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Academic Reflection


This achievement takes place in the school year of 2021/2022 school year. I was in Mr. Han’s
Foundations of Math 11 class. The event takes place when I received my final report card for semester

Personal Relevancy

This achievement is important to me because it proved that I am capable of doing hard things, and
pushing through when times get tough. Math is my hardest subject, and it was the class I struggled with
the most.

Skill Development.

The most important skill I learned was the ability to ask for help in my times of need. Throughout the
years, asking for help has always been something I’ve struggled with. It makes me feel weak, and as
though I'm failing myself. However, I was able to put those doubts aside and overcome them. Now, I can
use this skill in the future when I’m struggling with anything, not just math.


To connect with my skill development, one thing I learned about myself is that I struggle to ask for help,
even when I need it. Even now, I still struggle. One of my strengths, however, was trying to help others
once I understood the concept. Not only could I help my friends pass the course with me, but I was also
able to deeper understand my math knowledge.

Future Connections

This experience connects to my plans for the future because it will help me in my future career. I want
to be an elementary school teacher, and being able to acknowledge that my learning style is different,
will help me better understand my future students, and how they will learn differently from me, and I
should teach them in ways that will help them.

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