UNIT 8 LAB Childcare Facility Training Video Mariam Salhien

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Childcare Facility Training Video

Mariam Salhien
UNIT 8 LAB: Childcare Facility Training Video


Each lab includes instructions or questions requiring the use of the internet to complete the task. Please use complete sentences and appropriate headings where applicable. If included, refer to the
rubric below to see how you will be graded. Note that links open a new browser window.

Submit your work as a file attachment using the dropbox.

This lab is worth 10 points.

While there are many steps and tasks involved with starting an early childhood education business, some of the most important aspects have to do with hiring and training the best
possible employees that you can find. After all, these are the individuals who will be responsible not only for teaching and caring for the children who attend your facility but also for
keeping them safe.

And while hiring highly trained and properly educated caregivers is essential, it is also important to provide additional training specific to your establishment for your new employees. So,
for this lab, you will imagine that you have spent the past year working hard to get your early childhood education facility open. You just hired five new full-time employees who will be
visiting the facility later this week for their first afternoon of training.

You have decided to create a video explaining and discussing a pre-made slideshow presentation that offers a basic overview of some of your most important procedures and policies.
You tend to get nervous speaking in front of people and feel that a video of you explaining the slideshow will ensure that you do not miss anything important that you want to impart.

You want to give these employees an introduction to the vision that you have for your facility and provide some relevant information but also want to avoid getting too much into the
nitty-gritty details just yet—this will come on Day 2 of training.

For this Day 1 training video, you have come up with the following list of topics/items that you want to include in your slideshow and video:

Your mission statement or the overall vision for your facility

● What do you hope to provide children with? Creativity? Social skills? Nature appreciation?

An overview of how a day in the life of their role as caregiver will look
● Greeting students, snack time, nap time, outdoor play, educational activities, etc.
UNIT 8 LAB: Childcare Facility Training Video
For this Day 1 training video, you have come up with the following list of topics/items that you want to include in your slideshow and video:

Your mission statement or the overall vision for your facility

● What do you hope to provide children with? Creativity? Social skills? Nature appreciation?

An overview of how a day in the life of their role as caregiver will look

● Greeting students, snack time, nap time, outdoor play, educational activities, etc.

Basic safety procedures

● What to do if a child is sick, scrapes a knee, has a fever

● Visit the American Red Cross website to research some basic first aid procedures and include videos of yourself demonstrating these skills properly


● Visit the American Red Cross website to locate CPR/first aid/AED trainings near you and include this information in your presentation so that your employees are aware of where they need to go to get

● Include a clear list of the steps your employees need to take to get certified

● Include a detailed list of the basic steps involved with performing CPR properly based on your research

● Include at least one video of a certified CPR person demonstrating CPR (if you are personally CPR certified, you may perform the demonstration video)

Any other general items or information that you would want to express to your employees on their first day at your facility

In order to properly address these items, you will need to do some online research. This will include specific research on CPR and first aid as well as exploring what kind of information other childcare facilities might include
on these topics.

Start by gathering your research, then compile this into a slideshow presentation. Next, decide how you will structure your video, get out your recording device, and start recording! Your slideshow presentation should be
included in your video, either projected onto the wall or perhaps focused on the slideshow presentation with your voice in the background. Get creative!

Please make sure that your video does not exceed 15 minutes. Submit a list of websites and resources that you used in your research along with your video.

Please refer to the rubric below for more information on how you will be graded.
Your mission statement or the overall vision for your facility
● What do you hope to provide children with? Creativity? Social skills? Nature appreciation?

- Welcome to Childcare; the raising children daycare center. We are happy to have you here
and join the team. Here we focus on elevating kids like our own. We are including many
creative activities for children's growth, such as Outdoor Experiences, Cognitive
Development, Nurturing Environment. These activities include craft ideas, games, and
teamwork projects. By doing teamwork activities will allow the kids to increase their social
skills. The children will get to know and play with other children as well. However, there will
be no types of bullying allowed and if we witness youngsters bullying every other,we will
take care of the state of affairs properly. In our daycare centre the children are allowed to go
outside and learn how to protect the environment around them.
An overview of how a day in the life of their role as caregiver will look

● Greeting students, snack time, nap time, outdoor play, educational activities, etc.

