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I bought from Safeway

One pack (which contains two sheets) of pre made puff pastry. This would be incredible with
hand made but I don't have the energy for it!
A pack of beyond meat and a pack of impossible meat. Both sold as blocks that have a mince
consistency, like hamburger mince.
Two packs of red onions, pre chopped
Rosemary (grows at our house)
Garlic salt, salt and pepper

I fried the onion and used about a quarter of it in gravy. The other 3/4 I kept for the Wellingtons. I
don't like mushroom, but Emi could tell you about how she used them in the beef Wellington. My
idea was just to use fried onion round the beyond meat like you use mushroom duxelles.

I was also doing batter for a Yorkshire pudding and I'd heard you put a pancake in your
Wellington to keep the base pastry crispy and figured I'd give that a try. This is a large UK style
pancake from batter that is:
140g plain flour (this is about 200ml/7fl oz)
4 eggs (200ml/7fl oz)
200ml milk
That will give enough batter for like 12 muffin tin Yorkshires or one big one, less the pancake

Morning of the meal I mixed the two types of fake meat seasoned with garlic salt, salt, pepper,
rosemary and chopped sage. I pressed it into a loaf tin to form a shape (forgot to use cling film
which would have made taking it out of the tin easier), then kept it in the fridge.

Not long before cooking time I put one pastry sheet in a non stick tray coated in spray oil. I put
the pancake on top then a layer of onions, then a mound of the meat, then more onions. I
draped the second sheet of pastry over the top and pressed the edges of the two sheets

I scored the top and then rested it in the fridge until the oven was at about 400F. Emi added
beaten egg wash before putting it in.

We cooked it for 40 minutes and figured it would have been better if taken out a few minutes
earlier. We rested them for 15 minutes. Mine did not have a soggy bottom and second day it's
like a super satisfying pasty.

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