Analogue Communication by Debojyoti Ece RKMSM

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Question Paper 2017 (May) 4, Choose the correct alternatives (any ten): i) Define percentage modulation? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 98 of Short Answer Type Questions. ii) What is Nyquist rate of sampling? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 99 of Short Answer Type Questions. iif) Define phase modulation? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 100 of Short Answer Type Questions. iv) What is SSB-SC modulation? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 101 of Short Answer Type Questions. v) What is natural sampling? See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 12 of Long Answer Type Questions. vi) Define fidelity of a radio receiver? See Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 39 of Short Answer Type Questions. vii) Define local loop? See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 24 of Short Answer Type Questions. viii) What is DIME? See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 1 of Long Answer Type Questions. ix) What is multiplexing? See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question No. 20 of Short Answer Type Questions. — x) What are the main distortions in linear diode detector? See Chapter: Demodulation, Question No. 30 of Short Answer Type Questions. B. Choose the correct answer from the given options (any ten): ') A sinusoidal voltage ene 1 ante satya sini vg 2 ‘of each sideband term is ~ i ea NEERING CE1.182 mi ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATION ENG! ii) Radio signals are made up of ~ a eee stash 5 none of the above Y (©) electric and magnetic field ( : lated respecti ii) In commercial TV transmission in India picture and sound signals are modulated respectively ae °Y (a) VSB and FM Ouse, a (©) FM and VSB @mM™ iv) Quantization noise occurs in — Sd is (@ time division multiplexing () frequency division multiplexing (d) pulse frequency modulation ¥ (6) pulse code modulation y) In DM granular noise occurs when the modulating signal — (a) increases rapidly Y (b) remain constant (c) decreases rapidly (@) the nature of modulation signal has no effect on this noise vi) Hybrid network is a— two wire circuit into four wire circuit (b) four wire circuit into two wire circuit (©) two wire circuit into two wire circuit (d) none of the above vii) Inter symbol interference is problem in (a) AM transmission (b) FM transmission ¥ (©) PCM transmission (d) PM transmission - (a) boosting the bass frequencies "(b) amplifying the higher audio frequencies _ (©) pre-amplifying the whole audio frequencies Question Papers CE1.183 xi) Image frequency in super heterodyne receiver is given by ~ OLS Vb) f,+2f, OL-S @) f- 2h, xi In FM broadcast the maximum modulation frequency is ~ (@) SkHz (b) 10kHz ¥ (co) ASkHz — (d) 25kHz sii) The channel bandwidth of Television broadcast is ~ (a) 4.25MHz (b) SMHz Y (c) MHz (d) LOMHz 2, Define Amplitude Modulation. Draw AM wave and derive the equation of it. Calculate the power content of the carrier of an AM wave whose broadcast power is 40kW and percentage modulation is 60%. 1 part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 19 of Long Answer Type Questions. 2 part & 3+ part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 43 of Long Answer ‘Type Questions. 3. What is DSB-SC?/What are the advantages of it? Explain one method of DSB-SC generation. 1* part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 44 of Long Answer Type Questions. 2 part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 28 of Long Answer Type Questions. 3 part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 44 of Long Answer Type Questions. 4. Why we need modulation? Explain one method for generation of FM wave. See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 45 of Long Answer Type Questions. @ Why is sampling required? Write the sampling theorem. Explain different sampling techniques. ‘™ part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 24 of Long Answer Type Pulse Cade Modulation, Question No 1 of Long Answer Type NG ~ CE4; nX “ARY COMMUNICATION ar T; coma ELEMENT. ng Answer TPC See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 4¢ ais itter and explain di sof ferent Blocks. . 