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The Great Gatsby Symbols

Symbol Textual Support/References Possible Meanings

"He stretched out his arm The light is to symbolize Gatsby's
The Green toward the dark water in a unending love for Daisy, his hope
curious way, and, far as I was and his American dream, as well as
from him, I could have sworn his longing for the past and his
he was trembling. Involuntarily inability to move on from it.
I glanced seaward—and
distinguished nothing except a
single green light, minute and
far away, that might have been
the end of a dock" (Chapter 1,
pg. 21).

"This is a valley of ashes—a The valley of ashes is a desolate,

The Valley of fantastic farm where ashes industrial area located between the
grow like wheat into ridges and wealthy neighborhoods of West Egg
hills and grotesque gardens; and New York City. It is described
where ashes take the forms of as a gray, gloomy place filled with
houses and chimneys and the ashes from the coal-burning
rising smoke and, finally, with a factories in the area. The valley of
transcendent effort, of men ashes serves as a symbol of the
who move dimly and already moral and social decay that results
crumbling through the powdery from the excess and corruption of
air" (Chapter 2, pg. 25). the wealthy characters in the novel.

"The eyes of Doctor T. J. The eyes on a billboard overlooking

Dr. T.J. Eckleburg are blue and the valley of ashes are a symbol of
gigantic—their retinas are one the moral decay of the society and
Eckleburg yard high. They look out of no the lack of spiritual guidance and
face, but, instead, from a pair values.
of enormous yellow spectacles
which pass over a non-existent
nose." (Chapter 2, pg. 27).
"I wanted to get away from the water is used as a symbol of
Water city to remind him of the renewal and change. It is also
country, because that was associated with the passage of
Gatsby's long suit. He was a time, as the novel's characters
great hand at getting up a frequently visit the nearby bay and
picnic" (Chapter 3, pg. 50). ocean.

The Great Gatsby Symbols

Symbol Textual Support/References Possible Meanings
“It was a rich cream color, The automobile is a symbol of the
Automobiles bright with nickel, swollen here characters' desire for freedom and
and there in its monstrous their ability to move forward, but
length with triumphant also represents their moral decay
hat-boxes and supper-boxes and reckless behavior.
and tool-boxes, and terraced
with a labyrinth of wind-shields
that mirrored a dozen suns"
(Chapter 1, pg. 17).

"It was two years before I Time is also an important symbol

Time went to Gatsby's house on a in the novel, as the story takes
hill behind his marble-façaded place over a period of several
mansion, looking out of the years and is told through a series
window at nothing particular" of flashbacks. The passage of time
(Chapter 1, pg. 2) is used to illustrate the characters'
changing fortunes and
relationships, and to suggest that
the world of the novel is in a state
of constant flux.
"He took out a pile of shirts Clothing is used as a symbol of
Shirts/Clothing and began throwing them, one social status and wealth. The
by one before us, shirts of characters' clothing choices are
sheer linen and thick silk and often used to indicate their level of
fine flannel which lost their prosperity and the characters often
folds as they fell and covered use their clothing to try to fit in or
the table in many-colored stand out in the society.
disarray" (Chapter 5, pg. 92)

"It was a matter of chance that Geography plays a significant role

Geography I should have rented a house in the novel as the characters are
(East/West, etc.) in one of the strangest divided by the social status and
communities in North wealth. The novel is set on Long
America. It was on that Island, where the wealthy
slender riotous island which characters live in the east, while
extends itself due east of New the less wealthy live in the west.
York—and where there are, This physical divide serves to
among other natural symbolize the social divide
curiosities, two unusual between the characters. The
formations of land" (Chapter geography also serves to create
1, pg. 1) an atmosphere of isolation and

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