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I. Fill out the appropriate details.


II. Place a number (1 to 5) of the appropriate rating where as; 5 is highly agree and 1
is highly disagree.
Face-to-Face Online
1. I was academically independent and responsible.
2. I have sustained my grades.
3. I attended all of my classes.
4. I go to my classes on time.
5. I prioritize my school projects.
6. I participated all of my classes.
7. I was able to manage my time.
8. I was more in touch with my mental wellness.
9. I was socially active.
10. I had struggle accomplishing tasks on time.

III. Coping Mechanism

Place a check mark to the appropriate coping mechanism that you do.
1. Listening to music.
2. Gaming
3. Sleeping.
4. Self reflection.
5. Isolation.
6. Socializing.
7. Cooking
8. Meditation.
9. Eating.
10. Exercise

How hard was shifting learning styles for you?

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