday. This allows
employees to document potential hazards or risks as
they arise and share them with their employer. This
information can then be used to identify patterns or
trends in workplace safety and to inform the
development of WHS policies and procedures.
Whiteboard: A whiteboard can be used to display
information about WHS issues and to provide a space
for employees to ask questions or make suggestions.
This can be a useful tool for promoting awareness of
WHS issues and for engaging employees in the
consultation process. Employees can write their
feedback or suggestions on the whiteboard, and the
employer can then respond or take action as needed.
Suggestion box: A suggestion box provides a way for

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

employees to submit feedback or suggestions on

WHS issues anonymously. This can be particularly
useful for employees who may be hesitant to raise
concerns or provide feedback in person. The
employer can review the suggestions and take action
as needed to address any WHS issues identified.
Overall, the use of a diary, whiteboard, or suggestion
box can be an effective way to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues. They provide a way for
employees to share their thoughts and concerns, and
for employers to respond to feedback and take action
to improve workplace safety.

Fact sheets about WHS rights and Fact sheets about WHS rights and responsibilities can
responsibilities. be a useful tool for enabling effective consultation on
WHS issues by providing employees with information
about their rights and responsibilities regarding
workplace safety. Here's how it operates to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues:

 Promotes awareness of WHS issues: Fact

sheets can be distributed to employees to
raise awareness of WHS issues and promote
a culture of safety in the workplace. This can
help to ensure that employees are aware of
their rights and responsibilities regarding
workplace safety and understand the
importance of reporting hazards or risks.

 Provides information about WHS policies and

procedures: Fact sheets can provide
employees with information about the WHS
policies and procedures that are in place in
the workplace. This can include information
about how to report hazards or incidents,
what to do in an emergency, and who to
contact if they have any questions or

 Encourages feedback and input from

employees: Fact sheets can also encourage
employees to provide feedback or
suggestions on WHS issues. For example, an
employer could distribute a fact sheet about a

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

new WHS policy and ask employees to

provide feedback on how effective they think
the policy will be or how it could be improved.

 Supports ongoing training and development:

Fact sheets can be used as part of ongoing
training and development programs to ensure
that employees are aware of the latest WHS
policies and procedures. This can help to
ensure that employees have the knowledge
and skills they need to identify and manage
workplace hazards or risks.
Overall, the use of fact sheets about WHS rights and
responsibilities can be an effective way to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues by providing
employees with the information they need to
understand their rights and responsibilities and to
contribute to the development of WHS policies and

Formal WHS representatives and The use of formal WHS representatives and
committees. committees can be an effective way to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues. Here's how
they operate:

 WHS Representatives: WHS representatives

are elected by the workforce to represent their
interests on WHS matters. They can provide a
channel for employees to raise and discuss
WHS issues with their employer. WHS
representatives can provide feedback and
suggestions to the employer on WHS issues,
participate in the development of WHS
policies and procedures, and help to identify
and assess workplace hazards and risks.

 WHS Committees: WHS committees are

established to provide a forum for employees
and employers to discuss and resolve WHS
issues. WHS committees are typically
composed of representatives from both
management and employees, and are
responsible for promoting and improving
workplace health and safety. WHS

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

committees can review WHS policies and

procedures, identify and assess workplace
hazards and risks, and monitor the
effectiveness of WHS programs.
Together, WHS representatives and committees can
play a critical role in promoting effective consultation
on WHS issues. They provide a formal structure for
employees to provide input on WHS matters and for
employers to receive feedback and suggestions. This
can help to identify and address workplace hazards
and risks, promote a positive safety culture in the
workplace, and ultimately improve workplace health
and safety outcomes.

Formal meetings with agendas, Formal meetings with agendas, minutes, and action
minutes and action plans. plans can be an effective way to facilitate consultation
on WHS issues. Here's how it operates to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues:

 Agendas: A clear and well-structured agenda

is essential for effective consultation on WHS
issues. It provides a roadmap for the meeting,
outlining the topics to be discussed, the goals
of the meeting, and the expected outcomes.
By having a well-constructed agenda, all
parties can prepare adequately, and the
meeting can stay on track.

 Minutes: Minutes provide an official record of

the meeting, including the decisions made,
the actions required, and any follow-up
required. They also help to ensure that all
parties have a clear understanding of what
was discussed and agreed upon during the

 Action Plans: Action plans outline the steps

that need to be taken following the meeting to
address any WHS issues identified. This
includes assigning responsibility for specific
actions, setting deadlines, and identifying the
resources required.
By having formal meetings with agendas, minutes,
and action plans, employers can effectively engage
employees in the consultation process on WHS
issues. These meetings provide a forum for
employees to share their concerns and ideas and for
the employer to respond to feedback and take action

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

to address any safety issues identified. They also

provide a way to track progress on safety
improvements and to hold all parties accountable for
their commitments. Overall, formal meetings can help
to establish a positive safety culture in the workplace
and promote a collaborative approach to WHS

Informal meetings with notes. Informal meetings with notes can be an effective way
to enable effective consultation on WHS issues.
Here's how it operates to enable effective consultation
on WHS issues:

 Schedule regular meetings: The employer can

schedule regular informal meetings with
employees to discuss any WHS concerns or
issues. These meetings can be held in a
casual setting, such as over morning tea or
lunch, to encourage open communication.

 Take notes: During the meeting, the employer

can take notes on any WHS concerns or
issues raised by employees. This allows the
employer to document the feedback and
suggestions provided by employees and to
ensure that they are addressed in a timely
and effective manner.

 Follow up: After the meeting, the employer

can follow up with employees to ensure that
any WHS concerns or issues raised have
been addressed. This shows employees that
their feedback is valued and that action is
being taken to improve workplace safety.

 Implement changes: The employer can

implement any changes identified as a result
of the informal meetings. This may involve
updating WHS policies and procedures,
providing additional training to employees, or
addressing any hazards or risks identified by
Overall, informal meetings with notes can be an
effective way to enable effective consultation on WHS
issues. They provide a way for employees to share
their thoughts and concerns, and for employers to
respond to feedback and take action to improve
workplace safety. It also promotes a positive safety
culture, where employees feel valued and heard, and

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

are more likely to actively participate in the

consultation process.

WHS discussions with employees WHS discussions with employees during the course
during the course of a business of a business day can be an effective way to enable
day. effective consultation on WHS issues. Here's how it
operates to enable effective consultation on WHS

 Regularly engage employees: Employers can

engage employees in informal discussions
about WHS issues during the course of a
business day. This may involve talking with
employees as they work or asking for their
input during team meetings.

 Listen to concerns: Employers should actively

listen to any concerns raised by employees
regarding WHS issues. This can help identify
any hazards or risks that may have been
missed and provide an opportunity to address
them before they become more significant.

 Take action: Employers should take

appropriate action to address any concerns
raised by employees. This may involve
updating WHS policies and procedures,
providing additional training to employees, or
addressing any hazards or risks identified by

 Encourage feedback: Employers should

encourage employees to provide feedback on
WHS issues and to actively participate in the
consultation process. This can be done
through regular communication and by
providing a safe and supportive environment
for employees to share their concerns.
Overall, WHS discussions with employees during the
course of a business day can be an effective way to
enable effective consultation on WHS issues. It
provides a way for employees to share their thoughts
and concerns in a casual setting, and for employers to
respond to feedback and take action to improve
workplace safety. It also promotes a positive safety
culture, where employees feel valued and heard, and
are more likely to actively participate in the
consultation process.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Recording issues in a Recording issues in a management diary can be an

management diary. effective way to enable effective consultation on WHS
issues. Here's how it operates to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues:

 Provide a management diary: The employer

can provide a management diary for
employees to record any safety concerns or
incidents they encounter during their workday.
The diary should be easily accessible to all
employees and kept in a central location.

