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A product extension for a public company – 6 parts of paper and 2-3

You are going to create a plan over a series of weeks where you’re going to look at
developing a new product or do a product extension for a public company. Step one is to
identify a company that you would like to learn more about and consider developing a
product plan for them. This plan will be written as a cumulative document where you will
add a section each week and submit the final plan. Each part: approximately 2-3 pages
including in text and work citation. Use data and facts to support your idea. Include images
to describe the market landscape and opportunity. Use APA style. Include Min 4 – 6
credible sources. Week 4 – OpportunitiesRead where opportunities for business come
from. Please read Peter Drucker’s article “The Discipline of Innovation”.( ) Write briefly regarding the
company you are selecting and a possible product idea / extension for the company to
consider. Please describe why you think this new idea is a fit for this company and why you
think it is an opportunity. Please refer to Peter Drucker’s “The Discipline of Innovation”
when discussing opportunities. Post in assignments approximately 1 page.Week 5 –
StrategyWrite what kind of customers’ needs, will your product meet? Why is this product
or idea an opportunity for these customers? Write one page and add it to your prior week’s
document for opportunities and submit assignments.Week 6 – QuestionsWrite what
questions you think need to be answered to launch this product? You are looking for 10 to
15 questions addressing a broad range of business problems you would need to solve to
implement this product plan. (approximately one-two pages, added to your original pages
for opportunities and strategy.)Week 7 – How do you find information?Describe how you
might search for information to answer the questions from the prior week. Please list your
prior week’s questions, how you might conduct a search and the sources you may consider.
Answer your questions and be really specific. Add data and facts to support your arguments.
Please list sources in APA format using in text and work citaiton (at the end).Week 8 –
SystemsLooking at your company structure, list at least four departments and
information/data systems they might use. Be detailed and specific, for example, your
company has an accounting system like QuickBooks in the accounting department. This
system may be linked to other departments as well and some departments may have
multiple systems. This should be approximately 1 page added to your other four
sections. Week 9 – ConclusionsWhat have you learned by analyzing this product plan? How
can MIS be used to resolve the decisions regarding the identified opportunity? Please write
one page of conclusions that will be added to your total prior 5-week document. Writing a
critique – Please watch this: Separate weekly references E-

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