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Delta Checks for Random Error

Detection in Hematology Tests

Berend Houwen, MD, PhD, and David Duffin, PEng, PhD

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We developed a computerized algorithm
for real-time hematology delta checks,
comparisons between current and pre-
Q uality control systems help ensure
the reliability of laboratory re-
sults provided to the clinician.
Their use commonly constitutes 10% or
instrument or reagent problems.
The occurrence of random errors is a
significant problem.3.4 Depending on the
degree of automation in the laboratory,
vious patient automated blood cell
counts. Delta checking is restricted to an more of the total laboratory workload. we estimate that the frequency of random
arbitrarily set maximum ofseven days While quality control procedures are errors in most laboratories exceeds 1 per
and uses linear as well as variable-rate used primarily to detect instrument 200 to 500 samples. It is therefore reason-
nonlineardiscriminantfunctions.!wo inaccuracy and imprecision and to en- able to develop systems that will assist in
delta levels were used—one for intralabo- sure day-to-day consistency, they are detecting random errors. The use of a pa-
ratory use and one requiring interaction often ineffective in detecting low-fre- tient's own data in a delta-checking algo-
with the referring unit or physician. The quency random errors. Not only can rithm is particularly suitable for such a
delta checks are useful for (1) random er- random errors be caused by intermit- purpose,5-' as random errors caused by
ror detection mainly using a combina- tent instrument malfunction or reagent most preanalytical or postanalytical prob-
tion oftwo RBC parameters, mean cor- problems, but they can be caused by lems often result in changes in one or
puscular volume (MCV) and mean cor- preanalytical and postanalytical errors. more parameters tested and cannot be ad-
puscular hemoglobin (MCH), that re- Examples of preanalytical errors are in- equately explained by changes in the pa-
main stable over time; (2) warning for sig- correct specimen collection, common tient's clinical condition. Such changes
nificant clinical changes in hemoglobin, in patients with intravenous catheters,*.2 will be easily detected by a comparison,
MCV, WBC, and/or platelets; and (3) the improper specimen handling; incorrect or "delta check," of current sample re-
elimination ofmanual checks on abnor- specimen labeling; or misidentification sults with one or more previous test re-
mal RBC morphology, WBC counts, and of the patient. Postanalytical errors in- sults from the same patient.
for platelet counts in specimens with re- clude failure to correct test values for Delta checking for sample identity will
peatedly abnormal values. dilution, transcription errors, and mis- be most powerful if parameters are chos-
interpretation of test results. Literature en to be stable over the elapsed time peri-
data on the frequency of preanalytical od. For instance, it is clinically unlikely
and postanalytical errors are scarce. On that the mean corpusclar volume (MCV)
the basis of our series of 2,500 samples, of a patient's red blood cells would
we believe that transcription errors oc- change from 96 to 84 fL in four days, even
cur at a rate of approximately 1 per 500 though both values themselves are within
samples or more. Given the stability and the reference range foran adult. Such a
From the Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Foothills Hospital and Department of Pathology, accuracy of currently available hema- change should raise doubt about the
University of Calgary (Dr. Houwen), and Sharecom tology analyzers, it seems reasonable to specimen's identity and/or integrity, and
Industries Ltd (Dr Duffin), Calgary, Alberta, Cana- assume that random errors are most fre- the referring unit orphysician should be
da. Berend Houwen is currently visiting professor quently caused by preanalytical and
at Duke University Medical Center, Box 2929, contacted about the clinical events that
Durham, NC 27710. postanalytical problems rather than by have involved this patient.

410 Laboratory Medicine June 1989

Several delta check systems have been
described for selected chemistry tests, us-
ing single or multivariate discriminant
analysis.915 In some instances these sys- %
tems also involve a "rate" check, which 40-
takes into account the time elapsed be-
tween the current and the most recent 30- .0)
previous sample.5.' The use of time inter-
vals between samples permits delta 20- ,°(2)
checking of parameters that may not re- O
main constant overtime, although it re- o
• • o
mains dubious whether such parameters 10- •o o
.(4) o# . 0
• • ft
can be used for establishing sample identi- *» •• •»0_ o A?
••,li\&*j,tJL Is..' '•?£ — 5 *
Among the disadvantages of delta 60 70 80 90 100 120
checking is its relatively low specificity, MCV (fL)
resulting in a high flagging rate.5*11-12 We
will show that this can be avoided by
choosing delta levels appropriate per pa- Fig 1. The delta percentage is indicated on the vertical axis and is plotted against the highest of the two re-
rameter. One of the other major limita- sults compared (RH), on the horizontal axis. Two delta levels are indicated: level A, ranging from 3% to 4%,

