Head of The Department Inga Stoianova, Associate Prof., PHD Igor Clichici, Iii-Rd Year Student, Gr. I-Lm-174-12-38

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Accepted for defense Author:

Head of the Department Igor CLICHICI,
Inga STOIANOVA, Associate Prof., PhD III-rd year student, gr. I-LM-174-12-38

„ ” 20 Thesis Supervisor:
University lecturer, MA

Chișinău, 2020
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..............................................................................................3



1.1. The Notion of Terminology, Term, Term System and Terminological Field.............8

1.2. Banking Terms as a Part of Economic Terminology................................................13

1.3. Methods, Types, Ways and Features of Translation……………………………….16


HAILEY ANALYZED AND TRANSLATED.................................................................20

2.1. On Arthur Hailey and His Novel...............................................................................20

2.2. Classification of Banking Terminology....................................................................24

2.3. Translation Analysis..................................................................................................32


BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………. 44

STATEMENT regarding the originality of the Bachelor's Thesis …...........................65

Avizul conducătorului tezei

Am. Eng. – American English
Br. Eng. – British English
B.T. – Banking Terminology
e.g. – for example (from Latin exempli graia)
Eng. – English
etc. – et cetera
Fig. – Figure
i.e. – that is (Latin id est)
S. L. – Source Language
S. T. – Source Text
T.L. – Target Language
T.S. – Term System = Terminological System
T. T. – Target Text

Today, our community is witnessing the process of globalization in all spheres of human
life: in the fields of economics, politics, culture and tourism. Globalization in the economy is
manifested in the ever-growing interaction and integration of national economic systems, which
is a consequence of the growth of international trade, investment and huge capital flows.
Globalization implies the formation of a single international economic space where
information, goods, services and capital freely move.
The globalization of the world economy is a fact impossible to argue. The vast majority of
the countries of the world are integrated into the global economy, and the events on the markets
and exchanges in Southeast Asia immediately affect the state of the economy in Europe and
America. And vice versa - problems in the US mortgage system can cause a global financial
The globalization of economic processes invariably entails the process of
internationalization of the terminological apparatus of the science of economics. The essence of
this press is to unify the terminology of the economy and the emergence of an international
version of economic terms. The source of internationalism, as a rule, is the language of
international communication, which today is the English language.
Although English claims to be the universal language of international communication and
the main language of the global economy, in practice, translation from English remains a highly
demanded service in most non-English speaking countries of the world.
In general, language has always been considered as a complex system that exists and is
defined through the interaction of language in a person-person in a language, language in a
society-society in a language, language in a culture-culture in a language. Language does not
exist by itself, but is the most important component of culture, appears in it, influences it, as well
as culture and the active influence of a person influences the features of the development of the
functioning of the language.
For any businessperson or economic agent, it is important not only to be fluent in
English, but also to be able to quickly receive a high-quality translation of the text in English or
any other language at any time. Moreover, in personal negotiations with foreign colleagues - use
simultaneous interpretation.
Banking terminology is an integral part of the economy sublanguage.
Economics as a special kind of being has its own complex and multidimensional
conceptual apparatus, which reflects the development of relevant scientific thought. With the
development and deepening of economic knowledge, the concepts conveyed in terms in terms
become more complicated. Moreover, each era relied on the terminology of its predecessors and,
as a result, developed its own circle of concepts. For example, the terms of political economy
were disclosed and developed in terms of bourgeois economy. Thus, economic terminology is a
product of historical development, since it reflects all stages of economic changes in human
society, and each stage is characterized by its terminological vocabulary, which reflects the
nature of production relations: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist, socialist,
Key words: term, term system, terminology, term field, one-component terms, multi-
component terms, properties and classes of terms, translation methods, economic terminology,
literal translation, borrowing, adaptation.
The object of this study is the terms of economic topics, namely the banking sector,
functioning in Arthur Hailey's novel "Moneychangers".
The subject of research: Banking terms is an integral part of the sublanguage of the
economy. Thus, the main subject of this study is the difficulties and their overcoming in the
translation of banking terms.
The relevance of the thesis is due to insufficient knowledge of the English banking
terminology, since the question of the features and difficulties of translating banking terms in the
production novel by A. Hailey “Moneychangers” has still not received due attention and relevant
The novelty of this study lies in the fact that for the first time in German studies when the
specifics of the term, the difficulties of translation and its features, the classification of terms and
the structure of banking terminology studied in A. Hailey’s novel “Moneychangers”. For the first
time, a typological study of banking terms in this novel was conducted.
The purpose of the Bachelor’s thesis is to identify features and specifics in the translation
of banking terms, which are part of financial and economic terms.
In connection with the goal, it seems necessary to solve the following objectives:
1. To get an idea of the features of the terms and to determine the place of terminology in
the language system,
2. To highlight the characteristic features of economic and financial terminology,
3. To identify, analyze and study the basic methods, types and techniques for translating
4. To identify and investigate the main difficulties encountered in the translation process.
5. To consider the main methods of transferring English-language economic terms of the
banking sector into Russian.
6. To offer the most effective way of translation.
As a result of the study, for the first time, a detailed typological analysis of banking
terminology was carried out on the basis of the work of A. Hailey "Moneychangers". The
terminology of banking was examined and studied in detail from the point of view of the theory
of the term, and the requirements for the term.
The material of the research: Arthur Hailey’s production novel “Moneychangers” was
used as the main material of this research.
The methodological basis of the work was the research of notable linguists P. Newmark,
J. Munday, V. M. Leichik, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev and others.
Methods used to achieve the goal: 1) the method of relative, comparative and lexical-
semantic analysis of terminology 2) the analysis of textbooks and workshops on the translation
of financial and economic terminology 3) the method of generalization and systematization of
the results 4) the text search method, as well as the continuous selection method 5) the method of
component analysis of terminology 6) the method of linguistic observation and description.
The theoretical significance (value) lies in a comprehensive approach to studying the
terminology of the banking sector, its results allow us to consider the specifics of the translation
of banking terminology, its relationship with other related terminologies, as well as its place in
economic terminology as a whole. In this thesis, the basic provisions faced by the translator
when working with texts of a financial or economic nature are scientifically formulated and set
The need for an in-depth study of the analyzed terminology is due to the process of
globalization and the rapid development of special vocabulary in the field of economics in
general and banking in particular.
The practical significance (value) is that for translators and interpreters working in the
field of economy and finance, it allows you to identify the most effective method and way of
translation, which minimizes the amount of time spent and optimizes the translation. Likewise,
this work can be used as the basis for the compilation of various books and methodological
manuals for translation of financial and economic terminology.
The structure of the work: this work consists of introduction, theoretical and practical
part, conclusion, bibliography and Annex
The Introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, scientific novelty, theoretical
significance and practical value of the work, defines the object and subject of the study,
formulates the goals and objectives of the final qualification work, reveals the degree of