7. Draw the block diagram of AM transmi Long Answer Type Questions, See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question No. ver with block diagram. ‘Answer Type Questions. telephone call. What is the 8. Explain the working principle of super heterodyne a See Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 1 of Long - i local 9. List and briefly describe the steps involved in ae a (C9 between station busy and Equipment busy signa! ni Qusiti ‘See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 15 of Long Answer Type ions. izati jique. Explain ¢; 10. What is quantization? Explain different types of quantization technique. Exp! ‘ye pattern, 4H part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 25 of Long Answer Type Questions. 2n4 part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 20 of Long Answer Type Questions. 1 part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 25 of Long Answer Type Questions. 11. Explain with diagram delta modulation transmitter and receiver. What is the difference between delta modulation and adaptive delta modulation? See Chapter: Delta Modulation, Question No. 4 of Long Answer Type Questions. Question Paper 2018 (June) __ 1A. Choose the correct answer from the given altern tive (any ten): _ 1) Ifmodulation is 100% then signal amplitude is______carrier TS: Faery esgeat (6) greater than sect oo by __ @none of these ‘ 4 Hi) Standard intermediate frequency used for AM. receiver is — BE has PASS Rie Question Papers CE1.185 modulation index of 0.5 would be same as — in)? f modulation Depth @) 0.5 0 Pt (b) 1/2% of Modulati .% of Modulation Depth ace (5% et Y (d) 50% Modulation Depth Gtiz is DSB SC modulated by a signal wi : eee 'gnal with maximum frequency of 2 MHz. The minimum vel Fea e signal so that the signal is ideally sampled is (@)4 MHz (b) 6 Miz ¥ (06.004 i Gran (pin a super heterodyne receiver — O°" 7 (a) IF stage has better selectivity than RF stage (b) The RF stage has better selectivity than IF stage (c) The IF stage has same selectivity than IF stage (@) None of above vii) Three point tracking is achiever with which of the following? (@) Double spotting (b) Double conversion (¢) Variable selectivity Y (d) The padder capacitor vil) A receiver having poor IF selectivity will also have poor ~ (a) sensitivity Y (b) blocking (c) diverse reception (d) all of the above in) In digital transmission, the modulation technique that requires minimum bandwidth is ¥ (a) Delta modulation (b) PCM (©) DPCM (@) PAM x)Granular noise occurs when - (a) Step size is too small ¥ (b) Step sixe is too large (c) There is interference from the adjacent channel (@ Bandwidth is too large. , xi) offices are connected by- x trunk lines a) local loops 5 both a and b (d) none of the above Xi) The typical voltage needed to “ring” a telephone is — @) 48 volts DC (b) 48 volts, 20 hertz AC (© 90volts DC. ¥ (d) 90 volts, 20 hertz AC Mame ting get in EERING CE1.186 ~ TION ENGIN : es ene are julation when the Carrier power is 124 BSC Mo litude Modulated signal? ii) Calculate the power in on e the Sideband in SS! ‘ 93 of Long Answer TYPE Questions. jo. 1 W and there is 80% Modulation Depth in the Amp! See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question. Ni lyne receiver? y rod F Te answer Type Questions. " sohisi Lifes What are the advantages of using RF amp SS ee Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 40 o! pe oa = ic ve wer Type Questions. er See Chapter: eiver System, Question No. 41 of Short Ans' ‘YP vv) What is ‘three point tracking"? arype Questions: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 104 of Long Answer 1YP vi) What is ISI? . See Chapter: Introduction to Electronic Communication, Question No. 13 of Short Answer Type Questions. vii) What is meant by the term ‘aliasing’? See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 55 of Short Answer Type Questions. viii) What is the basic principle of time division switching? See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question No. 21 of Short Answer Type Questions. ix) Write two important applications of PWM technique. See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 56 of Short Answer ‘Type Questions. x) What is non-linear quantization? See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 57 Questions. of Short Answer Type Define amplitude modulation with the help of a n eat sketch, What i _ 1&2" part: See Chapter: Introduction to What is VCO? Electronic ‘ Communication, Question No. 5 a” Question Papers CE1.187 pf part: See Chapter: Introduction to Electronic Communication, Question No. 5 of Long Answer Type Questions. 