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Dear Students,

To be in a state of preparedness and help you in realizing the full potential of the Academic curriculum, there are a list of Academic Activities which have to be completed on ERP. The list of activities along with the timelines and the workflow are available to the student in their ERP login. The list of activities and work flow diagram is re-produced for ready reference. In the new interface developed by ERP, students can view, modify and update the relevant information of a particular academic activity on a single screen, through the ERP path Academic -> Students Academic Activities (UG).


NODE NO of Work Flow Diagram given below. 1.1 4.1.1 1.2

Activity(NODE) Description

Activity date to start from. 19 Apr 2011 23 Apr 2011 25 Apr 2011

Activity date to end on.


Exercising choices of Breadth Breadth Allocation Status Pre Registration

22 Apr 2011

Student ERP

2 May 2011 Up to 3 days beyond the day of Registration in July, 2011.



Generation of Fee Receipt

26 Apr 2011


Activities of final step of Registration (Students must physically report to the Institute on the day of Registration in July, 2011) Verification of the Proof of Payment of Semester Registration Fees. Verified of Physical Presence of the Student by Academic Section On day of Registration in July, 2011 On day of Registration in July, 2011 Account Section counter at Registration desk Academic Section counter at Registration desk




On day of Final Confirmation of Registration Registration in July, 2011


Exercising Breadth Choices and Pre-Registration in ERP are the two most important activities which must be done by all the students. Pre-Registration for the next Autumn Semester in ERP, is compulsory for all students except those who are likely to graduate in this Session. The Pre-Registration for subjects of next Semester is tentative and students MUST confirm this on the actual day of Registration for Autumn Semester in ERP.

Please comply with the deadlines for all the Academic Activities

In case of any problem students may please contact the ERP help desk at 81017, 81018, and 81019, The ERP system is accessible from outside and is available round the clock.

Dean UGS

1. Common Academic Activities

2. Applicable to Students who have failed in theory subjects

Feedback Pre registration process Node1. 3:Students Feed-Back about subjects Node 2.1:Supplementary registration for Autumn semester failure subjects. 3. Parallel Academic Activities

Node 1.1:Exercise of Options for Breadth/IEM/H SS Subjects by Students in ERP.

Result Node 2.2:Supplementary registration for Spring semester failure subjects /Summer Quarter registration.

Node 3.1:Branch Change and Switchover Interdisciplinary (applicable for first year students)

Breadth Allocation will be done by ERP.( Node 4.1.1)

Node 1.4:Tentative announcement of Results after UGPEC.

Node 3.2:Switchover (applicable for third year students)

Node1.2:Pre-registration* for Autumn (20112012) in ERP.

Node 1.5:Results ratified by Senate Node 2.3:Announcement of Supplementary /Summer Quarter results.

Node 3.3:Minor application (applicable for final year students)

* Pre-registration is compulsory in
order to complete the actual registration.

Node1.6:Fee Payment:1) Generate Fee receipt 2) Fee payment (Bank)

Allotment of Branch Change, Switchover Interdisciplinary and Switchover It will be done by ERP.( Node 4.1.2)

* Please note that Pre-Registration has to be confirmed on ERP on the day of Registration in July, 2011 in order to complete the process of Academic Registration. Only the names of those students who have confirmed the registration will appear in the subject roll list. Physical presence of student on day of registration in July, 2011 is mandatory.
4. System/Academic Activities

Node 4.1:-

Node 4.2:Monitored and controlled by Academic Section

Post Process(on Actual date of Registration)

ERP Execution

Node 1.7:Account Verification (Produce Proof of Payment of Semester Registration Fee ) at the registration desk.

Node 4.1.1:Breadth Allocation: It will be done between node 1 and node no 2 of the Common Academic Activities.

Node 4.1.2:Allotment of Branch Change, Switchover Interdisciplinary and Switchover: It will be done after announcement of Supplementary /Summer Quarter results.

Node 1.8:Academic Verification (Physical presence of student verified on production of Identity/Smart Card) at the registration desk.

Node 1.9:Subject Registration for Autumn (2011-2012) (Confirmation of preregistration) in ERP.

Pre-registration is compulsory in order to complete the actual registration.

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