development of the research work, lists the sources that served as theoretical and practical
material for the study, determines the methodological basis and research methods.
In the first chapter (theoretical part), we expose and consider the entire theoretical basis
of this study. Various classifications of terms and methods, types and techniques for their
translation are considered. Various economic terms and their classes and groups are revealed.
The definition of the term, terminology and terminological system as such is given. We also
define the main features of the translation of banking terms as part of the sublanguage of the
The second chapter (the practical part) contains a commented translation of sample
sentences from the novel "Moneychangers", which analyzes and parallels between the translation
of L. Tarasov and N. Izosimova and our original text. For convenience, we will analyze the
sentences according to the type of term contained in them.
The conclusion sets out the results of the work, outlines the main specifics and problems
of the translation of the economic terminology of banking.
The list of references (Bibliography) includes works in Russian and English, a list of
Internet sources and sites on which the research material is posted. The Annexes contain a table,
diagrams, figures, as well as the Russian-English glossary of banking terms.

1.1. The Notion of Terminology, Term, Term System and Terminological Field
There are many definitions of the term. Attempts by linguists to formulate a general
definition have not been particularly successful, apparently due to the multifaceted nature of this
phenomenon. The following statement is mentioned by R. Komarova about this versatility:
“There is no unit more diverse and indefinite than the term, and several approaches to the
definition of the term are observed: some researchers try to give it a sufficient logical definition;
others try to describe descriptively the content of the term by attributing characteristic features to
it; the third - highlight the term by contrasting it with a negative unit; the fourth ones seek
contradictory procedures for isolating terms in order to come to a rigorous definition of this
concept; the fifth are trying to give at least a “working” definition ”[19].
According to the definition of V. Leichik, “a term is a lexical unit of a certain language for
special purposes, denoting a general — concrete or abstract — concept of the theory of a certain
special field of knowledge or activity” [21].
Despite the differences in approaches to the definition of the term, there is a consensus in
the definition of the term as a nominative lexical unit of the language of science, created to
optimally accurately name the concepts of the corresponding field [29].
V. Leichik highlights in the lexicon of language for special purposes two main types of
combination of means for designating general special concepts: spontaneously developing
aggregates — terminologies consisting of lexical units, which he calls “pre-terms”, and
consciously constructed aggregates — term systems consisting of terms [21]. The terms
themselves can be formed in the language in various ways: semantic, morphological, syntactic
and morphological-syntactic.
According to S. Grinev-Grinevich, a historical analysis of terms shows that among them
usually the majority are terms formed by semantic methods, that is, “using various types of
changes in the meaning of words that previously existed in the language” [14]. Such methods
include borrowings from a common language, accompanied by terminologization, expansion,
narrowing of meaning, change of meaning as a result of metaphorical and metonymic transfers,
as well as borrowing of terms.
According to the dictionary of linguistic terms [11], a term is (from Latin terminus - limit,
border, border sign) a word or phrase that accurately indicates a concept used in science,
technology, art.
Based on the logics of B. Golovin and R. Kobrin: “A term is a single word or a subordinate
phrase formed on the basis of a noun, denoting a professional concept and designed to meet the
specific needs of communication in the field of a particular profession (scientific, technical,
industrial)” [13]. The definition is capacious and characterizes the multidimensionality of the
concept, but it also raises a number of objections: the basis for the formation of terms is really in
large cases nouns, but in rare cases, as V. Danilenko insists, in the process of word formation
participate also verbs, adjectives and adverbs [15].
Despite the fact that many linguists studied this linguistic reality, to this day “one of the
main problems of development and study the term as a linguistic category in modern linguistics
is its definition” [18]. This regularity is explained by the multidimensional nature of the concept
of the term and, accordingly, the inability to determine a single definition. According to
scholars“A term is a generally accepted frequency word (word complex), characterized by the
unity of the sound image and the corresponding corresponding concept in the system of concepts
of a given field of knowledge and activity and distinguished from the rest of the nominative units
by their system character, semantic integrity, contextual independence, monosemantism and
stylistic neutrality” [27].
As a result, we can say that a term in a general sense defines a word or a combination of
words that denotes the concept of a certain sphere of activity or knowledge. Thus, the terms are
units of an artificial or natural language (words, combinations of words and symbols,
combinations of letters and numbers) which have special meanings in terminology due to a
special collective conscious agreement. Quite informatively and accurately reflect the main and
main features of the definitions. The word is the main unit of the language, the term is the main
special lexical unit. A term is a unit of any particular language (word, phrase, abbreviation,
symbol, combination of words and letter symbols), which has a terminological meaning that can
be expressed in verbal form.
Some researchers distinguish the following properties of the "ideal" term:
- consistency
- context independence
- uniqueness and accuracy
- brevity
- designation of a professional concept (for example, scientific)
- expressive and connotative neutrality
- nominative function
- definitive function
- ability to participate in word-formation processes [22].

