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Submitted by: Name

Enrollment number: roll no.


I, , hereby declare that the work presented in this Internship Report has
been carried out by me after the completion of One month work at POWER
I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for
any other purpose.
Roll no

The internship opportunity I had with POWER GENERATION STATION

(HEP GANDERBAL) was a great chance for learning and professional
development. Therefore, I consider myself a very lucky individual as I was
provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having got a
chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me through
this internship period. I express my deepest thanks to Mr. MEHRAJ UD DIN
GANIE for internship opportunity at generation house Ganderbal and Mr.
ALTAF and Mr. SAJAD for mediating my profound familiarization with the
electro-mechanical operations of powerhouse Ganderbal. It was, in essence, a great
period for my career development. I will strive to gain more skills and knowledge
in future, and I will continue to work on self-improvement in order to attain desired
career objectives.

1. Introduction 01
2. How Hydropower Works 02
3. Generating Power 03
4. Transmitting Power 05
4. How Power Is Computed 07
5. Introduction to Lower Sindh Power Project 08
10. Operation of the Power Plant 10
11. Protection and Instrumentation Section 21
12. Hydro Potential In Jammu And Kashmir 28
13. Lower Sindh Power Project 29
Hydroelectric Power -- what is it?
It’s a form of energy … a renewable resource. Other renewable resources include
geothermal, wave power, tidal power, wind power, and solar power. Hydroelectric
powerplants do not use up resources to create electricity nor do they pollute the air,
land, or water, as other powerplants may. Hydroelectric power has played an
important part in the development of this Nation's electric power industry. Both
small and large hydroelectric power developments were instrumental in the early
expansion of the electric power industry.
Hydroelectric power comes from flowing water … winter and spring runoff from
mountain streams and clear lakes. Water, when it is falling by the force of gravity,
can be used to turn turbines and generators that produce electricity.
Hydroelectric power is important to our Nation. Growing populations and modern
technologies require vast amounts of electricity for creating, building, and
expansion. The amount of energy produced by this means has steadily increased,
the amount produced by other types of powerplants has also increased at a faster
rate and hydroelectric power presently supplies about 22% percent of the electrical
generating capacity of India.
Hydropower is an essential contributor in the national power grid because of its
ability to respond quickly to rapidly varying loads or system disturbances, which
base load plants with steam systems powered by combustion or nuclear processes
cannot accommodate.
Hydroelectric powerplants are the most efficient means of producing electric
energy. The efficiency of today's hydroelectric plants is about 90 percent.
Hydroelectric plants do not create air pollution, the fuel--falling water--is not
consumed, projects have long lives relative to other forms of energy generation,
and hydroelectric generators respond quickly to changing system conditions. These
favorable characteristics continue to make hydroelectric projects attractive sources
of electric power.

How Hydropower Works
Hydroelectric power comes from water at work, water in motion. It can be seen as
a form of solar energy, as the sun powers the hydrologic cycle which gives the
earth its water. In the hydrologic cycle, atmospheric water reaches the earth’s
surface as precipitation. Some of this water evaporates, but much of it either
percolates into the soil or becomes surface runoff. Water from rain and melting
snow eventually reaches ponds, lakes, reservoirs, or oceans where evaporation is
constantly occurring.

Moisture percolating into the soil may become ground water (subsurface water),
some of which also enters water bodies through springs or underground streams.
Ground water may move upward through soil during dry periods and may return to
the atmosphere by evaporation.
Water vapor passes into the atmosphere by evaporation then circulates, condenses
into clouds, and some returns to earth as precipitation. Thus, the water cycle is
complete. Nature ensures that water is a renewable resource.

