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Homework 1 (Excretion in animal)

Question 1:
Choose the correct answer:
1- D 2- C 3- A 4- B 5- A 6- I. D
6- II. C 7- B 8- A 9- C 10- D 11- D
12- D 13- C 14- B 15- C 16- D 17- B
18- I. B 18- II. B 18- III. A 18- IV. B 18- V. A 18- VI. D
18- VII. B 19- C 20- B 21- A 22- C 23- B
24- B 25- C 26- A 27- C 28- D 29- B
30- D 31- D 32- A

*Other sources
1- B 2- C 3- B 4- B 5- B 6- C
7- A 8- A 9- A 10- C 11- B 12- A
13- C 14- A 15- B 16- D 17- D 18- D
19- D 20- D 21- A 22- A

Question 2:
Answer the following questions:
Excretion process Defecation process
• It is a vital process by which the living • It is a process by which the
organism gets rid of the wastes that living organism gets rid of the
resulted from the biological processes (harmful undigested food out of the body in
metabolic products) and the chemical activities the form of faeces.
that are accompanied by them. • The undigested food that leaves
• The wastes that leave the body in excretion the body in defecation process
process pass through the plasma membranes of doesn't pass through the plasma
cells. membranes of cells.

2- Skin is considered an excretory organ in the human body, where the skin dermis
contains sweat glands "the functional units of excretion in the skin" that extract the
sweat (water, salts and a small amount of nitrogenous wastes) from the blood and
expel it out of the body through the sweat pores that open at the skin surface.

3- Because the sweat gland extracts the sweat (water, salts and a small amount of
nitrogenous wastes) from the blood that is found in the blood capillaries
surrounding it

P.O.C. Skin epidermis Skin dermis
It consists of many layers of epithelial It consists mainly of
cells, which are: connective tissues and contains
- The surface layer consists of dead sweat glands, fat (sebaceous)
cells that are full of a horny substance glands, hair follicles, hair
called keratin, and it is always muscle, sensory nerve endings,
subjected to friction. blood vessels and fat cells.

- The inner layer consists of living
cells and contains pigment cells at its
base that secrete the melanin

Homework 2 (Excretion in animal)
Question 1:
Choose the correct answer:
Kidney & Liver
1- D 2- A 3- C 4- B 5- C 6- A
7- A 8- D 9- B 10- D 11- D 12- D
13- I. B 13- II. D 13- III. D 13- IV. A 14- C 15- A
16- A 17- I. B 17- II. C 18- B 19- C 20- B
21- A 22- D 23- D 24- B 25- B 26- I. D
26- II. A 27- C 28- B 29- D 30- I. A 30- II. C
30- III. B 31- C 32- C 33- D 34- A 35- B
36- D 37- A 38- D 39- I. C 39- II. A 39- III. A
39- IV. A 39- V. A 40- C 41- A 42- I. B 42- II. A
43- C 44- D 45- C 46- B 47- D 48- B
49- B 50- B 51- D 52- C 53- C 54- D
55- A 56- B

*Other sources
1- A 2- A 3- C 4- A 5- B 6- C
7- B 8- A 9- C 10- A 11- B 12- A
13- C 14- C 15- A 16- C 17- B 18- C
19- B 20- A 21- B 22- A 23- B 24- C
25- B 26- A 27- C

Question 2:
Answer the following questions:
1- As the 2nd coiled tubules of the kidney nephrons are collected inside it to pour
urine in it.

2- I. • The function of structure no. (1) "ureter":

Urine passes through it drop by drop from the two kidneys to the bladder to be
• Its contents will contain high amount of nitrogenous wastes (urea), due to the
separation of amino group (NH₂) from the excess nitrogenous amino acids produced
from the digestion of proteins (meat) and their conversion into urea expelled out of
the body through the kidneys.
II. • Nephron.
• It is found in the two regions "cortex" no. (4) and "medulla" no. (3).
Structure no. (2) "Pelvis" Structure no. (4) "Cortex"
The collecting ducts are found in it, Bowman's capsule, 1st coiled tubules and 2nd
where the 2nd coiled tubules of the coiled tubules of the nephron are found
nephron are collected. inside it.
IV. • The liquid which enters the kidney is : Arterial blood.
• The two liquids which exit from the kidney are: venous blood and urine.

3- The extraction and filtration of poisonous excretory wastes (especially urea) from
human blood will not occur, and this will lead to their accumulation in the body
that causes the person's poisoning and death, because the nephron is the functional
unit of the kidney which extracts the excretory substances that are present in the
blood and produced from the vital processes in the body cells and gets rid of them.

4- I. a. (1) Kidney.
b. (2) Renal artery.
c. (3) Renal vein.

II. The function of structure no. (5) "urinary bladder": it stores urine and contains
a sphincter muscle that closes the outlet of the bladder, till the urine accumulates
inside it, then its muscles contract to expel urine outside the body through urethra.

Selective reabsorption process in the
Filtration process in the kidney
It is a process occurred in the nephric It is a process in which the blood fluid
tubule through which the body (plasma) is filtered out of the blood in
reabsorbs the required water, glucose Bowman's capsule to be collected in the
and mineral salts to return them back nephric tubule.
into the blood, and the wastes leave the This fluid contains water, nitrogenous
body in the form of urine. wastes, mineral salts and glucose.

6- The person has to drink about 170 liters of water daily to compensate the loss,
and the body will lose a lot of the nutrients that the body needs.

7- Due to the difference in the percentage of the excess water found among the
components of the urine, on decreasing the amount of water that expelled out with
urine, the urine appears in deep yellow colour, and on increasing the amount of
water in it, it appears in pale yellow colour.