4, With aid of necessary circuit diagram briefly discuss an AM generation method. Represent an AM signal in time and frequency domain. What is angle modulation? gee Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 48 of Long Answer Type Questions. 4,Briefly explain the principle of generation of PWM with the help of a neat block diagram. What js flat top sampling? Write down two important advantages of SSBSC over DSBSC. see Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 49 of Long Answer Type Questions. Group -B 5, Draw the block diagram of FM broadcast transmitter and discuss the functions of different stages of it. What is delayed AGC? What is pre-emphasis? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 50 of Long Answer Type Questions. 6, Draw the neat block diagram of super heterodyne receiver and briefly explain the functions of IF stage. What are the factors that affect the choice of IF? Define one important chafacteristic of a radio receiver. See Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 24 of Long Answer Type Questions. Grow 7. Briefly explain the operation of limiter circuit with the help of circuit diagram. What is image frequency?\What is ‘lock range’ in PLL? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 51 of Long Answer Type Questions. §. Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter and briefly explain the function of Quantizer.|What is dynamic range? What is side tone? 1 & 24 part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 26 of Long Answer 3" part: See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 16 of Long Answer Type Briefly discuss the basic concept of CVSD with the help of necessary circult diagram. Briefly need of non-linear quantization in PCM technique? Sake aa | Question No.5 of Long Answer Type Questions, ss ERING CE1.188 ENGINE ton ¢ Long Answer Type JMMUNICAT! nx ELEMENTARY CO! ra i ion No. See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question Questions. b) Companding (0) of Long Answer Type See Chapter: Pulse Code Modi Questions. ulation, Question No. 28 c) Switching techniques in Electronic Exchange See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question Ni 0.9 of Long Answer Type Questions, d) DTMF oa See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 18 (g) of Long Answ Question Paper 2019 (June) 1. A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any ten): 1 i) In amplitude modulation, bandwidth is audio signal frequency. (a) fintice< eee (©) four times ype Questions. (d) none of the above ii) As the modulation level is increased, the carrier power— (a) is increased \¥(b) remains the same (CJis decreased (d) none of the above iii) The sampling technique having the minimum noise interference is — (a) Instantaneous sampling ¥ (b) Natural sampling (©) Flat top sampling (@) all of the above iv) In Pulse Position Modulation, the drawbacks are — (@) Synchronization is required between transmitter and receiver (b) large bandwidth is required as compared to PAM ¥ (©) both a and b (@) none of the above v) For a FM signal v(t) = 25 cos (15 * 10% + 10 sin 155 oeestcievalien? , 'n 15500), calculate Modulation index maximum (@) 10,3000.1Hz ' Y (6) 10,2466 9Hz (b) 20,1550.9Hz @) 10,200.01 POLY-CEI Question Papers CE1.189- ; in instantaneous phase of et Wa : e oun Phase of the carrier with change in amplitude of the modulating signal a jrect FM @ ae Y (b) Indirect FM © (@) DSB-SC Py) are used in a receiver to — i th i discard the carrier hs gee tracking (¢) filter the input signal (d) suppress noise viii) The digital modulation scheme in which the step size is not fixed is — @ ee ¥ (b) Adaptive delta modulation () DP' (@) PCM jx) The polarities in NRZ format use — ¥ (a) Complete pulse duration (b) Half duration : (© Both positive as well as negative value (4) Each pulse is used for twice the duration x) Itis nothing more than a simple single-throw, double-pole (STDP) switch places across the tip and ring ~ ; (@) Dialer ¥ ()Feansmiter (©) Ringer circuit ‘on/off hook circuit xi) DC current flows through a telephone — (@) when it