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inteliPhy Manage

Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................5

1.1. System overview .......................................................................................................... 5

1.2. In-House and SaaS versions ........................................................................................ 5
2. Starting InteliPhy Manage ...............................................................................6

3. Graphical User Interface ..................................................................................7

3.1. Screen Parts ................................................................................................................. 7

3.2. Tab Handling ................................................................................................................ 8
3.3. Workspaces .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4. Zoom ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.5. Elevation Filter .............................................................................................................. 8
3.6. 3D View ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.6.1. Camera Controls ...................................................................................................... 9
3.6.2. Camera Positions ................................................................................................... 10
3.6.3. 3D Boundaries ........................................................................................................ 11
3.6.4. Location Tree Filter ................................................................................................ 12
3.6.5. Connection Details Filter ........................................................................................ 12
3.7. Recycle Bin ................................................................................................................ 12
4. Network Modeling ..........................................................................................13

4.1. Locations .................................................................................................................... 13

4.1.1. Adding locations ..................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2. Labeling .................................................................................................................. 13
4.1.3. Alignment ............................................................................................................... 14
4.1.4. Dimensions............................................................................................................. 14
4.1.5. Background Graphics ............................................................................................. 14
4.1.6. Expanding and collapsing locations ........................................................................ 15
4.1.7. Layers .................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. Cabinets ..................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1. Adding Cabinets ..................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2. Front and Rear sides .............................................................................................. 17
4.3. Equipment .................................................................................................................. 17
4.3.1. Creation and labeling ............................................................................................. 17
4.3.2. Modular equipment ................................................................................................. 18
4.3.3. Front and Rear sides .............................................................................................. 18
4.4. Cabling ....................................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1. Creating connections .............................................................................................. 19
4.4.2. Multiple connections ............................................................................................... 20
4.4.3. Multi-core cables .................................................................................................... 20
4.4.4. Visual routing ......................................................................................................... 21
4.4.5. Routing through locations ....................................................................................... 21
4.4.6. Cable Groups ......................................................................................................... 22
4.4.7. Cable labels ........................................................................................................... 23
4.4.8. Labeling Schemes .................................................................................................. 24
4.4.9. Hiding cables .......................................................................................................... 26

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4.5. Resources .................................................................................................................. 26
4.5.1. Resource management .......................................................................................... 26
4.5.2. Resource configuration ........................................................................................... 26
4.5.3. Resource reporting ................................................................................................. 27
4.6. Annotations ................................................................................................................ 28
4.6.1. Text Annotations .................................................................................................... 28
4.6.2. Area Annotations .................................................................................................... 29
4.6.3. Other Annotation types ........................................................................................... 29
4.6.4. Attaching annotations to layers and objects ........................................................... 29
4.6.5. Expressions in Annotations .................................................................................... 30
4.7. Configurations ............................................................................................................ 31
4.8. Data Import ................................................................................................................. 32
5. Network Management ....................................................................................33

5.1. Connection Trace ....................................................................................................... 33

5.2. Find ............................................................................................................................ 34
5.2.1. Basic Find .............................................................................................................. 34
5.2.2. Advanced Find ....................................................................................................... 35
5.3. Reports ....................................................................................................................... 36
5.3.1. Searches ................................................................................................................ 36
5.3.2. Data Formats .......................................................................................................... 39
5.3.3. Charts ..................................................................................................................... 43
5.3.4. Trackers ................................................................................................................. 49
5.3.5. Reports ................................................................................................................... 52
5.4. Filters ......................................................................................................................... 54
5.4.1. Filter Management ................................................................................................. 54
5.4.2. Filter Applications ................................................................................................... 54
5.5. Work Orders ............................................................................................................... 56
5.5.1. Creating work orders .............................................................................................. 56
5.5.2. Modifying Work Orders ........................................................................................... 57
5.5.3. Cable Length Estimation ........................................................................................ 58
5.5.4. Work Order Transitions .......................................................................................... 59
6. Integration with InteliPhy Monitor .................................................................60

6.1. Sync and Work Order modes...................................................................................... 60

6.2. Authorized changes with Work Orders........................................................................ 61
6.3. Unsolicited Changes ................................................................................................... 61
6.4. Visual Connection Trace ............................................................................................. 63
7. System Management .....................................................................................64

7.1. History ........................................................................................................................ 64

7.2. User Management ...................................................................................................... 65
7.2.1. Permission architecture .......................................................................................... 65
7.2.2. Policies ................................................................................................................... 66
7.2.3. Roles ...................................................................................................................... 67
7.2.4. Groups ................................................................................................................... 67
7.2.5. Users ...................................................................................................................... 68
7.2.6. Preference Sets ...................................................................................................... 69

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7.3. User attributes ............................................................................................................ 70
7.3.1. Creating user attributes .......................................................................................... 70
7.3.2. Applying user attributes to objects .......................................................................... 71
7.3.3. User attribute values .............................................................................................. 72
7.4. Patterns ...................................................................................................................... 72
8. Reference .......................................................................................................73

8.1. Regular Expressions .................................................................................................. 73

8.2. Import File Formats .................................................................................................... 74
8.2.1. Location Identifiers ................................................................................................. 74
8.2.2. Equipment identifiers .............................................................................................. 74
8.2.3. Location import file format ...................................................................................... 75
8.2.4. Cabinet import file format ....................................................................................... 75
8.2.5. Equipment import file format ................................................................................... 75
8.2.6. Cable import file format .......................................................................................... 75

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This tutorial covers the operation of the InteliPhy Manage software. It shows the se-
quence of typical operations and contains some reference information where applicable.
The tutorial is by no means a full documentation of the software but focuses on typical
work sequences. For simplicity some details are not covered.

1.1. System overview

InteliPhy Manage is composed of two software elements:
▪ The InteliPhy Manage Server is a database server that contains all information about
the physical infrastructure of a telecommunications network. This comprises infor-
mation about locations, buildings, rooms, cabinets, active equipment, passive equip-
ment, cables, cable routes etc.
▪ The InteliPhy Manage Client is a graphical user interface that allows access to the
Server and graphically represents information about the network on a computer
screen. The Client also allows for Server administration such as user management,
database report generation and equipment template editing.
InteliPhy Manage is a multi-user system where many Clients can access the Server sim-
ultaneously. A synchronization mechanism makes sure that all Clients see the same infor-
mation at the same time, i.e. a change made in Client A is automatically pushed to all
other connected Clients.

1.2. In-House and SaaS versions

The InteliPhy Manage Server is available as a conventional In-House installation where
the software is installed on a customer-provided server.
It is also possible to operate the InteliPhy Manage Server in the public cloud. In this case
the customer does not have to operate an own server, but he buys a service from R&M.
This service includes a server provisioned in the cloud and all required software elements
running on this server. The cloud-based version of InteliPhy Manage is called SaaS (for
Software as a Service).

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2. Starting InteliPhy Manage
The SaaS Server is reached through an URL of the form where servername is the name of the server. The URL is assigned
by R&M during provisioning of the Server.

For In-House installations use the URL http://host:port where host and port are
hostname and protocol port that have been defined during installation of the In-House
In both cases the landing page is displayed:

Click the Start Application button to launch the InteliPhy Manage Client. You will be
prompted to enter your username and password.

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3. Graphical User Interface

3.1. Screen Parts

The main screen contains the following parts:

▪ Location Tree: shows the hierarchical structure of the network. Branches of the tree
can be expanded and closed as required.
▪ Main view: shows a geographical view of the network or front / rear layouts of the
equipment. Also shows reports, configurations etc.
▪ Template Tree: tree view of all available templates, sorted by object type and by cat-
egories. Templates are used to build up models of the network. While the object
types (such as locations, cabinets, equipment, cables etc.) are pre-defined the cate-
gories can be easily modified through the GUI. Creation and modification of tem-
plates is also possible through the GUI.
▪ Property Sheet: each object has certain properties (eg. Name, location, size) that are
shown and can be modified in this part of the screen.
▪ Connection and Resource Details: this part shows details of a connection (end-to-
end trace) and in a second tab the resource situation of the object selected in the Lo-
cation Tree
▪ Window bar: shows minimized windows
▪ Status bar: shows the user currently logged in and other status information
▪ The usual menu and tool bars
The size of the screen parts can be changed by moving their borders. Layout of the
screen parts can be changed by dragging the title bars of the parts.

