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Grade 5 Revision for UT4

I) Choose the correct option

1. Diseases are transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding insects like
mosquitos, ticks and fleas.
These are called A) Vectors B) Transmitter C) Animal
2. The following simple machine is an example of

A) First Class lever B) Second class lever C) Third Class lever

3. Observe the picture. Where is the Potential energy the maximum?

A) At position A B) At position B C) At position A and B

4. Observe the given image. Choose the statements which explain the image

A) As a projectile is launched into the air KE is at its maximum.

B) As the projectile gains altitude PE becomes greater than KE
C) At the top of its arc, PE is at its maximum
D) Energy is lost

5. The intake of iodine is important as it prevents

A) Osteoporosis B) Scurvy C) Rickets D) Goiter

6. The antibodies are formed when the body encounters

A) Vitamin B) Mineral C) A foreign body called an antigen

7. What happens to the shape of a hot tin can when cold water is poured into it?
A. The pressure inside the tin is less than that outside, so it shrinks.
B. The pressure inside the tin is more than that outside, so it shrinks.
C. The pressure outside the tin is the same as that inside, so the shape remains the same.
D. The pressure inside the can is equal to the atmospheric pressure – the final shape
depends on the atmospheric pressure.
8. The weakened or dead germs causing a specific disease are injected in the human
This is called as A) Vaccination B) Immunization C) none of these.

9. Diseases are broadly grouped into communicable and non-communicable diseases. In

the list given below, identify the infectious diseases.
i. Cancer ii. Influenza iii. Allergy iv. Smallpox
a. i and ii b. ii and iii c. iii and iv d. ii and iv

10. In the given food chain the energy transformation is

A) Solar energy to electrical energy

B) Solar energy to chemical energy
C) Electrical energy to Solar energy
II) Complete the following table of the germs and the specific diseases caused by them

S.No Microorganisms Disease caused

1 Bacteria

2 Ringworm (infection of the skin), athletes foot

3 Common cold, Influenza, Covid

4 Protozoa

III) Identify the levers as First class, Second class or Third class levers
IV) Explain the properties of gases of air

1. Nitrogen

2. Oxygen

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Other gases (Argon/ helium/ Neon)

V) Vaccination and immunization are important for protection against harmful diseases.
The following steps are jumbled. Put them in the correct order
1. A person is immunized
2. Small amounts of dead or weakened germs are introduced into the body.
3. Body develops immunity
4. Antibodies are produced by the body
5. This is called a vaccine
6. This is called Immunization.

A. Differentiate between Communicable and non-communicable diseases.
B. Differentiate between Single and movable pulley

A. Explain the process of separating salt from a salt solution. Draw and label the diagram.
B. What is distillation? What is the function of a condenser? Draw and label the diagram.

VIII) List the steps of purification of water for a town/ city

Draw and label the diagram.

IX) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

1. Alexander Fleming discovered_________________.
2. Edward Jenner is called the father of __________________.
3. Evaporation is used to remove _____________ impurities.
4. Athletes ‘foot and ringworm are caused by _____________
5. Plasmodium Vivax is a ____________
6. Virus is considered neither ___________ nor _________
7. Obesity and diabetes are called as _____________ diseases
8. Diseases arising due to lack of a particular vitamin or mineral are called _________
9. Influenza is caused by contact or it is transmitted through cough and sneeze droplets.
This is a ________________ disease.
10. Weather occurs in the ________________.

X) Observe the given figure and explain the process

XI) Give reason:
1. Antibiotics are not effective for viral diseases.

2. Air pressure is responsible for any liquid to enter a straw.

3 Carrots, Coloured vegetables, and green leafy vegetables must be eaten on a regular

4. Wedge is a modification of an inclined plane.

5. The moon appears to change its shape throughout the month. Why?

6. The Sun is the ultimate source of energy but the wind is second-hand to solar energy.

1. A doctor examined a small child of about 6 months who showed the following
Thickening of the ankles, wrists, knees, bowed legs, soft skull bones and rarely bending
of the spine.
What was the diagnosis?
What was advised by the doctor to the parents of the child?

2. Draw the waxing and waning phases of the moon.

Assertion and Reason

The ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere of
Earth is beneficial for sustaining life on the Earth.
The ozone layer blocks the harmful ultraviolet rays from
the Sun and thus protects life on the Earth.
A. both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B. both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

D. A is false but R is true

Assertion: A crowbar is used to lift heavy loads.

Reason: A simple machine can be made as a force multiplier.
(A)Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is the correct explanation of
(B) Both assertion and reason are correct and the reason is not the correct explanation of
(C) The assertion is correct and the reason is incorrect.
(D) Both assertion and reason are incorrect.

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