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Roy MC Kin&y, Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc.

John Floyd, Blast Dynamics, Inc.

Doug Bartley, DBA Consulting

In March of 2001, Barrick Goldstrike became the first surface gold operation in North
America to evaluate the advantages of electronic detonators. A detailed study was
conducted to quantify the benefits of the use of electronic detonators to the downstream
excavation, crushing and ore processing operations. The following methods were used
to quantify blast performance:

High speed film and video monitoring

Firing time and rock response analysis of the high-speed films
Digital fragmentation analysis of the post blast muckpile
Vibration waveform analysis (including Fast Fourier Transforms and seed
waveform modeling)
Excavator performance quantification
Crusher, SAG mill and ball mill performance evaluation
Ore recovery analysis
Cost/benefit analysis

The rock fragmentation produced by the use of the electronic detonators was quantified
using digital image analysis. Ninety percent of the blast fragmentation produced by the
use of the electronic detonators was less than 4 inches (a reduction of over 44 percent
over a similar blast with pyrotechnic detonators). One benefit of this decrease was
reflected by the improved performance of the excavator.

One of the main advantages of the electronic detonators is the wide range of available
delay times. With this flexibility, the ore blasts can be designed to limit dilution by
separating the various ore types into distinct piles. A test blast was conducted that
successfully proved this concept.

The initial findings of this study indicated that the use of electronic delays benefited the
excavation, hauling and crushing operations at Barrick’s Goldstrike operation. Ongoing
studies are defining the advantages of the use of electronic delays in terms of increased
productivity and efficiency of the ore recovery operations.

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A series of tests were developed to determine the influence of precise blast timing on
fragmentation, ore dilution, mill production, and vibration control. One waste and three
ore blasts were included in the test along with ten test holes to model vibration. A total
of 600 detonators were used during the evaluation.

Careful records were maintained of the loading and stemming of each blast. The blast
detonation sequence was recorded using:
l Two high-speed 16mm film cameras (500 fps)
l One high-speed video (1000 fps)
l Three digital video cameras
l One digital seismograph

The following methods were used to quantify blast performance:

l Digital fragmentation analysis of the post blast muckpile
* Firing time and rock response analysis of the high-speed films
l Vibration waveform analysis (including Fast Fourier Transforms and seed
waveform modeling)
l Excavator performance quantification using ProDig software
l Sag Mill power draw and throughput
lCost/benefit analysis

This paper includes the data recorded during the study, the procedures used to compare
the performance of electronic delays to standard pyrotechnical delays as well as the
conclusions drawn from the analysis of the data.
The flexibility provided by the electronic detonators allows the blast designer to develop
timing configurations that are not possible with pyrotechnic delays. A geology specific
detonation sequence was determined the day before the blast taking into account
fragmentation and ore dilution considerations. This plan was transferred to a delay
configuration diagram for use in the field.

At Barrick’s Goldstrike operation detonators are not placed in the blastholes due to
potential hazards in hot holes. Before loading begins, the temperature of each hole is
checked. A polyethylene liner is placed in hot holes to separate the explosives fkom the
wall of the blasthole. The blastholes are primed with cast boosters tied onto 18 grain
detonating cord. An inhibited emulsion blend product is typically used in all the
blastholes to slow the exothermic reaction between the sulfides and the ammonium
nitrate. Once the blastholes are loaded the electronic detonators are connected to the
detonating cord downlines using a field block connector as shown in figure 2.

After connecting the caps to the cord the tiring times are encoded into each cap according
to the predetermined design using a hand held programming unit as shown in figure 3.
After the caps are programmed they are hooked to a ‘bus line” using special connectors

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as shown in figure 4. Once all the caps are connected the bus line is checked for any
voltage loss that would cause the blasting machine to prevent the blast to be fired as
shown in figure 5. After the bus lines are checked, they are connected to a trunk line.
Next the tiring times are downloaded from the hand held programming unit to the
blasting machine as shown in figure 6.

At this point the blasting machine performs a check of all the detonators to make sure that
they are tied-in and functioning properly. When the shot is ready to be fired the blasting
machine rechecks the detonators and then initiates the blast.

The transition from pyrotechnic to electronic detonators was relatively easy for the blast
crew. It should be noted that after one day of training the blast crew was able to tie-in
and program the blast with limited supervision.

Full-scale blast evaluations were conducted to determine the effect that the use of
electronic detonators had on fragmentation, ore dilution, excavator productivity,
vibration control and mill throughput. Each of the tests is covered in detail in the
sections that follow.

The post-blast fragmentation of the rockmass directly influences the productivity of
excavation, crushing and milling operations. In some cases, the overall recovery
efficiency can be reduced by improper size distribution.

