Final Project

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Final Project- Making the news

Students: Ramiro Narambuena, Ciro Yañez, Valen Almendra

Ramiro: Hi everyone! My name is Ramiro Narambuena and welcome to the CNN

programme! Today we’re gonna talk about a lot of topics, therefore it will not be a short day.
so, today we start with weird school laws, and today we have a guest who will talk to us
about this topic. Welcome valen! What kind of weird rules are you going to talk about today?

Valen: Hello I’m Valentina Almendra, and I’m going to talk about the strangest laws in the
Chewing gum. Since 1992 chewing gum has been prohibited in Singapore. This rule was
made to maintain cleanliness and it is not considered appropriate to see someone chewing
gum. If someone chews, produces or sells gum and is discovered, they must pay a penalty
around one thousand euros or go to jail.

Ramiro: ¡Wow! What a strange rule. And is there somewhere that has a rule against

Valen: Yes. In Arizona donkeys can't sleep in bathtubs. The donkeys lived on farms where
their owners had an outdoor bathtub that they filled with well water. These open-air baths
were sometimes a comfortable and attractive place for the donkeys that came to sleep there.
The problem begins when the donkey decides to go to the neighbor's bathroom, then the
conflicts began. And so they created the law.

Ramiro: Well, that rule is not so bad since it has a good purpose but an unnecessary cause,
and what about a strange rule in the city?

Valen: In Switzerland it is prohibited to flush after ten at night if you live in an apartment. The
object of this law is to protect from noise and promote the rest of citizens.

Ramiro: Okay, so there is somewhere that they don’t have so much patience. Well thank you
Valen for coming here and telling us about that, so to finish the interview we`re gonna talk
about a new invention to improve people's health. Welcome Ciro and tell us about your new

Ciro:Hello my name is Ciro Yañez and I am a doctor. I am the boss of the hospital of Atlanta.
In my hospital, I created a program to improve the health of people with sports. My program
is called “Sports Do Good”.

Ramiro: And what is it about that programme?

Ciro: It is about implementing sports to improve the quality of life, some examples are
swimming, which helps us to strengthen our muscles and improve our breathing, in addition
to many other advantages that swimming has.

Ramiro: But are there some examples of practicing or just swimming?

Ciro: Yes! Another example is yoga, which is an activity that helps us a lot to relax with our
body and also helps us improve flexibility, among other things.
One more example is riding a bike, this helps us burn calories and increase our muscle
My program has the goal of improving everyone's life and I hope I can make it famous all
over the world.

Ramiro: Well. That is an excellent idea for the near future Ciro! And that were today's news.
Thank you Ciro and Valen for coming and the people listening to us today, have a nice week
and see you soon!

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