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tions of delta checking has been the ex- and level B, ranging from 5% to 7%. The open circles indicate artificial data, most of which are included in
Table I. The closed circles represent patient data: (1) represents a change from 91 to 118 fL, or a delta of
treme labor intensity when not per- 30%; (2) shows an MCV change from 73 to 62 fL, or a delta of 18%; (3) shows a drop from 86 to 68 fL, or a
formed on a computerized system. delta of 27%; and (4) shows a rise in MCV from 78 to 84 fL, or a delta of 8%. Data (1) and (2) represent sam-
We describe in this report a computer- ple identification problems, (3) a clerical error, and (4) a posttransfusional state, respectively.
ized on-line, real-time delta check system
for five parameters of the automated
blood cell count (ABC), using an arbi-
trary maximum time interval of seven View, Calif) and uses on-line data acquisi- error is suspected (Figs 1-4). If no delta
days between current and most recent tion and handling. The system serves the check problem is encountered and if the
previous sample. Although the system two hematology laboratories of the Foot- test results are within preset laboratory
was designed primarily for random er- hills Hospital, a 1,000-bed teaching and flagging criteria, the results are automati-
ror detection, other applications in- tertiary care facility, and the adjacent cally vertified and reported. Figure 5
clude reporting of clinically significant Tom Baker Cancer Center. Approxi- shows the approach used to interpret del-
changes and the elimination of manual mately 600 samples for ABC are received ta checks.
checks on repeatedly abnormal results. per day, and approximately 60% of these Delta check results for all parameters
The entire software that includes the samples have a recent enough previous are calculated with the following
delta check algorithms for the different test result for delta checking. formula: RH - RLI/RL X 100%, where
ABC parameters, all autoverification The following parameters are checked: RL indicates the lowest test result and RH
procedures and, when indicated, the hemoglobin (Hgb), MCV, mean corpus- indicates the highest result. This method
comments to be included in thefinalre- cular hemoglobin (MCH), and the plate- is different from the commonly used
port, is integrated in the hematology let and WBC count. A complete delta equation: IRj — R2I/R2, where R, repre-
laboratory computer system. A sepa- check for all hematological parameters is sents the current and R2 the previous re-
rate, on-line real-time, on-demand delta available at any time on any sample in a sult.58 If two tests results (R) are obtained
check system is available at any time for patient'sfileand is accessible through the on different occasions from the same pa-
authorized staff working on a patient patientfileor during the analysis of a pa- tient, for example, one platelet count of
sample. tient specimen. Activation of the auto- 40 X 109/Landanotherplatelet count of
mated delta check leads to a statement on 80 X 109/L, then the delta percentage ac-

aterials and Methods the CRT as well as in the intralaboratory cording to thefirstformula will be 100,
The hematology laboratory report regarding the problem encoun- regardless of the order in which the re-
computer data management tered, eg, "delta Hgb failed," and the pro- sults were obtained. If the second
system was developed in-house in 1982 hibition of the vertification of the test re- formula is used, the outcome of the delta
and has been expanded in modules. The sult until the delta check problem is re- percentage is determined by the order in
delta check software has been integrated solved. which results are obtained. If thefirstre-
into the hematology laboratory data Two levels of flagging are applied. The sult (Rt) shows a platelet count of 40 X
management system (CALM™ Software, first level indicated by an "A" reflects a 109/L and the second result (R2) shows a
Sharecom Industries Ltd, Calgary, Alber- clinically significant but medically plausi- platelet count of 80 X 109/L, then the
ta). The system can operate on a Micro- ble change from the previous test result. A delta percentage will be 50. However, if
vax™ Computer (Digital Equipment Cor- delta check result outside level "B" is not the results are obtained in reverse order,
poration, Boston) or a Macintosh™ mi- likely to be caused by a medical cause, at the delta percentage will be 100. Exam-
croprocessor (Apple Inc, Mountain least not within seven days, and a random ples of changes in parameter levels and

