Chapter Summaries

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Unit 1: The Youngsters Behind YouTube

 Reading
Vocabulary Meaning
Aspire to/aspiration To direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.
Immigrant A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
In hopes of Expecting and wishing for
Global sensation If a person, event, or situation is a sensation, it causes great excitement or interest.
To propel To cause something to move
Invent/invention To design and/or create something that has never been made before:
Hefty Large in amount, size, force, etc.:
Enroll in To be in an official list for an activity or for membership in a group
Apply for a job To fill in a form in order to ask formally for a job.
Fly/flew/flown To move through the air
To purchase To buy
Plausible Seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed:
Upload To copy programs or information to a larger computer system or to the internet
In a (tearing) hurry To be going somewhere very quickly, usually because you are late
Promotion Activities to advertise something
Platform The type of computer system or smartphone you are using, in relation to the
type of software
Exponential An exponential rate of increase becomes quicker and quicker as the thing
that increases becomes larger
Take advantage of TO use your skills, resources, etc. or a particular situation in order to get
an opportunity for yourself
To lose sight of To not consider something, esp. because you have forgotten about it
Call the shots To be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a
Outlive To live or exist longer than someone or something:
Booming Increasing or becoming successful and producing a lot of money very quickly
 Vocabulary
Vocabulary Meaning
User-oriented Designed with users' needs in mind
Bandwidth How much information can be sent at once
Start-up A new company, especially an Internet company
E-commerce Business done on the Internet
Viral Becoming popular very quickly, especially online
Sustainable Can continue for a long time
 Compound Nouns (Open, Closed, and Hyphenated): two or more words that function as a
single unit of meaning
Compound Nouns
Financial consultant/s (Noun + Noun) (Open) Current events (Adjective + Noun)
Website/s (Closed) Schoolteacher
Brother/s-in-law (Hyphenated) Price tag
High school Part-time job
Fine art Free time
Video player Bachelor's degree
Video blog Music video
 Compound Nouns (O-C-H)
Bookmark (…) Merry-go-round Feedback merry-go-round
Homepage (…) Hanger/s-on ----- Passer/s-by Breakdown Living room
Flowerpot start-up/s Childhood Highlight
keyboard, Three-year-old brother*** Health care Search engine
Notebook Blackboard Dry cleaning World wide web
Unit 3: Your Negative Attitude Can Hurt Your Career
 Reading
Word Meaning
Guy –gal A man- a woman or girl
Patron A person who uses a particular shop, restaurant, hotel, etc.
A person or group that supports an activity or organization.
Plenty of The state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount
Gossip Conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might
be unkind, disapproving, or not true:
Kiss-up Someone who is especially friendly to the boss in the hope of receiving special
Dumb Stupid - Permanently or temporarily unable to speak
Nary Not a single
Sarcasm The use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in
order to hurt someone's feelings or to criticize something in a humorous way
Furrow-browed A long, narrow cut or fold in the surface of something:
Sigh To breathe out slowly and noisily
Job seeker/hunter Someone who is trying to find a job:
Temper The tendency to become angry very quickly
Pose To cause something, especially a problem or difficulty
Cliché A saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and
not interesting
Upbeat Full of hope, happiness, and good feelings:
Grumpy/Grumpiness Easily annoyed and complaining:
Overshadow To cause someone or something to seem less important or less happy
Trimming head Reducing the number of employees
Sourpuss Person who complains frequently or constantly and looks unhappy
Recession A period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions
for business are bad
Commute To make the same journey regularly between work and home:
Anything that didn't Anything he or she was unhappy or dissatisfied with
sit quiet with him/her
Nonverbal Not using spoken language:
Hold that against you Think badly of you for that ; judge you for that
Trademark The quality or behavior you are known for
He is not on board He is not in agreement with …
Morph Change; transform
Disgruntle Unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something:
Permeate To spread through something and be present in every part of it:
Bottom line Line in a financial statement that shows the net income or profit
Robust (Of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong
and unlikely to break or fail
Morale The amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in
a dangerous or difficult situation
Tattletale Someone who tells an authority figure what someone else has done wrong
 Vocabulary
Attitude The way you think, feel, or behave
Habitual Adj. Regular; done very often
Encounter To experience something
Reputation An opinion that people in general have about what somebody or something is
Compensate To reduce the bad effect of something; to make up for something
Tendency A likelihood or habit of behaving a certain way
 Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: Pairs of words that are similar in meaning
Writers often use synonyms to avoid repeating the same word

