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Unit 10 Written quiz Name: _JUAN OVIEDO________ Total Score

Date: __19/01/23___________ ______ /50 points

A Listen to the phone conversations. Circle the correct answers.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
1. Amy wants her mom 3. Peter interrupts his phone conversation
to ______________ . to ______________ .
a. come home right now a. give dinner to his cat
b. go to the supermarket b. let his cat out
c. buy something else c. talk to his cat

2. Amy’s mom interrupts their phone 4. Peter is calling Ginny

conversation to ______________ . to ______________ .
a. leave the store a. borrow her map
b. pay for the food b. ask about hotels
c. buy some chocolate c. check on guidebooks
A _______ /8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the conversations with the comparative forms of the adjectives.

( = more;  = less)
1. A E-cards are ___FUNNER______ ( fun) than regular cards.
B Yeah, but real cards are _____NICER____ ( nice).

2. A Email is ___ LESS EXPENSIVE____ ( expensive) than regular mail.

B I know. It’s ___FASTER________ ( fast), too.

3. A I don’t like to send text messages. It’s __EASIER________ ( easy) to make a phone call.
B But sometimes it’s _MORE CONVENIENT_____________ ( convenient) to just send a message.

4. A Do you think letters are __ BETTER________ ( good) than email?

B Yes. I like them because they’re ____MORE PERSONAL__________ ( personal).
B _______ /8 points (1 point each)

C Read the situations. Write sentences with the words in parentheses.

Example: I don’t get a lot of text messages. I get a lot of voice-mail messages. (fewer)
I get fewer text messages than voice-mail messages.

1. Judy gets 20 phone calls a day. Sandra gets 15 phone calls a day. (more)
Judy gets more phone calls than sandra
2. I spend a lot of time on the phone. My brother doesn’t spend a lot of time on the phone. (less)
My brother less spend time in the phone than me.
3. My parents didn’t send many emails two years ago. They send a lot of emails now. (more)
My parents send me now more emails than two years a go
4. Last year I wrote one or two letters a month. Now I write one or two letters a year. (fewer)
I write fewer letters than last year
5. Marie doesn’t talk on the phone very much. Beth talks on the phone a lot. (less)
Marie talk less on phone than beth.
C _______ /10 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014  Photocopiable Unit 10 Written quiz  1

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014  Photocopiable Unit 10 Written quiz  2
D Match the sentences (1 to 6) with the responses (a to g). There is one extra response.
1. Can you hear me? ___c__ a. You’re not easy to get hold of, either.
2. Did you get my message? ___d__ b. Sure. Should I call your office phone?
3. Could I speak to Jack, please? ___e__ c. Not really. You’re breaking up.
4. You’re hard to reach. __a___ d. I’m not sure. When did you leave it?
5. Please leave a message. __g___ e. Uh, I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.
6. Call me back, OK? __b___ f. Is this a good time to talk?
g. Hi, Josh! This is Marjorie. Call me back.

D _______ /6 points (1 point each)

E In each conversation, put the replies in the correct order. Number the sentences 1 to 4.
1. David Hello, Ken? It’s David.
Ken Oh, hi, David.
David Listen. Do you want to go to a movie tonight?
Ken ___4__ So, what were you saying?
__1___ Sure, that sounds good.
__3___ Someone’s at the door. . . .
___2__ Oh, can you hold on a second?
David I was calling to ask about a movie tonight. There’s a good one at the Cineplex. . . .

2. Steve Hello?
Sarah Hi, Steve. It’s Sarah. Do you have a minute? It’s about Marsha’s birthday.
Steve ___2__ I spilled something on my pants. . . .
___4__ You were saying something about Marsha’s birthday.
____3_ OK. Where were we?
__1___ Uh-oh. Excuse me just a second, Sarah.
Sarah Right. We’re planning a surprise birthday party for her this year, and . . .

E _______ /8 points (1 point each)

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F Read the article. Then circle True or False for each statement.

1. Fewer than half of adult Internet users use chat software or sites. True False
2. Chat use is becoming more popular in the workplace. True False
3. Almost half of chat users send more chat messages than emails every day. True False
4. People sometimes use chat to contact people in the same place. True False
5. Most chat users send messages to a lot of different people. True False

F _______ /10 points (2 points each)

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