Laboratory Medicine June 1989 411

the accompanying delta percentages are
given in Tables I—III. (2)*
The delta check system was developed *(3)
on a database consisting of data from 254 80-
samples received from patients in the he-
matology/oncology unit, the intensive -
care unit, and the surgery unit. These units *(4)

were selected because of an expected 60-

high frequency of abnormal test results,
as well as of expected significant changes / * \ °
in results. A number of test results were " (1) / \
"mixed up" on purpose for each of the o
parameters in order to challenge the val- o
idity of the delta limits chosen.
Delta check levels for MCV and MCH ' •• • v
were determined by two linear discrimi- 20- •
,'' • •• * * • . • ft
nants—at slopes from 3% to 4% and
from 5% to 7%, respectively (Fig 1). The ,-*-(B)
.' * * * V « I " r"*'.l 'l'A • • - — -(A)
delta levels as well as the slope were chos-

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en arbitrarily, but based on the results i i i i ^~ I ^ I r i i i
from our database. Variable-rate delta 60 80 100 120 140 160
limits were developed for Hgb, platelets, HEMOGLOBIN (g/L)
and WBC due to the wide range in delta
check results. Delta checks for Hgb used Fig 2. The data points were obtained in the same way as in Fig 1: solid circles represent patient data, and
a combination of a linear discriminant for open circles represent artificial data (Table II). The changes in data forsamples (1) to (4) were as follows:
(1) Hgb from 54 to 36 g/L, delta 50%; (2) Hgb from 48 to 88 g/L, delta 92%; (3) Hgb from 58 to 108 g/L,
delta level A and a mathematical function delta 86%; and (4) Hgb from 122 to 73 g/L, delta 67%. Sample (2) represented a collection error, while
described as a bell-shaped curve for level samples (1) and (3) were obtained from transfused patients, and sample (4) was obtained from a patient with
B (Fig 2). The delta checks for platelets massive hemorrhages.
used a combination of two different in-
verse hyperbolic equations16 for levels A
and B (Fig 3). Delta checks for WBC for cated. Before the change is reported the shows examples of the ap proach we took
both A and B levels used similar hyper- technologist is required to check the sam- toward decision making based on delta
bolic equations (Fig 4). In all instances of ple's identity by checking the sample label checks.
linear as well as variable-rate delta checks, for patient name, hospital number, sam- Approximately 60% of the 400 to 600
the results were always plotted against RH ple number, collection date and time as samples received daily had previous re-
the higher of the two test results, in order well as RBC "fingerprinting" (see below). sults to allow a delta checc. Of these 250
to enhance sensitivity. The test result should also be checked by to 350 samples, only 20% were reviewed
reanalysis, preferably by an alternative by technologists, and the: emainder were
method. If the sample identity was veri- within limits. The reviews for either MCV
esults fied and abnormal results are confirmed, or MCH for exceeding de lta level A con-

R The delta check results and the del-

ta limits A and B for the individual
parameters are shown in Figs 1 through 4.
The percentage delta result is always plot-
the result is reported.
A delta check result outside the second
limit B indicates a major change in a test
result and is unlikely to have been caused
sisted of approximately 60% of all flagged
specimens. Flagged result > for Hgb and
platelets were about equa I, while WBC
reviews were uncommon, largely because
ted against the highest of the two test re- by a change in the patient condition. The of the limits chosen.
sults (RH) on the y axis. As expected, the sample identity should be checked and In approximately 1 per 3,000 samples
data for MCV (Fig 1) and MCH (data not the test results verified by reanalysis. If no were delta check results consistent with a
shown) are narrowly distributed. The dis- errors are discovered, the technologist failure in sample identity. Chart review
persion of Hgb, platelets, and WBC is should contact the patient's nursing unit and other follow-up investigations usual-
much greater, with clusters occurring in or referring physician for any clinical in- ly indicated a probable sample mix-up.
characteristic areas. All delta checks flag- formation that might explain the change
ging limits were tested on current patient (eg, bleeding, surgery, transfusion of RBC ^ ^ omment
data and were modified if the flagging or platelets, etc). If there is no explana- It is unfortunate that clinically rele-
rate was too high. The delta check limits tion, the sample should be recollected. If V- - vant changes in laboratory test re-
were well in excess of method impreci- the sample identity cannot be confirmed, sults are often poorly defined. Physicians
sion and were compared to an arbitrary recollection should be suggested to the may interpret changes in tests as signifi-
clinically relevant change. nursing unit. If the nursing unit or physi- cant, when, in reality, they are close to
Delta flagging limits were used as fol- cian insists on reporting the result in ques- the performance limits. On the other
lows: if the delta exceeds limit A but is less tion, the result should be reported, but hand, changes in a patient's test results
than B, a clinically relevant change is indi- with an appropriate comment. Table IV that are due to random error must be rec-