Generating Power
In nature, energy cannot be created or destroyed, but its form can change. In
generating electricity, no new energy is created. Actually, one form of energy is
converted to another form. To generate electricity, water must be in motion. This is
kinetic (moving) energy. When flowing water turns blades in a turbine, the form is
changed to mechanical (machine) energy. The turbine turns the generator rotor
which then converts this mechanical energy into another energy form -- electricity.
Since water is the initial source of energy, we call this hydroelectric power or
hydropower for short.
At facilities called hydroelectric powerplants, hydropower is generated. Some
power plants are located on rivers, streams, and canals, but for a reliable water
supply, dams are needed. Dams store water for later release for such purposes as
irrigation, domestic and industrial use, and power generation. The reservoir acts
much like a battery, storing water to be released as needed to generate power.
These are termed as Storage type power generating schemes.

Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) is a type of hydroelectric generation plant

whereby little, or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may

have no water storage at all or a limited amount of storage, in which case the
storage reservoir is referred to as pondage. A plant without pondage is subject to
seasonal river flows, thus the plant will operate as an intermittent energy source.
Conventional hydro uses reservoirs, which regulate water for flood control,
dispatchable electrical power, and the provision of fresh water for agriculture.

Transmitting Power
Once the electricity is produced, it must be delivered to where it is needed -- our
homes, schools, offices, factories, etc. Dams are often in remote locations and
power must be transmitted over some distance to its users. Vast networks of
transmission lines and facilities are used to bring electricity to us in a form we can
use. All the electricity made at a powerplant comes first through transformers
which raise the voltage so it can travel long distances through powerlines.
Voltage is the pressure that forces an electric current through a wire.) At local
substations, transformers reduce the voltage so electricity can be divided up and
directed throughout an area.

While hydroelectric powerplants are one source of electricity, other sources

include powerplants that burn fossil fuels or split atoms to create steam which in
turn is used to generate power. Gas-turbine, solar, geothermal, and wind-powered
systems are other sources. All these power plants may use the same system of
transmission lines and stations in an area to bring power to you. By use of this
‘‘power grid” electricity can be interchanged among several utility systems to meet
varying demands. So, the electricity lighting your reading lamp now may be from a
hydroelectric powerplant, a wind generator, a nuclear facility, or a coal, gas, or oil-
fired powerplant … or a combination of these.

How Power Is Computed
Before a hydroelectric power site is developed, engineers compute how much
power can be produced when the facility is complete. The actual output of energy
at a dam is determined by the volume of water released (discharge) and the vertical
distance the waterfalls (head). So, a given amount of water falling a given distance
will produce a certain amount of energy. The head and the discharge at the power
site and the desired rotational speed of the generator determine the type of turbine
to be used.
The head produces a pressure (water pressure), and the greater the head, the greater
the pressure to drive turbines. This pressure is measured in pounds of force
(pounds per square inch). More head or faster flowing water means more power.
To find the theoretical horsepower (the measure of mechanical energy) from a
specific site, this formula is used:
THP = (Q x H)/8.8
THP = theoretical horsepower
Q = flow rate in cubic feet per second (cfs)
H = head in feet
8.8 = a constant
A more complicated formula is used to refine the calculations of this available
power. The formula takes into account losses in the amount of head due to friction
in the penstock and other variations due to the efficiency levels of mechanical
devices used to harness the power. To find how much electrical power we can
expect, we must convert the mechanical measure (horsepower) into electrical terms
(watts). One horsepower is equal to 746 watts.

