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Samuel Gepaya BSN – II RLE Nursery – B1

Activity 2. Process Questions

1. What are the characteristics or observations that would require infant resuscitation?

 Unresponsiveness
 Not breathing or inadequate breathing
 No palpable pulse within 10 seconds

2. Based on the two videos, what are the four categories of action in sequence when giving

1. Rapid assessment and initial steps in stabilization (responsiveness and simultaneous checking of
pulse and breathing)
2. Ventilation
3. Chest compressions
4. Administration of medications (adrenaline) or fluids

3. Describe the proper way of doing the compression?

 Perform with a circumferential grip (thumbs on sternum between nipple line)

 Compress about 1/3 depth of the chest circumference.
 CPR compression rate >100/min or 100-120/min
 Compression-Ventilation ratio = 15 compression : 2 breaths (2 breaths of air every after 15

4. List the vital characteristics (signs) that need to be evaluated once oxygenation therapy is

 Breathing/Respiration
 Pulse

5. What are the essential non-technical skills needed in performing an effective pediatric resuscitation?

 Call for help early.

 Allocate roles.
 Perform continuous basic life support.
 Use ISOBAR to handover (Identify, Situation, Observations, Background, Agree to a
plan/Assessment, Recommend/Readback)
 Have a clear leader.
 Communicate effectively.
 Know the dose of adrenaline (10MCG/kg = 0.1 MLS/kg of 1 in 1000 adrenaline)
 Use a cognitive aid.
 Be a good follower.

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