 Record issues: Employees can record any

WHS issues they encounter in the
management diary, along with details such as
the location of the issue, the type of hazard or
risk, and any actions taken to address the

 Review diary: The employer can review the

management diary on a regular basis to
identify any patterns or trends in workplace
safety. This information can then be used to
inform the development of WHS policies and

 Respond to issues: If any WHS issues are

identified in the management diary, the
employer can take action to address them.
This may involve providing additional training
to employees, updating WHS policies and
procedures, or addressing any hazards or
risks identified by employees.

 Provide feedback: The employer can provide

feedback to employees on any actions taken
to address the WHS issues identified in the
management diary. This demonstrates to
employees that their feedback is valued and
that action is being taken to improve
workplace safety.
Overall, recording issues in a management diary can
be an effective way to enable effective consultation on
WHS issues. It provides a way for employees to share
their thoughts and concerns, and for employers to
respond to feedback and take action to improve
workplace safety.

Regular staff meetings that involve Regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

WHS discussions. can be an effective way to enable effective

consultation on WHS issues. Here's how it operates to
enable effective consultation on WHS issues:

 Schedule regular meetings: The employer can

schedule regular staff meetings that include a
specific agenda item on WHS. This allows
employees to be prepared for the discussion
and to provide their input and feedback on
WHS issues.

 Share information: During the meeting, the

employer can share information about any
WHS incidents or concerns that have arisen
since the last meeting. This provides
employees with the information they need to
be aware of potential hazards or risks in the

 Provide feedback: Employees can provide

their feedback and suggestions on the WHS
policies and procedures that are currently in
place. This allows the employer to identify any
areas that may need improvement and to take
action as needed to address any concerns
raised by employees.

 Follow up: After the meeting, the employer

can follow up with employees to ensure that
any WHS concerns or issues raised have
been addressed. This shows employees that
their feedback is valued and that action is
being taken to improve workplace safety.

 Implement changes: The employer can

implement any changes identified as a result
of the staff meetings. This may involve
updating WHS policies and procedures,
providing additional training to employees, or
addressing any hazards or risks identified by
Overall, regular staff meetings that involve WHS
discussions can be an effective way to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues. They provide a
way for employees to share their thoughts and
concerns, and for employers to respond to feedback
and take action to improve workplace safety. It also
promotes a positive safety culture, where employees

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

feel valued and heard, and are more likely to actively

participate in the consultation process.

Seeking staff suggestions for Seeking staff suggestions for the content of WHS
content of WHS policies and policies and procedures can be an effective way to
procedures. enable effective consultation on WHS issues. Here's
how it operates to enable effective consultation on
WHS issues:

 Request input: The employer can request

input from employees on the content of WHS
policies and procedures. This can be done
through email, a suggestion box, or other
communication methods. The employer can
explain the purpose of the policies and
procedures and seek input on areas that need
to be covered.

 Collect feedback: Employees can provide

feedback on the current policies and
procedures or suggest areas that need to be
covered in the future. This feedback can be
collected and collated by the employer to
identify common themes or areas that need to
be addressed.

 Review and revise: The employer can review

the feedback and use it to revise the policies
and procedures as necessary. This may
involve adding new sections, revising existing
sections, or removing sections that are no
longer relevant.

 Communicate changes: Once the policies and

procedures have been revised, the employer
can communicate the changes to employees.
This can be done through a meeting or email
communication. The employer can explain the
changes made and the reasons behind them.
Overall, seeking staff suggestions for the content of
WHS policies and procedures can be an effective way
to enable effective consultation on WHS issues. It
provides a way for employees to contribute to the
development of policies and procedures that directly
affect their safety and wellbeing in the workplace. It
also promotes a culture of collaboration and
consultation, where employees feel valued and heard,
and are more likely to actively participate in the

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

consultation process.

Special staff meetings or Special staff meetings or workshops can be an

workshops to specifically address effective way to enable effective consultation on WHS
WHS issue. issues. Here's how it operates to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues:

 Identify the purpose: The employer should

clearly identify the purpose of the special staff
meeting or workshop, which is to specifically
address WHS issues. This helps to focus the
discussion and ensure that all employees are
aware of the importance of WHS in the

 Invite the relevant participants: The employer

should invite the relevant participants to the
special staff meeting or workshop. This may
include employees, health and safety
representatives, and any other stakeholders
who are directly affected by WHS issues in
the workplace.

 Provide information: The employer should

provide all participants with adequate
information about the WHS issues to be
addressed during the meeting or workshop.
This may involve providing training or other
resources to ensure that participants have the
knowledge and skills to contribute effectively
to the consultation process.

 Encourage participation: The employer should

encourage active participation from all
participants. This can be done by asking
open-ended questions, allowing time for
discussion, and ensuring that all participants
have the opportunity to provide their input and

Staff handbook containing WHS A staff handbook containing WHS information can be
information. an effective way to enable effective consultation on
WHS issues. Here's how it operates to enable
effective consultation on WHS issues:

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Provide access to the handbook: The

employer can provide employees with a staff
handbook that contains detailed information
on WHS policies and procedures. This
handbook can be made available in a hard
copy or online format, depending on the
employer's preference.

 Encourage feedback: The employer can

encourage employees to provide feedback on
the handbook and to identify any areas where
improvements could be made. This feedback
can be collected through surveys, suggestion
boxes, or other feedback channels.

 Update the handbook: Based on the feedback

received, the employer can update the staff
handbook to ensure that it accurately reflects
the workplace's WHS policies and
procedures. This includes providing
information on any new hazards or risks that
have been identified, as well as any changes
to WHS legislation.

 Provide training: The employer can provide

training to employees on the contents of the
staff handbook, including WHS policies and
procedures. This ensures that all employees
are aware of their responsibilities under WHS
legislation and that they know how to report
any hazards or incidents.
Overall, a staff handbook containing WHS information
can be an effective way to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues. It provides employees
with detailed information on WHS policies and
procedures and encourages them to provide feedback
on these policies and procedures. This feedback can
be used to improve workplace safety and to ensure
that all employees are aware of their responsibilities
under WHS legislation.

Surveys or questionnaire that Surveys or questionnaires can be an effective way to

invite staff feedback on WHS enable effective consultation on WHS issues. Here's
how it operates to enable effective consultation on

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

issues. WHS issues:

 Develop a survey or questionnaire: The

employer can develop a survey or
questionnaire to gather feedback from
employees on WHS issues. The questions
should be designed to identify potential
hazards, assess employee knowledge and
awareness of WHS policies and procedures,
and gather suggestions for improvement.

 Distribute the survey: The survey or

questionnaire can be distributed to all
employees to gather feedback on WHS
issues. This can be done electronically or in
paper format, depending on the preference of
the employer and employees.

 Analyze the results: The employer can

analyze the results of the survey to identify
any common themes or concerns related to
WHS issues. This information can then be
used to inform the development of WHS
policies and procedures.