Introduction to Lower Sindh Power Project
Lower Sindh Power Project is a run-of-river hydroelectric scheme in Jammu and
Kashmir. Lower Sindh Power Project is established at the Ganderbal village, which
is 20 km from the summer capital of Jammu & Kashmir - Srinagar. You can reach
this power station via Road, Air or Rail. Regular Buses and Taxi Services are
available from Srinagar to the Power Station. Srinagar International Airport is the
nearest airport and Srinagar railway station is the nearest Railway Station.
Ganderbal Hydroelectric Project is commissioned in 1961. It has an installed and
approved capacity of 15 Megawatt. The Type of Project is Small, since the
capacity is between 3 Megawatt and 25 Megawatt. The status of the power plant is
completed and is Operational. The source of water for the generation of power is
Sindh Nallah, which is a tributary of Jhelum, and the basin is Jhelum River. The
power station is located at North Hydroelectric Region. The power plant is
managed by the Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development Corporation
The beneficiary state of this hydroelectric power station is Jammu & Kashmir. The
type of powerhouse is Surface. The completion of the Power Project was in 1961
and the Turbine Type is Francis. The total number of Turbines in the power plant
is 4 and capacity of first and second unit is 3 MW each and the capacity of
remaining two units were 4.5 MW each. So the entire installed capacity is 15
Megawatt. The manufacturer of both Turbine and Generator of the power plant is
Escher wyss - Switzerland, Ganz Mavag - Hungary. The height of the Rated Head
of turbine is 137 m. The specific speed of turbine is 2 x 1000 rpm and the rated
speed is 1000 rpm.
The Unit Sizes of the power plant is 15 MW (2 units x 3 Megawatt & 2 units x 4.5
Megawatt). There are four units in operation and all four units are commissioned.
The first two units are commissioned with an installed capacity of 3 Megawatts
each and after that the remaining two units are commissioned with an installed
capacity of 4.5 Megawatt each.

Operation of the Power Plant
A run-of-the-river system to be possible in a given location, there needs to be two
specific geographical features. The first is there must be a reasonably substantial
flow rate, either from rainfall or a melting snowpack. In addition, there must be
enough tilt to the river to speed the water up significantly. Therefore, run-of-the-
river systems are best implemented in bodies of water with a fairly constant flow
rate. If they are built in locations where the flow rate is fairly low for a period of
time and then peaks dramatically, there will be a large amount of "wasted" water
during the peak flow periods as the excess water falls through the spillways. This is
because these systems are built to accommodate the lowest flow rate—thus, not be
able to handle significantly larger flow rates.
In run-of-the-river systems, running water from a river is guided down a channel or
penstock. There can be some change in altitude at this point (from a small dam or
the natural landscape) so there may still be some contribution from "falling water."
The diverted water is brought to an electricity generating house. In this house, the
running water drives a turbine, running a generator and generating electricity. After
being used, water is fed to the river downstream.
Although run-of-the-river systems rely primarily on the flow rate of rivers to
generate electricity and not a significant amount of water storage, some a small-
scale dam or weir to ensure enough water enters the system itself. Pondage (a small
amount of water stored behind the dam) is occasionally used, making them
generally more reliable as they compensate for any discrepancies in water flow.
This stored water isn't like a reservoir because it stores enough for "same day use"
not future uses.
The power plant includes these following elements:

1.The Main Inlet Valve

The main inlet valve or MIV is the valve which is installed before water enters into
the spiral casing of the Hydro turbine. Water from the dam goes to the penstock,
and before water enters into the turbine, MIV is the equipment in between that
stops the water for small maintenance purposes in the turbine hall.


While there are only two basic types of turbines (impulse and reaction), there are
many variations. The specific type of turbine to be used in a powerplant is not
selected until all operational studies and cost estimates are complete. The turbine
selected depends largely on the site conditions.
A reaction turbine is a horizontal or vertical wheel that operates with the wheel
completely submerged, a feature which reduces turbulence. In theory, the reaction
turbine works like a rotating lawn sprinkler where water at a central point is under
pressure and escapes from the ends of the blades, causing rotation. Reaction
turbines are the type most widely used.

An impulse turbine is a horizontal or vertical wheel that uses the kinetic energy of
water striking its buckets or blades to cause rotation. The wheel is covered by a
housing and the buckets or blades are shaped so they turn the flow of water about

170 degrees inside the housing. After turning the blades or buckets, the water falls
to the bottom of the wheel housing and flows out.