Antonyms: Words that have opposite or nearly opposite meaning

Writers sometimes use antonyms to contrast two ideas

Synonyms = Antonyms x
Problem Challenge Positivity Grumpiness
Positive Upbeat Negative Positive
Actions Behavior Habit Exception
Complaint Disgruntled rant
Negative person Sourpuss

 Examples of Synonyms and Antonyms

Word Synonym Antonym
Success Achievement Failure
Question Inquiry Answer
Confusing Puzzling Clear
Confident Self-assured Insecure
Amusing Funny Boring
Show Express Conceal
Effect Impact Cause
Earn Make Spend
Thorough Complete Inadequate
Familiar Common Strange

Exercise: Use the chart above to replace each word between brackets with its synonym or
antonym. Pay attention to the context of the sentence.

1. It is important to be positive at work. If you are (positive) …………… all the time, you can hurt your
chances for a promotion.

2. Don't think you can (show) …………… your negativity by saying things you don't mean. If you're not
happy about something, it will be apparent in your body language.

3. Pay attention to your co-workers' opinions of you. The way they feel about you can have a big (effect)
…………… on your job.

4. Employers like workers who can come up with (challenges) …………… better than workers who just
complain about problems.

5. You want people to recognize your (achievements) ……………at work, not your negative attitude.
Unit 4: The colorful world of Synesthesia
 Reading
Word Meaning
Synesthesia A condition in which someone experiences things through their senses in an
unusual way, for example by experiencing a color as a sound, or a number as
a position in space
Tickle To touch someone lightly with your fingers, making them slightly uncomfortable and
often making them laugh
Sensory Connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight
Take it for granted Assume something is true without evidence or proof
Synesthete A person who suffers Synesthesia
Phenomenon Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc.
Figment Something that seems real but is not
Merge To combine or join together, or to cause things to do this
Converge If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point where
they join or meet
Prune To reduce something by removing things that are not necessary/ cuts away
unnecessary parts to help growth
Diffusion tensor ‫ﺻﻮرة اﻻﻧﺘﺸﺎر ﻓﻲ اﻟﺮﻧﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻐﻨﺎطﯿﺴﻲ‬
Imagining (DTI)
Axon Thread-like structure attached to a nerve cell that sends out signals away from
the nerve cell
Consciousness The state of understanding and realizing something:
Impinging on/with Intruding; interfering with
Rule out To prevent something from happening:
Take in To remove something

 Understanding Verb-Forming Suffixes (Derivational suffixes)

Verb-forming Suffix Verb

-ize Visualize- colonize-generalize- economize- realize-industrialize -memorize
-ate Complicate-dominate- irritate-compensate-perpetuate-differentiate- educate
-fy Beautify-clarify- identify-solidify –amplify-magnify-terrify-verify
-en Harden-soften-shorten- strengthen,

 Examples of verb-forming suffixes:

-ize -ify -en -ate

Word Verb Word Verb Word Verb Word Verb

Symbol Symbolize Horror Horrify Sweet Sweeten Nausea Nauseate

Personal Personalize Simple Simplify Cheap Cheapen Active Activate
Critic Criticize Worse Worsen Motive Motivate
Civil Civilize Length Lengthen
Equal Equalize Moist Moisten
Unit 5: What is creative thinking?

 Reading
Word Meaning
Advertising legend A person who has become famous in the field of advertising
Make a person tick Make a person behave the way he or she does
Futures Shares in the stock market that are bought or sold in advance of delivery
Crania (plural form of cranium) skulls
Manipulate Your knowledge and experience use your knowledge and experience in
different ways
Outlook Point of view
Put it well Expressed the idea well; made the point
Haggle To argue, usually over money
Wholeheartedly In a way that is completely enthusiastic and without any doubt
Score to write or change a piece of music for particular instruments or voices
Eccentric Having some strange or unusual ideas or ways of doing things

 Vocabulary
Word Meaning
Techniques Particular ways of doing things
Perspective The way you think about something; your point of view
Manipulate Use or control something with skill
Consists of Is made up of
Commonplace Not very exciting or unusual; ordinary
Postponed Delayed

 Understanding Figures of Speech: a way of using words creatively

Some figures of speech (metaphors and similes) make a comparison between two unlikely things

Figure of Speech Meaning Example

Simile A comparison between two unlikely things using the She can run like the wind
words like and as
Metaphor One thing can refer to another thing without the use of He has a heart of stone
like or as.
Personification The act of giving a human quality or characteristic to The moonlight danced on the
something which is not human surface of the water.