Regarding the requirements that are put forward to the term, I propose to consider the
concept of characteristics that Grinev-Grinevich put forward. He offers the following term
1. value requirements:
a) the consistency of semantics - the absence of a contradiction between the lexical
meaning of the term as a word and the meaning received by it in this terminology;
b) unambiguity in this terminology;
c) completeness - the reflection in the meaning of the term of the minimum number of
signs sufficient to identify the concept designated by it;
d) lack of synonyms.
2. form requirements:
a) compliance with the norms of the language - the elimination of professional jargon,
deviations from phonetic and grammatical norms, the replacement of forms unusual for the
literary language;
b) brevity:
- lexical brevity (non-repetitiveness or variety) - fixation in the form of a term the
minimum number of identification features, the absence of “empty” elements that do not carry a
semantic load;
- formal brevity - preference is given to terms with a shorter form;
c) derivative ability - the ability to form derivatives;
d) motivation - semantic transparency, allowing to get an idea about the term;
- systematicity - the possibility of reflection in the structure of the term of the connection
of the called concept with other concepts and the place of this concept in a given conceptual
3) pragmatic (functional) requirements:
a) rootedness:
- commonality or generally accepted;
- frequency of use;
b) internationality - the sameness or similarity in form and content of terms used in several
national languages;
c) modernity - ousting obsolete terms from use, replacing them with modern ones;
d) euphony - the term should not cause unwanted associations outside highly specialized
should not have associative dissonance;
e) esotericity - intentional inaccessibility of a term for understanding [14].
Before identifying the terminology of this area, let us know the definition of a concept as
such. The analysis of special vocabulary of various fields of knowledge is one of the most
frequent studies in linguistics. Terminology as a set of terms is part of a special vocabulary.
According to the dictionary of linguistic terms, terminology:
1. The set of terms of all areas of knowledge and activity.
2. The totality of terms in one field of knowledge or activity (linguistic terminology,
botanical terminology, medical terminology) [11].
Terminology as a set of terms is part of a special vocabulary, whose patterns of
development and formation are also characteristic of the terms. It is called the language "a
powerful means of integrating science", the basis of which are the terms [18]. It is impossible to
separate science from terminology and vice versa, since any science includes three factors: the
facts that make up science; representations caused by facts; terms by which these representations
are expressed. Science expresses precise definitions and phenomena through the use of
terminology, which has a socially binding character and a clear connection with scientific
concepts. This extralinguistic characteristic distinguishes the term in terminology from ordinary
According to the Great Russian Encyclopedia, terminology is (from the Latin terminus -
border, limit and ... logy), a set of terms of any special field of knowledge or human activity
(words and phrases denoting its concepts; for example, mathematical, linguistic terminology), as
well different areas of knowledge of any natural, specific language (Russian terminology,
English terminology) [3]. To date, terminology has adopted stratification of terminology into:
 general scientific (system, tendency, law, concept, theory, analysis, synthesis etc.)
 special (derivative, significatum, locution etc.)
The terminology itself includes a spontaneously established set of terms that reflects the
historical process of accumulation and understanding of knowledge in a certain field. It is
replenished at the expense of common vocabulary and, in turn, enriches it. It has the same
features as any lexical-semantic group of a natural language:
 synonymy (e.g. in Rus.: Языкознание- языковедение- лингвистика, in Eng. good-
 antonymy (e.g. in Rus.: близорукость — дальнозоркость, in Eng.: myopia -
 gradation {e.g. in Rus.: микромир — макромир - космомир, in Eng.: microcosm -
macrocosm - cosmos),
 generic-species relations {e.g. in Rus.: рыбы — сельдевые — атлантическая сельдь),
 the relation between «whole - parts" (machine - rotor and stator), etc.
There are two types of sets of terms:
 the terminology itself,
 terminological systems (term systems)
The terminology undergoes an analysis of systematization and normalization, in which its
shortcomings are identified and eliminated. The result of this work is presented in the form of a
term system - an ordered set of terms with fixed relationships between them, reflecting the
relationship between these terms.
A term system is a system of terms systematically constructed by specialists in a given
field, with a sufficiently developed field of knowledge (activity), which has its own theory,
which has revealed and realized all its basic concepts and essential connections between them.
It has the following properties:
 systemicity (i.e., each of its terms is connected with other terms by direct and indirect
logical and associative relations)
 completeness of coverage of concepts areas of knowledge or activity,
 consistency,
 relative stability (i.e., it is applied until the theory underlying it is refuted),
 openness (i.e., capable of incorporating new terms),
 dynamism (definitions of terms can be specified as a result of deepening knowledge).
If there are a number of theories in the same field, there may be several term systems. For
example: in physics there are two term systems - one based on the classical theory of
Newtonian mechanics, and the second based on Einstein's theory of relativity; therefore, the
same term, for example mass, has different meanings in these term systems. From the point of
view of the used language tools, the term system has a higher degree of regularity than
terminology. A minimal degree of variation is achieved in the term system: synonymy and
polysemy are deliberately reduced or eliminated [15].
There is an adequacy relation between the system of concepts as a logical category and
the term system as a language formation, in which the term system can be richer or poorer than
the system of concepts in terms of the number of units and the nature of relations. In each
developed language, there are several thousand terminologies and terminological systems. They
are classified primarily by the areas of knowledge and activities that they serve. Outside the
term system, the term loses its characteristic features. The consistency of the term is one of the

most important properties of the term and terminology; the study of terminological units should
occur within the framework of the system into which they are included.
Terminological field
The terminology field method was declared by A.A. Reformatskii, who believed that the
field replaces the term context, that "in its terminological field, the term-word acquires
accuracy and uniqueness." Buianova defines the concept of “terminology field” as a
multilevel classification structure unified on a system basis, combining the terms of the sphere
of homogeneous professional activity [12].
The significance of terminological fields is determined by A. Superanskaya,
N.Podoliskaia and N. Vasilyeva as “belonging to a certain field is the most essential feature that
distinguishes terms words from ordinary words”. It`s possible to conclude that the term field is
a structured and hierarchically organized model of the subject area, the components of which
are special concepts, the relationships between which correspond to the relationships between
the terms within the term system [27].
As it can be noted, a number of researchers identify the concepts of "terminological field"
and "term system". Some of them distinguish between the concepts of "terminological field"
and "term system."