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3.2. Tab Handling
All screen parts have tabs with several controls:
Minimize tab to window bar
Restore tab from window bar
Maximize tab
Close tab
Open tab in separate window
Move tab opened in separate window back to screen part
Move view left / right (if not all tabs in a screen part can be displayed
Directly jump to a tab
Open a specific overview in a new tab (the last 15 overviews are
Tabs can be converted to screen parts and vice-versa by dragging the tab to the desired
position on the screen.

3.3. Workspaces
You can store a configuration of tabs and screen parts as a workspace: use the menu en-
try Workspace > Save Layout to save a layout under a name.
To activate this layout select it in the Workspace menu (saved layouts are automatically
added to the Workspace Menu) and select Apply
To reset the screen to its default configuration use Workspace > Standard > Apply.

3.4. Zoom
The main view and the Connection Detail view can be zoomed using the zoom slider

. Right-clicking on the zoom slider gives you a choice of pre-set zoom

values. You can also zoom using CTRL-Mouse wheel if your mouse has a wheel.

3.5. Elevation Filter

For locations whose dimensions are managed an elevation filter control

will appear in the tool bar at the top of the location over-
The two vertical lines in the elevation filter control indicate the lower and upper limit of the
elevation filter. You can modify either limit by moving it with the mouse.
In order for an item to be filtered by the elevation filter, the item should lie completely out-
side the filter range. For cables, InteliPhy Manage checks whether or not the cable is con-
nected to one or more elevated items. If so, the cable inherits the elevations of the items
it is connected to. Otherwise, the cable is assumed to run along the floor of the location.

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3.6. 3D View
Location, cabinet, and equipment overviews can optionally be viewed as a three-dimen-
sional visual representation.
A 3D overview can be opened from a location, cabinet, or equipment overview by select-
ing the button in the overview toolbar. Alternatively, to open 3D overview directly from
an object by right-click on it and select Show in 3D Overview.
3D location overviews are only available for locations of type Managed Dimensions
where the dimensions of the location have been configured.
3.6.1. Camera Controls
The 'camera' is the viewpoint from which overviews are visualized in 3D. Position and
viewing angles of the camera can be controlled with the keypad or the mouse:


Left Rotate



Movement Mouse Keypad

Move forwards / back- Scroll wheel Arrow keys up/down
Rotate left / right Shift + scroll wheel Arrow keys left/right
Panning mode: left click
+ drag left / right
Move up / down Ctrl + scroll wheel Ctrl + Arrow keys left/right
Panning mode: Ctrl +
left click + drag up /
Move left / right Alt + Shift + scroll wheel Alt + Arrow keys left/right
Panning mode: Ctrl +
left click + drag up /
Pitch up / down Alt + scroll wheel Alt + Arrow keys up/down
Panning mode: left click
+ drag up / down

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Movement Mouse Keypad
Move to front side of z + left-click on the cabinet
cabinet or equipment
Move to rear side of x + left-click on the cabinet
cabinet or equipment

To use panning mode, click on the button on the overview toolbar. Click on the
button in the toolbar to deactivate panning mode.

A toolbar of auxiliary controls relating to the camera are available by selecting the but-
ton in the toolbar of 3D overviews:

In this toolbar you can directly specify the position of the camera in x/y/z coordinates and
control the camera rotation (Yaw and Pitch) with the respective sliders. The Camera
Step control lets you control the camera sensitivity - by moving the bar to the right, the
camera will move in larger steps.
3.6.2. Camera Positions
As a means for quick navigation, you can save camera positions to be used later. A cam-
era position can be saved using the following steps:
▪ Right-click in the 3D overview.
▪ Camera > Save Current Camera.
▪ Either enter a unique name for the camera position and click OK or select Save De-
fault Camera for the default position. This position is the initial camera position
when opening the 3D overview of a location

A saved camera position can be opened using the following steps.

▪ Right-click in the 3D overview
▪ Camera > choose the saved position that you would like to open or choose De-
fault to go to the default camera position

You can delete saved camera positions by right-clicking in the 3D overview, selecting
Camera > Delete Cameras, selecting the name of the saved position and clicking on

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3.6.3. 3D Boundaries
You can add graphics on the walls, floor and ceiling of a 3D view or give them colors for
better visibility. Click on the Boundaries property of the location in the Properties Win-
dow to display the Location Boundaries dialog:

Property Description Values

Transparency The transparency to render the walls, Between 0% (opaque) and
ceiling, and floor of the location. 100% (fully transparent).
Bottom / Floor The floor of the location when viewed None (no boundary), Color (a
Inside from the inside of the location. selected color), Image (a se-
lected graphical image)
Bottom / Floor The floor of the location when viewed None (no boundary), Color (a
Outside from the outside of the location. selected color), Image (a se-
lected graphical image)
Top / Ceiling In- Same as above for ceiling As above
side / Outside
Front Inside / Same as above for front wall As above
Rear Inside / Same as above for rear wall As above
Left Inside / Out- Same as above for left wall As above
Right Inside / Same as above for right wall As above

Note that 3D boundaries are not related to background graphics of 2D location views, i.e.
if you use a floorplan in the 2D view of a location you have to set the same floorplan as a
3D bottom boundary image for the inside floor

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3.6.4. Location Tree Filter
If the Location Tree Selection filter is applied, then only objects selected in the lo-
cation tree are shown and all other objects are filtered out.
To apply the Location Tree Filter, click on and select Location Tree Selection.
Note that you can select several objects simultaneously by using Ctrl – click when select-
ing them in the location tree.
3.6.5. Connection Details Filter
When the Connection Details Highlight filter is applied, the objects selected as
highlighted in the connection details are displayed in the 3D overview, including the ca-
To apply the Connection Details, Highlight filter click on and select Connection De-
tails Highlights.

3.7. Recycle Bin

Deleted objects are moved to a recycle bin. You can open the recycle bin and restore ob-
jects with File > Recycle Bin. If you restore an object that is located in a deleted lo-
cation, then this location (and any locations higher in the location tree) will also be re-

E.g. restoring the Modular Patch Panel in the screenshot above will also restore its con-
taining cabinet (Cabinet 2) and the room this cabinet was located in (Room).
To use the recycle bin you must enable it (File > Preferences > Enable Recycle

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4. Network Modeling

4.1. Locations
4.1.1. Adding locations
Networks are modeled by first creating a geographical hierarchy in the Location Tree or in
the Main View.
The root of the tree is the end-user organization and cannot be changed. All other objects
go in the tree below this root.
Easiest way to add locations is by dragging the appropriate location template from the
Template Tree into the Main View. Double-click on a location in the Main View to open it
(move down one level in the location hierarchy).
You can quickly add multiple locations by right-clicking on the node in the Location Tree
where you want to insert them and selecting New Locations…. The same function is
also available by right-clicking on the Main View. A dialog is displayed that allows you to
create several locations at once. The locations are arranged in the Main View in an array

4.1.2. Labeling
Each location can be given a name by editing the Name property in the Property Sheet.
Use <br> for multi-line names.

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4.1.3. Alignment
With your mouse you can drag the newly created locations around in the Main View to
their geographical position. You can also align the locations by selecting them (selection
box or CTRL-Click) and choosing Align in the context menu. This brings up a dialog al-
lowing you to align objects linearly or in a grid

Locations can contain other locations. Choose the appropriate location template for pre-
cise modeling of your network. For instance, you can create several site locations under
the root node, each site then containing several buildings, the buildings containing floors
and the floors then will contain different rooms.
4.1.4. Dimensions
InteliPhy Manage is aware of dimensions of locations. If dimensions are enabled InteliPhy
Manage will calculate the length of cables and filter objects based on their height. Ena-
bling of dimensions is done in the location template. To define dimensions, click Dimen-
sions in the Property Sheet.
4.1.5. Background Graphics
You can add background graphics to a location, e.g. a geographical map for sites or ar-
chitectural drawings for rooms. Graphics must be in bitmap format and must be available
on the InteliPhy Manage Server.
To add a background, edit the Background property in the Property Sheet and select the
image you wish to use as background.
Images must be uploaded to the InteliPhy Manage Server before they can be used as
background. To do so use Administration > File Management, choose the Im-
ages tab, select the appropriate folder (or create a new one) and upload the image. Im-
ages must be uploaded as bitmaps (.gif, .png etc.).

