Worksheet 8b - A Radical Proposal

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Worksheet 8b - A radical proposal

Asignatura: MANAGEMENT

Alfonso Patricio Guerra Carvajal - 735979

Maestra: Elsa Cecilia Ramírez Cepeda

Monterrey, Nuevo León a 26/01/23

Student A: Domestic Tradable Quotas

● Who are you? A worker of QuoataCo.

● Who is your audience? Everyone in the country.
● What is the problem? Emissions of greenhouse gases.
● What is the cause of the problem? Human Activity Is the Cause of
Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations. Greenhouse gases have
far-ranging environmental and health effects. They cause climate
change by trapping heat, and they also contribute to respiratory disease
from smog and air pollution.
● What is your proposed solution? The company developed a new
scheme - Domestic Tradable Quotas (DTQ), everyone in the country will
receive a ration of carbon units (CUs) each month. The quota would be
based on present emissions and gradually reduce. The government
would issue the CUs, and would therefore know if the targets were
being met.

Student B: Burying carbon dioxide

● Who are you? The boss of GasBed

● Who is your audience? Countries
● What is the problem? Emissions of greenhouse gases (Carbon
● What is the cause of the problem? Human Activity Is the Cause of
Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations. Over the last years,
burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration
of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).
● What is your proposed solution? Burying carbon dioxide from
industrial processes beneath the sea in huge underground reservoirs.

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