8- I. a. (3). b. (7).
II. - In structure no. (3) "Bowman's capsule": the filtration process occurs.
- In structure no. (6) "2nd coiled tubule": the selective reabsorption process occurs.
III. The substances pass through structure no. (2) "glomerulus" to structure no. (3)
"Bowman's capsule" through filtration process, where inside structure no. (3) the
blood fluid (plasma) containing water, wastes, mineral salts and glucose is filtered
out of blood to be reabsorbed in the nephric tubule.
IV. The blood cells and some protein molecules don't pass through Bowman's
capsule / Due to their large size.

9- I. • The liquid passes in no. (1): the blood containing all excretory substances,
such as urea.
• The liquid passes in no. (2): the purifying liquid that consists of all the blood
plasma contents, except urea and other metabolic waste products.
II. The percentage of the excretory substances in the purifying liquid will increase.
So, these substances will not transfer from the patient's blood to the purifying liquid
and the patient's blood will not be purified.

10- Because the other kidney grows and becomes slightly bigger to perform the
function of the two kidneys together.

11- As the purifying liquid contains all the components of normal blood plasma,
except urea and other metabolic waste products. Since, the concentration of these
harmful substances is very high in the blood of kidney failure patient than that in
the purifying liquid. So, these harmful substances pass from the patient's blood to
the liquid that is present in the artificial kidney container through the semi-
permeable membrane by diffusion, then the blood returns back again to the patient
as a purified blood.

12- I. The structure no. (2) "1st coiled tubule": is located in the cortex of the kidney.
II. Part (A) "renal vein".
III. The selective reabsorption process for each of glucose and some water will
occur to return them back into the blood, but it is not occurred for urea.
The components of the liquid in The components of the liquid in the
structure no. (1) "Bowman's capsule" structure no. (4) "Collecting duct"
The liquid part of blood (plasma) The urine that is formed of excess water,
containing water, wastes, mineral salts nitrogenous wastes (urea), some
and glucose, devoid of blood cells and inorganic salts and other excess
some molecules of protein. substances, such as small amount of
glucose, rest of spices and vitamins.

13- I. Proteins.
II. The liver / Urea produced from separating the nitrogenous amino group (NH₂)
from the excess amino acids.
III. The two kidneys.

14- This causes liver fatigue, as liver forms the nitrogenous wastes (urea) that
resulted from the degeneration of proteins that form meat, eggs and legumes
through separating the nitrogenous amino group (NH₂) from the excess amino acids
(final product of the digestion of proteins).

15- I. The efficiency of the selective reabsorption process of glucose in the nephric
tubules of kidneys is affected and glucose appears in urine.
II. As the kidneys get rid of the excess amounts of glucose that are present in blood
which increases the urine volume, and this requires drinking more amount of

Homework 3 (Excretion in plant)
Question 1:
Choose the correct answer:
1- C 2- A 3- C 4- D 5- B 6- C
7- B 8- I. B 8- II. B 9- D 10- D 11- B
12- A 13- C 14- B 15- C 16- D 17- A
18- A 19- D 20- D 21- D 22- D 23- B
24- C 25- B 26- A 27- D 28- B 29- A
30- D 31- C 32- D 33- A 34- A 35- C
36- A 37- D 38- D 39- I. C 39- II. B 40- C
41- B 42- D 43- B 44- A 45- A 45- C
46- D 47- C

*Other sources
1- D 2- B 3- D 4- A 5- D 6- A
7- B 8- A 9- B 10- A 11- D 12- A
13- A 14- D 15- A 16- C 17- C

Question 2:
Answer the following questions:
1- Because the wastes that are resulted from the metabolism of carbohydrates (CO₂
and H₂O) are less toxic than the nitrogenous wastes that are resulted from the
metabolism of proteins.

2- As some plants that grow in a soil very rich in calcium get rid of the excess
calcium by its accumulation in the leaves which are finally shed (expelled out).

3- The statement is correct / As the green plants reuse the catabolic products
(wastes), such as:
• Water and CO₂ which result from the respiration process are reutilized in the
photosynthesis process.
• The nitrogenous wastes are reutilized in the synthesis of the required proteins.

Transpiration in the herbaceous plants Transpiration in the old woody plants
● It occurs by two ways: ● It occurs by three ways:
- Stomatal transpiration. - Stomatal transpiration.
- Cuticular transpiration. - Cuticular transpiration.
- Lenticular transpiration.

5- As the metabolic wastes, such as the organic acids and salts are stored in the
plant cells in the form of insoluble crystals either in the cytoplasm or in the sap
vacuoles. As these crystals are insoluble, they will not cause any harm to the plant
cells, also the metabolic (nitrogenous) wastes are reused in the synthesis of the
proteins required for the plant.

6- The transpiration rate in the lower epidermis increases more than the upper
epidermis in the plant leaf, due to increasing the number of stomata that are found
in the lower epidermis more than their number in the upper epidermis.

7- Because the stomata are more present in the plant leaves than any other
vegetative organ, where more than 90% of the total volume of water lost by the
plant occurs through the stomatal transpiration.

8- The statement is wrong / As the excess water in plant takes more than one
pathway to be excreted, where the plant gets rid of the most excess water through
the transpiration process (stomatal, lenticular and cuticular transpiration) and
some of it is excreted by the guttation process.

9- I. Due to increasing the transpiration rate of the plant that is present in cylinder
no. (1), due to increasing the number of its leaves comparing with their number in
the plant found in cylinder no. (2).
II. Putting a layer of paraffin oil over the water surface to prevent its evaporation.


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