- To greet students, always show a positive attitude and make them excited to learn. For snack time,
have the kids sit at the desk and have them bring their own snacks. However, if you want to give the
children treats, make sure that no one is allergic and contact the parents to make sure that it’s okay.
The break should last about 30 minutes. Make sure that the kids clean up their messes as well for
them to learn responsibility. During nap time, have them lay down on the building cots, have the
parents bring a pillow and blanket and have a nap for 45 minutes. For educational activities, you
should focus on one thing at a time, such as one day focusing on ABC and another on animals. By
including activities for each topic.
Basic safety procedures

● What to do if a child is sick, scrapes a knee, has a fever

● Visit the American Red Cross website to research some basic first aid procedures and include videos of
yourself demonstrating these skills properly

- If the child gets sick, look at the medical records to see if they can have any medication. However, if it gets worse, then send them to the
nurse and contact the parents. Although, if they scrape their knee, fill out an accident form and contact the parents immediately.

- Make sure that the scene is safe, then tap the child on the shoulder and shout “Are you OK?” to ensure that he or she needs help.

- For infants, by flicking the bottom of the foot to elicit a response.

- Open the airway. With the kid lying on his or her back, tilt the head back barely to raise the chin.

Here are the 10 first aids “must-knows” that you can use to treat a broad array of injuries:

1. Remember the “Three P’s.”

2. Check the scene for danger before you provide help.
3. To deal with cuts and scrapes, apply mild pressure, disinfectant, and bandages.
4. To treat sprains, apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated.
5. To treat heat exhaustion, use cool fluids, cool cloths, and shade.
6. To treat hypothermia; use warm fluids and warm covering.
7. To treat burns, determine the burn type and severity. Cover the wound with loose cloth to prevent infection.
8. Use an EpiPen to treat allergic reactions.
9. To treat fractures, keep the fractured area stable and immobilized, and apply a cold pack.
10. Perform CPR if an injured person stops breathing.

● Visit the American Red Cross website to locate CPR/first aid/AED trainings near you and include this information in your presentation so that your
employees are aware of where they need to go to get certified

● Include a clear list of the steps your employees need to take to get certified

● Include a detailed list of the basic steps involved with performing CPR properly based on your research

● Include at least one video of a certified CPR person demonstrating CPR (if you are personally CPR certified, you may perform the demonstration

1. Understand the advantages of CPR and First Aid. CPR and first-aid training will teach you: What you can do on the
scene to help delay the deterioration of the injured person’s conditions and things that you can do to help revive them
till professional help arrives.
2. Find a CPR and first-aid course. You can either find online or in-person courses in most areas.
3. Take a refresher class.
4. Evaluate the time commitment.
5. Assemble a first-aid kit.
6. Call 911 or ask a person to.
7. Lay the individual on their back and open their airway.
8. Check for breathing. If they aren’t breathing, begin CPR.
9. Perform 30 chest compression.
10. Perform rescue breaths.
11. Repeat till an ambulance or automatic external defibrillator (AED) arrives.
12. Place the heel of your hand on the center of the person’s chest, then place the other hand on top and press down by 5
to 6 cm (2 to 2.5 inches) at a steady rate of a hundred to a hundred and twenty compressions a minute.
Any other general items or information that you would want to express to your employees on their first
day at your facility