is on hook Y (b) when itis off hook (6) as long as it is attached to a local loop @) only when it is ringing xi) InPCM the samples are dependent on — Y (a) Time (b) Frequency (c) Quantization level (d) Interval between quantization RING —_-CE1.190 nk ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATION ENCE iit) What are the disadvantages of the FM system? Seeker See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 109 01 Type Questions. nication system? mu ; ee pe Questions. illator in iv) What is the use of crystal controlled oscillator v ghort Answer TY See Chapter: Demodulation, Question No. 310 v) Why is companding used in PCM? ¢ Short Answer Type See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 6 © Questions. vi) What is the need of de-emphasis? tions. See Chapter: Receiver Systems, Question No. 43 of Short Answer TyPe Questions. vii) What is space division switching? : See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 26 of Short Answer Type Questions. viii) What is ISI? See Chapter: Demodulation, Question No. 32 of Short Answer Type Questions. ix) What is aperture effect? See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 64 of Short Answer Type Questions. x) Why do we need line coding? See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 65 of Short Answer Type Questions. Group-A 2. a) Define demodulation. What are the main disadvantages of ; . full cartier system? conventional (or) double sideband Question Papers apers CE1.191 id and wide band FM signal, 4 ifferentiate between narrow ban. Chapter: Analog Modulati i (gee Chap! ion, Question No, 53.a) of Long Answer Type Questions. 4.2) Briefly explain with necessary diagram th using Varactor diode. © principles of operation of frequency modulation see Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 54.a) of Long Answer Type Questions. Aampling theorem? 1# Part: See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Questions. 2 Part: See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Questions. Question No. 54.b) of Long Answer Type Question No. 19 of Long Answer Type Group-B 5.) Draw the block diagram of AM broadcast transmitter and briefly describe the functions of its different stages. See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question No. 4 of Long Answer Type Questions. b) What is delayed AGC? See Chapter: Analog Modulation, Question No. 55 of Long Answer Type Questions. ©) What is the basic function of AFC circuit in a FM system? See Chapter: Demodulation, Question No. 12 of Long Answer Type Questions. What is super heterodyne receiver? Why is it called so? How does this type of receiver work? See Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 25.a) of Long Answer Type Questions. 4) Define the term ‘fidelity’. See Chapter: Receiver System, Question No. 25.b) of Long Answer Type Questions. 7. Belain frequency demodulation system using phase discriminator with the help of a net ‘iteuit diagram and also draw its phasor diagram. : Seg Soames tion, Question No. 13 of Long Answer Type Questions. ! ’ : POLY-CE GINEERING CE1.192 nk ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATIO) ar - a y nique? (Differentiate Un" ff Long Answer Type form and non uniform 8. a) Why PCM is called a modulation tech quantization techniques in PCM. ; Sines See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 27. Questions. i ications of PCM. < ist out three basic functions of regenerative repeater. Give WO ee nea ee Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 27:b) 0 iS i Questions. i in its operation 9. What is delta modulation? Draw the block diagram DM transmitter and explain its oper and also draw the waveforms of input and output signal. 2 See Chapter: Delta Modulation, Question No. 6 of Long Answer Type Questions. 10. a) What is local loop? What is the basic function of telephone exchange? What is the significance of side tone in a telephone conversation? See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 17.a) of Long Answer Type Questions. ) Briefly explain the functions of switch hook in a telephone unit. See Chapter: Basic Telephony, Question No. 17.b) of Long Answer Type Questions. 