 Exercise
 Complete each figure of speech with your own idea.
1. It rained so hard yesterday. The sky was like _______ _

2. My mind was ________ after six hours of studying.

3. I finally took a vacation after five years. I felt like ______ _

4. I received a huge unexpected bonus from my employer. The big check
was _______ _
5. The movie I saw last night was so boring. It was _______ _
6. The five-year-olds at the birthday party were screaming and laughing
like --------
7. My feet were ________ after the ten-mile hike. It was
8. My friend John writes such long e-mails. Every e-mail from him is
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Chapter 8: Why I Quit the Company

 Reading
Word Meaning
Resign To give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving
Quit To stop doing something or leave a job or a place
Prestigious Very much respected and admired, usually because of being important
Competition A situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than
someone else
Give up To stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually because it is
too difficult
Get into To become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity
Set on To surround or catch someone and prevent them from escaping /to attack someone
Yuppie A young person who lives in a city, earns a lot of money, and spends it
doing fashionable things and buying expensive possession
Look after To take care of or be in charge of something
Dormitory A large room containing many beds, for example in a boarding school
Live in To live at the place where you work or study
Dorm A large room containing many beds, for example in a boarding school
Lose sight of To not consider something, esp. Because you have forgotten about it
Personnel The people who are employed in a company, organization, or one of
the armed forces
Sick leave Time away from work because of illness
Use up To finish a supply of something
Labor Practical work, especially when it involves hard physical effort
Excess of An amount that is more than acceptable, expected, or reasonable
Pretend to To behave as if something is true when you know that it is
not, especially in order to deceive people or as a game
Devote to O give all of something, especially your time, effort, or love, or yourself, to
something you believe in or to a person
Revert to To become the property of a particular person again
Rear To care for young animals or children until they are able to care for themselves /at
the back of something
Fall behind To fail to do something fast enough or on time
Put up with To accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone
who behaves unpleasantly
Sacrifice To give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person
Socialization The process of training people or animals to behave in a way that others in
the group think is suitable
Status quo The present situation
Stamp out To get rid of something that is wrong or harmful
Complain about To say that something is wrong or not satisfactory
Fetter To keep someone within limits or stop them from making progress
Pay off To result in success:
 Vocabulary
Isolation The condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy
Anticipation A feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future
Alternative Something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual,
and offering the possibility of choice
Contribute To give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something
together with other people
Secure A secure place is one that it is difficult to get out of or escape from
Enable To make someone able to do something, or to make something possible

 Understanding Phrasal Verbs:

Phrasal verbs have two or three parts: a verb and one or two particles like down, up, in, on, after,
with, or of. Phrasal verbs can be separable (the object can come between the verb and the particle or after
the particle) or inseparable (the object must come after the particle)

1. Separable phrasal verbs can be

A. Verb + Particle + Object [Please, bring a dictionary and look up the words]
B. Verb + Object + Particle [Please, bring a dictionary and look the words up]

N.B. if the object is a pronoun, it comes between the verb and the particle
Verb + Pronoun + Particle
For example, please bring a dictionary and check it up

2. Inseparable (Verb +Particle +Object)

For example, most children enjoy playing at pirates or cowboys. (pretending to be pirates or