If you use dimensions and have specified the dimensions of the location, the background
image will be scaled to those dimensions. Otherwise, three pixels in the background im-
age correspond to 1 inch on the overview. This scale will be applied to cabinets that are
present in a location

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4.1.6. Expanding and collapsing locations
Normally a location contained in another location is displayed as an icon. It can be useful
to expand a location, e.g. if you have a drawing of a floor with several rooms and want to
give each room its own branch in the Location Tree while still wanting to see all rooms on
the floor plan.
If you expand a location, then its details will be shown at the hierarchy level above.
To expand a location right-click on the location icon and select Expand. To collapse a lo-
cation, make sure it is not selected (!), then right-click on it and chose Collapse.

Collapsed locations

Expanded locations

4.1.7. Layers
You can group objects in the main view by assigning them to layers. Each hierarchy level
in location tree has its own set of layers. There is no limit to the number of layers that can
be defined.
Layers are managed by using in the tool bar of the main view. This opens the Layers
configuration dialog:

The Layer property is the name of the layer. The Background property specifies an im-
age to be used as a background of the layer.
A layer where Opaque is selected will be visible. When Opaque is not selected, the
Transparency value specifies the transparency of a layer, with the default value at
100%, making all objects on this layer invisible.
To add a new layer, click on the button and specify the name of the new layer and its
properties. To delete a layer select it and press the button.

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You can rearrange the sequence of layers using the arrow buttons . The last layer in
the layers table is shown on top, the first one in the table is the bottom layer.
You can add/modify the layer assigned to locations, cabinets, equipment, cables and con-
duits by using the property sheet:

Adding an object to a layer will make that component display only when the correspond-
ing layer is opaque or has transparency less than 100%:

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4.2. Cabinets
4.2.1. Adding Cabinets
Next step is to add cabinets to the network model. Use drag-and-drop to drag the cabi-
nets from the Template Tree to the Main View.
You can create a rectangular array of cabinets which are auto-numbered by right-clicking
on the Main View, selecting New Cabinets... and giving the appropriate information

You can arrange the cabinets in the Main View by dragging them with the mouse. An
alignment function like the location alignment is also available, see 4.1.3
4.2.2. Front and Rear sides

Cabinets have front and rear sides. It is possible to mount equipment from the front and
from the rear. To change between front and rear view use the button in the button bar
of the Main View. Front and rear sides can also be selected in the Location Tree.

It is possible to display several cabinets side by side by selecting them (e. g. click on the
first cabinet and CTRL-click on the other ones), right-clicking on the selection and choos-
ing Cabinets Overview

4.3. Equipment
4.3.1. Creation and labeling
You can drag equipment into locations or cabinets from the Template Tree. If the cabinets
have 19" frames and the equipment is rack mounted, it will snap to the appropriate U po-
sitions of the cabinet.
You can also create many instances of the same equipment by right-clicking in the Main
View and choosing New Equipment.... The instances will be arranged in a rectangular
matrix. You can move equipment around with the mouse or align it as described in 4.1.3.
You can add a cable label in a similar way as you add other labels, see 4.1.2.

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4.3.2. Modular equipment
Modular equipment refers to equipment that is plugged into other equipment. Examples of
modular equipment are chassis with slots that accept module holders or feature cards.
Active equipment with SFP slots are another example for modular equipment.
If the equipment is modular, you first have to install the equipment chassis and populate
the slots as required.

4.3.3. Front and Rear sides

Equipment has front and rear sides. It is possible to mount equipment from the front and
from the rear. To change between front and rear view use the button in the button bar
of the Main View.
Chassis of modular equipment only have a front side. The module holders have front and
rear views. The Location Tree contains the complete hierarchy and can be expanded as

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4.4. Cabling
Once the network geography and equipment are properly modeled, it is time to add con-
4.4.1. Creating connections
There are several ways to create a connection:
▪ Using the mouse, drag one port over another one
▪ Select two ports in the network (either in Main View or in the location tree) and then
click on Connect button .
▪ Right-click on a port in the network and select Connect…
▪ Click on the Quick-Connect button to enable quick connect mode. In quick con-
nect mode you can click on any two ports in the network to immediately bring up the
Connect dialog. Click on again to turn off quick connect mode.
All these operations will bring up the Connect dialog:

Here you can select the cable type and define other properties of the cable that will be
created. For details on labels see 4.4.7. If you use InteliPhy Manage for inventory man-
agement, you can request that the cable to be connected must already exist (it might be
present in a location called "Cable Store"). If you select "New Cable" then a new cable will
be created.
If you right-clicked on a port to bring up the connection dialog then after selecting the ca-
ble another dialog will open that allows you to specify the other side to be connected:

Select the other end where the cable is to be terminated in the Location Tree.

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InteliPhy Manage keeps track of compatibility between ports and between cables in con-
nection chains. You can only select cables that are compatible with the port to be con-
nected e.g. it is not possible to connect copper cables to fiber ports and vice versa. The
newly created cable must also be compatible with other cables in the connection chain,
e.g. it is not possible to use an OM1 patch cord on a panel that is spliced to a singlemode
backbone cable.
4.4.2. Multiple connections
For bulk connections you can select several ports either with the selection rectangle or by
CTRL-clicking on all ports to be connected. Then press in the Connection Details
part and select the other ports either in the Location Tree or in the Main View. Finally click
to complete the connection. All connections will be done using the same cable tem-
plate – this implies that all ports must be of the same type.
You can cancel the operation at any time by clicking on
4.4.3. Multi-core cables
Cables can have several cores such as fiber optic cables that contain several fibers. All
cables of a multi-core cable can be connected in a single operation: select the first port to
be connected, choose Connect... and select the template of a multi-core cable in the
Connect dialog. Now a dialog box will now open asking you whether you want to connect
the remaining free connectors:

Select Yes to connect all other cables in the bundle to the ports. Connections are made in
ascending sequence of port numbers, so be sure that you choose the first (lowest num-
bered) port to start the operation.
In the same dialog you can then define the connections on the other side. Just right-click
on the first connector and select Connect…

If you connect a multi-core cable to modular equipment you can choose whether to con-
nect the remaining cores of the cable to the subsequent ports of the module (Yes (Mod-
ule)) or – in the case the cable has more cores than can be accommodated by the mod-
ule - to continue connecting cores to the next module(s) by clicking on Yes (Top-Level

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4.4.4. Visual routing
You can document cable routes by dragging the cables in the Main View. SHIFT-Click on
the cable to add additional break points e.g. at edges of the room. To remove break
points simply drag them over a neighboring break point.
If dimensions are enabled for the location, then the approximate cable length will be cal-
culated and displayed in the cable property sheet.

4.4.5. Routing through locations

You can specify that a cable shall be routed through intermediate locations. Right-click on
the cable and select Cable Route....

Locations of begin and end of the cable are always displayed. You can add other loca-
tions where the cable is routed through with , remove locations with , rearrange the
sequence of locations with or reverse the route with .
If you activate the location selection mode (click on ) then each location, you click on
in the main view will be added to the cable route. Click on again to deactivate location
selection mode.
To copy the route of a cable to another cable open the Cable Route dialog, go to the
Existing Routes tab, and select an already routed cable in the model. Next click on
the Copy button and select a different cable – the route will be copied to the new ca-

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4.4.6. Cable Groups
You can group cables that belong logically together.
Cable groups are displayed in bold font in the location tree and carry a label with the
group name in the main view. Cables can only be grouped together if they are connected
to the same equipment on both sides.
To create a cable group, select the cables to be grouped (using CTRL-Click) and choose
"Group" from the context menu:

A cable group will be created. It is labeled n Cables by default (with n being the number
of cables). You can specify a different group name and a different color in the properties
window of the cable group:

To add another cable to a cable group right-click on the cable and select "Add to Group"
from the context menu

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You can modify an individual cable of a group by right-clicking on the group, selecting the
cable and then selecting the appropriate action for this cable:

To remove a cable from a group right-click on the group and select "Remove from Group".
Select the cable you want to remove from the group or "All" to break up the entire group.

