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Self-Assessment of NBPTS

Directions: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your experiences in the
area of the NBPTS. Finally, identify areas within each domain where you are interested in growing. On the last page, summarize your
strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
 Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of practice in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced colleagues for
support, guidance, and survival. The teacher is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his practice.
 Applying (A) - a level of practice in which the teacher is able to provide independent instruction and easily applies what s/he has
learned about educational practice.
 Integrating/Innovating (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled and confident. The Integrating/Innovating
teacher is contributing to the broader educational community through staff development, research, or publication in professional

Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Practice Accordingly
2. Teachers Understand How Students Develop and Learn
3. Teachers Treat Students Equitably
4. Teachers Know Their Mission Transcends the Cognitive Development of Their Students
Three Examples of Proposition 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 I exercise a great deal of patience for students with
learning challenges
 I use differentated lessons through small group
I would like to improve at challenging more gifted students.
 I reseach and consider student cognative levels and
devlopment for each grade I have taught.

Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
5. Teachers Appreciate How Knowledge in Their Subjects is Created, Organized, and Linked to Other
6. Teachers Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students
7. Teachers Generate Multiple Paths to Knowledge
Three Examples of Proposition 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 I have take a humanities approach to ELA/Socials
studies this year, making sure that students are I would like to use better modeling and teaching of the
reading to learn various ways that students could present understanding on a
 I have done UDL design in the past, allowing final project. RIght now I get a lot posters and slideshows.
students choice in the genre of their final project Teaching more project types would build my skill in UDL.
 I have

Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Call on Multiple Methods to Meet Their Instructional Goals
2. Teachers Support Student Learning in Varied Settings and Groups
3. Teachers Value Student Engagement
4. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress
5. Teachers Engage Students in the Learning Process
Three Examples of Proposition 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS ( 1

 I have taught in a variety of structures to meet
students needs. I would like to do socratic reading groups, with groupings
based less on reading levels, allowing students to support
 I use differentiated reading groups.
each other in groups by becoming experts in their roles.
 I aim for a student centered envirnment.

Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience. E/E A I/I
1. Teachers Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment
2. Teachers Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Practice and Positively Impact Student Learning
Three Examples of Proposition 4 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
 I regularly work with my school's instructional
coach and seek advice from peers.
 I have contributed to student study teams and
I would like to better use research and become more current
heped to design indivdual education plans guided
on the last technology trends.
by research.
 I use feedback from colleagues to improve

Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communities E/E A I/I

1. Teachers Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effectiveness
2. Teachers Work Collaboratively with Families
3. Teachers Work Collaboratively with the Community
Three Examples of Proposition 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

 I have built curiculum with colleagues.

 I have partnered with parents to create learning
I would like to collaborate with professional in a broader
teaching community.
 I have organized service learning experiences for

Summary of Strengths and Areas of Possible Growth

My strengths are seeking help and using colleagues and collaboration to better my practuce. I can improve by keeping up
with educational research and being more data driven in the classroom. I have partnered with instructional coaches and
peers to improve teaching practice. I am patient and optomistic while working with students who are challenged by the
curiculum. I can improve by creating greater challenges through extensions and differentation for high performing
students. I should begin to seekout professional development courses, which I will certainly do when I am back overseas in
a few years; school often have a nice budget for this. I would like to to branch out and make more educational contacts all
over the world, which I am beginning to do in California, which many more friends still teaching in Asia. I will begin to
experiment with more class structures as well, such as Kagen.

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS ( 2

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