 Take action: Based on the feedback received,

the employer can take action to address any
WHS concerns or issues identified by
employees. This may involve updating
policies and procedures, providing additional
training to employees, or addressing any
hazards or risks identified by employees.

 Provide feedback: The employer can provide

feedback to employees on the results of the
survey and the actions taken to address any
WHS concerns or issues identified. This
shows employees that their feedback is
valued and that action is being taken to
improve workplace safety.
Overall, surveys or questionnaires can be an effective
way to enable effective consultation on WHS issues.
They provide a way for employees to share their
thoughts and concerns, and for employers to respond
to feedback and take action to improve workplace
safety. Surveys can be conducted regularly to identify
any changes or trends in workplace safety and ensure
that WHS policies and procedures remain up to date.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

8. Explain the role and responsibilities of health and safety representatives. In your answer, also
discuss requirements in regards to how they are appointed.


Health and safety representatives (HSRs) play a crucial role in ensuring workplace safety. Their
role and responsibilities include:

 Representing the interests of employees: HSRs represent the interests of employees

regarding workplace health and safety issues. They can raise concerns with the employer
on behalf of employees and provide feedback on safety issues.

 Identifying and assessing hazards: HSRs have the responsibility to identify and assess any
hazards in the workplace. They can conduct workplace inspections and risk assessments
to identify any potential safety risks.

 Investigating incidents and accidents: HSRs are responsible for investigating any incidents
or accidents that occur in the workplace. They can identify the cause of the incident and
make recommendations for preventing it from happening again.

 Liaising with the employer: HSRs liaise with the employer to ensure that WHS policies and
procedures are effective, and that appropriate action is taken to address any safety
concerns or hazards identified.

HSRs are appointed in accordance with the WHS legislation. The requirements for
appointment include:

 Employee nomination: HSRs can be nominated by employees, or they can self-nominate.

This ensures that employees have a say in who represents them on WHS matters.

 Training: HSRs must complete training to understand their role and responsibilities, and to
develop the skills necessary to effectively represent the interests of employees in the

 Employer consultation: The employer must consult with employees to determine the
number of HSRs required, and to ensure that there are sufficient resources to support them
in their role.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Time off work: HSRs are entitled to take time off work to carry out their duties. This
includes attending training, conducting workplace inspections, and investigating incidents
or accidents.

Overall, the role and responsibilities of HSRs are critical in ensuring workplace safety. Their
appointment is an important requirement of the WHS legislation, and ensures that employees have
a voice in matters that affect their health and safety in the workplace.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

9. Identify three obligations an employer has to their health and safety representative.

Answer: An employer has a number of obligations to their health and safety representative (HSR)
to support them in their role. Here are three obligations an employer has to their HSR:

 Provide access to relevant information: The employer must provide the HSR with access to
all relevant information regarding workplace health and safety. This includes information on
hazards and risks in the workplace, incident and accident reports, and WHS policies and
procedures. The HSR needs this information to effectively carry out their duties and
represent the interests of employees.

 Allow time off for training: The employer must allow the HSR to take time off work to attend
training to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their role effectively.
The training should cover topics such as WHS legislation, hazard identification and risk
assessment, incident investigation, and communication and consultation skills.

 Provide support and resources: The employer must provide the necessary support and
resources to enable the HSR to carry out their role effectively. This may include providing
access to safety equipment and personal protective equipment, as well as funding for
training and other resources required to carry out their duties.

By fulfilling these obligations, the employer can help to ensure that the HSR is able to effectively
represent the interests of employees regarding workplace health and safety, and make a valuable
contribution to improving safety in the workplace.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

10. List three roles and responsibilities of workplace Health and Safety Representatives.

Answer: The three roles and responsibilities of a workplace Health and Safety Representative
(HSR) are:

 Representing employees: One of the key roles of an HSR is to represent the interests of
employees on matters related to workplace health and safety. This involves identifying and
raising safety concerns, advocating for safer work practices, and liaising with management
to ensure that the workplace is safe for employees.

 Identifying and assessing workplace hazards: HSRs are responsible for identifying and
assessing potential hazards in the workplace, and working with management to implement
controls and measures to eliminate or minimize these hazards. This can involve conducting
regular safety inspections, reviewing incident and accident reports, and providing feedback
and recommendations on safety-related issues.

 Investigating workplace incidents and accidents: Another key role of an HSR is to

investigate incidents and accidents that occur in the workplace, and identify the root
causes and contributing factors. This can help to prevent similar incidents from occurring in
the future, and ensure that employees are working in a safe environment.

Overall, the role of an HSR is to ensure that the workplace is safe for employees and that they are
not exposed to unnecessary risks. They act as a link between employees and management,
providing a voice for employees on matters related to health and safety. By fulfilling their roles and
responsibilities, HSRs can help to create a safer and healthier workplace for everyone.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

11. List five occasions that WHS hazard identification would need to take place.

Answer: WHS hazard identification is an ongoing process that involves identifying and assessing
potential hazards in the workplace. Here are five occasions when WHS hazard identification would
need to take place:

 When a new process or equipment is introduced: Whenever a new process or equipment

is introduced to the workplace, a hazard identification process should be conducted to

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

identify any potential hazards associated with it. This can help to prevent incidents and
accidents from occurring as a result of the new process or equipment.

 After a workplace incident or accident: Whenever a workplace incident or accident occurs,

a hazard identification process should be conducted to identify the root cause of the
incident and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

 During regular workplace inspections: Regular workplace inspections should be conducted

to identify any potential hazards in the workplace. This can help to prevent incidents and
accidents from occurring, and ensure that the workplace is safe for employees.

 When there is a change in work processes or equipment: Whenever there is a change in

work processes or equipment, a hazard identification process should be conducted to
identify any potential hazards associated with the change. This can help to ensure that the
workplace remains safe for employees.

 When employees report a hazard: Whenever an employee reports a hazard, a hazard

identification process should be conducted to assess the hazard and determine the
appropriate control measures. This can help to prevent incidents and accidents from
occurring as a result of the reported hazard.

By conducting hazard identification on these occasions, employers can help to ensure that the
workplace is safe for employees and that potential hazards are identified and addressed in a timely

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

12. List three categories of workplace hazards that must be identified when undertaking workplace
hazard identifications.

Answer: Here are three categories of workplace hazards that must be identified when undertaking
workplace hazard identification:

 Physical hazards: Physical hazards are hazards that can cause injury or harm to
employees through physical means. Examples of physical hazards include slips, trips, and
falls, exposure to hazardous materials, electrical hazards, and manual handling.

 Chemical hazards: Chemical hazards are hazards that can cause harm to employees
through exposure to hazardous chemicals or substances. Examples of chemical hazards
include exposure to toxic chemicals, dust, fumes, and gases.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Biological hazards: Biological hazards are hazards that can cause harm to employees
through exposure to infectious agents or other biological substances. Examples of
biological hazards include exposure to viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

By identifying these categories of hazards, employers can develop appropriate control measures to
eliminate or minimize the risk of harm to employees.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

13. List five acceptable ways in which workplace hazard identification might occur.

Answer: Here are five acceptable ways in which workplace hazard identification might occur:

 Workplace inspections: Workplace inspections involve a systematic review of the

workplace to identify potential hazards. Inspections can be conducted by a designated
safety officer, a safety committee, or an external consultant.