Spiral Casing with Francis Turbine Inside Guide Vane

Guide Vane Control Mechanism

3.Synchronous Generator
The synchronous generator or alternator is an electrical machine which converts
the mechanical power from a prime mover into an AC electrical power at a
particular voltage and frequency.
The synchronous motor always runs at the constant speed called synchronous

Working Principle of Synchronous Generator

The synchronous generator works on the principle of Faraday laws of
electromagnetic induction. The electromagnetic induction states that electromotive
force induced in the armature coil if it is rotating in the uniform magnetic field.
The EMF will also be generated if the field rotates, and the conductor becomes
stationary. Thus, the relative motion between the conductor and the field induces
the EMF in the conductor. The wave shape of the induces voltage always a
sinusoidal curve.
Construction Of Synchronous Generator
An alternate or motor consists of two main parts, namely the stator and the rotor.
The stator is the stationary part of the machine. It carries the armature winding in
which the voltage is generated. The output of the machine is taken from the stator.
The rotor is the rotating part of the machine. The rotor produces the main field
The important parts of the Synchronous Machine are given below.
1. Stator
2. Rotor


The stationary part of the machine is called Stator. It includes various parts
like stator frame, stator core, stator windings and cooling arrangement. They
are explained below in detail.

Stator Frame:
It is the outer body of the machine made of cast iron, and it protects the inner parts
of the machine.
Stator Core:
The stator core is made of silicon steel material. It is made from a number of
stamps which are insulated from each other. Its function is to provide an easy path
for the magnetic lines of force and accommodate the stator winding.
Stator Winding:
Slots are cut on the inner periphery of the stator core in which 3 phase or 1 phase
winding is placed. Enameled copper is used as winding material. The winding is
star connected. The winding of each phase is distributed over several slots. When
the current flows in a distributed winding it produces an essentially sinusoidal
space distribution of EMF.
The rotating part of the machine is called Rotor. There are two types of rotor
construction, namely the salient pole type and the cylindrical rotor type.
It is made of cast iron to provide an easy path for magnetic flux. It is keyed to the
shaft and at the outer surface, pole core and pole shoe are keyed to it.
Pole Core and Pole Shoe
It is made of laminated sheet steel material. The pole core provides the least
reluctance path for the magnetic field and the pole shoe distributes the field over
the whole periphery uniformly to produce a sinusoidal wave.
Field Winding or Exciting Winding
It is wound on the former and then placed around the pole core. DC supply is given
to it through slip rings. When direct current flows through the field winding, it
produces the required magnetic field.

Rotor Core

The rotor core is made of silicon steel stampings. It is placed on the shaft. At the
outer periphery, slots are cut in which exciting coils are placed.
Rotor Winding or Exciting Winding
It is placed on the rotor slots, and current is passed through the winding in such a
way that the poles are formed according to the requirement.
Slip Rings
Slip rings provide DC supply to the rotor windings.

Synchronous Generator inside the casing

The excitor provides DC excitation to the rotor windings. The arrangement of
the system used for this purpose is known as the Excitation system.

DC Excitor

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy from one circuit to
another purely by magnetic coupling. Relative motion of the parts of the
Transformers are not required for the transfer of energy. Transformers are often
used to convert between high and low voltages, to change impedance, and to
provide electrical isolation between circuits.

Basic Principles:
In its most basic form, a transformer consists of:
 A primary coil or winding.
 A secondary coil or winding.
 A core that supports the coils or windings.
The primary winding is connected to a 50 hertz ac voltage source. The magnetic
field (flux) builds up (expands) and collapses (contracts) about the primary
winding. The expanding and contracting magnetic field around the primary
winding cuts, the secondary winding and induces an alternating voltage into the
winding. This voltage causes alternating current to flow through the load. The
voltage may be stepped up or down depending on the design of the primary and
secondary windings.

Conservative Tank:
Conservative tanks play a vital role because we know that oil is present in
transformers. So, when it becomes hot then oil expands so it takes space so the
expand oil is come in conservative tank.