4.4.7. Cable labels

You can specify cable labels during the creation of a label. If you create a single cable
you can specify its label directly in the connection dialog:

Just enter the cable label in the Label section.

If you make multiple connections simultaneously (see 4.4.2) you can have InteliPhy Man-
age generate labels for you:

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Check the Apply Labels checkbox and enter prefix, start (number), step (number) and
an optional postfix. All newly generated cables will be labeled accordingly.
Instead of specifying actual labels you can also select a labeling scheme to be applied to
the cable:

If the cable label has not been generated by a labeling scheme you can later change the
label in the cable properties. Labels controlled by labeling schemes will be updated auto-
matically if the labeling scheme changes.
4.4.8. Labeling Schemes
With labeling schemes, you specify the format of a cable label. To create a labeling
scheme, open the labeling scheme tab with Administration > Labeling Schemes.
Use the button to create a new labeling scheme or the button to edit an existing
one. You can delete a labeling scheme with . Deleting is only possible if a labeling
scheme is not in use.
The labeling scheme format is a text code that references information about the cable.
Labels can be split over several lines (if a multi-line label has to be displayed on a single
line, e.g. in the location tree, then the different lines will be separated by the character /).
Below the example code for a TIA-606B compliant label of the format xy-r:P where xy is
the cabinet label, r the U position of the equipment and P the port number:


This is a two-line label with the first line indicating the source port and the second line in-
dicating the destination port (elements with the -1 suffix indicate the source and elements
with the -2 suffix the destination port).

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The labels generated according to the labeling scheme are shown in the main area and
the connection trace:

In the location tree the two lines of the cable label are shown in a single line:

You can apply a labeling scheme either when you create the cable (see 4.4.7) or you can
specify a labeling scheme in the cable template:

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4.4.9. Hiding cables
If the Main View becomes obstructed with too many cables you can hide them by select-
ing Hide Cables in the context menu of the location.

4.5. Resources
InteliPhy Manage can manage resources such as cabinet space, power consumption or
cooling requirements.
Resources can be freely defined and associated with templates. Objects can either con-
sume resources (e.g. equipment consumes the resource U Height depending on its
size) or they can provide resources such as a cabinet will provide the resource U
InteliPhy Manage will provide information about resource availability and consumption on
different levels of the location hierarchy. Resources are available for display in annota-
tions, reports and charts.
4.5.1. Resource management
Resources are managed in the Resource Overview which can be opened with Admin-
istration > Resources Overview:

Resources can be grouped in categories (use your right mouse button to manage re-
source categories). will create a new resource, edit it, delete the resource. The
button exports a list of all templates a resource is assigned to, together with default
consumption parameters.
4.5.2. Resource configuration
For each resource you have to define a number of parameters:

▪ Name, description, and unit to document the resource (description and unit are op-
▪ Propagation Characteristics

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▪ Application: here you select the templates this resource applies to.

Select the appropriate templates in the template tree and don't forget to click on the
checkmark to make the application permanent.

▪ Defaults: to specify the default value of the resource for a particular template.

▪ The Values tab will give you an overview about the resource situation in the model.
4.5.3. Resource reporting
The resource situation for the part of the model currently displayed is shown in the Re-
source Details tab below the main view, split in resources provided, resources con-
sumed and resources still available:

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If you change to a different level of the location hierarchy the resource situation of this
level will be displayed, aggregating the situation of lower hierarchy levels:

Resources can be used in text annotations (see 4.6.5), data formats (5.3.2) and trackers

4.6. Annotations
4.6.1. Text Annotations
You can add annotations to locations, equipment or cables in the Main View.
To add an annotation just right-click on the place where you want to add the annotation
and select Add Annotation > Text….

Specify the appearance of the annotation in the upcoming dialog. The text entered in the
Text property can either be a fixed text or an expression referring to certain properties of
the object an annotation is attached to, see 4.6.5.
If you enter an URL in the URL field, then this URL will be opened by double-clicking on
the annotation.

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4.6.2. Area Annotations
Area annotations allow you to mark areas in the main view. Right-click on the main view
and drag your mouse to create an area annotation.
Once created you can edit the annotation properties (color, border, transparency) by
right-clicking on the annotation and selecting Edit Annotation…
To modify the area of the annotation, use the command Edit Area. In Area editing
mode you can move the edge points of the annotation, add new points by double-clicking
on an edge and remove points by right-clicking on them and then selecting Delete.

4.6.3. Other Annotation types

Instead of text annotations you can also create image annotations (that display an image
stored on the server) or chart annotations (that display a chart, see 5.3.3). Just select the
appropriate annotation type in the Add Annotation context menu.
4.6.4. Attaching annotations to layers and objects
To attach an annotation to a specific layer right-click on the annotation and select "Move
to Layer":

To attach an annotation to an object right-click on the annotation, select Attach and click
on the object the annotation is to be attached to.

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4.6.5. Expressions in Annotations
Instead of simple text an annotation can also contain expressions. If an annotation is at-
tached to an object, then expressions in the annotation text will be evaluated in the con-
text of the attached object.
Valid expressions within an annotation are:
Expression Description
{name} Evaluates to the name of the item.
{qname} Evaluates to the qualified name of the item.
{description} Evaluates to the description of the item.
{template} Evaluates to the name of the template of the item.
{attributes} Evaluates to a summary of the all user attribute values
of the item
{attribute:A} Evaluates to the value of user attribute A for the item
where A can be any existing user attribute name.
{resources} Evaluates to a summary of the resource consumption in
the item
{resources-provided} Evaluates to a summary of the resources provided by
the item
{resources-consumed} Evaluates to a summary of the resources consumed by
the item
{resources-available} Evaluates to a summary of the resources available in
the item
{resource:R} Evaluates to a summary of the consumption of resource
R in the item where R can be any existing resource
{resource-provided:R} Evaluates to the quantity of resource R provided by the
item where R can be any existing resource name.
{resource-consumed:R} Evaluates to the quantity of resource R consumed by
the item where R can be any existing resource name.
{resource-available:R} Evaluates to the quantity of resource R available in the
item (see where R can be any existing resource name.
{A/B} Evaluates to the result of running Search A with the re-
sult formatted by Data Format B.

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Below an example of a cabinet with two annotations, one is showing a user attribute and
another showing the result of a search:
Annotation with User Attribute:

Annotation with search result:

Search A:

Data Format B:

4.7. Configurations
You can create built-out infrastructure objects for easy re-use in other in other parts of
your model. Examples include standard configurations of network cabinets or servers
equipped with network cards, SFP modules etc.
These built-out objects are called Configurations and are located in the Configura-
tions subtree of the model template tree.
To create a new configuration, proceed as follows:
▪ Create a new category in the Configurations subtree
▪ Build up an object by dragging templates into the new category. E.g. drag a cabinet
template in the category, double-click on it to open it and insert patch panels or ac-
tive equipment into it
▪ Another way to create a configuration is to copy an existing object from your model
(e.g. a fully configured server) into a category in the Configurations subtree.
Now you can build use the configurations by simply dragging and dropping them in your
model. Note that configurations are copied into the model, i.e. if you change a configura-
tion then objects in the model based on this configuration will not be updated.

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4.8. Data Import
If you have many similar objects to insert in your model you can use the file import func-
tions of InteliPhy Manage to create these objects in a semi-automatic way.
Import Files must have the .csv format (Comma Separated Values) and must contain a
certain number of columns, the first line of the import file identifying the column names.
To import a file or a group of files use the File > Import dialog:

Use the button to add a file to the list, will remove the selected file from the import
list. The buttons allow you to re-arrange the sequence of files in the list. Finally use
the button to start the import.
The files are imported in the sequence they are listed in the import list. When arranging
the sequence take care about dependencies, e.g. it will not be possible to import equip-
ment into a cabinet unless the cabinet has been imported first.
Import file formats are defined in 8.2.

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5. Network Management

5.1. Connection Trace

Clicking on any port in the network will show an end-to-end connection where this port
participates in. The connection trace is displayed in the Connection Details screen part.

