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Educación Secundaria

English: Level A1

Let’s Stop Violence Against Women and Girls*

Activity 1 Speak up

¡Hola! Te recomendamos usar este material, una vez hayas terminado de realizar los ejercicios en
“PRACTISE - EXERCISE 3” en el recurso. El objetivo es que, poco a poco, comprendas lo que escuchas
en inglés sin necesidad de usar este recurso. Sabemos que estamos empezando y usar este recurso
te puede ayudar mucho al comienzo.


Listen to a presentation from the United Nations1 about violence. Choose the message and pictures
that best represents the presentation. You will listen to the presentation twice:

In the world, one in every three females experience physical or

sexual violence in their lifetime, but only 10% reports the case
to the police.

This problem affects women and girls in every country in the

world. It also affects their families, communities, and countries.

The objective of the UN Women, a United Nations organization,

is to end violence against all women and girls in the world. For
that reason, we need your help to raise awareness about this

Together, you, me, your friends, your family, boys and girls can
end violence and protect every woman and girl in the world!

Now, listen again.

(That is the end of PRACTISE- EXERCISE 3)

Material elaborado en colaboración con el British Council y RELO Andes de la Embajada de Estados Unidos.

El presente documento tiene fines exclusivamente pedagógicos y forma parte de la estrategia de educación a distancia
gratuita que imparte el Ministerio de Educación.

Adaptado de UN Women. [UN Women] (2016, junio 8). Ending violence against women and girls: If not you, who?.

Recuperado de, el 03 de noviembre de 2020.

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