Serge Erester:

Serge Erester plays the most important role for the protection of the transformer. It
is present between the outputs of the step-up transformer. When the voltage is
increased with the specific value then the serge Erester becomes short to protect
the any damage of the transformer. When serge Erester is short then its further
connection will be ground. This way we protect the transformer.
Tap Changer:
A tap changer is used to change the output voltages by rotating his switch. It has
total seven levels of different voltages. When we increase level by moving its
handle the output voltages will be decreased.
Transformer Cooling System:
In the transformer cooling system hot oil comes from transformer to heat
exchanger by pipeline. A heat exchanger consists of tubes for oil, cooling water
circulates around these tubes to decrease temperature of oil, water circulate by
Transformer cooling water pumps (placed in H cover) these pumps collect water
from water cooling surface buckets. One pump is in operation while other pump on
standby. After that hot water from heat exchanger sends back to cooling water
surface. When the oil becomes hot it also expands so it will go to the conservative

Protection and Instrumentation Section
The isolation of effective parts from energized parts is called protection. While the
physical display of these parts is called instrumentation.
Instrument transformers are used to reduce high currents and voltages to ranges
that can be handled and measured by standard meeting relaying equipment. These
transformers are generally used for protection as well as measuring purposes.

Potential Transformer:
The potential transformers (PT) steps down a high voltage to a normal low value
that can be effectively and safely used for operation of instruments such as
ammeters, voltmeters, watt meters and relays used for various protective purposes.

Potential Transformer

Current Transformer:
The current transformer steps down a high current of a circuit to lower value and is
used in the same type of equipment as for potential transformers. This is done by
constructing the secondary coil consisting of many turns of wire, around the
primary coil, which contains only a few turns of wire. In this manner
measurements of high current can be obtained. A current transformer should

always be short circuited when not connected to external load. Because the
magnetic circuit of current transformer is designed for low magnetizing current.

Current Transformer

2.Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

The generator’s excitation system maintains its voltage and controls the reactive
power flow. As change in real power demand affects essentially the frequency,
whereas a change in reactive power affects mainly the voltage magnitude. The
sources of reactive power are generators, capacitors and rectors. The generator’s
reactive power is controlled by field excitation. The primary means of generator’s
reactive power control is generator’s excitation control using automatic voltage
regulator (AVR). The role of AVR is to maintain the terminal voltage of a
synchronous generator to a specific level. An increase in the reactive power load of
a generator is accompanied by a drop in terminal voltage. The PT senses the
voltage on one phase, rectified and compared to the DC set point signal. The
amplifier error signal controls the exciter field and increases the exciter terminal
voltage. Thus, the generator’s field current is increased resulting in the increase of
generator’s emf. The reactive power generation is increased to a new equilibrium,
raising the terminal voltage to a desired value.
A relay is an electromagnet switch which opens or closes under the control of
another electrical circuit. The switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or
close one or many sets of contacts. Since it controls an output circuit of higher
power than input circuit, it is considered to be a form of an electrical amplifier.
Some of these important relays are described below:

Electromechanical Relay:
Electromechanical relay consists of multi-turn coil, wound on an iron core, to form
an electromagnet. When the coil is energized, the core magnetizes and attracts the
armature and hence the contacts are joined. While de-energized, the contacts are
released. In this multiple circuit switching is performed by this type of relay.
Solid State Relay:
A solid-state relay (SSR) is a solid-state electronic component providing the
similar function to a relay but does not have any moving part thus increasing long
term reliability. With early SSRs the tradeoff came from the fact that every
transistor has a small voltage drops across it. This voltage drop limited the amount
of current a given SSR could handle. As transistors improved, higher current
SSR’s able to handle100 to 1200 Amperes. Compared to electromagnetic relays,
they may be falsely triggered by transients.
Protection Relays:
This relay is a complex electromagnetic apparatus, often with more than one coil,
designed to calculate operating conditions on an electrical circuit and trip that
circuit breakers in case of a fault. Unlike other relays protection relays have well
established, selectable, time/current curves. Hydropower project for alarm and
protection system. These relays have quick response to the conditions like the over
current, over voltage, reverse power flow, over and under frequency, and even
distance relays that would trip the circuit for faults up to a certain distance away
from the substation. The various functions of protection relays are denoted by
standard ANSI device number. For example, a relay including function 51 would
be timed over the current protective relay. These relays provide various types of
electrical protection by detecting abnormal conditions and isolating them from the
rest of electrical system through breaker. Such relays may be located at the service
entrance or at major load centers.
By combining several functions in one case, numerical relays also save capital and
maintenance cost.
Distance Relay:
The most common form of protection on high voltage transmission systems is
distance relay protection. Power lines have set impedance per KM and using this
value and comparing voltage and current and the distance to fault can be