11. Write short notes on the followings (any two): __ 8) Line coding, (b) Limitations of Delta modulation, (c) Electronic Exchange See Chapter: Pulse Code Modulation, Question No. 28a) of Long Answer Type ‘b) See ‘Chapter; Delta Modulation, Question No. 7 of Long nie se ©) See Chapter: Transmitting Systems, Question. No. 9.b) of Hi ea in i 448(S) September 2021 ELEMENTARY COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Time Allowed: 1.5 Hours Full Marks: 70 Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and Answer any two questions from the rest. 1. Answer the following questions (any twenty): 2x20 i) ii) vi) vii) viii) ix) The significant sidebands of FM are determined from ~ a) Fourier transform, b) Laplace transform, ) Bessel function, d) Odd function. The example of simplex communication is ~ a) radio, b) walky talky, c)Mobile, d) both a and b. Hybrid network is a — a) two wire circuit ito four wire circuit, b) Four wire circuit i circuit, c) two wire circuit into two wire ci uit, d) four wire circuit into four wire Image frequency in a super heterodyne receiver is given by — a) fs+fi, b) f+2fi, c) fs-fi d) fs-2fi ‘The word varactor stands for ~ a) variable resistor, b) variable reactor, c) variable oscillator, (d) None. Voice frequency range associated with — a) 20Hz to 20KHz, b) 300Hz to 3.3KHz, c) 30Hz to 3KHz, d) 30Hz to 300KHz. VCO is used to generate ~ a) Direct FM, b) Indirect FM, c) -SC, d) DSB-SC. ‘One method of SSB signal generation is — a) phase shift, b) balanced modulator, c) varacter diode, 4) Armstrong method. PWM can be generated from — a) mono-stable multivibrator, b) bistable multivibrator, c) astable multivibrator, d) none. In PCM, if lowest voltage level is -2V and highest voltage level 4V, and a 2bit quantizer use then the step size is —a) 1.5V, b) 1.3V, c) 2.5V, d) 2.3V. The pre-emphasis circuit provides extra noise immunity by — a) boosting the bass frequencies, ) amplifying the higher audio’ frequencies, c) pre-amplifying the whole audio band, d) converting the phase modulation to FM. Slope overload error eliminated by using — a) Pulse code modulation, b) Delta modulation, c) Adaptive delta modulation, d) All of the above. Central office connected by ~ a) local loop, b) trunk lines, c) both a & b, d) none of the above. In a mixer circuit — a) Frequency of two signals are subtracted, b) amplitude of two signal are subtracted, c) amplitude of two signal are added, d) None. xvii) xviii) xix) xx) xxi) xxii) xxiii) xxiv) xxv) a) b) a) » i it wency lies in the Cate a ofa Eig mai modulating frequency ral “The digital transmission which required minimum bandwidth is, DM/PCM) If modulating frequency is 25Khz and frequency deviation is 175kHz, then modulation index is__(7.7) amplitude 1kV is amplitude modulated by another sinusoidal volt A sinusoid oe orca The amplitude of each sideband term is (300V/150V) produced 30% modulation. Inter Symbol Interference is the problems in. (PCM/PM) TV channel bandwidth is, (7MHz2/7KHz) the Carson’s rule, when a 100 MHz carrier is modulated wy) Re ey TKI the maximum’ fequency deviation being 50 Ki a sinusoidal signal at IKHz, t (102KHz/101KHz) ‘A wavelength of 15 meters corresponding to a frequency of, (20MHz/200MHz/2MHz) ‘The power in sideband in case of AM is — a) 1/2, b) 1/4", c) 1/8, d) 1/3 the power of carriy signal. Define sampling. Explain different sampling technique. Explain the PWM generation technique with Diagram. (3+5+7) Draw the Block diagram the FM transmitter and write the various features of FM transmitter. Write the disadvantage of filter method of SSB generation. To recover this disadvantage which type of SSB generation we used. Explain it with diagram (643+6 Explain the operation of limiter with the help of diagram. Explain Foster-Seeley discriminator with proper diagram. (748) Draw the block diagram of super heterodyne receive and brief i raw the yne rece ly explain the function of IF staxe Find the image frequeney of an AM receiver with 455 kHz IF and tuned to a station at 842 1) Define one important characteristics of radio receiver. G13)46 2) Define local loop. Write the basie func i tone ina leper base fonction of telephone exchange. Write the significance of si. Explain the fnetion of hook switch in a telephone exchange - 434316 Explain ISL. What is aliasing error? How to remove this error? ith diagram about BI-POLAR (both using 110010101 format, °°" RZ and NRZ) and AMI coding, Manchester coding fort (543+3)+4

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