GDB No 1 Eng201 2022

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GDB No: 1

Student ID: 200401796

Subject: SOC101


Globalization has created the new challenges as well as opportunities for human civilization in
the current era. Every social institution go through the transformation stage due to the
globalization. However, the most important aspect for sociologists to explore is the “Family
institution” which is greatly affected by globalization. Nowadays, traditional extended families
are breaking down into nuclear ones in Pakistan. In addition, family relations and value
structure is being deteriorated day by day. By analyzing the situation of family institution in
Pakistan, enlist any five negative impacts of globalization on Pakistani family structure.


1.) Except for procreation of children, for all other functions it appears that other institutions are taken
over the traditional functions of the family.

2.) Families are exerting less influence over the lives of their members.

3.) The rise of symmetrical families. There is an increase in dual earner families.

4.) Arranged marriages are being replaced by 'marriage of inclination'.

5.) Divorce rates have been increasing. There could be many reasons like; Women now are less
dependent on men.

6.) Kin networking fading and being replaced by friends networking.

7.) The institution of family as the shelter for the aged is gradually eroding.

8.) Awareness of family violence has increased

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