determined. The ANSI standard device number for distance relay is 21. The main
types of distance relay protection schemes are:
 Three step distance protection
 Switched distance protection
 Accelerative or permissive intertrip protection
 Block distance protection
In three step distance protection, the relays are separated into three separate zones
of impedance measurement to accommodate for overreach and under reach
Synchronic Check Relay:
This relay is used to interconnect the load to the bus bar after synchronizing the
phases, voltage and frequency. The CT & PT are mainly used for protection and
measuring purposes. CT & PT can be utilized to perform only these two functions.
4.Lightening Arrestors
It is a protective device which conducts the high voltage surge on the power
system to the ground. Surge voltages are abnormal voltage that may cause break
down of insulation of electrical equipment. These voltages may result from
switching disturbance in the electrical installation circuit or from lightening stroke.
These both are connected in series under normal conditions; the normal system
voltage is insufficient to cause the breakdown of air gaps assembly. On the
occurrence of over voltage, the breakdown of series spark gap takes place and the
surge current is conducted to earth via the nonlinear resistor. They provide
effective protection.
Requirement of Lightening Arrestor
· It should not pass any current at normal or at abnormal(normally 5% more
than normal voltage) power frequency voltage.
· It should break down as quickly as possible after abnormally high frequency
voltage is arrived.
· It should not only protect the equipment for which it is used but should
discharge the surge current without damaging itself.

· It should interrupt the power frequency following current after the surge is
discharged to ground.

A circuit breaker is a device that can open or close a high voltage circuit in a
fraction of a second.

CIRCUIT BREAKERS have low voltage (LV) as well as high voltage (HV)
applications. Low voltage applications include Fuse, MCB, MCCB.
The opening and closing of a circuit breaker is achieved by separable contacts of
the CB. When the movable contacts begin to separate the CB begins interrupting
current. ARCING PHENOMENON occurs during the opening of contacts. HV
circuit breakers have two contacts:
1. Main contact
2. Arcing contact
The arc plasma must be cooled and extinguished in a systematic way so that the
gap between the contacts can again withstand the voltage in a circui


Classification based on medium used for arc extinction
1. Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB)One of the important
developments in the design of the oil breaker has been to reduce the amount
of oil needed. It uses the minimum amount of oil and is only used for
extinguishing. The current conducting parts are insulated by porcelain or
organic insulated material. Low oil circuit breakers employ solid material for
insulation purposes and use a small quantity of oil which is sufficient for
extinguishing. By using suitable arc control devices, the arc extinguisher can
facilitate low circuit breaker venting.
2. AIR BREAK CIRCUIT BREAKER: In air break circuit breakers
Atmospheric pressured air is used as an arc extinction medium .
3. VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER: in VCB vacuum is used for arc
quenching . This CB highest insulating strength .
4. Sodium hexafluoride (SF6 ) circuit breaker: in SF6 circuit breaker a non-
inflammable, inert, non-poisonous and odorless gas sodium hexafluoride is
used at 90C as arc quenching medium.

