Difference Creative and Technical

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Man is a person who holds himself in hand by his intelligence and

will. He does not merely exist as a physical being. There is in
him a richer and nobler existence, he has spiritual super existence
through knowledge and love. He is, thus, in some way, a whole, not
merely a part, his is universe unto himself.
The earliest man looked like an animal but he was a man, had a
large brain and skull. He had a heavily muscled body covered with
thin hair. His limbs were just as long and straight as modern man’s,
but he walked with a stooping posture.
Technical Writing vs. Creative Writing
Any form of writing
Process of writing and
which is written with
sharing information, in a
the creativity of mind:
professional setting. It
fiction writing, poetry
is the writing where the
writing, creative
author is writing about
nonfiction writing and
a particular subject that
requires direction,
instruction, or
You’ve heard all the hype about the internet – well, for once the
hipsters are right. The internet really is the biggest thing since
sliced bread, the hottest invention since the wheel, the coolest
technology after the refrigerator and it’s already changing our lives in
ways we’re only beginning to understand.
This is the twenty-first century world of video phones, talking
computers and electronic democracy we’ve seen in sci-fi movies since
our childhood. It’s here just in time for the new millennium and,
even better, it’s cheap enough for an average person to afford. This
is the collection of everything you need to know about why the
internet is as important, what you can do with it, and how to get
yourself out of your digital driveway and onto that so called
information superhighway. So, start your engines.
• Technical writing is ideally characterized by the
maintenance of an attitude of impartiality and
objectivity, by extreme care to convey information
accurately and concisely, and by the absence of any
attempt to arouse emotion.

Fiber optic cables are quickly replacing copper wires as the

medium where information is carried. Fiber optic cables are
made up of tiny but highly transparent glass of plastic fibers.
Information is converted (digitally) into a series of pulses of
laser light. (For example, letter A would be symbolized as
100001). To transmit this message using light, all 1’s would
be represented by light switched on and all 0’s would be
represented by light switched off.
Technical Writing vs. Creative Writing
Technical Writing vs. Creative Writing

factual, imaginative,
CONTENT straight-forward symbolic

AUDIENCE specific general

PURPOSE Inform, persuade, instruct entertain

STYLE formal informal

Characteristics of Technical Writing

• Focuses on the clear and accurate presentation of facts.

• It is impartial and objective.
• Its style is simple and direct.
• It has a scientific point of view.
• It is concise and unemotional.
• Complete
• Consistent
• Correct in spelling, punctuation, grammar
• Well organized

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