1.2. Banking Terms as a Part of Economic Terminology.

The question of the specificity of terms and methods of their translation has always
occupied a special place in comparative linguistics: it was considered in their works on the
theory of translation by P. Newmark and J. Munday; it is an object of increasing attention of
modern scientists.
In the Explanatory Translation Dictionary of L. Nelyubin is devoted to the translation of
the terms in a separate article, which emphasizes the importance of the problem under
consideration and the complexity of its solution. If the task of the translation is to ensure
equivalence as a “commonality of the content of the texts of the original and the translation”,
then when translating special (financial and economic) texts, the terms should be given special
attention: they determine the information content of the special text, being the kind of keys that
organize, structure and encode the special information. Therefore, it is with regard to terms that
the most acute question arises of the possibility of achieving equivalence when there is a
difference in code units, which, according to represents the “cardinal problem of language and
the central problem of linguistics” [24].
All significant changes in economic processes occur against the backdrop of changes in the
entire social organism. These new changes are reflected in the language of this society, keywords
appear that characterize the specific historical stage of social development. For example, the
economic situation in our country during the perestroika period is characterized by such terms as
a voucher, default, denomination, privatization, and in the UK in the 80s. of the last century,
the following terms were relevant: economic decline, recession. etc.
Such words and combinations, as a rule, constitute the basic terminology and are included
in the terminology as a necessary and mandatory element. On the one hand, they are used by
native speakers to denote the corresponding processes and phenomena, on the other hand, are
means of understanding these processes and phenomena.
Social changes in society, of course, leave their mark on the economic terminology of any
language. Characterizing the socio-economic changes in our society in the post-perestroika
period, M. Kitaigorodskaya in her work relies on the theory of redistribution, justified in the
works of other Russian scholars. The concept of this theory distinguishes the market (the
structure of the "horizontal" type) and redistribution (the economic structure of the "vertical"
type). Market and redistribution are the basis for various models of social development:
European and Asian. The economic structure of the “horizontal” type is characterized by private
property, and property relations are reduced to one owner. Property relations in the economic
structures of the "eastern" type are distributed between a group of people who are hierarchically
subordinate. “The essence of the objectively inevitable changes taking place in today's Russian
society boils down to replacing the “vertical” redistributive economic system with a “horizontal”
market system. In terms of language, such changes are reduced to replacing the monologue
(redistribution) with dialogue (market)”. In turn, such changes are reflected in the terminology of
economics, and they are reduced, according to M. Kitaigorodskaya, to the fact that ideological
terms get rid of the negative connotation, the terms of the “pre-Soviet” period are returned to the
vocabulary and new “international” borrowings appear. The system of economic concepts is
characterized by unity, integrity, hierarchical organization of elements that are very
heterogeneous in content and the role they play [17].
The heterogeneity of the content of economic concepts is directly dependent on the special
place occupied by the economic vocabulary as a system. The specifics of the economy are
reflected in economic terminology, in which, along with purely economic terms, terms are drawn
from other term systems (legal, historical, geographical, etc.). Thus, its position in the language
(macro level) is characterized. However, the internal structure of economic terminology is
heterogeneous in content (micro level).
In order to demonstrate the position of economic terminology at the macro and micro
levels, German classification is used as a basis in the work. Initially, in the graphic classification
the professional language of one of the economic theories is presented, namely, the professional
language of "political economy". As you know, in linguistics there are attempts to distinguish
between "professional language" and "terminology." German linguists, including those dealing
with the problems of the language of economics, for the most part put an equal sign between
them, distinguishing between scientific-theoretical, popular-publicistic and practical styles. In
our work, this point of view is not shared. Professionalism, of course, is close to terminology,
since both are used to communicate in the same field. However, professionalisms are not defined
and not standardized, but it is important that they are secondary names of various phenomena
and often act as synonyms for special terminology. “The existence of professionalism is caused
by at least two factors acting in oral professional speech: the desire to reduce some common
expressions and the tendency to replace too often used special words with more expressive,
figurative synonyms” [6]. German classification allows us to show quite well the heterogeneity
of the concept of “economic terminology” at the vertical level and to reveal its interdisciplinary
The vertical level of classification characterizes various sectors of the economy, i.e.
internal heterogeneity and versatility of the concept of "economy" and, accordingly, its
terminology. The concept of "economic terminology" is a general, broad designation for
highly specialized terminology systems. These include the terminology of banking, enterprises,
insurance systems, the global and agricultural economies, foreign trade and marketing, and
many others (see Fig. 1 in Annex 2).
At the horizontal level, interdisciplinary interconnections of the “economy” and,
accordingly, the parallel use of a certain number of terms are presented. It is sometimes
impossible to draw clear boundaries in the use of certain terms at the junction of two disciplines.
Many controversial issues of an economic nature are resolved at the legal level. As an example,
consider the use of the term “losses” in the economic and legal fields. In the first case, we are
talking about the excess of expenses over income in the process of production and economic
activity. In civil law, this term refers to losses expressed in monetary form, and distinguish
between real damage and loss of profit. Damage or loss of profits arising from an offense in a
business environment is considered within the framework of economic justice. Similar examples
of the parallel use of terms are at the intersection of the interests of economics and politics,
geography, statistics, and history.
The following diagram illustrates the position of economic terminology in the general
literary language (See Fig. 2 in Annex 3).
German scholar notes that there is no homogeneous concept of “economic vocabulary”,
speaking of economic vocabulary, rather it should be borne in mind the heterogeneous variety of
different forms of the language of professional communication [6]. Thus, the above classification
allows us to demonstrate the peculiarity and specificity of economic terminology and its
relationship with the lexical composition of the general literary language.
The term system of economics appears in relation to common vocabulary as part of the
whole. This whole plays the role of a linguistic background, on which the general and specific
qualities of the particular are manifested. The terms of the economy in relation to the entire
terminological system are in a single to general position, within the framework of which the
place and role of each individual term are defined and specified. The duality and consistency of
economic terms allows us to reveal the picture of their existence in the system and the
functioning of the system itself as a whole.
The terms of the economy as elements of special vocabulary are characterized by special
systemic qualities. So, the term (деньги) “money” has common sense and can build semantic
combinations with different words: (сорить деньгами, делать деньги, грязные деньги); pocket
money, to throw money, to make money. In the term system, this word has the meaning of
"universal equivalent of goods." This terminological content and determines its place in the
system and the relationship with other elements of the system. As a result, it`s possible to
conclude that the term is contained in the term system, and the term system is an integral part of
commonly used vocabulary. namely, part of the language.