MCOB Vacuum circuit breaker

SF6 Circuit Breaker

Hydro Potential In Jammu And Kashmir
The state of Jammu and Kashmir is endowed with significant hydel potential
which, when exploited fully, will provide a strong impetus for the growth of its
economy. Development of this potential would need huge resources, technical
expertise, administrative reforms, congenial environment, proper regulation and
management, besides competitive marketing, policy formation and private
participation. Optimal exploitation of available hydel resources in the State would
not only meet the internal demand but will also supply power to the Northern grid
to boost the overall development of the State. The estimated hydro power potential
of the state is 20,000 Megawatts (MW), of which about 16475 MW have been
identified. This comprises 11283 MW in Chenab basin, 3084 MW in Jhelum basin
500 MW in Ravi Basin & 1608 MW in the Indus basin. Out of the identified
potential, only 3263.46 MW i.e., 19.80 % (of identified potential) has been
exploited so far, consisting of 1211.96 MW in State Sector from 21 power projects,
2009 MW in Central Sector from 7 projects and 42.5 MW in private sector from 4
Power Development in Jammu and Kashmir has a long and distinguished history.
9MW Mohra Hydro-electric Plant, among the first of its kind in the subcontinent,
was developed as early as 1905. The estimated hydel potential is about 20,000
MW, out of which projects of about 16,200
MW capacity have already been identified. These projects are techno-economically
viable, besides being eco-friendly and socially beneficial. In order to harness this
potential in a sustained manner, the Government of J&K established the Jammu &
Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited (JKSPDCL) which has
been incorporated as Private limited company on 16th February 1995. The
Corporation was incorporated to takeover, execute, complete, operate and maintain
all power stations and power projects of the State. The assets of all the power
projects in the State, both existing and under implementation, were transferred to
the Corporation. The Corporation presently has 20 hydroelectric projects with
installed capacity of 758.70MW located in various districts of Jammu & Kashmir
including 450MW BHEP. The Corporation has Gas Turbines based on HSD with
installed capacity of 175 MW at Pampore near Srinagar. In accordance with the
State Hydel Policy, 2003 JKSPDC has allotted 10 small HEPs with a total capacity
of 110.50 MWs under IPP phase-I.

Nallah Sindh, a major tributary to the Jhelum river flows through the district
Ganderbal. The water from the river is mainly used for irrigation, and generation of
Hydroelectricity. There are three Hydroelectric Power Stations, Lower Sindh
Hydroelectric Power Project Ganderbal, Upper Sindh Hydroelectric Power Project
1st Kangan and Upper Sindh Hydroelectric Power Project 2nd Sumbal generating
electricity on the river Nallah Sindh. Besides, the water of the river is used for
drinking by the whole Srinagar city through Rangil Water Treatment Plant.
The Lower Sindh power project was commissioned in 1955 with a capacity of 15
MW. The project is under a major dip with reduced generating potential since the
time of inception. The Malshahibagh water canal is the main source feeding the old
Ganderbal powerhouse. The canal is also a source of raw water supply to various
areas of Srinagar and Ganderbal. The power plant is managed by the Jammu &
Kashmir State Power Development Corporation Limited

1. Name of power station: Ganderbal Hydro-electric power station
2. Owner of power station: JKSPDC
3. Location:
● Nearest town with distance: Ganderbal(0-5kms)
● Nearest District: Ganderbal
● State: J&K
● Longitude: 74.47’E
● Latitude 34.14’N
● Altitude: 1950m
4. Nearest Guest house/hotel: Namrose Guest House (20 m from powerhouse)
5. Type of power station: Canal based
6. Source of water: ` Sindh Nallah

7. No. of Generating units with Capacities: No’s (2x4.5 MW + 2x3 MW)
8. Maximum and minimum head: Unit 1 & II Unit III & IV
Gross head maximum 140.24mts 140mts
Net head 137.20mts 137mts
9. Commissioning date: 1955(Unit I & II)
1961(Unit III & IV)

B) Generating Units:
1. Turbine
(a) Unit 1 & II
Type: Francis Turbine (horizontal)
Shaft: Horizontal
Make: Esherwyss
Rated head: 137 m
Rated discharge: 97.4 cusecs
Rated power output: 4365 BHP
Rated speed: 1000 rpm
Speed increaser used: None
Flywheel provided: Yes
(b) Unit III & IV
Type: Francis Turbine (horizontal)
Shaft: Horizontal
Make: Ganz Movag Hungary
Rated head: 140 m