The obvious question is: Will the additional cost of the use of electronic detonators be
offset by increases in productivity and/or efficiency downstream?


To determine the influence of precise blasthole initiation on fragmentation, a 202 hole ore
blast was tired using electronic delays in place of pyrotechnic delays. The mine’s
standard timing configuration of 25 ms between rows and 17 ms between holes-in-a-row
was used. A graphic of the blast pattern and timing configuration is shown in figure 7.

The blast was designed to pull the ore toward the middle of the blast with a “Vl”
configuration. Images taken around 290ms after detonation and after the blast are shown
in figure 8.

The fragmentation produced by the test and conventional blasts was quantified with the
use of WipFrag image analysis techniques. A total of 75 digital images were taken of
various parts of the muckpile that was produced with the use of electronic detonators.
Image scaling rods were placed in the foreground and background of the images to
provide accurate size evaluation. A typical digital fragmentation image is shown in figure

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A total of 24 images were taken of the fragmentation produced with pyrotechnic
detonators. These images were analyzed to provide a baseline for comparison purposes.
The WipFrag image analysis provided the following information:
lA cumulative size distribution curve
lA histogram of the block size distribution

The cumulative blast fragmentation data describes the fragmentation in terms of the
screen size that various percentages of the material will pass through. This cumulative
data is shown in the table 2.

The standard pyrotechnic blast produced a P90 of 7.07 inches. Ninety percent of the
material in the electronic blast was less than 4 inches in diameter, 44 percent smaller than
the pyrotechnic blast. The complete fragmentation distribution curves are shown in
figures 10,11,12 ,and 13.
The electronically delayed blast produced a mean fragmentation size that was 18 percent
less (3.67 to 4.47 inches) than the pyrotechnically delayed blast. WipFrag calculated the
mode (most common fragment size) of the pyrotechnic blast to be 71 percent larger than
the mode of the electronic blast (5.98 to 3.50 inches).

It should be noted that this fragmentation data is based on only two blasts. However, the
results are encouraging enough to warrant further evaluation. Future tests will be
conducted to determine the influence of increased fragmentation on all downstream

Blast fragmentation is one of the key factors that controls the productivity and operating
cost of excavation equipment. In addition, the efficiency of the haulage fleet is also
influenced indirectly by “diggability” of the muckpile. During the detonator analysis, an
O&K RH 200 hydraulic excavator was used to excavate the blasts. The truck fleet
consisted primarily of Komatsu 930E haul trucks with an average load of 330 tons.
The electronic delays add approximately 6.5% per ton to the drilling and blasting costs.
If the total excavation and haulage costs can be reduced by more than 6.5 percent, the
resultant savings will offset the additional cost of the detonators.

A video camera was used to record the productivity of the excavator in the electronic and
pyrotechnic blasts. The videos were then analyzed using the ProDig shovel analysis

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Nineteen truckloads for each blast were evaluated. Excessive waiting on truck time was
not included in the evaluation since it was not the result of blast performance. As a
result, the estimated productivity per shift is considerably higher than existing levels.


A comparison of the pyrotechnic and the electronic blast performance in terms of
excavator productivity was completed.

The truck loading time for the electronic blast was 18 percent less than the pyrotechnic
blast. However, some of this advantage was not dig related (operational delays etc.). A
better indicator of the diggability of the two blasts was shown by the “pure productivity”
rate (tons per hour). This rate is based on the time interval between when the first bucket
is dumped into the truck until the truck is released. The electronic blast produced a pure
productivity rate that was approximately 11 percent greater than the pyrotechnic blast.

It appears from this analysis that all elements of the pyrotechnic blast’s excavation cycles
were slower. This could indicate that the pyrotechnic blast’s operator was not as skilled
or that the excavator was not running as well. However, hard digging was noted during
the analysis of several loading cycles in the pyrotechnic blast.

The average electronic blast dig cycle was 4 percent less than the average pyrotechnic
blast dig cycle. It should be noted that this analysis does not take into account how full
the bucket was. In fact, up to nine buckets (instead of 5 to 6) were required to load one of
the trucks from the pyrotechnic blast. These partially tilled buckets took less time to till.

It was also noted that the dig cycle trend over time was more consistent during the
excavation of the electronic blast

The efficiency of Barrick’s ore recovery processes is directly influenced by the
geological nature of the ore. Currently, the operation uses 18 routing schemes (14 for ore
and 4 for waste) to maximize recovery and in turn, profits. Higher grade ores are
typically processed first while low grade ore is stockpiled for processing at a later date.
Often the dilution caused by blasting simply defers the return on investment to a later
date. However, in some cases blast induced dilution can have a detrimental effect on the
efficiency of the recovery processes (for example, preg robbing material processed by the
autoclave or mixing of distinct ore/waste boundaries).

