Consecutive Oral Translation

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Consecutive oral translation – Speech 2

Maia Sandu's speech before the fall of the Government: You want to take us down,
hoping that this is how you will save yourself

1. From your speeches, I have not been very important. I understand you are against
justice. I understand that you are against the people of this country because you have
forgotten that you have to serve the people.  You are so And you don't even have the
courage to take on that responsibility and this vote. you letit be so that you can't say on
your face that you're voting against the government because you're afraid of true
justice. Today you have not only betrayed a Government that defends the interests of
the people. You have betrayed every citizen who has placed his hopes that soon
justice will be done and better lived. Too many of you have betrayed this people
many times – when you are poverty in the country through schemes, when you
blindly supported Plahotniuc, when you banished our relatives and friends out of the
country, when you submitted to justice and institutions to cover up your abuses. Or
when you closed your eyes and allowed these things to happen.
2. I know that among you there are also some people who value honesty and with whom
I have collaborated well. I know you personally and I think you do not agree with
what is happening today. Unfortunately, it was not enough to be able to stop those
who were scared that they would be held accountable for the illegalities. Those who
were scared of a Government that put justice, honesty and the needs of the people at
the head of the table. To you, the frightened, I address. Aren't you tired of stealing?
Not tired of schemes? Don't trickery and betrayals be dragging you to the ground?
We'll see you. All people see you. You were scared by the thought that from now on,
you would lose control of justice. You don't like free justice. You prefer big fortunes,
expensive cars and dirty games at the expense of people ,but you're not prepared to
pay for it. But this people loves freedom. This people chased Plahotniuc out of the
country. This people will chase any imposter who tramples on their dignity and
3. Understand. You were scared. When the Government stopped the corruption schemes
from which you were illegally feeding for years, you were scared. When the
Government put an end to the dubious auctions from which you were extracting fat,
undue income, you were scared. When the Government started making the rule in
customs, you were scared. When the Government pledged to find a Prosecutor
General to put thieves in jail instead of executing political orders,you were so scared
that you wanted to bring down the Government. But you have forgotten one
important thing – the power of this Government is in the people. These people have
put down a dictatorship. They will take down anyone who violates their will. You
who have been so scared are not making deals to protect the interest of the citizens.
You make arrangements to protect yourself. You're going to say that we made a deal
too? Yes. I did. To rid the country of the plague.We knew what we were doing. We
weren't naïve. We knew we were entering into an extremely complicated government.
We knew that some of you were Plahotniuc's accomplices. We knew we risked
compromising our image.
4. But we don't do politics for the image – Plahotniuc had to be stopped before he turned
the country into a personal estate,which hecan dispose of as he pleases, and we
stopped him. We made coalition to save people from terror and prevent a dictatorship.
You want to save your personal interests. We have created a parliamentary majority
to save people from poverty. You want to save your fortunes and palaces. Yes, I think
it's also here of those who don't want to get into dirty games— who want us to have
functioninginstitutions, who appreciate our efforts to clean up justice. I am sorry that
you allow yourself to be used, that you cannot resist those frightened by the
Government's intention to build true justice. Today, the scared are more. I do not think
that they have qualms of conscience. They mock morality, honesty. They're always
looking to hijack democratic processes, to play through trickery, to make deals
behind theirbacks, and when they saw that we weren't going to the charlatans, that
they couldn't corrupt us,that we don't sell ourselves, thatwecan't be taken away with
personal interests,they advised themselves how to get rid of us.
5. You decided to get rid of us when we brought money into the country, we opened the
door of the European capitals for Moldova, we started the fundamental change of
the country. You decided to get rid of us when we stopped the thefts from public
money. But worst of all, you advised yourself to get rid of us when we started making
life better for people - to distribute money from the budget to help the most needy, to
increase social assistance, to increase people's wages. Where else have they seen
democrats voting against democracy and socialists voting against social aid? You
have not decided to get rid of us to do good to the country and the people. You want
to continue the schemes unhindered,and we are putting obstacles in place for you. You
want to live in luxury on the backs of citizens, and we close the tap through which you
steal mercilessly. Because you want no one to give you over when you steal. When
you heard that a free prosecutor was coming, you began to writhing. You've shown
your true face. Because without an independent prosecutor, you hope you can steal
over and over again. Hope you can betray as many times as you need.
6. We knew what grabs you have. But we went forward because our mission was to
build true justice. Let's have a brave Prosecutor who will bring order and stop the
thieves who are strangling Moldova.  You want to bring down the Government –
hoping that this is how you will save yourself. Maybe you'll breathe a sigh of relief
for a while. But everyone gets the justice they deserve. Some pay for sins quickly,
others flee, but sooner or later all respond for making fun of an entire people. The
people do not forget. In June, in the dark,some of you, frightened to cross the street
from the presidency to the parliament, decided, at the last minute, to oppose
Plahotniuc. Today, in the light and in democracy, you have got courage and turned
your back on the people. Today the people understood: Plahotniuc was not the only
culprit, all those who followed himwere toblame.
7. Moldova has not fallen and will not fall. A People's Government will fall – if that's
what you decide – if that's what you decide. We have reached a turning point in the
history of our country. We have seen how it is through courage that freedom can be
won. How the dignity of a people can cause the most powerful wall to fall. How by
resistance can a regime full of terror be demolished. We have seen that it is possible. I
understood very well who and what it represents. We refuse to be partakers in a game
in which we try to establish clear and predictable rules, and the coalition partners use them
to capture one state institution or another. Today, it has become clear that the fight is
being waged between those who want to control the institutions, justice and the
prosecutor's office in order to enrich themselves illicitly through schemes and tricks,
keeping Moldova in poverty and despair,and those who fight for institutions, for
justice and the prosecutor's office free and fair, which would serve as a foundation
for economic growth, attracting investment, the creation of a free and prosperous
society. Today you have to make a decision for which you will answer to your own
voters and to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova!

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