1.3. Methods, Types, Ways, and Features of Translation

In my opinion, this concept is multifaceted, because it denotes not only the process of
activity, but also its result. Specialists involved in the study of translation theory are still
debating the definition of this concept. The statement is a confirmation of the above: “the history
of the theory of translation can be represented as a discussion of the various meanings of the
word “translation”” [5]. If we consult the dictionary, we will find that the concept of
"translation" has 5 meanings. It is logical that there are meanings that are not of interest to a
linguist (such as “reassignment of a person” – “перевод человека на новую должность”),
however, the word “transfer” even in the context of “transfer from one language to another” has
two different meanings [24]:
“translation as a result of a certain process”, i.e. there is designation of a translated text
as such (e.g., in sentences: “This is a very successful translation of Haley’s novel”- “Это очень
удачный перевод романа Хэйли”);
"translation as a process itself", i.e. actions of the translator to create the text of the
translation, that is, inter-lingual conversion or transformation of the S. L. into the T. L.. In my
opinion, the translation process is a recreation of the text from S.L. in T.L. Let us recall the
well-known statement: “to translate a work from one language to another is like removing skin
from it, transferring it across the border and dress there in a national costume”. When
translating, it is necessary to take into account the context of the use of terms, the mentality of
the people, especially the functioning of the socio-economic field in a certain cultural space.
Financial and economic translation is no exception. For the first, we will analyze the types and
ways of translation [8].
1. There are 5 basic styles of speech (see Fig. 3 in Annex 4). The fact that the text belongs
to one of these styles determines its goals and objectives, as well as the distinguishing features
that are characteristics of this text style already in the target language. When translating between
two journalistic, scientific, texts, a certain connection is established. Comparing the two texts, it
is possible to understand how its form and content changed during the translation process.
2. According to the presentation form of the translation text and the original text
(psycholinguistic classification), interpretation and translation, as well as their derivatives, are
distinguished (see Fig. 4 in Annex 5).
3. In accordance with the genre-stylistic classification (by the nature of the texts being
translated), put forward by scholars, there are 2 categories of translation: literary translation,
informative (special) translation.
4. According to the criterion of the direction of translation, one can distinguish: unilateral
translation, bilateral translation.
5. By the ratio of the types of the T. L. and the S. L., the translations are divided into:
intralingual translation, diachronic (historical) translation, transposition, binary translation,
intersemiotic translation, transmutation.
6. According to the general characteristics of the subject of translation activity and its
relation to the author of the translated text, translations are classified as: traditional translation,
translation made or performed by a translator who is not at the same time the author of the
translated text, authorial (auto) translation, authorized translation (translation approved by the
author of the text), machine (automatic) translation, mixed translation.
7. The following division of the types of translation takes place on the basis of
completeness, as well as a method of conveying the meaning and content of the original work.
There is a complete (continuous) and momentary (incomplete) translation. Momentary

translation, in turn, is divided into shortened translation, fragmentary translation, aspective
translation, annotation translation and abstract translation.
8. Based on the genre-stylistic characteristics of the translated material and genre
affiliation, all translations are divided into: technical-scientific translation, socio-political
translation, literary translation, military translation, legal translation, household translation. (See
Fig. 5 in Annex 6)
9. According to the type of translation segmentation of the text and the units of translation
used, all translations are divided into: pomorphic, word-by-word, phrase-by-phrase, paragraph-
by-phrase, whole-text translation.
10. On the basis of the nature and quality of the correspondence of the text of the
translation to the original text, translations are: free translation, faithful translation, adequate
translation, authentic translation, certified translation (notarized).
11. On the basis of the main pragmatic function, the following are distinguished: practical
translation (working (informational) translation, publishing (print, published) translation,
educational translation, experimental translation.
12. On the basis of primary / non-primary nature of the original text, the following are
distinguished: direct (primary) translation (translation directly from the original), indirect
(secondary) translation (translation of the non-original), reverse translation (translation into the
original language).
13. By type of adequacy are allocated; adequate translation, semantically-stylistically
adequate translation, pragmatic (functionally) adequate translation, deserative-adequate
14. As wrote P. Newmark in his book [9], it`s possible to distinguish four types of text
(non-literary and literary); 1) narrative, 2) description, 3) discussion, 4) dialogue.
15. There are 6 types of translation of economic texts (see Fig. 6 in Annex 7).
Since translation is a multidimensional phenomenon, there are various approaches and
strategies for translation. Let's get acquainted with the concept of “translation method”. Since the
question of the definition of the above concept is still open, we will proceed from the definition
of Minyar-Beloruchev : “The method does not exist as an objective regularity that determines
the actions of a translator, but as a system of actions developed by a person based on
experience ... Translation method - purposeful system of interconnected ways, taking into
account the type of translation and naturally existing ways of translation ”[ 23].