Typically, the post blast ore boundaries are staked based on the assumption that no blast
movement has occurred. Unfortunately, most conventional timing configurations mix the
material types together and can move the entire rockmass in an unpredictable fashion.
This uncontrolled movement leads to the inaccurate placement of ore boundary stakes.

The accuracy and flexibility of the electronic delays allows blasts to be designed to limit
ore dilution. In many cases, the different material types in a blast can be separated into

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distinct piles. This can improve the accuracy of post blast ore staking and enhance the
excavation process by improving the “mining resolution”.
The feasibility of using electronic delays for ore dilution control was evaluated with a
158 hole ore shot. A material type composite map based on blast hole assays was used to
help define the delay sequence. The blast was designed using an O.R.E. (ore recovery
enhancement) timing configuration. Four regions of the blast were designed to form
individual muckpiles. Each of these zones incorporated slightly different timing
configurations to help determine the optimum sequence. In addition, the blast was
designed to create a trough along a major north-south material boundary and reduce
overbreak from the sides and end of the blast. The timing sequence is shown in figure 14.

The performance of the ore recovery enhancement blast was dramatic. There were four
distinct muckpiles produced and, as expected, there was one timing sequence that
performed better than the others. The best performing sequence occurred in the region of
pile 1 shown in figures 15 and 16. The delay sequence used to produce pile 1 is shown in
figure 17.The height of pile 1 was over 20 feet above the original surface of the blast as
shown in figure 18. The blast also produced a well defined seperation along the NW
material boundary as shown in figure 19.

Some oversize was noted in the northwest portion of the blast. This oversize was due to a
change in and the use of longer delay times (41 ms) between rows.

The delay configuration used for the ore recovery enhancement blast would not have
been possible with pyrotechnic delays. The practically unlimited range of firing times
provided by the electronic delays allows timing configurations to be developed to
precisely control muckpile movement and dramatically reduce dilution. The economic
benefits of this control in terms of increased efficiency and recovery is probably several
times greater than the additional costs of the detonators.

If the productivity of the milling and roasting operations is increased by 0.15 percent the
additional costs of the detonators will be offset by the savings generated by the increased

If the value of the additional gold produced is added to the equation the break-even point
is around 0.05%.

The additional cost of the electronic caps can be offset by very small increases in the
efficiency of the ore processing and recovery operations. An in-depth evaluation of the
actual economic benefits is being pursued based on the magnitude of potential savings.

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The control of blast induced ground vibrations is an important consideration for Barrick’s
Goldstrike operation. The main points of concern are protecting the oxygen plants and
maintaining slope stability.

Extensive research has been conducted onsite to develop the best timing configuration to
limit vibrations at the oxygen plants. The frequency content of the blast vibrations was
found to be an important factor that influenced the response of the equipment in the plant.
Specialized timing configurations were developed to control the frequency content of the
blast vibrations. Since the available pyrotechnic delay times are limited, a configuration
was adopted based on the available delays as opposed to optimum design. In addition,
the scatter in the tiring times of the pyrotechnic delays prevented consistent frequency
modification and vibration control.

Excessive blast vibrations have been shown to cause damage to slope stability at other
operations. While ground vibration has not been shown to be the specific cause of slope
failures at Barrick’s Goldstrike operation it is still an important concern.

The initial scope of the project included studying the influence of accurate timing on
vibration control. A typical waste blast was detonated using electronic delays and the
vibration control timing configuration of 59 ms down the control row and 17 ms between
holes on the echelon.

Two separate blastholes were tired independently of the blast to generate a vibration
“signature” for future timing analysis.

The blast vibrations were monitored with a digital seismograph about 1200 feet away at a
point between the blast site and the new oxygen plant.

Tests were also conducted to determine the influence of short delay intervals on vibration
amplitude and frequency. However, the results of these tests were inconclusive.

The timing configuration was effective for the first 500 ms of the blast. Some of the
blast’s low frequency energy was shifted to around 20 hz. Unfortunately it was not
possible to evaluate a similar timing configuration with pyrotechnic delays during the
The accuracy and full range of delay intervals provided by the electronic delays makes
them much more suitable for consistent vibration control. Additional tests are required to
quantify the benefits specifically for the Goldstrike operation.

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Mill Throughput Results
Ore of the same characteristic and material type was divided into two separate blasts. One
being shot with pyrotechnic delays and the other being shot with electronic delays. The
ore from each shot was campaigned seperatly through the mill.