412 Laboratory Medicine June 1989

As is pointed out previously, even the
method of the calculation of the delta
\ i check is important. The commonly used
formula5-8 for delta checks—current mi-
I 1 o nus previous result divided by the pre-
% •
1 •• 1 vious result—will lead to different per-
300- •
• 1
1 1
5 centages for patients in whom a parame-
• 1. • \
* 1 1 ter increases as compared to those in
1 \ o
200- o whom a parameter decreases.5 In terms of
o accuracy in determining a change, howev-
er, it seemed to us that the delta or the dif-
.*•»• \ \ ° o o
100- ferences should not be skewed one way
or the other. Our alternate formula elimi-
... ••>* v.) o
nates such a bias and yields equal delta
checks, regardless of the direction of the
parameter change.
On Another problem is caused by a poten-
* ". * A • (3)° (4). o .° tially highflaggingrate, as has been re-
4a • * .\ • o ported for chemistry results of patients
with renal failure, diabetic ketoacidosis,

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• • . • A •• *

or shock.10-12 This illustrates the failure of

20- • A thefixedlinear limit approach for tests
with a wide range of values. For auto-
™—1™—1 1 1— - T * — 1 1-*-1 T WA " ^ ^ *—1-*— mated blood results, platelet counts,
40 80 120 160 200 300 400 500 600 700 WBC, and Hgb have such wide ranges in
PLATELETS (109/L) contrast to the narrowly distributed
MCV and MCH. We found that the vari-
Fig 3. The data points were obtained as outlined in Fig 1. Solid circles represent patient data, and open cir- able-rate discriminant functions were su-
cles represent artificial data (most of which are included in Table III). Open triangles represent clinically
suspicions data, in which thefinalconclusion was that in all but two patients the results were caused by the
perior for platelet and WBC delta checks
medical condition of the patients. The platelet counts for samples (1) to (4) were as follows: (1) 73 and and resulted in more meaningful flagging.
130X 10»/L, delta 77%; (2) 305 and 179X 10»/L, delta 70%; (3) 300 and 190X 10»/L, delta 58%; (4) 222 For Hgb it was necessary to develop a
and 350X 10'/L, delta 58%. In sample (1), the probable cause was collection error, sample (2) discloses a rather complex mathematical function
sample mix-up, and samples (3) and (4) show hemorrhagic conditions.
described as a bell-shaped curve. Other-
wise, the delta checks would only have
alerted laboratory staff to Hgb changes
ognized before the test results are re- ty control procedures helps assure accura- caused by either blood loss or blood
ported. cy and precision, and while retesting of transfusion. The majority of those
The common laboratory practice of in- abnormal test results may detect intermit- changes are still documented and result in
vestigating patient specimen results that tent analytical failure, there are no widely an automatic comment: "note change in
exceed certain limits provides only lim- applied quality control mechanisms other Hgb," but do not require the interaction
ited assurance of a truly pathological re- than delta checking for solving the major- of laboratory staff. The delta results out-
sult. An abnormal result is usually con- ity of causes of preanalytical and postana- side the bell-shaped limit, however, are
firmed by repeating the test, preferably, lytical error. In principle, delta checking is subject to technologist interaction, be-
by an independent method, and while this an excellent method for random error de- cause the magnitude of the change may
will not detect problems such as sample tection, but it is flawed. It has been argued reflect nonmedical causes such as im-
mix-up, it may uncover a random error that delta checking may be inappropriate proper sample collection or sample mix-
caused by intermittent instrument mal- when material is obtained from patients up. For an indication of the significance
function or reagent problem. who are being actively treated, for fear of of changes in Hgb levels see Table II.
Another approach to demonstrating detecting solely changes representing the A high false-positive flagging rate for
this type of error requires that the result is result of clinical intervention.17 However, delta checks is a common problem.10-12
part of a combination of interdependent these clinical changes are unlikely to af- Ideally, delta checking shouldflagonly
parameters. Inconsistencies in such a set fect all hematological parameters at the samples with a random error, and perhaps
of results can be detected by correlating a same rate. If delta check algorithms em- give a different type of warning for clini-
test result with those obtained for the ploy parameters that have little tendency cally relevant, but true changes. All too
other parameters, a technique that has for change over a limited period of time, easily, a delta check system will require
been successfully applied to anion gap de- such as MC V or MCH, a delta check may the laboratory staff to follow-up and
tection and for the creatinine/urea nitro- be used to successfully establish sample check numerousflaggedsamples that
gen ratio.7-9 identity, regardless of clinical events such represent clinical change but not random
While the operational stability of cur- as surgery, giving birth or even after a error. Because of this, delta checking may
rent instrumentation coupled with quali- number of blood transfusions. cause more trouble in the laboratory than