 Risk assessments: Risk assessments involve identifying hazards and evaluating the
likelihood and potential severity of harm. Risk assessments can be conducted for specific
tasks, processes, or equipment.

 Incident and accident reporting: Reporting incidents and accidents can help to identify
hazards and the underlying causes of incidents. This information can then be used to
develop control measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

 Consultation with employees: Consulting with employees can help to identify hazards and
potential control measures. Employees can provide valuable information on the hazards
they face in the workplace and can help to identify gaps in current control measures.

 Review of safety data sheets: Safety data sheets provide important information on the
hazards associated with chemicals and other hazardous substances used in the
workplace. Reviewing safety data sheets can help to identify hazards and appropriate
control measures to protect employees from harm.

By using these acceptable methods, employers can effectively identify workplace hazards and
implement control measures to minimize the risk of harm to employees.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

14. List three acceptable practices inherent in workplace risk assessment.

Answer: Here are three acceptable practices inherent in workplace risk assessment:

 Identification of hazards: The first step in a risk assessment is to identify potential hazards
in the workplace. This can be done through workplace inspections, consultation with
employees, or review of safety data sheets.

 Evaluation of risks: Once hazards are identified, the next step is to evaluate the level of risk
associated with each hazard. This involves considering the likelihood and potential severity
of harm, as well as the number of employees who are exposed to the hazard.

 Implementation of control measures: After hazards have been identified and risks
evaluated, control measures must be implemented to minimize the risk of harm to
employees. Control measures can include engineering controls (e.g. installing safety
guards), administrative controls (e.g. training employees), or personal protective equipment
(e.g. gloves or safety glasses).

By following these acceptable practices, employers can effectively assess the risks associated with
workplace hazards and implement appropriate control measures to protect employees from harm.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

15. List the six classifications of risk controls provided for in the ‘Hierarchy of Risk Controls’.

Answer: The Hierarchy of Risk Controls is a system used to identify and prioritize measures for
controlling hazards in the workplace. The hierarchy includes six classifications of risk controls,
listed here in order of priority:

 Elimination: The most effective way to control a hazard is to eliminate it completely. This
involves removing the hazard from the workplace, for example, by redesigning a process
or replacing hazardous equipment with safer alternatives.

 Substitution: If elimination is not feasible, the next best option is to substitute the hazardous
substance or process with a less hazardous one. For example, replacing a hazardous
cleaning chemical with a safer alternative.

 Engineering controls: Engineering controls involve modifying the workplace or equipment

to reduce the risk of harm. Examples include installing safety guards on machinery,
improving ventilation systems, or implementing noise reduction measures.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Administrative controls: Administrative controls involve changing the way work is organized
or performed to reduce the risk of harm. Examples include training employees,
implementing safe work procedures, and conducting regular safety audits.

 Personal protective equipment (PPE): PPE involves providing employees with protective
equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, or respirators to minimize the risk of harm.

 Emergency procedures: Emergency procedures involve having plans in place to respond

to incidents and minimize the harm that may result. Examples include having fire
evacuation plans, first aid kits, and emergency response teams.

By following the Hierarchy of Risk Controls, employers can effectively identify and prioritize
measures for controlling hazards in the workplace, minimizing the risk of harm to employees.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

16. List five requirements’ organisations need to comply with in relation to WHS record keeping.

Answer: Here are five requirements that organizations need to comply with in relation to WHS

 Incident reporting and investigation: Organizations must have a system in place for
reporting and investigating workplace incidents, accidents, and near-misses. This includes
recording details of the incident, conducting investigations, and identifying and
implementing control measures to prevent reoccurrence.

 Hazard identification and risk assessment: Organizations must keep records of the hazards
identified in the workplace, the level of risk associated with each hazard, and the control
measures that have been implemented to minimize the risk.

 Health monitoring: Organizations must keep records of health monitoring for employees
who are exposed to certain hazards, such as noise, vibration, or hazardous substances.
This includes records of medical assessments, test results, and any measures that have
been taken to prevent harm.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Training and competency: Organizations must keep records of the training provided to
employees to ensure they are competent in their roles and able to perform their work
safely. This includes records of training courses attended, competency assessments, and
refresher training.

 Compliance and inspections: Organizations must keep records of inspections, audits, and
compliance activities to demonstrate they are meeting their legal obligations under WHS
legislation. This includes records of workplace inspections, safety audits, and any actions
taken to rectify any identified issues.

By complying with these record-keeping requirements, organizations can demonstrate they

are taking a proactive approach to managing WHS risks and ensuring the safety of their

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

17. List three requirements’ organisations need to comply with in relation to acceptable record
keeping mechanisms.

Answer: Here are three requirements that organizations need to comply with in relation to
acceptable record-keeping mechanisms:

 Legibility: Records must be legible, and the information contained within them must be
clear and easy to read. This ensures that the records are accurate and can be easily
interpreted by those who need to access them.

 Accessibility: Records must be readily accessible to those who need them, including
employees, supervisors, health and safety representatives, and regulatory authorities. This
requires organizations to have effective record-keeping systems in place, such as
databases, filing systems, or digital records management tools.

 Retention: Records must be retained for the required period of time as specified by
relevant legislation or regulations. This includes records related to incidents, injuries,
training, hazard identification, and risk assessments. The retention period varies depending
on the type of record, but it is essential that organizations keep the records for the required
period to demonstrate their compliance with WHS legislation.

By complying with these record-keeping requirements, organizations can ensure that their records
are accurate, accessible, and up-to-date, which in turn supports effective WHS management and
enables them to meet their legal obligations.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

18. Explain the requirement an employer is under to provide workplace WHS training to


Employers are required to provide workplace health and safety (WHS) training to employees as
part of their legal obligations under WHS legislation. The aim of WHS training is to provide
employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely, identify hazards, and implement
control measures to reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses.

The specific requirements for WHS training may vary depending on the nature of the work and the
associated risks. However, in general, employers are required to:

 Provide training on WHS policies and procedures: Employers must ensure that employees
understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to WHS policies and procedures. This
includes providing training on reporting incidents, identifying hazards, and implementing
control measures.

 Provide training on hazard identification and risk assessment: Employers must provide
training on how to identify hazards in the workplace, assess the associated risks, and
implement control measures to minimize the risks.

 Provide training on the safe use of equipment and machinery: Employers must ensure that
employees are trained in the safe use of any equipment or machinery they will be using as
part of their work. This includes providing training on how to use the equipment safely, as
well as any associated risks and control measures.

 Provide training on emergency procedures: Employers must provide training on emergency

procedures, such as evacuation, first aid, and emergency response. This includes training
employees on how to respond to different types of emergencies, as well as the location
and use of emergency equipment and procedures.

 By providing employees with the appropriate training, employers can help to ensure that
they are able to work safely and effectively, and are able to respond appropriately to any
WHS-related issues that may arise in the workplace.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

19. Describe three employee responsibilities in relation to participating in established WHS

practices and training.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Answer: Employees have an important role to play in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
Some of their key responsibilities in relation to participating in established WHS practices and
training include:

 Following established WHS procedures: Employees are responsible for following

established WHS procedures and policies. This includes reporting any hazards or incidents
that they identify, following safe work practices, and using any required personal protective

 Participating in WHS training: Employees must participate in any WHS training provided by
their employer. This includes attending training sessions, asking questions if they do not
understand something, and applying what they have learned to their work practices.