Several methods were used to evaluate the performance of the blasts. The methods
included image analysis of the run of mine ore, plant evaluation using PI data, and plant
evaluation using circuit survey.

The results indicated that ore from blasting with electronic detonators was finer and the
mill throughput was greater compared to ore from the pyrotechnic detonators.

Recent advances in electronic detonator technology have resulted in systems that are now
ready for widespread use by the mining and quarrying industry. The main features that
are unique to electronic detonators are:

l tiring time accuracy to within one tenth of one millisecond of the designed
l a full range of firing times (1 to 4000 ms in one ms intervals)

This accuracy and flexibility allows the blast designer to develop timing configurations
that are not possible with conventional pyrotechnic delay units. As a result, the blasts can
be designed to maximize fragmentation, control ore dilution and limit vibration levels.
The main thrust of this study was to quantify the benefits of the use of electronic
detonators to the downstream excavation, crushing and ore processing operations.

The rock fragmentation produced by the use of the electronic detonators was quantified
using digital image analysis. Ninety percent of the blast fragmentation produced by the
use of the electronic detonators was less than 4 inches (a reduction of over 44 percent
over a similar blast with pyrotechnic detonators). One benefit of this decrease was
reflected by the improved performance of the excavator. An increase in productivity of
6.5 percent is required to offset the additional costs associated with the use of electronic
detonators. The average “pure productivity” rate of the excavator was 11 percent higher
while excavating the electronic detonator blast.

The crushing and milling circuits are optimized when blasting produces the proper
fragment size distribution and when the explosive energy creates micro-fractures that
increase friability. The material from the initial test blasts was stockpiled and fed directly
into the crusher. This allowed the benefit to the crusher and milling operations to be

One of the main advantages of the electronic detonators is the wide range of available
delay times. With this flexibility, the ore blasts can be designed to limit dilution by
separating the various ore types into distinct piles. A test blast was conducted that
successfully proved this concept. The Goldstrike property currently has 14 different ore
routing schemes to maximize the efficiency of the roaster and autoclave processes. The

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ability to accurately separate the ore types with unique timing sequences should improve
the efficiency of the recovery processes by substantially reducing dilution. A recovery
increase of just seven hundredths of a percent is needed to offset the additional detonator

A total of six hundred electronic detonators were used during the study. No attempt was
made to optimize the performance of the current blast designs. However, the test blasts
still produced excellent fragmentation and demonstrated unique dilution control
characteristics. The positive test results warrant a larger scale, longer-term evaluation.
This evaluation will be conducted in a manner that allows the benefits of the increased
fragmentation to be quantified in terms of excavator, crusher and mill productivity. The
influence of dilution control on the efficiency of the roaster and autoclave will also be
quantified during the evaluation.

The initial findings of this study indicate that the use of electronic delays will benefit the
excavation, hauling and crushing operations at Barrick’s Goldstrike operation. In
addition, there is a strong probability that the proper use of electronic delays will increase
the efficiency of the ore recovery operations. This increase could potentially provide a
much greater economic benefit than has been determined to date. The electronic
detonators will be further evaluated to quantify the benefits of increased fragmentation
and dilution control on the efficiency of the gold recovery processes.

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Figure 2. connecting caps to downline

uning the caps

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connecting the caps to the bus line

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Figure 6. transferring data from the programming unit to the blasting

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Figure 7. Ore timing configuration and contours (blast # 1077)

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Table 2. Cumulative fragmentation data

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Figure 10. Pyrotechnic blast fragmentation curve

Figure 11. Electronic blast fragmentation curve

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Figure 12. Pyrotechnic blast histogram

Figure 13. Electronic blast histogram

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Figure 14. O.R.E. blast design

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Figure 15 illustrates the timing contours (10 ms intervals) and direction of movement of
the timing confiwration.

Pile ‘1

Figure 15. O.R.E. timing configuration

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The best performing sequence occurred in the region of Pile 1 shown in Figures 15 and

Figure 16. O.R.E. blast muckpile

The delay sequence used to produce Pile 1 was:

0 0 0
39 37 37 ii

0 0 0 0
37 15 15 37

0 0 0 0
35 1 1 35

0 0 0 0
37 15 15 37

0 0 0 0
39 37 37 39

Figure 17.0.R.E. blast optimum delay sequence

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The height of Pile 1 was over 20 feet above the original surface of the blast.

Figure 18. Pile 1 profile

The blast also produced a well-defined separation along the N\W material boundary.

Figure 19. O.R.E. blast trough

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