Phrasal Verbs
Separable Inseparable
Use up Look after
Stamp out Opt out of
Pay off Get into
Give up Come around
Fill out Count on
Think over Consist of
Phrasal Verbs and Their Definitions
Phrasal Verb Definition
Pay off Pay for completely (in full)
Get into To be hired
Come around/round Visit
Use up Use completely
Give up Choose not to do or have something
Look after Watch, keep safe, take care of
Stamp out Eliminate, get rid of
Opt out No longer have something that was yours
Chapter 10:Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment
 Reading
Word Meaning
Stereotype A set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,
especially an idea that is wrong
Warp To cover or surround something with paper, cloth, or other material
Apt to Suitable or right for a particular situation
Imply To suggest something without saying it directly, or to involve something as
a necessary part or condition
Blind-date Go out on a date with someone you haven’t met before
Conjure up To make a picture or idea appear in someone's mind
Suspect To think or believe something to be true or probable
Swarthy Having dark skin and hair
Testimony (An example of) spoken or written statements that something
is true, especially those given in a law court:
Criminologist Someone who studies crime and criminals
Delve into the Find out the most useful skill
main asset
Telephone stock Criminal who sells fake stocks over the telephone
Marvelous Extremely good:
Sink To (cause something or someone to) fall or move to a lower level/ to hit a ball into
a hole or pocket, especially in golf or snooker
Horn rimmed Glasses with frames made of thick, dark-colored plastic
For the fact that Even though
Optometrist Someone job examins people's eyes and selling glasses or contacts lenses to correct
sight problems
Gossip Conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might
be unkind, disapproving, or not true
Prejudge To form an opinion about a situation or a person before knowing or considering all
of the facts
Prejudice An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without
enough thought or knowledge
Irrational Not using reason or clear thinking
Typecast To always give an actor the same type of character to play, usually because he or she
is physically suited to that type of part
Thrust upon To force someone to accept or deal with something
Country Yokels People who live in rural areas, those without sophisticated manners
Psychiatrist A doctor who is also trained in psychiatry
Perpetuate To cause something to continue
Superintendent A person who is in charge of work done in a particular department, office, etc., or
who is responsible for keeping a building or place in good condition
Perfectly Smoothly coordinated
Convenient Suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty:
Start from scratch Begin all over again
Big, recognizable Large pieces of paper cut so look like people
Semantics The study of meanings in a language
Racketeer Person who makes money illegally
Reactionaries People who oppose change, extremely conservative people.
Snob A person who respects and likes only people who are of a high social class
Inimitable Very unusual or of very high quality and therefore impossible to copy
Blurriness Difficulty to see clearly; making it difficult for someone to see things clearly
Suspicious Making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong:
Chasten To make someone understand that they have failed or done something wrong and
make them want to improve
Edifice of ideas An entire system of thought

 Vocabulary
Word Meaning
Imply Suggest something in an indirect way
Irrational Not based on reason
Capacity The ability to understand or do something
Infinite Without end or limits
Prejudice Strong feeling of like or dislike that isn’t based on
Fashion The way something is done

 Forming Participial Adjectives

In English grammar, participial adjective is a traditional term for an adjective that has the same
form as the participle. It can be formed from many verbs by adding –ing or –ed.

N.B. There is a difference in meaning between –ed and –ing

 Ahmed is always confused in the history class. [for a person who has a feeling]
Explanation: Ahmed is confused by something (which is confusing him)]
 The history class is very confusing. [for something that causes a feeling]
Explanation: the history class is confusing]

Example: what is the difference between Standardized world and Standardizing world ?

Standardized world: someone or something classified the world into standards.

Standardizing world: the world itself classified s/sth into standards.

Manufacturing robot. Manufactured items

 Use the following participial adjectives to complete the following statements

1. Embarrassing 2. Fascinating 3. Confusing 4. Standardized 5. Surprising 6. Annoying

( ) One reason we use stereotypes is that they help us make sense of a ……… world.
( ) It is not ……… that stereotypes have something to do with prejudice because most stereotypes are
negative and are not based on reason
( ) Our stereotypes can reveal some ……… facts about ourselves. We may find that we dislike
someone foe no good reason.
( ) It is not easy for people to drop the ……… pictures in their minds
( ) People always expect me to be smart just because I wear glasses. It is ……… . I wish they would
stop stereotyping me
( ) I thought the lecture on stereotyping was ……… . I learned a lot of interesting information.
Chapter 11: The Art of Reading
 Reading
Word Meaning
Literature Pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems
Charm The power of pleasing or attracting people
Envy The feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else; the feeling of
wanting something that somebody else has
Imprison To put somebody in a prison or another place from which they cannot escape
In respect to In connection with
Routine The normal order and way in which you regularly do things
Acquaintance A person that you know but who is not a close friend
Unburden Unburden yourself/something (of something) (to somebody) to talk to somebody about
your problems or something you have been worrying about, so that you feel less anxious
Ancient Belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
Claim To say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not
believe it
Shut up To stop talking (often used as an order as a rude way of telling somebody to stop talking)
Spectacle An impressive display
Detach To remove something from something larger; to become separated from something
Spectator A person who is watching an event, especially a sports event
Contemplative Calm and thoughtful state of mind
Insipid Dull; not interesting
Diabolical Devilish, or evil-looking combination
Akin to Akin to something similar to something
Cast a spell Use magic to influence
Steep (Of a slope, hill, etc.) Rising or falling quickly, not gradually
Preclude Prevent something from happening
Awl A tool with a sharp point for punching holes in leather

 Vocabulary
Privilege A special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has
Evidently Clearly; that can be seen or understood easily
Mode A particular way of doing something; a particular type of something
Nonsensical Silly; with no meaning
Spontaneous Not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it
obligation The state of being forced to do something because it is your duty, or because of a law, etc.

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