Laboratory Medicine June 1989 413

improvement. This may best be illus-
% trated by our own frustrating experience
300 • • • with implementing the delta check sys-
tem. The initial procedure took into ac-
count method imprecision, but did not
200 - *\ ' •
N. " *. require testing the delta check on our da-
* N. • tabase nor plotting of the data. The initial,
100 • *\ • linear delta limit for MCV of 2.0% was far
too conservative for clinical use and re-
*\ • #
B sulted in a high number offlaggedspeci-
80 mens, although theflagginglimit was set
% • well in excess of method imprecision for
\ * this parameter (CV 1.1% for Coulter
60 •
S+V, and 2.1% for Sysmex/TOA
•• E-5000, for references see CAP survey18).
• •••. x • *<
Application of a limit of three times the
coefficient of variation for the specific pa-
rameter as suggested by Lacher and Don-
20 ——!i • nelly5 did not improve the results signifi-
cantly. On review, most of the flagged

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- • • • • • • specimens did not reveal a problem with
2 4 6 8 10" 20 40 60 80
sample identification, which had been the
Fig 4. The data points were obtained as outlined in Fig 1. Solid circles represent patient data. There is a clus- major purpose for using delta checking
ter of data points between a WBC of 10 to 20X lO'/L caused by febrile conditions. The delta check system for MCV. In other words, a change from
for WBC is used mainly for intralaboratory use on very low or high counts. Delta level A has been disabled anMCVof84to87fL,oradeltaof3.6%,
because of a high and unusableflaggingrate. may represent a clinical change, or instru-
ment imprecision, but it does not indicate
sample mix-up. This was further illus-
trated by analyzing the results from sam-
OVERVIEW OF DECISION ALGORITHM ples repeated on a daily basis on the same
FOR VERIFYING PLATELET TEST RESULTS individuals: the coefficient of variation
for repeated specimens often well ex-
Instrument Results ceeded the CV for repeated tests on the
same specimen. Similar observations have
been made for the WBC differential.19
Within Laboratory Flagging Outside Laboratory Ragging This made it necessary to develop two
Criteria Criteria delta limits, one forflagginga clinically
relevant change, and one for checking the
Delta Check specimen's identity.
Tables I-IH illustrate the application of
Within Delta Outside A, OutsdeB Within Delta Outside A, Outside B two separate levels of delta checking, as
Check A and B Within B Check A and B Within B well as of variable-rate delta levels. For
example, an increase in a platelet count of
50 X109/L, which is clinically hardly rele-
vant if the initial count is 480 X10 9 /L re-
sults in a delta check of 10%. This is with-
None Check PLT Check Sample None Check PLT Check Sample in delta limit A and the result is accepted.
on Film ID and PLT on Rim ID and PLT On the other hand, if the initial platelet
on Film on Rim count is very low, for example 15 X10 9 /
L, the same increment of 50 X10 9 /L
would result in a large delta of 333%. This
Final Results
is outside delta limit A but within limit B
and requires the technologist to rerun the
Verified If Confirmed, Held Until Verified If Confirmed, Held Until specimen and to perform a platelet check
Verified, and Confirmed Verified, and Confirmed onfilm.If confirmed, the report would
Reported by Clinical Reported by Clinical contain the following message: "note
Information Information change in platelet count" but would
otherwise be accepted. If the platelet
Fig 5. Algorithm for verifying platelet results. A delta is calculated and compared with the A and B limits. count would drop by 50 X10 9 /L from an
The comparison leads to an action andfinalresults. initial count of 100X 10'/L, the resulting