Based on the data proposed by the site [7], as well as on the concept of P. Newmark [9],
the following translation methods are distinguished . Depending on the text and its complexity,
one or another translation method is selected (see Fig. 8 in Annex 9).
There are also translation methods put forward by R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev (see Fig. 7 in
Annex 8).
Describing the processes that occur during translation, scientists use such concepts as
“method”, “way”. In order to have a more complete understanding of translation as such, it is
necessary to distinguish between the above concepts. What is a translation wat?
The answer to this question can be the work of R. Minyar-Beloruchev. The general theory
of translation and interpretation: “that “the way is the basic rule for achieving the goal that
reflects the objectively existing laws of reality ... The way is not an activity, not a system of
actions, but a psychological operation that implements the action. Going from one language to
another to express an already formulated thought, to re-designate an object, is possible only with
one of the existing ways of translation”” [23]. In other words, the way of translation is the
objectively existing regularity of the translation of one language to another.
According uses two main methods in the translation process (See Fig. 9 in Annex 10).
When translating economic and financial texts, must be respected; 1) accuracy (all information
contained in the original text should be reflected in the translation), 2) brevity (set out in a
concise and concise form), 3) clarity (concise and concise language of the translation should not
interfere with the presentation of the vocabulary and its understanding) , 4) expressivity (the use
of emotionally evaluative vocabulary is the main tool for influencing the reader’s mind) [7].
Summing this chapter up, it can be stated that translation of financial and banking terms
may be required not only within the limits of a company, such translations may be required by an
individual and if he plans to open an account in a foreign bank or apply for a bank loan abroad
(for example, when buying a property). In addition, a translation regarding the banking field may
be needed when an embassy requires a statement on the current account. Taking into account the
specific information to be transferred, the translator of the banking and financial documentation
must ensure the confidentiality of the information needed to be translated, where usually
translation agencies sign a nondisclosure agreement.

The complexity of the translation of economic and banking texts depends not only on the
complexity of the texts themselves, but also on the level of translation requirements, on who the
future consumer of the translation is: people whose knowledge in economics or banking is not
much greater than that of the translator, experts and analysts who thoroughly know all the details
of economic and banking terminology.
It is considered that economic translation largely goes beyond the scope of technical
translation and requires the translator to have special knowledge and understanding of the
differences and features that exist in the practice of compiling banking documents, applying
legislative norms and interpreting terms in our country and abroad.
The main solution to the problems arising in the translation of economic or banking
documents is the translator’s frequent appeal to a huge number of paper and electronic
dictionaries, various textbooks and reference books, as well as texts and glossaries available on
the global Internet, a more thorough analysis and translation of foreign text, and also the
availability of experience and continuous training of translators themselves.
Translation of economic texts to a greater extent than other types and genres of translation
involves not only working with dictionaries and reference books, but also where necessary,
advising specialists in the translation of the most complex terms.
Among other things, there are currently many websites for translators where you can get
advice from other translators, find text and translation of similar documents for a sample, or a
glossary on specific topics.
Sometimes it is inattention or a rush in translation, as well as excessive confidence in one's
own strengths that just cause incorrect and incorrect translation of scientific or business texts
which often leads to serious misunderstandings.

For a more accurate translation of economic or banking texts, it is necessary to correctly
and very clearly classify banking terms.

2.1. On Arthur Hailey and His Novel

Arthur Hailey (April 5, 1920, Luton, England - November 24, 2004, New Providence,
Bahamas) is a British-Canadian writer who revived the production novel genre.
He was born in England, from 1952 he became a citizen of Canada, but he has good reason
to be considered an American writer (all of his major works were first published in America and
they were written based on American material).
His works are distinguished not only by a careful study of the details of the technological
process, all the material is presented in a language accessible to the lay reader, and his work
touches on human relationships in the work process. Not having completed his education, Haley
served during the war years in the reserve of the British Air Force, then moved to North
America, where he began to study journalism. Originally a television screenwriter and author of
plays, Arthur Haley, starting in the late 1950s, goes on to compose action-packed novels that are
becoming very popular. However, the author himself did not consider his work a serious writing
work and called himself just a writer.
From the first books, A. Hailey began to raise socially significant questions, to which he
himself tried to find answers. Its main characters have always been ordinary people who were
forced to act by the circumstances. In each of his novels there was a famously twisted intrigue;
each of his novels was distinguished by details of what was happening and realism. Carefully
selected information, days spent studying special literature and official documents - all these
efforts made Arthur Haley's works not just novels, but masterpieces of world literature.
The first bestseller is the play “Runway” (a TV play was put on it, and then it formed the
basis of the film “Hour Zero”.
The work of Arthur Hailey includes the following works:
1958. Runway Zero-Eight
1959. Final Diagnosis
1960. In High Places
1965. Hotel
1968. Aeroport
1971. Wheels
1975. Monechangers
1979. Overload
1984. Strong Medicine
1990. The Evening News
1997. Detective
In the center of our attention is the novel "Moneychangers"
Everyone knows perfectly well how difficult it is to accumulate capital, but when it is still
possible to achieve the set goal, it is even more difficult to preserve it. This is what is narrated in
the action-packed production novel by A. Hailey, “Moneychangers,” which, like most of the
author’s works, has become a bestseller. What tricks are being carried out in the world of
business, what tricks are bankers and the mafia of counterfeiters in order to appropriate other
people's financial resources? You can find answers to these and many other, moral, questions
plunged into the atmosphere of banking, shrouded in economic and financial terms [16].
The events of the novel revolve around the activities of a reputable bank, which is even
one of the ten largest in the country.
Haley periodically introduces her thoughts about monetary policies, the essence of money
and the economy into the story, I think this was caused by the news background - the abolition of
the gold standard in 1971, when the United States turned on its printing press around the clock,
inflation problems, emerging problems with the main currency countries, the inevitable collapse
of the dollar is predicted, while no one then could have imagined that the united euro would
replace liras, francs, and brands.
Today, this fact is unlikely to surprise anyone, but for that time it could very well have
seemed very urgent and fascinating. But not so deep as to bear the burden of time. Somewhere in
the middle of the novel, you begin to lose interest, because you understand that the author is not
a jerk from “his own gold standard”, but I do not blame the author for this, but the time and the
fact that the author paved the way for development of this direction in literature and cinema, we
watched too many similar films and re-read books.
As in the other books of A. Hailey, the book “Moneychangers” describes the imprint on
the life of people in the banking sector: some people are thrown out of the orbit of life, some are
exalted to the top, some are deprived of everything.
Hailey contrasts the paths of 2 bank directors, Roscoe, with a seemingly trustworthy
person with strong convictions and values, a decent, and Alex, a young banker of a new
formation who supports changes in the bank, a person with a broken marriage and having
acquaintances in circles who undermine his reputation as a banker. Roscoe, guided by ambitious
aspirations, is slowly changing his values, which leads him to a dead end and to the grave. Alex

