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1. How old is the man who wrote the letter and why does he not look his age? The
man who wrote the letter is already 50 years old. He stated that his appearance is
somebody of 85 because it is mentioned there that he does not drink enough water;
When someone hasn't drunk enough water, they will suffer from having an
excessively drying of skin and that might be the reason why he does not look his age.
2. What is the difference between his life in 2070 and when he was 5 years old? His
life when he was just 5 years old was far from different in the year 2070, he is
currently living in. He said everything was very different back then because there
were a lot of trees in the parks, houses with beautiful garden, and he could enjoy a
shower for half an hour. Meanwhile in the year 2070, they have to use towels with
mineral oil to clean their skin. Furthermore, women used to have beautiful hair but
now they have to shave their head to keep them clean without the use of water.
3. What happened to the rivers, lakes, and other water sources as mentioned in the
article? According to the article, all the rivers, lakes, dams, and underground water
beds are either dry or contaminated.
4. What happens if we do not take care of water resources? I believe that if we do not
take care of water resources, there will be destruction in our environment. Water
resources will not last forever as they can be contaminated and get dried due to
serious weathering conditions. Because of that, there's a possibility that there might
be a shortage of water; when there is a shortage of water, it may cause dehydration
to people and untidiness because they won't be able to take an adequate amount of
showering. Furthermore, since water might not be produced anymore, plants and
trees will die; when they do, the oxygen will be degraded and it may also decrease
the source of food since we also get our food from plants. There might also be a
decrease in animals as they might die and the food chain may malfunction. In short,
all living things will suffer because of their lack of attention and care in our water
5. What is the significance of nature’s gifts and what is our role in preserving them?
We owe everything we have to nature—from the oxygen we breathe to the crops we
grow to the water we use for irrigation—to the woods, rivers, oceans, and soils of
this planet. Many other items and services essential to our survival and well-being
also depend on them. As humans, we are responsible for the protection and
preservation of our nature so that is why we have to play our role by following the
three R’s (reduce, reuse, and recycle), using environment-friendly products, conserve
water, turning off lights when not in use, picking up litter, proper segregation,
planting more trees and plants. There are lots of thing we can do to play our role in
the preservation of nature but I just mentioned some of the things that might also be

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