 Providing feedback: Employees are encouraged to provide feedback to their employer

regarding any WHS concerns or issues they identify. This feedback can help to improve
WHS practices and procedures in the workplace.

By actively participating in established WHS practices and training, employees can help to
create a safer and healthier workplace for themselves and their colleagues. This can help to
reduce the risk of workplace incidents, injuries, and illnesses, as well as improve overall
productivity and job satisfaction.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

20. Identify ten possible ramifications for employers who fail to observe OHS or WHS laws and

Answer: The ramifications for employers who fail to observe OHS or WHS laws and COPs can be
significant, and may include:

 Legal action: Employers who breach OHS or WHS laws and COPs may face legal action
from regulatory authorities, including fines and penalties.

 Civil lawsuits: Employers may also face civil lawsuits from employees who have been
injured or made ill as a result of workplace hazards.

 Increased insurance costs: Employers who do not comply with OHS or WHS laws and
COPs may find that their insurance costs increase as a result of the higher risk of
workplace incidents.

 Reputation damage: Failure to comply with OHS or WHS laws and COPs can damage an
employer's reputation and brand, which can lead to a loss of customers and business

 Loss of productivity: Workplace incidents can lead to lost productivity as employees may
need to take time off work to recover from injuries or illnesses.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Increased absenteeism: Employees may be more likely to take sick leave or other forms of
leave if they feel that the workplace is unsafe.

 High staff turnover: Employees may leave a workplace that they perceive as unsafe,
leading to high staff turnover and associated recruitment and training costs.

 Workplace investigations: Employers who breach OHS or WHS laws and COPs may be
subject to workplace investigations, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

 Criminal charges: In some cases, employers who breach OHS or WHS laws and COPs
may face criminal charges, which can result in fines, penalties, and even imprisonment.

 Loss of business license: In some industries, employers may have their business license
revoked or suspended if they fail to comply with OHS or WHS laws and COPs, which can
have a significant impact on their ability to operate.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

21. Detail comprehensive details of the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice ‘Hazardous
manual tasks.

Answer: The Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice 'Hazardous manual tasks' provides
detailed guidance on how to manage the risks associated with hazardous manual tasks in the
workplace. Some of the key elements of the code include:

 Hazard identification: The code outlines a process for identifying hazardous manual tasks
in the workplace, which involves identifying the tasks that are most likely to cause injury or
harm to workers.

 Risk assessment: The code requires employers to undertake a risk assessment of

hazardous manual tasks, which involves identifying the factors that may contribute to the
risk of injury and evaluating the likelihood and severity of harm.

 Risk control: The code provides guidance on how to control the risks associated with
hazardous manual tasks, including implementing control measures such as redesigning
the task, providing training and instruction, and using mechanical aids.

 Consultation: The code highlights the importance of consulting with workers and their
representatives when identifying and managing hazardous manual tasks in the
workplace.Training and supervision: The code emphasizes the need for employers to
provide appropriate training and supervision to workers who undertake hazardous manual
tasks, as well as monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of these measures.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Record keeping: The code requires employers to keep records of their risk assessments,
control measures, and other activities related to managing hazardous manual tasks in the

 Review and continuous improvement: The code emphasizes the importance of regularly
reviewing and improving risk management processes for hazardous manual tasks, to
ensure that they remain effective and up-to-date.

Overall, the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice 'Hazardous manual tasks' provides a
comprehensive framework for managing the risks associated with hazardous manual tasks in
the workplace, with a focus on prevention and continuous improvement. By following the code,
employers can help to ensure the health and safety of their workers and prevent workplace
injuries and illnesses.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

22. List three methods of receiving updated information on OHS or WHS laws and Code of

Answer: Three methods of receiving updated information on OHS or WHS laws and code of
practice are:

 Government websites: The websites of government agencies such as Safe Work Australia,
WorkSafe, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provide up-to-
date information on OHS or WHS laws and codes of practice.

 Industry associations: Industry associations often provide members with access to the
latest information on OHS or WHS laws and codes of practice, as well as training and
support to help them comply with these requirements.

 Training courses and seminars: Professional training courses and seminars can be an
effective way to stay up-to-date on changes to OHS or WHS laws and codes of practice, as
well as to learn about best practices and new developments in the field. These courses can
be offered online or in-person, and may be provided by government agencies, industry
associations, or other training providers.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

23. Complete the table by providing a reason for each time that hazard identification must be
carried out.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks


Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

Time when hazard identification must

be carried out

Before premises are used for the first Hazard identification must be carried out
time. before premises are used for the first time to
ensure that all potential hazards have been
identified and appropriate control measures
are put in place to prevent harm to workers
and others in the workplace. This is an
important step in creating a safe working
environment and complying with OHS or WHS
laws and codes of practice. By identifying
hazards before the workplace is used for the
first time, employers can prevent accidents and
injuries from occurring, and create a culture of
safety that prioritizes the wellbeing of workers
and the wider community.

Before and during the installation or Hazard identification is important before and
alteration of any plant, machinery or during the installation or alteration of any plant,
equipment. machinery, or equipment to ensure that
potential hazards associated with these
activities are identified and controlled before
they can cause harm to workers or others. This
is especially important in cases where the
installation or alteration of the plant,
machinery, or equipment involves new or
unfamiliar processes, materials, or technology,
as these may introduce new hazards that were
not previously present. By identifying and
controlling hazards before and during these
activities, employers can help to ensure that
workers are able to carry out their duties safely
and with a reduced risk of injury or illness.

Before changes to work practices, Hazard identification must be carried out

procedures or processes are introduced. before changes to work practices, procedures,
or processes are introduced because these
changes may introduce new hazards or
exacerbate existing hazards. By identifying

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

hazards before the changes are made,

employers can take steps to mitigate the risks
associated with the changes and ensure that
the workplace remains safe for employees.
Additionally, identifying hazards before
changes are made can help employers to
comply with their legal obligations under WHS
legislation, which requires them to identify
hazards and assess the risks associated with
them. By conducting a hazard identification
before changes are introduced, employers can
ensure that they are taking a proactive
approach to managing workplace safety and
are fulfilling their duty of care to their

When any new information relating to Hazard identification must be carried out when
health and safety risks becomes any new information relating to health and
available. safety risks becomes available because
workplaces are constantly changing
environments, and new risks may emerge over
time as a result of changes in processes,
equipment, or materials used in the workplace.
Therefore, it is important to regularly review
and update hazard identification processes to
ensure that all potential risks are identified and
appropriate controls are put in place to prevent
accidents and injuries. Additionally, new
information on health and safety risks may
come from a variety of sources, such as
changes in legislation, research findings, or
incidents that have occurred in similar
workplaces, making it important to remain
vigilant and aware of potential risks to health
and safety at all times.

24. List five possible inclusions in workplace WHS record keeping systems.

Answer: Five possible inclusions in workplace WHS record keeping systems are:

 Incident reports: Incident reports document any incidents that have occurred in the
workplace, such as accidents, injuries, near misses, or hazardous occurrences. These
reports should include information such as the date and time of the incident, a description
of what happened, any injuries or damage that resulted, and any actions taken to address
the situation.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Risk assessments: Risk assessments document the results of hazard identification and risk
assessment processes. These records should include information on the potential hazards
identified, the likelihood and severity of the risks, and the control measures implemented to
prevent or mitigate the risks.