414 Laboratory Medicine June 1989

the particular purpose of the delta check,
Table 1: Effect of Adding Increments of M C V ie, patient identity, laboratory use, or clin-
ical flags. We were almost invariably too
% cautious in applying delta limits and had
MCV, fL +3 a % +6 a + 9 fL %
to adjust individual limits. However,
60 638 5 668 10 698 15 since these results are based mainly on an
70 73* 4 768 9 79B 13 in-patient population, it may well be pos-
80 83* 4 868 8 898 n
sible that different delta limits are re-
90 93 3 968 7 99B 10
quired in an outpatient population that
100 103 3 106* 6 1098 9
does not undergo interventions such as
110 113 3 116* 5 119B 8
surgery or cancer chemotherapy.
"Expressed as absolute values and delta percentage If delta exceeds either limit A or B, the new value It is of vital importance that the mean-
is noted with an A or B. ing of a positive delta check is clear to the
operator. Therefore, if a positive delta re-
sult is not decisive, ie, if a distinction can-
not be made between a sample identifica-
Table II: Effect of Adding Increments of Hemoglobin*
tion problem or a clinically relevant
Initial Hgb change, then the system will confuse the
g/L + 10 g/L % + 20 g/L % + 30 g/L % + 40 g/L % operator, and the delta flag may not lead
to appropriate action. We have tried to

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50 60* 20 70* 40 808 60 90 80 avoid such situations by using a combina-
70 80 14 90* 29 100* 43 110B 57
tion of delta checks for sample identifica-
90 100 11 110* 22 120* 30 140B 40
100 110 10 120* 1308 140B
tion purposes, which we called the speci-
20 30 40
120 130 8 140* 17 1508 25 1608 33
men's fingerprint (Table IV). We chose as
parameters forfingerprintingonly MCV
•Expressed <is absolute values and delta percentage. If delta exceeds either limit A or B, the new value and MCH, applying linear but variable-
is noted with an A or B. rate delta limits. The addition of a third
parameter, such as MCHC, would only
have made the program more compli-
cated without significant advantages.
Table III: Effect of Adding Increments of Platelet Counts*
Moreover, this parameter would have
Initial Pit, been an inappropriate choice because of
10»/L +25 % +50 % +100 % +250 % its limited variability from one patient
specimen to another, and therefore
5 30* 500 55A 1,000 1058 2,000 255" 5,000 would have had poor sensitivity to detect
15 45* 166 65* 333 1158 667 265s 1,669
random error. Narrow delta limits for
30 55 83 80* 167 1308 333 2808 833
1608 3108
Hgb and/orplatelet results, however,
60 85 42 110" 83 167 417
120 145 21 170* 42 220 s 83 3708 208
would have made checking for sample
240 265 10 290* 21 340* 42 490B 104 identification far too sensitive. We tried
480 505 5 530 10 580* 21 730* 52 to avoid overflagging by using only rela-
tively stable parameters for checking the
•Expressed as absolute values and delta percentage. If delta exceeds either limit A or B, the new value specimen identification. The nonlinear,
is noted with an A or B.
variable delta check limits on parameters
such as Hgb, platelets, and WBC were
mainly to be used for detection of clini-
delta of 100% would be outside limit B, ized that the variability of those results, as cally relevant change and for random er-
which, if confirmed, would render the re- well as of those obtained from purely ror detection only, when the changes be-
sult unacceptable without further clinical clinical data, was far greater than ex- came excessive.
information. The algorithm we devel- pected. This resulted in delta limits that The approach we chose to delta check-
oped thus represents a differential ap- had seemed initially far too wide, and it ing, as illustrated in Tables I through III,
proach to a parameter change in absolute made us realize thatfixed,linear discrimi- and in Figs 1 through 4, shows the robust-
terms. Depending on the parameter value nants or combinations of various fixed ness of a percentage delta check when
at which the change occurs, the delta linear discriminant levels were not going combined with nonlinear and variable-
check can result in a pass without further to be effective for the majority of our ap- rate limits.
action, a pass following further action, plications. The plots as shown in Figs 1-4 Our data over the past 2Vi years have
and a fail to accept the result if clinical in- have assisted us significantly in develop- shown a low incidence of sample identifi-
formation explains the change insuffi- ing the algorithms described in this study. cation problems of approximately
ciently. Once the allowable limits for delta check- 1 /3,000, or less than 0.03%. This is in part
When plotting the percentage of delta ing had been chosen, we subsequently due to the method of detection: samples
results obtained on our database, we real- tested these limits on clinical material for with values for MCV and MCH and