withstands the fire of criticism and his values come out even stronger and it is with his name that
the history of the bank will be connected.
The peculiarity of Hailey’s work is that the energy center of his novels is not so much the
heroes as the system in which they work: the airport, the automobile plant. In the novel
"Moneychangers", this is a bank (of course, a fictional one), which is included in the top 20
credit organizations in the USA. The novel was published in 1975, but it is simply amazing how
relevant it is today. The struggle for influence between various groups in the bank, the
mechanism of corruption of its senior functionaries by a large corporation, seeking huge credit
and unreasonable preferences, the use of client funds to buy securities in the interests of "their
own", panic among investors (when all this becomes clear). Plastic card fraud and the boisterous
activity of non-bank lenders - financial companies and money lenders, lending “to paycheck” at
1% per day - all this and much more is presented in a fascinating and accessible form and with
amazing knowledge of how the bank works.
Having precisely calculated the composition of the novel, skillfully manipulating the plot
threads, Haley demonstrates the abilities of an outstanding, albeit superficial, narrator.
This is not to say that the author captivates the reader with banking details, rather with
corporate backstage. The innovative idea presented by him for that time with automation is
interesting, although I do not think that he acted in this case as a science fiction writer.
Now, without hesitation, we use ATMs and online banking, but in this book, everything is
in the “old style” [4].
Balancing on the verge between “serious” and “mass” literature, Haley’s novels do not
pretend to be thorough psychological analysis and to penetrate deeply into the essence of
reproducible conflicts. Much of these books derive from the practice of journalistic reporting
and, on the other hand, are a response to intensified since the mid-60s. interest in the
documentary and journalistic genre.
A. Hailey has always been considered the flagship of the production novel, and by the 80s
there was a natural decline, it is logical - they told about everything or a lot, the novelty was
gone. I also believe that Haley was highly appreciated in our country (when, as in his USA, he
clearly belonged to the print level for the general consumer audience, a mass writer), since the
world he described and inaccessible to us was akin to peeping at the keyhole of capitalism, with
its gloss and gloss, while Haley always represented the shortcomings of capitalism, so he went
through the “Iron Curtain”.
From the plot-compositional point of view, the professional novel in general and Arthur
Haley’s novels in particular are limited to a narrow professional sphere. Love lines, lines of
friendship and betrayal are present, but the main component of the narrative is the production
activity of people.
One of the researchers of the A. Hailey`s creativity K. A. Kerer notes the following
features of the production novel: authenticity, realism, almost anatomical character of the
depicted events and the maximum detailing of that professional activity, within the framework of
which the narrative takes place [16].
The main constant features of the production novel, on which the narrative in the works of
this genre is based, include: a dynamic plot; the whole action is described against the background
of some kind of production process; information about how a particular device, system, and how
they affect society is readily available; all heroes are directly or indirectly included in the
production process; the reader is introduced into the course of the production process, not only in
the human, but also in the business, working relations of the heroes.
At the same time, Haley does not consider the need to decipher special terms, on the
contrary, emphasizes that they are not only the language of professional communication, but also
the language that is characteristic of certain layers of society in certain situations.
This, due to differences in mentality, vocabulary of most foreign non-English-speaking
readers, leads to significant difficulties in translation.

