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Step 1: Brainstorming

Step 2: Analyzing yourself

We have a strong desire to learn more about Fashion. We all love

Fashion. And we think we're very good at picking up on Fashion trends
and mixing and matching them. We are very interested in shopping in
clothing stores from large to small, with a variety of styles such as
vintage style, casual styles, sexy style,…and also enjoy watching
programs in the field of fashion.
We are not experts in the Fashion industry do not have much knowledge
in all aspects of Fashion. Of course, we’re not quite professional but
Fashion has always given us abundant inspiration and it seems to be able
to us to discuss about many aspects of Fashion with people at our same
ages and younger people.
Therefore , the Fashion topic gets us interested and we want to focus on
it in our presentation.

Step 3: Analyzing audience

Because the majority of our audience is young and still studying at

university, so they are adaptable and ready to learn, allowing them to
amass a wide range of knowledge in the field of Fashion. They can easily
approach any kind of trends and get information about all aspects of
Fashion in everyday life through mass media today such as Facebook,
Instagram, Tiktok,... Moreover, more than half of our audiences are
female so I’m sure they will be highly interested in talking about
Since most of them are young, Fashion Theory or History will never
interest them as much as old people. For most of the elder, Fashion is
something that is not so important in their life. I would say that their
clothing is quite casual and suitable for the weather, on the other hand,
the youngster, it’s more about aesthetics than practicality.
Therefore, our group thinks that discussing about Fashion is appropriate
and will attract audiences, especially young people in an ever-evolving
mass media society.

Step 4: Our final topic:

Title: “Impact of Social Media on Current Fashion Trends among


1. How social media benefits on fashion among teens
2. Some negative point of fashion which caused by mass media
3. You need to choose your styles that is based on the following factor
 Your physique
 Your looks
 Your lifestyle
 Your limitations
 Your budget


Hello u guys, my name is TTBN, tks u for coming to our presentation.

I'm sure we've here all found ourselves spending most of our money on
shopping and stay up till midnight choosing and buying clothes on social
networking sites like Shopee, Lazada,.. or watching video fashion vlogs
from around the world on Youtube. when we should probably be
sleeping. In today's society with the increasingly strong development of
social media, it can be said that its influence on fashion is evident. It is
also the topic we want to discuss today “ Impact of Social Media on
Current Fashion Trends among Youth” . Our purpose of presentation
today is show u the influence of social media on fashion and then is the
ways in which you can effectively choose your style. Our presentation
consist of 3 main part. Firstly, I will start with how social media benefits
on fashion among teens. And then, I will continue with some negative
point of fashion which caused by mass media. Finally, I will give u some
factors to help you easily choose a fashion style. My talk will last about
10 mins. If you have any questions for me, I will try to answer all of them
after the presentation.


CHUNG: Hello u guys, my name is TTBN and NTMT, tks u for coming
to our presentation.

NGỌC: I'm sure we've here all found ourselves spending most of our
money on shopping and stay up till midnight choosing and buying
clothes on social networking sites like Shopee, Lazada,etc or watching
video fashion vlogs from around the world on Youtube, when we should
probably be sleeping. In today's society with the increasingly strong
development of social media, it can be said that its influence on fashion is
evident. It is also the topic we want to discuss today “ Impact of Social
Media on Current Fashion Trends among Youth” . Our purpose of
presentation today is show u the influence of social media on fashion and
then is the ways in which you can effectively choose your style.

TÚ:Our presentation consist of 3 main part. Firstly, Tu will start with

how social media benefits on fashion among teens. And then, Tu will
continue with some negative point of fashion which caused by mass
media. Finally, Ngoc will give u some factors to help you easily choose a
fashion style. Our talk will last about 10 mins. If you have any questions
for us, We will try to answer all of them after the presentation.


NGỌC: Okay, that ends the third part of my talk. It’s now coming to the
end of our presentation.
I’ve covered the points that I needed to present today. Now, just to
summarize, let quickly look at the mainpoint again.
There are 3 core point we have talked about. First of all, we show you
what is fashion and how does social media influence teens fashion. And
then we also have to mention some bad aspects of fashion brought forth
by the social media. Last but not least we assist you in choosing fashion
style easily with some factors. In conclusipn, social media is a great way
to connect with fashion industry, but over-dependent use can lead both
good and bad effects.

TÚ: As you can know there are negative effects to consider when
overusing social networking on fashion. The fast fashion market
influences and helps fashion companies thrive. However, proportional to
that development are the negative impacts on the environment that we
urgently need to take timely and effective measures to solve. So you need
to limit the use of shopping sites on social networks so as not to lead to
unnecessary purchases. Watch fashion videos selectively to choose the
suitable style for you to avoid wasting clothes and money. After you
finish today’s lesson, please take 2 minutes to leave a comment about
your experience with presentations. You can share your thoughts or ask
questions in the comments section at the bottom of this lesson – it’s the
perfect place to join a discussion on this topic.

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