You can configure the level of detail that is displayed in the connection trace by clicking
on the button . In the following dialog the display is configurable in various ways:

▪ Checking Show End Points Only in the Tracing section of this dialog will only
display beginning and end of the link and not any intermediate ports.
▪ Select User Attributes in the Display section to display user attributes in the
connection trace. You can choose on a per-attribute basis which attributes to dis-
play. Use CTRL-Click to select multiple attributes.
▪ In the Resources section you can specify which Resources are to be displayed (on
a per-resource basis).
▪ In the Locations section you can specify which locations are to be displayed in the
connection trace
▪ In the Cabinets section you can select whether cabinets will be displayed in the lo-
cation trace or not
▪ In the Equipment section you can control which equipment attributes are to be in-
cluded in the location trace
▪ In the Cables section you can control which cable details are to be displayed in the
connection trace
▪ In the Conduits section you can control whether Conduits are displayed in the con-
nection trace

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5.2. Find
5.2.1. Basic Find
To quickly locate objects in your network, use the Find function (button ). Enter a text
string and all objects matching all or part of this string in any attribute will be displayed.
The button allows you to specify which details of the objects (e.g. location, cabinet
etc.) are displayed in the search result.

You can click on any result to highlight the object in the Location Tree. Double-clicking on
a result will open the object in the Main View.

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5.2.2. Advanced Find
Check the Advanced Find checkbox in the dialog for advanced searching possibilities:

The Advanced Find options provide you with the following possibilities:

▪ Case – sensitive Search (check Match Case)

▪ Search for regular expressions instead of simple character strings (see 8.1)
▪ Search For: limit the search to certain object types or template types
▪ Search In: limit the search to certain parts of the model
▪ Match On: limit the search to certain attributes. If you search for user attributes you
can restrict the search to certain user attributes in the User Attributes tree.
Use CTRL-Click to specify multiple selections.

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5.3. Reports
The find command is useful for quickly locating objects in the network model.
With the InteliPhy Manage reporting functions you can create more complex searches,
precisely select the data to be displayed and create charts of search results. Reports are
saved and can be re-used.
A report consists of a search (defining what you want to search for) and a data format
(defining which attributes of the search result you want to display). You can also display
search results in charts (see 5.3.3) or use searches for filtering functions (see 5.4)
You reach all reporting functions with Administration > Reporting and Data

5.3.1. Searches
Creating new Searches
In the following example we will create a search that returns a list of free RJ45 ports in a
To create the search right-click on its category and select Add Search.... You have to
specify the object type to search for (Locations, Cabinets, Equipment etc.). For our exam-
ple we will define a Port search. The Search dialog box comes up:

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For each search you must specify constraints that define which objects will be returned by
the search.
To define a constraint, click on the button to open the constraint dialog:

Depending on the search type, several fields are displayed which you can use for search
conditions. Select the appropriate field and press Next to show available comparisons
(again available comparisons vary depending on the field type):

Select the appropriate comparison. You can invert the comparison by selecting the Ne-
gation check box. Clicking on Next brings up the Comparison Value dialog:

You can now specify a comparison value. How to do this depends on the field type to
search for. In our example we select the template of an RJ45 port in the template tree.

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A search can contain several constraints. Just add constraints one by one with the but-
ton. Each constraint is automatically assigned an Alias. In the Expression line it is pos-
sible to combine the aliases to an expression using parantheses ().
By default, the aliases are numbers starting at 1 but you can rename the aliases by dou-
ble-clicking on the Alias field.
The search in the example below will find all free RJ45 and LC duplex ports in a location
specified at runtime of the search:

To edit a constraint select it and use the button. To delete a constraint, use the but-
Wildcard searches
Clicking on Wild-card in the Constraint Value dialog enables wildcard searches:

In a wildcard search the comparison value is set dynamically during execution of the
search. If you run a report with the button then you will be prompted to enter the re-
quired information, e.g. a location:

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You can also launch a wildcard search by right-clicking on an object and selecting the
search under Report from the context menu:

When specifying wildcard constraints, you can optionally enter a wildcard ID. This ID al-
lows you to reuse constraint values e.g. if a search has several constraints. When per-
forming the search, you will only be asked once for a value for each wildcard ID. All wild-
card constraints with the same wildcard ID will use the same constraint value.
Search Preview
The Preview pane shows the definition of a search:

Wildcards are represented as question marks ? in search preview.

5.3.2. Data Formats
A Data Format specifies which fields of the objects returned by a search are to be dis-
played. To create a new Data Format, select its category and choose Add Data Format
from the context menu of the category. You must select the object type the new Data For-
mat applies to:

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This will open the Data Format dialog:

You must give the Data Format a name and optionally can add a description.
On the Fields tab you select the fields (report columns) to be displayed. Depending on ob-
ject type the selection of fields varies.
There are three types of fields:
▪ Regular fields are the fields that are displayed in columns of the search result.
▪ Ordering fields control the ordering of data in the output. You can specify multiple
ordering fields. If you do, the data will first be ordered based on the first field, then
based on the second field etc. Note that you can order data based on a field even if
it is not part of the output.
▪ Grouping fields, see below.
The Show Aggregates Only option can be used to have the data format display only
the totals for each regular field. When used, only numerical fields (that can be aggre-
gated) are allowed as regular fields in the data format. Whether a field should be aggre-
gated or not is defined in the data field configuration, see below.
Modifying Fields in a Data Format
To add fields to a Data Format, use the button. will edit the selected field and
deletes it. Use to change the sequence of fields.
Data Field Configuration
Depending on the type of a field you can configure how a data field is displayed. To
change the configuration of a field, select the field and click on . This will open the
Edit data field dialog:

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Use the Column field to give a name to the column. If the data field contains a user
attribute you can use the expression {user attribute} to display the value of the user
If the data field contains a resource you can use the expression {resource-
available} to display available resources. Use –consumed to display consumed
resources and –provided to display resources the object provides.

Grouping and Totals

Grouping fields allow you to group data in the output. You can specify multiple grouping
fields. If you do, the data will first be grouped based on the first field, then based on the
second field et cetera. You can group data based on a field even if it is not part of the reg-
ular fields, i. e. is not displayed in the report
For numerical fields, it is possible to include totals in exported files. When configuring a
numerical field an Aggregate box will be included in the dialog. When this box is
checked, and the data format is used to export data to a file, InteliPhy Manage will calcu-
late and include totals in the result. If grouping fields are used the totals will be calculated
per group.
Groups and totals are only shown in exported or printed reports but not in searches dis-
played in the main window.

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Example Port Data Format
Below an example of a data format that displays the cabinet location of a port, the cabinet
label, patch panel label, slot, and port label. It is sorted by cabinet/patch panel/slot/port
and grouped by patch panel:


Ordering Fields

Grouping Fields

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5.3.3. Charts
Charts let you display results from searches in a graphical format. They are managed in
the Charts section of the Reporting and Data Presentation tab:

You can categorize your charts in the usual way. Use to edit a chart, to delete it,
to export its definition (as an XML file) and to import a chart definition.
To create a new chart right-click on its category, select Add Chart… and specify the ob-
ject type the chart relates to:

This opens the Chart dialog:

Four different chart types are available:

▪ Line charts to show tracked items (see 5.3.4)
▪ Bar charts
▪ Pie charts
▪ Dial charts

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Pie Charts
A pie chart combines data of all objects returned by a search. Both absolute as well as
percentage values are displayed.
As an example, let us construct a chart that shows the relation of free and occupied ports
in a site.
First, we need a search that returns the equipment from which we want to get the port
status (all copper panels in a location called Charting in our example):

Here is the chart definition, referring to the equipment port statuses:

In the Data section specify which values are to be displayed in the pie chart. The varia-
bles to choose from depend on the object type this chart is designed for (same choice as
for searches). Note that you can only select numerical values. The usual buttons are pre-
sent: to add data, to remove data, to edit data (only label and color can be edited)
and to re-arrange the sequence of data.