Laboratory Medicine June 1989 415

Table IV: Examples of Decision Making Based on Delta Check Results and Further Investigations


Establishing Sample Identity or RBC Finger Printing

The sample identity is confirmed if both MCV and MCH are within limit A and platelets are at least within limit B.

• The sample identity cannot be established if either MCV or MCH are outside limit B, or if both are outside limit A, but within limit B.


Establishing Clinically Relevant Change

• A change in Hgb within limit B but outside limit A, while the sample identity is intact, would result in an automatic comment on the report: "note
change in Hgb." A change in platelet count outside limit A but within limit B while both MCV and MCH are within limit A would result in a "delta
fail Pit count," followed by a check of the platelet count by the technologist, and if confirmed by a comment on the report: "note change in
platelet count." If the platelet count had been within limit A, then the result would have been verified without further checks regardless of the
acutal platelet count.

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Laboratory Usage Examples

• MCV abnormal but within delta check limits: accept and do not perform red cell morphology check. The computer system will verify

• Platelets are abnormally low but within delta check limits: accept and do not perform manual platelet count or platelet check on film. The
computer system will autoverify, and the result is'reported.

• Platelets are low, no delta check sample available. Check sample identification; if ok check sample for problems such as clots, clumping; if none
are detected, rerun and perform manual platelet count or check platelets on film. If platelet counts concur, verify the result and report the result.

• Platelets are outside delta check level A. Check sample identification; if ok, check for sample problems such as clots, if not detected, rerun,
perform manual platelet count or platelet check on film. If the counts concur, verify and report the result. The following comment will be printed
automatically on the report form: "note change in platelet count."

• Platelets are outside delta check level B, check results as above; if the results concur and no sample problems are detected, contact referring unit
or physician for clinical information. If no satisfactory explanation is obtained, suggest that the sample be recollected. Results are reported only if
this is specifically requested with a statement: "delta check for platelets failed, recollection of sample is suggested."

platelets within delta limits will not be de- of bloodfilms,reticulocyte preparations, problems through mistakes at the site of
tected as having sample identification ESRs, etc) in the laboratory. All work sta- sample collection, usually by staff other
problems, since Hgb and WBC changes, tions are equipped with a bar code reader, than the blood procurement team. The
unless extreme, will usually be ascribed to while the cell counters used in the labora- detection of such errors prior to release of
medically caused changes without further tory (Coulter S+V, STKR, Sysmex E- results or of verification is important, be-
checking. The small number of specimen 5000) are equipped with bar code readers cause it often involves critically ill pa-
identification problems in our laboratory and are on line with the laboratory com- tients, in whom blood is drawn from in-
is much lower than we expected and than puter system. Transcription errors are fur- dwelling intravenous catheters, and on
quoted in the literature,12 possibly be- ther reduced by on-line, real-time differ- whose test results immediate medical de-
cause the majority of causes for preana- ential counting on the computer termi- cisions may depend. In these patients an
lytic or postanalytic errors already may nal's modified numerical keypad and by identification mix-up or improperly col-
have been eliminated by an extensive limiting transcription of data to a mini- lected sample may delay or, possibly
"random error prevention" program. mum, for example, in the case of nonau- worse, change treatment-related deci-
This program includes a bar-code label tomated procedures such as entry of ESR sions. Without a delta check system in the
system, with labels constituting an inte- data. All these measures contribute to re- laboratory there is little chance that a ran-
gral part of the requisition form (R.L. duce the incidence of preanalytical and dom error will be detected before the re-
Crayn, Crayn Laboratory Forms; Calgary, postanalytical errors. port is sent out. The error may or may not
Alberta, Canada). The labels are affixed Chart review in cases of sample identi- be noted by the clinician, but it is hoped
on the sample at the site of collection and fication problems has brought to light that it will cause recollection and repeat
are also used throughout all sample han- that the majority of such problems have of testing. Such random errors, however,
dling and sample splitting (eg, preparation been caused by specimen mix-up or other