- The most important items or information that i would want to

express to my employees on their first day at my facility is to always
be on stand by incase of an emergency and to follow the rules at all
- To always have your eyes on the children in case of an emergency
and to make sure that they are safe and no injuries occur.
Here is the video link:
Hi! My name is Mariam Salhien. And welcome to UNIT 8 LAB Childcare Facility Training Video. I will be presenting a training video of the Childcare Children
Daycare Center training program. In which all of you trainors will go through this training in which you will learn about the basic safety procedures, first-aid kit,
and CPR. The first slide contains the name of the lab and my name. The second and third slide contains the information on how to do the lab. My mission
statement or overall vision for my facility is: Welcome to Childcare raising children daycare center. We are happy to have you here and join the team. Here we
focus on elevating kids like they may be our own. We are including many creative activities for children's growth, such as Outdoor Experiences, Cognitive
Development, Nurturing Environment. These activities include craft ideas, games, and teamwork projects. By doing things such as teamwork activities that will
allow the kids to increase their social skills. The children will get to know and play with other children as well. However, there will be no types of bullying
allowed , and that if you witness youngsters bullying each other, take care of the state of affairs properly, inclusive of via way of means of telling them it’s
wrong. In which the children are allowed to go outside and learn how to protect the environment around them. My overview of how a day in the life of their
role as caregiver will look is: To greet students, always show a positive attitude and make them excited to learn. For snack time, have the kids sit at the desk
and have the parents bring their own snacks. However, if you want to give the children treats, make sure that no one is allergic and contact the parents to
make sure that it’s okay, it should last about 30 minutes. Make sure that the kids clean up their messes as well for them to learn responsibility. During nap
time, have them lay down on the building cots, have the parents bring a pillow and blanket and have a nap for 45 minutes. For educational activities, you
should focus on one thing at a time, such as one day focusing on ABC and another on animals. By including activities for each topic. My basic safety procedures
are: If the child gets sick, look at the medical records to see if they can have any medication. However, if it gets worse, then send them to the nurse and contact
the parents. Although, if they scrape their knee, fill out an accident form and contact the parents immediately. Make sure that the scene is safe, then tap the
child on the shoulder and shout “Are you OK?” to ensure that he or she needs help. For infants, by flicking the bottom of the foot to elicit a response. Open the
airway. With the kid lying on his or her back, tilt the head back barely to raise the chin. Here are the 10 first aid “must-knows” that you can use to treat a broad
array of injuries: 1. Remember the “Three P’s.”2. Check the scene for danger before you provide help. 3. To deal with cuts and scrapes, apply mild pressure,
disinfectant, and bandages. 4. To treat sprains, apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated. 5. To treat heat exhaustion, use cool fluids,
cool cloths, and shade. 6. To treat hypothermia; use warm fluids and warm covering. 7. To treat burns, determine the burn type and severity. Cover the wound
with loose cloth to prevent infection. 8. Use an EpiPen to treat allergic reactions. 9. To treat fractures, keep the fractured area stable and immobilized, and
apply a cold pack. 10. Perform CPR if an injured person stops breathing. As for CPR, it is the most important aspect in a childcare facility training, because, this
can be helpful in an emergency situation, and that there are 12 basic steps to follow while waiting for help. In which they include: 1. Understand the
advantages of CPR and First Aid. CPR and first-aid training will teach you: What you can do on the scene to help delay the deterioration of the injured person’s
conditions and things that you can do to help revive them till professional help arrives. 2. Find a CPR and first-aid course. You can either find online or
in-person courses in most areas. 3. Take a refresher class. 4. Evaluate the time commitment. 5. Assemble a first-aid kit. 6. Call 911 or ask a person to. 7. Lay the
individual on their back and open their airway. 8. Check for breathing. If they aren’t breathing, begin CPR. 9. Perform 30 chest compression. 10. Perform rescue
breaths. 11. Repeat till an ambulance or automatic external defibrillator (AED) arrives. 12. Place the heel of your hand on the center of the person’s chest, then
place the other hand on top and press down by 5 to 6 cm (2 to 2.5 inches) at a steady rate of a hundred to a hundred and twenty compressions a minute. The
most important items or information that I would want to express to my employees on their first day at my facility is to always be on stand-by incase of an
emergency and to follow the rules at all points. To always have your eyes on the children in case of an emergency and to make sure that they are safe and no
injuries occur. The last slide consists of citation links that have been used for this lab.
Citation links

Unknown, U. (2022). CPR steps: Perform CPR. Red Cross. Retrieved July
21, 2022, from

Unknown, U. (2022). First aid steps: Perform first aid. Red Cross. Retrieved
July 21, 2022, from

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