 Training records: Training records document the training and development activities
undertaken by employees and supervisors to ensure that they have the necessary
knowledge and skills to perform their work safely. These records should include
information on the type of training, the date and location of the training, and the names of
the participants.

 Inspection reports: Inspection reports document the results of workplace inspections and
audits, which are conducted to identify potential hazards and ensure that control measures
are in place and effective. These records should include information on the areas
inspected, the hazards identified, and any recommendations or actions taken to address
the hazards.

 Policies and procedures: Policies and procedures outline the processes and protocols in
place for managing health and safety risks in the workplace. These records should include
information on the policies and procedures in place, the dates of review and updates, and
any relevant legislation or industry standards that the policies and procedures are based

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

25. List four examples of WHS ‘consultation’ record requirements.

Answer: Four examples of WHS ‘consultation’ record requirements are:

 Minutes of meetings: These records document the key points and decisions made during
workplace health and safety meetings, including any matters discussed, the names of the
participants, and any recommendations or actions to be taken. These records serve as
evidence of consultation and can be used to demonstrate compliance with WHS
consultation requirements.

 Suggestion box records: These records document any suggestions or feedback received
from workers through suggestion boxes, which are used to facilitate consultation on
workplace health and safety matters. These records should include the date and time of

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

each suggestion, the name of the worker who submitted the suggestion, and any actions
taken or recommendations made in response to the suggestion.

 Feedback surveys: These records document the results of surveys or questionnaires

distributed to workers to obtain feedback on workplace health and safety matters. These
records should include the date and time of the survey, the number of workers who
participated, the questions asked, and the responses received.

 Consultation logs: These records document the frequency and nature of workplace health
and safety consultations, including the topics discussed, the dates and times of the
consultations, and the names of the participants. These records serve as evidence of
consultation and can be used to demonstrate compliance with WHS consultation

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

26. Identify three hazard identification records that need to be maintained in a workplace.

Answer: Three hazard identification record that need to be maintained in a workplace are:

 Hazard registers: These records list all identified hazards within a workplace, including
details such as the location of the hazard, the potential risks associated with the hazard,
and any control measures implemented to mitigate the risks.

 Risk assessment reports: These records document the findings of a risk assessment,
which typically involves identifying hazards, assessing the risks associated with each
hazard, and implementing control measures to mitigate those risks.

 Incident reports: These records document any incidents that occur within a workplace,
including details such as the date and time of the incident, the location of the incident, any
injuries or damages sustained, and the cause of the incident. These records are important
for identifying any hazards that may have contributed to the incident, as well as for
implementing control measures to prevent future incidents.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

27. Identify five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has been impacted that need to
be reported.

Answer: Under Australian WHS legislation, certain types of work-related incidents are considered
'notifiable incidents' and must be reported to the relevant regulatory body. Some examples of
notifiable incidents include:

 Fatalities: Any work-related incident that results in the death of a worker or any other

 Serious injuries or illnesses: Any work-related incident that results in a serious injury or
illness, such as amputation, serious head injury, or permanent blindness.

 Dangerous incidents: Any work-related incident that exposes a person to a serious risk to
their health or safety, such as an explosion, fire, or chemical spill.

 Incidents involving hazardous substances: Any work-related incident that involves the
release or escape of a hazardous substance, or the exposure of a person to a hazardous

 Incidents involving plant or equipment: Any work-related incident involving the collapse,
failure, or malfunction of any plant or equipment that could have resulted in a serious injury
or illness.

It is important for employers to ensure that they are aware of the legal requirements surrounding
notifiable incidents, and to have a system in place for reporting such incidents to the relevant
authorities. Failing to report a notifiable incident can result in significant penalties and fines.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

28. List five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has not been impacted or injured
that need to be reported.

Answer: Under Australian WHS legislation, certain types of work-related incidents are considered
'notifiable incidents' and must be reported to the relevant regulatory body, even if no one has been

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

physically injured. Some examples of notifiable incidents where a person has not been impacted or
injured include:

 Near-misses: Any work-related incident that could have resulted in a serious injury or
illness, but did not.

 Safety hazards: Any work-related incident that exposes a person to a serious risk to their
health or safety, such as a failure of safety equipment or a dangerous work practice.

 Occupational violence: Any work-related incident involving violence or threatened violence,

such as an assault or threat of physical harm.

 Structural failures: Any work-related incident involving the collapse or failure of a structure,
such as a building or bridge.

 Environmental incidents: Any work-related incident involving environmental harm, such as

a chemical spill or release of pollutants.

It is important for employers to ensure that they are aware of the legal requirements surrounding
notifiable incidents, and to have a system in place for reporting such incidents to the relevant
authorities. Failing to report a notifiable incident can result in significant penalties and fines.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

29. Why do WHS statistics need to be reviewed and reported on?

Answer: WHS statistics need to be reviewed and reported on to identify patterns or trends in
workplace accidents, injuries, and illnesses. This information can be used to make informed
decisions about the risks and hazards in a workplace and develop strategies to prevent future
incidents. It also enables employers and managers to monitor the effectiveness of their WHS
policies and procedures, identify areas that require improvement, and make adjustments as
necessary. Furthermore, reporting and reviewing WHS statistics is a legal requirement in
many jurisdictions, and failure to do so can result in penalties or legal action.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

30. Discuss how the following are used when developing monitoring reports and making
recommendations for change:

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 agendas for and minutes of meetings: Agendas and minutes of meetings play an
important role in developing monitoring reports and making recommendations for change
in a workplace. Agendas are used to outline the topics to be discussed during a meeting,
while minutes are used to record the decisions made and actions to be taken. By
reviewing the agendas and minutes of previous meetings, workplace health and safety
committees can track the progress of ongoing projects, identify areas that require further
attention, and determine what action needs to be taken to address any issues that have
been identified.

 committee members: Committee members are also important when developing

monitoring reports and making recommendations for change. Members of a workplace
health and safety committee are typically responsible for monitoring the implementation of
health and safety policies and procedures, identifying hazards and risks in the workplace,
and developing recommendations to improve workplace safety. By bringing together a
diverse group of individuals with different perspectives and expertise, the committee can
identify potential issues and develop effective solutions. Committee members can also
provide valuable input when developing monitoring reports, as they can offer insights into
the effectiveness of current policies and procedures, as well as suggestions for

 consultation decisions and follow-up actions: When developing monitoring reports and
making recommendations for change, consultation decisions and follow-up actions are
used to evaluate the effectiveness of the consultation process. This involves reviewing
the decisions that were made during the consultation process, identifying any follow-up
actions that were agreed upon, and assessing whether those actions were completed
within the agreed timeframe. The consultation decisions and follow-up actions can be
used to identify areas of the WHS program that require improvement or additional
support, as well as identify areas where there may be resistance to change.

 consultation processes: Consultation processes are also used to develop monitoring

reports and make recommendations for change. This involves evaluating the
effectiveness of the consultation process itself, by reviewing how well it was implemented,
how well it achieved its objectives, and how well it engaged the workforce. This
information can be used to identify areas of the consultation process that require
improvement, such as communication strategies, training needs, or changes to the
consultation process itself. By reviewing the consultation process, it is possible to identify
how effective the workplace's WHS program is in engaging the workforce, identifying
hazards, and addressing issues. This information can be used to recommend changes to
the program that will improve its overall effectiveness in preventing injuries and illnesses.

 diaries of meetings: Diaries of meetings are a useful tool in developing monitoring reports
and making recommendations for change as they provide a record of the discussions,
decisions, and actions taken during meetings related to WHS issues. The diaries allow for
the identification of key issues discussed and any progress made in addressing those
issues. They can also help to identify any barriers to progress and provide a timeline for
the implementation of any agreed-upon actions. Diaries of meetings can be used to hold
individuals accountable for their actions and help to ensure that agreed-upon actions are
completed on time.