416 Laboratory Medicine June 1989

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mitment to quality toward the clinical to reduce turnaround time and labor 5. Lacher DA and Donnelly DP: Rate and delta
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The impact of delta checking on our
takes. If results have to be transcribed in 9. Wheeler LA, Sheiner LB: Delta check tables for
laboratory practices has been significant. the Technicon SMA 6 continuous flow analyzer.
As in most laboratories, written criteria order to be delta checked, the procedure Clin Chem 197703:216-219.
for samples with abnormal test results re- almost defeats its own purpose, and if del- 10. Sher PP: An evaluation of the detection capac-
ta checking significantly delays reporting ity of a computer-assisted real-time delta check

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quired that those results be confirmed by
of results there also may be a significant system. Clin Chem 1979;25:870-872.
repeating the test or by applying a differ- 11. Sheiner LB, Wheeler LA, Moore J K: The per-
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leads to a situation where red cell mor- check system. It is necessary to select pa- 1979;25:2034-2037.
phology review or manual platelet checks rameters and delta limits carefully and not 12. Wheeler LA, Sheiner LB: A clinical evaluation
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or thrombocytopenia is processed. In have shown that automated, real-time, delta check method for detecting specimen mix-
smaller laboratories, such patients are of- on-line delta checking can be performed up. Clin Chem 198208:2244-2248.
ten known to the laboratory staff and un- on a relatively small computer system at 14. Harris EK, Yasaka T: On the calculation of a
necessary work can be avoided, but in low cost and with good clinical results • "reference range" for comparing two consecutive
measurements. Clin Chem 1983;29:25-30.
larger laboratories this is not possible on a 15. Furutani H, Kitazoe Y, Yamamoto K, et al:
routine basis. Automated delta checking Evaluation of the "Mahalanobis generalized dis-
offers a good solution, for instance by au- tance" method of quality control: Monitoring sys-
toverifying those results that are within Acknowledgments tem of multivariate data. AmJClin Pathol 1984;
The authors wish to thank Dr John A. Koepke for 81:329-336.
delta checking limits. In fact, automated
helpful discussions and advice on this paper, and 16. Burden RL, FairesJD: Numerical Analysis, ed
delta checking eliminates the need to han- Brenda Croucher, MT, for assistance in the devel- 3. Prindle, Weberand Schmidt, 1985.
dle abnormal test results differently from opment of the delta checking system. 17. Cavill I: Internal quality control—quantitative
normal results (Fig 5). This means that a assays, in Lewis SM, Verwilghen RL (eds): Quality
sample with a low platelet count will not Assessment in Haematology, London, Bailliere
require manual checks if the results are 18. CAP Survey, 1987. Skokie, 111, College of
within delta check limits. This is an ad- References American Pathologists.
vantage particularly for repeated samples 1. Read DC, Viera H, Arkin C: Effect of drawing 19. Statland BE, Winkel P: Physiological variability
on patients with hematological malignan- blood specimens proximal to an in-place but dis- of leukocytes in healthy subjects, in Koepke JA
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achieved by eliminating needless manual
counting or checking, and perhaps even
more important, where the turnaround
time for results can be reduced by elimi-

Laboratory Medicine June 1989 417

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