Kunooz Profile

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Integrated Economic Services

Company profile
Kunooz for Financial and Economic Consultancy is a company licensed by the
Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi and based in the United Arab
Emirates, aims to create a modern business environment based on sound foundations
for business management and investment of available resources in the best way.
Kunooz is always aspiring to be a leader in the field of services it provides, and works in
full dedication to serving its clients in order to be one of the best companies in the field
of financial and economic consulting, which ensure it provides its customers with
advanced, practical and applicable solutions, and to be the strategic partner for
investors who are looking for quality and honesty together.
Kunooz provides advisory services to all categories of the business sector in terms of
management, financial and economic aspects, and prepares economic feasibility
studies for small and large projects in various sectors. The company also performs the
service of designing, preparing, analyzing, auditing, and reshaping various types of
financial models for many types of deals in various sectors, it also performs full
valuation consulting services for different companies of different sizes, it also provides
accounting consultancy and prepares and designs accounting procedures for all
projects and companies.

Our vision
To be one of the leading institutions in providing financial and economic consulting
services efficiently, honestly, professionally, and effectively.

Our mission
To support the process of economic development and improve the investment
environment in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East by providing the best
consulting services giving according to the best international standards in an excellent
way that exceeds the expectations of our customers.
Services provided

Kunooz for Financial and Economic Consultancy specializes in conducting economic

feasibility studies, in addition to providing a range of other financial, economic,
investment, accounting, and other diverse services.

The First service: Feasibility Studies

Fields of feasibility studies:

Studies presented to entrepreneurs, investors, and owners of new projects to analyze

the optimal roadmap for establishing and operating their new projects.

Studies submitted to local financing funds in the various emirates of the country, to

banks, and other private funding companies, or to allocate lands and obtain licenses

from various governmental regulatory agencies.

Studies submitted to owners of faltering projects and projects that have operational

difficulties with the aim of exploring the weak points and diagnosing the best ways to

restructure those projects to improve their performance.

The main contents of the way we conduct
the feasibility study are as follows:

First: the executive summary of the project

The general idea of the project

Summary of the results of the study

Summary of the investment valuation of the project

Second: Market study for the project

Analyzing the demographic population in general and the project’s population in

particular, and analyzing the market statistical indicators in the project and within the
concerned sector.
An accurate analysis of the estimates of the volume of demand and the factors affecting
the current and the expected demand for the project’s services in the targeted market,
which covers the life span of the project.
An accurate analysis of estimates of the size of the current supply and the expected
supply of the project’s services in the target market, and an analysis of the current and
expected future competitors of the project and their market shares and the
characteristics of their competitive strength.
Identifying and analyzing the existing market gap between supply and demand, and
determining the best ways to cover this gap with the best possible and practical
strategies for the benefit of the project.
Determine the target markets for the services, products, and activities of the project.
Marketing and selling plan and strategies for penetrating the target market to bring
success to the project.
Using a special strategic analysis of the project’s situation and its services, products, and
activities, which is known as SWOT analysis: the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats that face the project.
Third: Technical study of the project

Determine the optimal production volume and production capacity.

The proposed operational plan for the project.

Choosing the appropriate site for the project, and determining the areas and sizes

required for operations.

Determine the method of production, production processes, and the technology


Selection of appropriate machines, equipment, and production lines.

Estimating the total costs of the project, in both its capital and operational parts.

Estimating the project needs in terms of production elements and production inputs.

Estimating the volume of production and its outputs, and the methods of selling and

distributing the products.

Determine the number of employees working on the project and determine their

competence and experience.

The best methods of project management and strategies for conducting business in the


The legislative environment and legal licensing requirements for starting the project.
Fourth: The financial study of the project

Initial revenue and cost assumptions.

Determining the sources of financing the project and the optimal structure for the

capital of the project.

Determine expected operational and capital costs.

Determine the project's revenue, shape, size, and timing.

Analysis of the payment schedule for project financing sources, and the mechanisms of

repayment for all financing sources.

Preparing and then analyzing the three expected financial statements: (income

statement, statement of financial position, and statement of cash flows).

Analysis of the project's break-even point (balance of revenues against expenses) to

know the project's financial strengths and weaknesses.

٤ Analyzing the project payback period to know the timing of recovering the capital

invested in the project.

Financial analysis of the project by calculating and analyzing the financial ratios of the


Analyze the sensitivity test of the project and find out the impact of the different

hypothetical scenarios on the expected project performance.

The investment valuation of the project by using the standard valuation methods, which

are the internal rate of return for the project and the net present value of the project.
The second service: Financial Modeling

This service is concerned with building and auditing various types of financial models

for different types of financial transactions for different types of projects.