Rated discharge: 138 cusecs
Rated power output: 6450 HP (4750kW)
Rated speed: 600 rpm
Speed increaser used: None
Flywheel provided: Yes
2. Generator:
(a) Unit I & II
Make: Metropolitan Vickers England
Type: Synchronous
Rated Speed: 1000ropm
Generator ratings
■ Rated power factor: 0.8
■ Rated output: 3750 kVA
■ Rated speed: 6.6 kV
■ Connection: Star connected
Runaway speed: 1720 rpm
Frequency: 50Hz
Excitation Voltage: 75 V
Excitation Current: 250 A
Excitation System: Brush type
(b) Unit III & IV
Make: Metropolitan Vickers England
Type: Synchronous
Rated Speed: 600 rpm
Generator ratings:

• Rated power factor: 0.8
• Rated output: 5700 KVA
• Rated voltage: 6.6 kV
Runaway speed: 1100 rpm
Frequency: 50 Hz
Excitation Voltage: 85 V
Excitation Current: 418 A
Excitation System: Brush type
3 Efficiency of generating units: NA
4. Any problem observed?
1. Turbine: Shaft of unit 01 has corroded
2. MIV: Leakage problem
3. Governor: O.K
4. Exciter: O.K
5. Voltage Regulator: AVR gear mechanism gets worn out within
weeks' time
6. Bearings: Frequent rise in bearing temperature
7. Others: Relays are not functioning properly


1. Weir:
2. Details of desilting tank
3. Head Race channel/tunnel details: Dimensions: 16km x 10' x 12'
BR dimensions: Capacity: 1000 cusecs, Depth: 21'
4. Details of Forebay tank and spillway: 100'x76'x24' with three waterways feeding
into three penstocks of which only two have been provided. A washout has been

provided at RL 5669.78 with sloping floor towards washout. The free board of FSL
is 3.4’.
5. Details of surge tank: NA
6. Details of penstocks: 135' long pieces jointed with butt type rivetted joints with
expansion joints in between the blocks.

D. Details of powerhouse building:

165'x 28' accommodating 4 gensets of 2x4.5 MW and 2x3 MW sets each with a
control room on eastern side of powerhouse.

E. Tail race details:

The tail race runs lower down in line with penstock channel after negotiating a
curve behind powerhouse up to Sindh Nallah.
No. and type of intake gates: NA
No. and type of draft tube gates: NA
Common penstock: NA


1. Single line Power Diagram of power station: Enclosed
2.Power Transformer: 6.6/33Kv Transformers
1) Unit I & II
Make: Metropolitan Vickers Company Ltd.
Rated KVA: 3750 kVA
Rated Voltage: HV 33000 V
LV 6600 V
Rated current: HV 65.7 A
LV 328 A
Phases: HV 3
LV 3
Frequency: 50Hz
Impedance Volts: 70
Cooling: ON
Connection: Delta Star
2) Unit III & IV (7 Nos. Including one spare)
Make: Ganz Budapest Hungary
Rated KVA: 1875 kVA
Rated Voltage: HV 19050 V
LV 6600 V
Rated Current: HV 98.5 A
LV 284 A

Phases: HV 1
LV 1
Frequency: 50 Hz
Impedance Volts: 6.7
Cooling: ON
Connection: Delta Star
3) Auxiliary (Station) Transformers: (2 Nos. including one spare transformer)
Make: Metropolitan Vickers.
Rated KVA: 300 kVA
Rated Voltage: HV 33000 V
LV 400 V
Rated current: HV 5.25 A
LV 433 A
Phases: HV 3
LV 3
Frequency: 50Hz
Cooling: ON
Connection: Delta Star
Problems: Cable of spare transformer damaged



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