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Zakah-The third pillar of Islam-Grade V

1) Answer the following questions:

1. Define the term of ‘charity’.




2. What are the types of charity? Give one example for each one.

Zakah Sadaqah

Compulsory charity Not compulsory

2.5% of annual income Unlimited

Is given to specific people and time Can be given to anyone

3. Write three virtues/benfits of charity.

4. Memorize the hadith on charity

Hadith 1-Jabir bin Abdullah narrated that the Prophet said,

‫ﻛﻞ ﻣﻌﺮوف ﺻﺪﻗﺔ‬

“Enjoining, all that is good is a Sadaqa”

5.Complete the hadith on charity

• The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said that:

“An act of charity shields seventy dead people from ill fate”.
• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in a hadith on charity that:
“Allah says that when the angel of death is asked to remove the soul of a person,
and if he or she gives Sadaqah, Allah orders the angel of death to stop”.
• Indeed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:
“Cure your sickness with charity”.
• Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Every day in the morning two
angels come down: one of them says: “O Allah replace the money
of those giving in charity”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

2) Fill in the blanks:

1. A charity given in __________________ is better than charity in

2. Those who give charity will be granted __paradise_____ by Allah on the Day of

3. Charity should be given purely for the sake of ___Allah_____

3) Identify the acts that show the benefits of charity by shading the smiley

1. Abu Ahmad is keen to give charity to show mercy to the weak.

2. Red Crescent gives aid to the poor in consolation for them.

3. He gives charity to the poor only to be said that he is generous.

4. Om Abdullah donates to those in need in order to earn the reward and increase her

good deeds.
5. Omar is keen on giving charity to purify himself from stinginess and selfishness.

6. Khalid gives charity in adherence to the ethics of the Prophets.

7. The rich give charity to the poor so as to spread love and affection among them.

Q) Areas of charity giving to which our Prophet Muhammad SAW guides


Your smiling in the face of your brother is


Guiding a man lost in land is charity.

Commanding good and forbidding evil is

Your removal of stones, thorns and bones from
people’s way is a way of charity.

Your side for the help of a man with bad side is

a charity.

Pouring water into the bottle of your brother is


Identify other areas of giving charity /charitable donations in U.A.E:





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