Definition of financial modeling: Financial modeling is about creating a financial model

in the form of spreadsheets, preparing and processing it with a tool such as Microsoft

Excel, and it is used to predict the financial performance of the company or the project

in the future, financial modeling is used to guide financial planning and strategic

decision-making, and provide quantitative analysis and relies on data and analyzes the

status of the company or project future performance or past historical performance,

and it is the main basic element for making major business decisions in the corporate

world, financial models are considered the most valuable tools for implementing

business options to obtain the ideal solutions

Our way of providing this service

Our eight-step consulting mission begins

:with a deep understanding of the business

Determine the needs ١

Due Diligence ٢
Designing the model ٣
Developing the model ٤
Testing the model ٥
Documentation and training ٦
Submitting the model ٧
Ongoing model maintenance and support ٨
Financial modeling uses
The outputs of financial modeling help in making decisions and conducting financial

analysis, and the need for these models appear in many situations:

Valuating investments of all kinds and judging their quality.

Valuation of tangible and intangible assets for various purposes.

Analysis of the capital structure of the project or the company.

Analysis and valuation of mergers and acquisitions deals in companies.

Analyze the historical financial statements to measure the performance of the


Analyzing the company's internal operations and setting the periodical budgets to plan

for the future and measure variances.

Types of financial models covered by our services

Models for valuing tangible and intangible assets using the discounted cash flow

method, and other standard methods.

Regular merger and acquisition models, and leveraged buyout model.

The three statement financial models as a part of a feasibility study.

Operational models, such as budgets and cash forecast models.

Training on advanced financial modeling, which is provided via the Internet or at the

headquarters of the beneficiary company.

The third service: managing financial accounts

This special service includes the following:

Managing the closing of monthly accounting periods and rotating balances for the

financial cycle.

Carry out the settlement of bank accounts and other accounts.

Monitoring all accounting activities following the requirements of laws, regulations,

legislation, and international accounting standards.

Restructuring the structure of the accounting system (accounts tree, accounting

settings, cost centers) in line with the necessities of performance evaluation and

reporting management in addition to international accounting standards.

Analyzing the company's operational activity, designing cost centers and profitability

centers, as well as analyzing direct and indirect expenses.

Preparing the company's accounting and financial policies and procedures as a

reference for the commitment of the company and its employees following the nature

of operations.

Assisting the company in establishing and implementing the internal control system.

Determine the necessary adjustments to submit financial reports following the

appropriate international accounting standards.

Preparing operational budgets and measuring performance according to key

performance indicators.

Preparing all financial reports with performance comparison analysis with annual

operating budgets.
The Fourth service: Corporate Valuation

Business valuation services for companies, which include the following:

Valuation of companies for the purpose of buying, selling, merging, or acquiring.
Valuation of companies for the purpose of expansion and development.
Valuation of companies to obtain loans from local lending institutions and banks.
Valuation of companies for the purpose of initial public offering in the local financial
Valuation of companies for the purpose of credit rating.
Valuating companies to determine the fair value of shareholders' shares for investment.
The steps that we take to re-evaluate the companies are to obtain the audited financial
statements of the company in full, and then we analyze the company’s financial
statements during the previous five or ten years or what is available from historical
financial data to anticipate and predict the company’s position during the coming years,
to conduct the valuation, we resort to one of the following approved methods:

Method of evaluation by profit multiple and accounting financial indicators.

The valuation method of the replacement value.
The adjusted book value valuation method.
The residual value of the company method of valuation.
The net book value of the company's method of valuation
The net market value of the company's method of valuation
The method of valuation using discounted cash flow models (the most widely used).

The procedures we take in implementing the corporate valuation process:

Obtain the audited financial statements, and if they are not available, obtain the
available historical financial statements
Preparing a list that includes all the internal and external contents of the company,
taking care to collect all information related to the company, whatever its nature.
Using one of the methods of evaluating companies to start developing the stages that
will be used in the valuation process.
Analyzing the company's financial position, the value of its capital, and the shares of all
shareholders in the company’s capital.
Studying the legal status of the company through the assistance of an external law
expert to ensure the company's commitment to laws that affect the nature of the
company's work.
Ensure that all financial transactions that have been suspended or that have not yet
been completed are finalized and settled, especially if the company is being evaluated
for sale.
Writing and drafting the company's valuation report following the legal and financial
rules designated for this type of report, and then handing it over to the company's

Ibrahim Daas / Founder and Lead Consultant

With over fifteen years of experience in the United Arab Emirates, in various financial

and investment fields, He held the position of chief economic advisor and feasibility

studies senior officer in several advisory companies. He also held the position of

manager of financial planning and analysis in major real estate development

companies listed in the country. He also for many years was a senior investment

analyst in one of the largest investment banks in the country. In terms of knowledge,

he holds a master's degree in business administration, and also several professional

certificates and designations in the financial field accredited by international

institutions. He also has extensive analysis experience in the field of investment

valuation and financial modeling.

050-5835736 050-2335783 location: Abu Dhabi - UAE
www.kunoozconsultancy.com info@kunoozconsultancy.com

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