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Name: Micko E.

Section: 3B4

1. In your own words, please explain the release procedure of an inmate according to the
BJMP Manual?
 According to the BJMP procedure on releasing an inmate shall be observe when
inmate shall be release from detention, first the Desk Officer upon receiving the
receipt of release order must coordinate with the Paralegal Officer to verifies the
authenticity of said order; and the Admin Officer shall begin the process of inmate’s
release, and check the inmate’s record to be ensure the inmates is suppose to be
release and check if the inmate has no other pending case/s and the Property
Custodian checks on the receipt of property and returns to the inmates deposited
items and the Desk Officer record the release of the inmates and the lastly the Jail
Warden report the inmates release to the aftercare program.
2. In your own words, please explain the release procedure of an inmate according to the
Bureau of Correction? (Pre-release and Post-release)
 The BuCor Pre-Release and Post-Release program is a kind of reformation of the
prisoners before and prior to their release to be adjusted the prisoners to be a law-
abiding citizen and recommend to the companies to hire the released prisoner to able
to work with their companies that the prisoner/s acquired on the job training of BuCor.

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