 WHS information provided to personnel: WHS information provided to personnel is also

critical in developing monitoring reports and making recommendations for change. It is

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

important to ensure that all personnel have access to up-to-date WHS information,
including policies, procedures, and training materials. This information enables them to
identify and report hazards, follow safe work practices, and use appropriate personal
protective equipment. It also allows personnel to understand the consequences of non-
compliance with WHS policies and procedures. Providing WHS information to personnel
can also help to promote a culture of safety in the workplace, where everyone is
committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. This culture of safety can
reduce the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and illnesses, and ultimately, lead to a more
productive and profitable workplace.

 risk controls: The effectiveness of risk controls implemented to manage hazards in the
workplace needs to be monitored regularly to ensure that they are still effective and
relevant. Risk controls can be evaluated by reviewing incident reports, conducting
workplace inspections, and assessing feedback from workers. Based on this information,
recommendations can be made to improve or modify risk controls to enhance their
effectiveness in managing hazards.

 safe work practices: Safe work practices provide workers with the necessary guidance
and direction to perform their work in a safe manner. These practices should be
developed in consultation with workers and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure their
continued effectiveness. By monitoring compliance with safe work practices and
conducting regular audits, it is possible to identify areas where improvements can be
made, and recommendations can be developed to enhance the safety of the workplace.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

31. Identify three reasons there is a need for workplaces to establish and maintain records
regarding risk assessments including risk control actions that have been implemented.

Answer: There are several reasons why workplaces need to establish and maintain records
regarding risk assessments and risk control actions. Three of these reasons are:

 Compliance: Records of risk assessments and risk control actions are often required to
comply with legal obligations and industry standards. Workplaces need to provide evidence
that they have assessed and controlled risks in a systematic and effective manner.
Records help to demonstrate that the workplace has taken appropriate steps to protect the
health and safety of workers.

 Monitoring and evaluation: Records of risk assessments and risk control actions can be
used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the control measures. The records can
be reviewed to ensure that the control measures are still effective and identify any areas
where improvements can be made.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

 Continual improvement: The records of risk assessments and risk control actions can be
used to identify areas for improvement in the workplace. By reviewing the records, the
workplace can identify trends and patterns in incidents and hazards and take proactive
steps to prevent them from happening in the future. The records can also help to identify
areas where further training or resources are needed to improve the workplace's safety

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

32. Identify five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training plans
developed by an organisation for their employees.

Answer: Five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training plans
developed by an organisation for their employees are:

 Employee Details: The names, positions, and roles of employees who received WHS
training, along with the date of the training.

 Training Topics: A list of the topics covered during the WHS training, including details on
any specific risks or hazards associated with the employee's role.

 Training Duration: The duration of the WHS training, including any breaks or practical
components, should be recorded.

 Training Materials: Details of the materials used during the training, including any handouts
or visual aids, should be recorded.

 Trainer Details: The name of the trainer and their qualifications, along with any feedback or
evaluations of their performance, should be included in the record.

These details will help the organization to track the progress of their employees and identify areas
that may require additional training or improvement. It will also help in maintaining compliance with
the relevant regulations and standards.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

33. List five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training undertaken by
employees of an organisation.

Answer: The following are five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS
training undertaken by employees of an organization:

 Training content: The details of the training program undertaken by employees, including
the content covered, duration of the program, and any learning materials provided, must be
maintained. This ensures that the employees have received the necessary training to
perform their job safely.

 Attendance: A record of attendance must be maintained for all employees who have
completed the training. This includes their name, date of attendance, and the training
program they have completed. This record ensures that all employees have received the
required training.

 Trainer information: The details of the trainer who delivered the training program, including
their name, qualifications, and contact information, must be maintained. This information
ensures that the trainer is appropriately qualified and experienced to deliver the training

 Evaluation results: The results of any evaluation conducted at the end of the training
program must be maintained. This includes the employee’s performance during the training
program, and any feedback provided by the trainer. This information helps the organization
to identify areas for improvement in the training program.

 Refresher training: Records of any refresher training undertaken by employees must be

maintained. This includes the date of training, the content covered, and the trainer’s details.
This information ensures that employees receive ongoing training and are up-to-date with
the latest safety procedures and regulations.

Satisfactory ☐ ☐ Not

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
which met the requirements
of the assessor marking Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

Question 18

Question 19

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Question 20

Question 21

Question 22

Question 23

Question 24

Question 25

Question 26

Question 27

Question 28

Question 29

Question 30

Question 31

Question 32

Question 33

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 2: WHS project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to implement and monitor a range of WHS activities.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 WHS information provided by state/territory regulator (RTO to include name of relevant


 WHS information at:

o https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/media-centre/fun-exciting-and-safe-whs-major-

 the WHS Policies and Procedures from the training kitchen’s WHS Management System
(WHSMS) and the kitchen’s hazard inspection checklist

 your WHS Administration Policy and Procedure

 your WHS Action Plan

 your Meeting Room Hazard Inspection Checklist

 your Hazardous Incidents Register

 your Risk Management Plan template

 your WHS Management Report template

 your WHS Training Report template

 RTO emergency evacuation information (posters/signs and procedures).

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following scenario

You are to assume that you are the manager of a café or food business called the
Blue Healer Café.
You will make use of the Blue Healer Café documentation included in the student
resources folder along with the WHS Policy and Procedures from the WHSMS for
the training kitchen of your RTO for this assessment.
As the manager, it is your responsibility to implement and monitor the work health
and safety practices of the employees (your classmates).

2. Review key documents from the WHSMS and set up folders

You now need to review some key documents as preparation for the next steps:

 WHS Action Plan

 The relevant WHS Policy and Procedures for the kitchen

 WHS Administration Policy

 The evacuation plan including posters and signs

Make the assumption that items 1,2 and 5 of the action plan have already been
Prepare to undertake action items 3, 4 and 6 of the action plan by preparing a
briefing session for staff that will ensure these items are completed.
Set up folder systems on your local drive on your computer as outlined in the WHS
Administration Policy and add the relevant soft copy documents to this. You will be
using this folder system throughout this assessment.

3. Develop WHS informative handouts for staff

You are required to develop three health and safety information handouts, which
are to be provided to, and discussed with, your team at a WHS briefing.
Read the requirements for each of the handouts below and then conduct research
using the Internet to identify the information needed for each of the handouts and
include information from the kitchen’s WHS Policy and Procedures, and reference
this as required in your handouts.
The format and style for the handouts are as follows:

 Create clear and concise one (1) page handouts using computer software. You
can develop these in any program available to you such as Word, Publisher or

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

other design program – but Word is fine for this purpose.