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Now create a report that combines search and chart definition:

Running the report will show the chart:

In the Appearance section of the chart definition, you can control how the chart is dis-
▪ Chart lets you add labels (displayed above the chart) and gives you control over the
chart appearance (border, background)
▪ Plot gives similar control over the plot area
Bar Charts
Bar charts show data of objects returned by the search on a per-object basis.
As an example, to get an overview of per-cabinet rack space occupation in a site you
must create a search that looks for all cabinets in that site (the site is called Charting in
our example):

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Here is the chart definition:

The corresponding report:

And the resulting chart:

In the Appearance section you can control the appearance of the chart:
▪ The Chart and Plot parts give the same possibilities as for pie charts.
▪ Bars allow you to have bars with gradient, horizontal or vertical orientation of bars
and to choose between stacked and non-stacked bars.
▪ With Thresholds you can add color bands to the chart background like tracker line
charts, see 5.3.4.
▪ Finally, the Axes section lets you add labels to the domain (labels of objects re-
turned by the search) and to the values axis. You can also add tick marks to the
axes here.

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Dial Charts
With a dial chart you can show an aggregate of one or two values of all objects returned
by a search.
As an example, let's build a dial that gives an overview of the available U space in a loca-
tion. The example assumes that a resource called U Height is properly configured, see
4.5). First, we need a search that returns the location we want to (Charting in the exam-

Now we define a dial chart that shows the available U space in the location:

The report using this chart:

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The resulting dial will look like this:

In the Appearance section you can control the appearance of the dial chart:
▪ Chart and Frame lets you add labels and define the background and framing of the
▪ Scales lets you define the scale for primary and secondary values
▪ Thresholds lets you segment the scale with different colors. Separate thresholds
for primary and secondary values are available. Threshold definition in the example

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5.3.4. Trackers
InteliPhy Manage can track data in regular intervals. The historical development of this
data can then be displayed in a line chart.
Tracked items are specified as a combination of a search (see 5.3.1), a data format (see
5.3.2), and a time interval. Every time the time interval passes, the InteliPhy Manage
server will find all items in the database that match the search and store the current value
for each field defined in data format.
Trackers are managed in the Tracking tab that can be opened with Administration
> Tracking Overview or with the button.
Tracker Configuration
Configuration of trackers is handled on the Configuration tab.
As an example, to track the availability of U heights in a location you have to set up the
▪ Create a resource to manage available U heights (see 4.5)
▪ Create a search that returns the location you want to track U height for:

▪ Create a data format that returns the available U:

▪ Configure a tracker that references the search (Items column), the data format
(Values column) and is running at certain time intervals (Interval column):

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Tracker Display
The Tracked Data tab shows you the tracked data. A click on will display the se-
lected tracker as a line chart. To show only part of the tracked data select the correspond-
ing lines and then click on :

You can delete all or part of the tracked data using the button.
Tracker Line Chart
You can include a tracker in a line chart that is part of a report.
Select the appropriate chart category, create a new chart, and use Line Chart as chart

Use the button to add tracked data. You can freely configure the label of the time
series. To define which data to display use an Expression of the form Data
Format>Column where Data Format must be a format used in a tracker and Column
is the name of a column defined in this data format.

You can add several trackers to the same line chart. Use to edit a time series, to
delete a series and to re-arrange the data.
If you check you can select to include only a part of the time series in the
chart, e.g. the last 24 hours. The full series of tracked data is always available in the
Tracked Data tab.

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Use the Appearance section to configure the chart display:
▪ Chart and Plot sections control chart and plot borders and backgrounds similar to
other charts, see 5.3.3
▪ Lines gives control over the line width
▪ Thresholds allow you to define background colors for certain ranges of the tracked
data: horizontal bands will be included in the chart which extend up to the maximum
range value or up to the next threshold color:

▪ In the Axes section you can define names for Range (vertical) and Domain (horizon-
tal) axes and control the display of tick marks and tick values.

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5.3.5. Reports
A report is a sequence of tables (defined by a search and a data format) and charts (de-
fined by a search and a chart type). Reports are defined in the Reports section of the
Reporting and Data Presentation tab:

Reports are grouped in categories which you can freely configure in the usual way. The
buttons in the pane toolbar give access to the following functions:
Displays the report in a new tab of the main working area
Saves the report as PDF, HTML or CSV file
Edits a report

Deletes a report

Exports a report definition as XML file

Imports a report definition

Adds a report to the report favorites. Report favorites are available in
the Reports menu and with the button on the main toolbar. Click on
in the reports pane again to remove a report from favorites.

To create a report right-click on its category and select Add Report… to bring up the re-
port definition dialog:

A report is made up of several components, each component being either a table or a

chart. Use the button to add a component, to edit it, to delete it. You can rear-
range the sequence of components using the

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Table Components
To add a table to a report, click on and select :

Specify the search and data format to be used. You can optionally give the report a title
(displayed above the table in the GUI) and a caption (displayed below the report).
Chart Components
To add a chart, click on and select

Specify the search and the chart type. Optionally you can add a title (displayed above the
chart GUI) and a caption (displayed below the chart). You can also configure the height of
the chart.
Running Reports
To run a report select it and click the button (or access it from the report favorites).
The report will be shown in a new tab on the Main View:

The tabular reports are interactive: clicking on a row in the report automatically selects
the corresponding object in the Location Tree.
You can use the button to refresh the report e.g. after having made changes to the
model or the search / data format. will export the report (as PDF or HTML file for ta-
bles, in a variety of bitmap formats for charts) and will print the report.
If you have a report with multiple components, then you can export or print each compo-
nent individually.

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5.4. Filters
You can use filters to control how certain items are displayed. Filters are also used to
manage access of users to certain parts of the model.
A filter is a group of searches, and an object is considered to match the filter if it matches
at least one of the searches in the filter.
5.4.1. Filter Management
Filters are managed in the Filters section of the Reports and Data Presenta-
tion tab. Filters can be categorized in the usual way. Use to edit a filter and to de-
lete a filter.
In the properties of a filter, you can specify the searches that make up the filter. Use to
add a search or to delete one.

5.4.2. Filter Applications

Hiding items in Main View
You can use a filter to remove certain locations from the main view. Use the button
and select the appropriate filter.

You can choose whether to show or hide filtered items. Use CTRL-Click to select several
filters, any item matching one of the filters will be filtered out.
If the filter is applied the filtered items are grayed out. Filtered items cannot be selected /
displayed / modified. It is possible to specify the level of transparency of the filtered items
in the Main View Configuration under Transparency > Filtered Items. Use a
transparency level of 100% to hide items completely.

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Live color coding
You can change the color of items dynamically by using filters in combination with rules.
For example, to visually highlight all cabinets that have 30% or less space left proceed as
▪ Create a search for all cabinets with less than 30% space:

▪ Create a filter based on this search:

▪ Create a rule based on this filter. For this open Administration > Rules and
create a new rule, select your filter, and choose Color highlighting as rule Ef-

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All cabinets which have almost no space left will be automatically highlighted in Main
View. The highlight changes dynamically depending on current cabinet population.

5.5. Work Orders

5.5.1. Creating work orders
Work orders allow for controlled changes in a network. Open the work orders overview
with Administration > Work Orders Overview
As usual work orders can be grouped in different categories. To create a work order se-
lect its category and use . The work order configuration screen opens:

You have to give a name for the work order, select a workflow and define scheduled start
and end times. Click on Apply to create the empty work order.
Next step is to activate the work order with the button. The system now is in a planning
mode where changes to the network are not executed but recorded in the work order. Ac-
tive planning mode is indicated by the symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Now you can implement the planned changes in the model, e.g. adding cabinets, moving
switches or connecting two ports with a patch cable. The changes made during planning
mode are marked with colors, e.g. a port to be connected is shown as and a port

where a cable will be disconnected from as .

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Once all steps of a work order are completed navigate back to work order tab and press
the button to stop planning mode.
You can add more instructions to the work order by repeatedly using the and but-
5.5.2. Modifying Work Orders
Once recording is completed double-click on the work order to display its details:

The Line Items tab shows the steps of the work order, the Materials tab lists the re-
quired materials. You can rearrange the sequence of line items with the buttons, de-
lete line items with and add new tasks with the button (these manually added tasks
are text notes).
Use to record the execution of a line item.
The Materials tab shows the bill of materials required to complete the work order:

Items marked with are required for execution of the work order, items marked with
will be left over after the work order has been executed.