 Use simple and clear language that takes into account social and cultural
diversity. For, example, use simple English and avoid colloquial language or

 Use appropriately sized fonts and present well-formatted, grammatically

correct information.

 Ensure that the handouts you create use the same layout, font, colours and
style so they are consistent in their approach.
You will be required to present the handouts that you have developed at an WHS
briefing session soon. Print one copy of each handout for the training session but
save soft copies to your WHS filing system on your device.
Submit a copy of each handout to your assessor prior to the meeting.

Handout 1: Legislation
The purpose of this handout is to clearly and simply explain important information
about legislation. Your handout should:

 Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the
function of a WHS Act, WHS regulation and Code of Practice

 Provide an overview of WHS legislation including name of Act, regulations and

examples of code of practice relevant to your state/territory.

 Outline key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation.

 Include at least 3 references for further sources of useful information.

Handout 2: Identifying hazards and risk control in the café

The purpose of this handout is to provide information about identifying hazards and
risk control, and procedures for dealing with hazards in the environment.
You should briefly explain the process of identifying hazards and risk control and
provide 5 common examples of hazards that may occur in the kitchen environment
based on data from your research about the most common ones Include
information about how employees can complete an incident report and the
investigation process undertaken by the business.
Choose one of the common hazards that you have identified and include a simple
step-by-step procedure for dealing with that hazard (risk control), using diagrams to
illustrate each step where possible.
Your handout should also address and explain the hierarchy of control and how it is
to be used in the workplace.

Handout 3: WHS Consultation

The purpose of this handout is to explain the requirements for WHS consultation
under legislation and to indicate how the business communicates WHS legislation
and consults with staff as indicated in the organisation’s WHS policy and

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

You should also explain why it is important for a business to conduct WHS
communication and consultation.
Include the details of the college’s WHS representative or committee.

4. Conduct a hazard inspection of the meeting room

In the next activity step, you will run your WHS briefing session. In line with
procedure, and as outlined in action item 6, you are required to conduct a hazard
inspection using the relevant form from the WHSMS. Your assessor will set up the
room prior to you conducting the inspection.
Complete the checklist in full using a pen and make sure it is accurate and legible.
You will also be required to record recommended corrective actions as well as
future risk control measures.
You will be assessed on whether you have correctly identified the hazards and
suitable corrective actions and risk control measures.
When you have identified a hazard, implement procedures to control the risks
involved. Give a verbal commentary on what you are doing, so your assessor can
follow the thinking behind your actions. In particular, your commentary should
demonstrate how you are using the hierarchy of control to determine the best
procedures to implement.
Submit your completed HIC to the assessor prior to the next step.

5. Conduct a WHS briefing session and induction to the new WHSMS

It’s time to deliver your staff briefing.

At the briefing you are required to:

 Introduce and explain the WHS procedures and information on safe work
practices for the kitchen including the location of policies, templates and forms
as well as the location of the first aid kit onsite.

 Introduce and summarise the handouts you created and let staff know you will
be emailing these out and they will also be located on the intranet as part of
the WHSMS.

 Conduct a brief training session on correctly completing a hazard inspection

checklist for the kitchen
This briefing should go for about 20-30 minutes and will be delivered to your
assessor and two other people.
Ask staff members about their WHS training requirements that they would like to
see happen now and in the future. Encourage discussion among the team
members about the training that could be relevant for the staff of the case study

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

café or the actual business you are basing this assessment on.
During the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

 Using active listening techniques to confirm your audience’s understanding

6. WHS and Risk Management reporting

Immediately after the meeting, write a management report for the owner outlining
what took place at the meeting along with the training suggestions from staff and
what you believe will be best to focus on immediately and for the future. Include the
relevant data gathered from the meeting and identify any non-compliance with
procedure and outline the actions you are going to take immediately to address
Use the WHS Management Report template as a guide and complete all sections.
Add these actions to the Action Plan with clear dates and time for this to proceed
(consult with your assessor when this training can take place and use that date and
time in your report). Ensure you also mark other items you have addressed as
Complete risk management reporting and risk assessment for the proposed training
activities – current and future.
Use Risk Management Plan template as a guide and complete all sections.
Submit the following to your assessor:

 WHS Management Report

 Risk Management Plan

 Updated Action Plan

File these documents in your WHS folder system on your device.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

7. Conduct your training session

Run the training session as you have planned for in your action plan.
While running this training, participate but also observe the following:

 Staff adherence and compliance to the procedure

 How staff are reacting and if there is any need for additional training or
changes to procedures or training

 The effectiveness of the WHS practice – are current practices ensuring the
health, safety and security of all employees and customers?
After the training, your assessor will take each student aside to run through a
scenario with you individually and then you will split back into your group you were
in for activity step 5 and conduct a debrief session asking employees for their
feedback and thoughts on how the drill went and to make suggestions for the

8. Document your findings in a management training report

 Staff adherence and compliance to the procedure

 How staff reacted during the training and if there is any need for additional
training or changes to procedures or training

 The effectiveness of the WHS practice – are current practices ensuring the
health, safety and security of all employees?

 General feedback from staff and any issues they may have raised.

 At least one future improvement to the procedure you would like to make and
your reasons for this.

Use WHS Training Report template.

Save this report as WHS training report. Submit this to your assessor and file in
your electronic folder system too.

9. Address non-compliance

It has come to your attention that one of the staff members failed to complete
hazard identification and reporting when he was the team leader for the first shift
yesterday. On top of that, a hazardous incident did occur and the register was not
completed either. One of the other staff members advised you about the matter
later yesterday afternoon.
Meet with the non-compliant staff member (your assessor) to discuss the issue and
provide the necessary training.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

 Listen to the employee’s viewpoint

During the meeting you are required to:

 Counsel the employee and let them know the severity of the situation

 Complete the required documentation with the employee demonstrating the

correct process.

 Ensure the employee understands the procedure and the seriousness of the

 Completed hazard identification checklist for the kitchen

 Hazardous Incidents register

10. Develop a solution for the deficiency and draft of an email to the owner

Now that you have completed the counselling/training session and have new
information, develop a solution for the deficiency and draft of an email to the owner
to have the changes implemented immediately. Make sure your draft email is warm
and friendly but also professional.
Submit the draft email or send it to your assessor. Save a copy in the WHS filing
system on your device.

11. Show your assessor your WHS filing system

Show your assessor your folder formats and all the files within the structure.

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Explain WHS information to staff?

Make WHS information available to


During the WHS briefing, demonstrate

effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify

required information

 Responding to questions as

 Using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding

Implement and monitor adherence to

WHS procedures in the following areas:

 evacuation of staff and customers

 hazard identification and reporting

 risk assessment and reporting

Coordinate consultative processes for

the above three areas, including
providing opportunities for staff to
contribute their views and resolving

Coordinate risk assessment, WHS

training and maintain and store the
relevant records for the three areas?

Monitor the effectiveness of the WHS

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

system by identifying adjustments and

staff training needs?

Demonstrate that their management

practices align with state/territory
guidelines and WHS legislation?

Take prompt action to address non-

compliance and discipline staff as

Minimise use of printed materials and

maximise electronic transmission and
filing of all documents to reduce waste?

Use data and reports to provide reliable

and timely input into the management of
workplace health, safety and security?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks

Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Unit name:

Qualification name:

Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S NS DNS

Assessment Task 2 WHS project S NS DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices | Student Assessment Tasks


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