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5.5.3. Cable Length Estimation
If you enable calculation of cable lengths, then the work order will show the length of re-
quired patch cords. Calculation of cable lengths is configurable in the Preferences >
Work Order Cable Length Configuration dialog:

Check Show Cable Lengths to display the estimated length of cables in the bill of ma-
terials. Cable length is calculated based on a straight line between ports. Check Use
Calibration to add some amount of length to the cables – this will allow for proper ca-
ble routing in the cabinets. You can configure additional length for different length ranges.
Use to add a new calibration range, to edit a range and to delete it.

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5.5.4. Work Order Transitions
Once the work order is ready for execution you can print it with or export it with .
Scheduling of the work order can be modified either by changing the Scheduled Start
and Scheduled End times or by dragging the work order in the schedule to the desired
During execution a work order passes through several phases. The different phases and
possible transitions between phases are defined in the workflow that is part of each work

Phase Meaning
New New work order
Ready Work order ready for execution, instructions sent to mainte-
nance crew
Sent to Hardware The work order has been sent to the InteliPhy Monitor hard-
ware. LEDs on ports that need modifications will be lit and the
line items of the work order will be shown on the display of the
Executed Work order has been fully executed and the change has been
committed to the database. The "+" and "-" marks on the ports
disappear and the connectivity diagram is updated
Rejected The work order has been rejected and will not be committed to
the database
Phases are indicated with different colors in the work order schedule.
The transitions between the phases can be executed manually either by right-clicking on
the work order and choosing Transition from the context menu or with the button.
The transition from Sent to Hardware to Executed will be done automatically by the
InteliPhy Monitor hardware for work orders on patch panels equipped with Sensorbars.

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6. Integration with InteliPhy Monitor

6.1. Sync and Work Order modes

InteliPhy Monitor has two modes of operation:
▪ In Sync mode any change in network connectivity is automatically updated in the
network database.
▪ In Work Order mode changes are only allowed if authorized by a work order.
Changes that are not part of a Work Order are alarmed. They can be authorized ret-
rospectively, however.
The mode of operation is controlled by the setting Work Flow in the Bridge Control tab.
You can control the work flow mode per bridge instance. First open the inteliphy Monitor
Bridge Configuration and Control tab (Administration > inteliPhy Monitor
Bridge Configuration and Control):

Next double-click on the line of a Bridge Identifier to open its control panel and select the
Work Flow property:

Now choose Sync for Sync mode and Work Order for Work Order mode. Confirm the
change with Apply Changes.

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6.2. Authorized changes with Work Orders
To make a connectivity change in Work Order mode you must first create the work order,
see 5.5. Use an intelligent cable from the RdM library:

As soon as you transition the Work Order to the Sent to Hardware state the port LEDs
where the patching operation is to occur will be lit (continuous on for ports where a cable
is to be inserted, flashing for ports where a cable is to be removed). The Analyzer will dis-
play the corresponding line item of the work order.
Note that the work order will be displayed on Analyzer and LEDs on the scheduled start
time of the work order, even if the Sent to Hardware transition occurs earlier.
Complete the work order as per the instructions on the Analyzer display. After completion
the port LEDs will be turned off and the work order transits to the Executed state.

6.3. Unsolicited Changes

If a change in connectivity is sensed while in Work Order mode InteliPhy Manage takes
the following actions:
▪ LEDs are lit at the ports where the unsolicited change occurred (continuous light at
ports where a cable has been removed, flashing lights at ports where a cable has
been inserted).
▪ A message for corrective action is displayed on the Analyzer
▪ An error message is shown in the Unsolicited changes part of the Bridge
Configuration and Control tab:

Open unsolicited changes are marked in red color. Double-clicking on a line in the
Unsolicited Changes pane will show the connection in the Connection De-
tails tab.

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▪ The Logs pane in the Bridge Configuration and Control tab shows the re-
cent events:

▪ An email is generated that contains an error message and instructions for corrective
action. This email is sent to a predefined address. Email server, target address, sub-
ject line and email from address must be configured (on a per-bridge basis) in the
Alerts settings of the respective Configuration and Control tab:

The Alert Connect and Alert Disconnect settings work as time filters: if an
unsolicited change is resolved within the times defined here no alarming takes place.
Use the value -1 to suppress email alarms.

If you want to authorize an unsolicited change retrospectively you can select the change
and accept it in the Options dialog:

Changes which are corrected in the field will automatically change to the status Re-
solved. You can remove resolved changes from the Unsolicited Changes pane by
selecting them and executing Options > Delete.

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6.4. Visual Connection Trace
You can switch on all port LEDs on all Sensorbars involved in a particular end-to-end con-
nection, allowing you to get a quick overview of which ports are connected.
To do so right-click on a port and select "Show Connection Details on Sensorbar":

The LEDs will be turned on for a configurable period (10 seconds by default) and then re-
turn to their original state.
The length of the display period is adjustable in the Bridge Configuration and Control tab
in the "Show Connection on Sensor Bar" property:

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7. System Management

7.1. History
All actions on the InteliPhy Manage Server are logged in the System History which you
can access with the menu command Administration > History overview. You
can view the history of a single item by right-clicking on it and then selecting History

History is displayed in pages. Navigate between pages with the buttons.

Use the button to filter the history by date, by user or configure the number of lines per

You can export the history to a file with and delete all or part of the history with

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7.2. User Management
InteliPhy Manage is a multi-user system. Several users can log on to the server simulta-
neously and work with the model. User management allows you to create users, groups
of users and give them certain permissions.
User management is accessible under Administration > Users Overview:

You see different panes for Users, Groups, Roles, Policies and Preference sets. In all
panes the usual categorization mechanisms are available.

7.2.1. Permission architecture

The permission architecture is composed of policies, roles, user groups and individual us-

Policies Roles
Roles Groups
Groups Users
Policies Roles
Roles Groups
Group ofof
Combina- Group
Per- Combina-
Combina- users
Per- tionCombina-
ofof having users
missions tion
tion having the
missions policiestionofof
same the
missions policies same
policies role(s)same

Filters Sets

A policy is a group of permissions given to the policy holder. A policy can also include ex-
ceptions which are defined by filters (see 5.4). For example, you can specify that a user
cannot add cabinets in a specific location, or that a user can only edit templates in a cer-
tain category.

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Policies are associated with user roles. Examples of roles are administrators, operators or
viewers. These roles can be assigned to a single user or a group of users. User groups
make it easy to assign roles to multiple users, for example, all users in a specific depart-
The graphical user interface adapts dynamically based on the permissions of a user, e.g.
if a user has no rights to the user management then the button and the menu entry
Administration > Users Overview are not visible.
7.2.2. Policies
To create a new policy right-click its category and select Add… A dialog will appear which
lets you select the permissions enabled for this policy. You can edit policies with and
delete them with .
Permissions available in InteliPhy Manage are grouped in categories. You can select en-
tire categories or just individual permissions within one category. Use CTRL-Click to se-
lect multiple permissions.
If at least one permission applying to a user allows an action, the action is allowed, i.e.
the permissions are ORed together.
For each permission within a policy, you can apply filters. If you apply a filter to a permis-
sion, it is available only on objects that match the filter. For example, to allow access to
only one location in the model create a filter for this location and apply the filter to the In-
frastructure permission:

There are certain permissions that apply hierarchically. For example, if a user is not al-
lowed to modify a location, that user is also not allowed to modify any of the location's
contents. Not all permissions allow exceptions to be specified.

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7.2.3. Roles
You can combine policies to roles. Each role can contain several policies.
To create a new role tight-click its category and select Add… . Now choose all policies that
you want to combine in this role. If at least one policy in a role allows an action, then the
action is allowed. i.e. the policies within one role are ORed together. You can edit roles
with and delete them with

7.2.4. Groups
You can create user groups. Any user that is member of a group has all roles that are as-
sociated with this group.
To create a new group, select its category and right-click on Add… Check all roles that
you want users of this group to have. In the same dialog you can also add already exist-
ing users to the new group. If at least one role of a group allows an action, then the action
is allowed, i.e. the roles within one group are ORed together.
You can edit groups with and delete them with

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7.2.5. Users
You can manage users in the Users pane.
To create a new user right-click on its category and select Add…
Fill in username and password. Optionally you can also add first and last name of the
user. By default, the user must change his password the first time he logs on the server,
uncheck the User must change password at next login box if you do not want
Now select all groups this user shall be member of. Note that it is also possible to directly
allocate certain roles to a user, but this approach is not recommended because does not
scale in systems with many users.

If required, you can also allocate an initial preference set (see 7.2.6) to the user.
If you change the permissions of a user, he must log off and log on again to make the
new permissions available.
To edit a user (e.g. reset its password) use the button. will delete a user. You can
export all users to a .csv file with and import a list of users with
To log off a user from the server use the button. If you want to force logoff of a user
after some period of inactivity you can set this period in the preferences (File > Pref-
erences) in the Session Expiry property.

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7.2.6. Preference Sets
You can give a user a specific preference set (initial set of values for the user specific
preferences accessible at File > Preferences). Preference sets are managed in the
Preference Sets section of the Users Overview screen.
To add a new preference set right-click its category and select Add… to define the initial

The preference set is applied the first time a user logs in. If the user changes his prefer-
ences later then the new preferences are saved in the set and will remain in force.
To edit a preference set use , to delete it use

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7.3. User attributes
It is possible to add customized information fields to objects. For instance, these fields
can contain asset tags, MAC addresses, IP addresses etc.
7.3.1. Creating user attributes
To create a new user attribute, choose Administration > User Attributes
Overview which displays an overview of all user attributes.

User attributes can be grouped in categories and sub-categories.

To create a new user attribute first choose the appropriate category and then click on .
A dialog opens where you can define the properties of the new attribute:

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Each attribute has a name, an optional description, and a type. You can fine-tune the be-
havior of a user attribute in several ways:

Option Meaning
Allow multiple values Attribute can have multiple values, e.g. a switch port
carrying several VLAN IDs
Unique Attribute must be unique (e.g. IP Addresses, MAC ad-
Pattern Use this to enforce a certain format for the attribute.
See 7.4
Read only Attribute cannot be changed from the InteliPhy Manage
GUI. Use this e.g. for switch port states that are read
through SNMP
Confirm changes Any change to the attribute must be explicitly confirmed
Required A value for this attribute must be specified (by default
attributes may also be left blank)
Propagate values When applied to a port of a connection then the value of
this attribute will be propagated along the entire con-
nection. Example use is the documentation of Circuit
IDs that document circuits along a network connection.
Property Color Background color of the attribute

Using the type File allows you to reference a file with a user attribute. This file must be
present on the server in the Files section. You can upload files to the server using the
Administration > File Management command. Typical application of files in user
attributes are measurement protocols of cables or user manuals of active equipment.
7.3.2. Applying user attributes to objects
Once a user attribute is created it has to be applied to objects. To apply the attribute, use
the Application tab of the dialog. Select in the Locations Tree of the dialog the appro-
priate object(s) and apply the attribute using the button.

To remove a user attribute from an object select it in the Location Tree and use the

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7.3.3. User attribute values
All values of a user attribute currently in use are displayed on the Values tab:

You can modify the attribute values from this dialog.

7.4. Patterns
Patterns use regular expressions to constrain the possible values of labels or user attrib-
utes (see 7.3).
To define new patterns or edit existing ones use Administration > Patterns
overview. to display all currently configured patterns in the Main View.
To add a new pattern, use the button that opens the pattern definition dialog:

Give the pattern a name and specify the related regular expression. Additionally, you
have to give a correct example. This allows you to test your regular expression. The de-
scription is optional.
The newly created pattern will be shown in the patterns overview, and you can select it
e.g. when defining new user attributes.
To edit a pattern, use the button, to delete it use . The button allows you to ex-
port a pattern definition, will import one.

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8. Reference

8.1. Regular Expressions

InteliPhy Manage uses regular expressions throughout the system to specify character
strings. Among others regular expressions are used in find and search functions and in
pattern specifications.
A regular expression is a character string where certain characters have a special mean-
ing. These special characters are ( [ { \ ^ - | ] } ) ? . * + :

Character Meaning
? The preceding character can appear once, or not at all.
* The preceding character can appear zero or more times
? * + + The preceding character can appear one or more times.
{ } {n} The preceding character must appear exactly n times
{n,m} The preceding character must appear at least n times and at most
m times. Note that at least one of n and m must be specified. For
example, {,5} means at most five times
Grouping: allows you to apply quantifiers to groups of characters. You can
group characters by surrounding them with braces. For example, the regu-
( ) lar expression (ABC){2} defines the string ABCABC. You can also apply
grouping to character classes. In this case, each repetition of the group
must be the same. For example, the regular expression ([A-Z]{2}){2}
defines strings of four capital letters, where the first two letters are the
same as the last two letters.
Removes the special meaning from the immediately following character.
This allows you to search for special characters. For example the regular
\ expression 2\+3 defines the string 2+3 while the regular expression 2+3
represents 3, 23, 223, 2223 etc (zero or more occurrences of 2 followed
by a 3)
A . appearing in a regular expression means that any character is allowed
. at the corresponding position. For example, the regular expression A.C
defines the set of strings of three characters, starting with A and ending
with C with any character in between (such as AAC, ABC, ACC et cetera).
You can specify that a character must be a member of a certain set of
characters by specifying a character set between square brackets. Use ^
to exclude a character from a character set. Use && to combine character
[ ^ classes:
&& [ABC] A, B or C
- ] [^ABC] any character except A, B or C
[A-Z] upper-case letter
[a-z] lower-case letter
[0-9] digit
[A-Za-z0-9] upper-case letter, lower-case letter or digit
[A-Z&&[^QXY]] upper-case letter, but not Q, X or Y.

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8.2. Import File Formats
Sample import files are available on the iCC support website.
8.2.1. Location Identifiers
In many cases it is required to identify the location of an object. A location is identified by
a sequence of location names, starting below the root location and descending along the
location tree. Example:

The identifier for location Showroom is "RdM Wetzikon,Binz31,Showroom". Note

the text qualifiers around the location identifier.
8.2.2. Equipment identifiers
Equipment identifiers are an extension of a location identifier with information about the
equipment contained in this location. Example:

The equipment identifier for the module holder MH1 in panel H01-40 in cabinet H01 is

Luckily the identifiers for non-modular equipment are less complex.

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8.2.3. Location import file format
Column Heading Contents
Location Parent Identifier of the location parent, see 8.2
Leave this column empty for the root location
Location Name Name of the location
Location Template Name of the location template
Location Position Position of the location relative to its parent (X/Y/Z co-
ordinates) (optional)

8.2.4. Cabinet import file format

Column Heading Contents
Cabinet Location Identifier for the cabinet location see 8.2
Cabinet Name Name of the cabinet (optional)
Cabinet Template Name of the cabinet template
Cabinet Position Position of the cabinet (X/Y/Z coordinates) (optional)

8.2.5. Equipment import file format

Column Heading Contents
Equipment Location Identifier of the equipment location, see 8.2
Equipment Label Label of the equipment (optional)
Equipment Template Name of the equipment template
Equipment Position Equipment position, which can be X/Y/Z coordinates
relative to the equipment location or a position in a
cabinet (optional).

8.2.6. Cable import file format

Column Heading Contents
Cable Template Name of the cable template
Cable Label A label for the cable (optional)
Connections Left Port the left side of the cable is connected to. Each
port is identified using an equipment identifier (see
8.2.2) and a port label, followed by an optional side
identifier ([Front] or [Rear])
Connections Right Port the right side of the cable is connected to. Same
format as Connections Left

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Revision History

Rev. Date Author Comments

Updated to new design. Moved chapter on Mobile Application
4.2 230111 Br
to a separate manual
4.1 160203 Br Update with visual connection trace
4.0 150915 Br Update for System Release 4.0 / Server 6.0
3.0 150312 Br Major revision for System Release 3.0 / Server 5.1
2.3 140701 Br Added user management, import
2.2 140521 Br Added annotations, custom objects
Added Cable groups, Layers, File Management, Labeling
2.1 140305 Br
Schemes. Various updates
Added section on integration with InteliPhy Monitor, various
2.0 131128 Br
editorial changes
1.3 130816 Br Added section on mobile clients
1.2 130705 Br Changed uniPhy → inteliPhy
1.1 130212 Br Added section on Data Formats
1.0 121029 Br First Edition

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