2. 2. Classification of Banking Terminology

An important role in terminological activity is the classification of terms. It is thanks to the
ramified, multi-stage classification process that the logical volume of concepts of terms is
visually divided.
The term “classification” (from Latin classis - discharge and facere - to do) is organically
characterized by two processes, one following from the other: the process of “distribution” into
classes and the results of this process - a system of related concepts of any field of knowledge or
human activity [2].
It is known that each classification pursues a specific goal, which dictates the choice of the
basis for classification. First of all, we are talking about determining the place of a classified unit
(object) in a particular system and thereby establishing some links between these units. Since
goals can be varied and heterogeneous, the same group of concepts can be classified for a variety
of reasons. The goals of the divisions and their foundations are determined by certain practical or
theoretical considerations, to which the rules of division have no relation. The essence of these
rules is reduced to the requirement that the basis in the future within the limits of the division
does not change.
The basis of classification (fundamentum divisionis), i.e. by what criteria is the division of
the volume of concepts carried out, are there separate signs of the terms (substantial, formal,
functional, etc.). However, these criteria relate to the consideration of terminological concepts
themselves. Classification plays a double role: it is used both in the analysis of terminated
means, and in the analysis of lexical means for their designation.
The classification process is inextricably linked with logical division. According to S.
Stebbing, these two processes are oppositely directed, but at the same time, their inner essence is
one. The only difference is that the logician considers words from the point of view of their
connection with concepts, the linguist, analyzing the words, first of all draws attention to the
possibility of including them in the text for an adequate transfer of thought. The logician deals
with an ideal object, the classification of a linguist is based on linguistic matter [10].
Strict classification helps identify groups of terminological phrases, systematize the
material on a conceptual basis, and also demonstrate the relationship of elements within the
group. We adhere to the point of view of D. Shmelev, according to which the study of lexical-
thematic groups from different angles contributes to the disclosure of the general processes of
vocabulary development, since “for linguistics it is not at all indifferent to how this subject-
semantic domain is divided in each specific language, what signs of objects are reflected in
individual names, and therefore, it characterizes the individual members of a particular thematic
group. When highlighting thematic groups of names, it is significant that, when displaying
certain phenomena of reality, words in the language are interconnected, just as the phenomena of
reality itself displayed by them are interconnected” [31].
By organizing the banking terms of English and Russian, it is possible to identify groups of
terminological phrases, organize the material on a conceptual basis, and also demonstrate the
relationship of elements within the group.
Of course, when building the classification of this terminological system, we take into
account, on the one hand, the presence of verbal inventory, as well as expressive units in both
languages, and, on the other, their organization ability.
The following linguistic classifications allow us to group industry terms according to
intralingual and extralinguistic characteristics.
Terms by nature function in specialized texts. In this case, we consider banking and
financial texts. I. Colenciuc divides the entire vocabulary of specialized texts into 2 layers [1]:
1) common words,
2) terminological word combination.

Moreover, the first layer of “Common words” is subsequently divided into an additional 5
parts. Each part contains a certain category of words.
1. Words that are not known to students until they take a course in specialized translation,
although they are used in specialized literature. For example, in scientific and technical texts, the
verb “to attack” means приступать к решению задачи, but not нападать.
2. The words that, generally speaking, are not utilized in their exceptional implications past
logical and specialized writings, i.e., “to regard” – рассматривать, считать. In this subgroup
we can incorporate an extraordinary number of assistant words that are not concentrated
previously. For example, “on account of” – из-за, вследствие, “with reference” – в
3. The words and word combinations that serve the intelligent ties between discrete pieces
of content and, thusly, they accommodate the rationale of portrayal. For example, “to begin
with” – прежде всего, “furthermore” – кроме того, более того.
Some of words look like adverbs, however they contrast in significance while being
interpreted. For example, the adverb “still” has the meaning еще.
4. The words and word combinations that serve for communicating the creator's mentality
either to the connection of realities or the capability of contentions. For example, “needless to
say” – не вызывает сомнения.
5. The phraseological word combinations that are utilized in specific writings. The
exceptional eccentricity of these etymological units is their coloring. The most common word
combinations of this sort are the following: “to be under way” – осуществляться,
проводиться в данное время.
As for the second layer of terms “terminological word combination”, I. Colenciuc divides
it into 3 parts:
1) simple terms (income-доход);
2) common terms (overproduction -перепроизводство);
3) word commination terms (bootstrapping- бутстрэппинг)[1].
The composition of the terminology is not homogeneous, therefore, some terminologists
distinguish other types and subspecies of special vocabulary, as a rule, highlighting them in
comparison and contrasting with the term [21]. Therefore, in special vocabulary there are:terms;
nomenclature, nomenclature names; professionalism.
Now I propose to analyze the classifications of terms included in the economic
terminological system that were developed by V. Leichik and D. Lotte.

In a linguistic sense, the terms are lexical-grammatical units of a language. As a lexico-
grammatical unit of a language, the term has semantics and meaning. Terms are divided
according to the following criteria; by content, language form, functions, origin, semantic
structure, from the point of view of semantics, from the point of view of belonging and other
D. Lotte singled out such categories of terms as terms of objects, terms of processes,
terms of properties and quantities. According to the classification, the terms are divided into:
term of objects, terms of process, terms of state, terms of regimes, terms of properties,
terms of quantities, terms-units of measurements, science and industry terms, terms of
professions and occupations [22].
The first type of classification of banking terms is the separation of terms by content
structure. It allows you to highlight:
1) term of objects (public bank - коммерческий банк; currencies- денежные единицы,
reverse mortgage - обратная ипотека);
2) terms of process (modern issues - современные выпуски монет из драгоценных
металлов для коллекционеров и инвесторов, trade- торговля, «pyramiding» -
строительство финансовой пирамиды);
3) terms of features and properties (rich - завышенный, слишком высокий; transferable –
переводной, asset turnover – оборачиваемость активов);
4) terms of quantities (tala - денежная единица Северного Самоа; lei - национальная
единица валюты Республики Молдова, liquidity ratio – коэффициент ликвидности).
The second classification considers terms from the point of view of the source of their
origin. There are 4 main groups of primordial, borrowed, international and hybrid terms,
consisting of elements of different languages:
1) primordial: bid - заявка, предложение о покупке, trade - торговля, good-товары;
2) borrowed: loan - ссуда, Middle English period; origin: Old Norse lán), tariff – тариф,
(borrowing period: late 16th century; origin: French ← Italian tariffa ← Arab arrafa
3) international: investment - инвестиция, bank - банк, budget - бюджет, broker -
4) hybrid: breakpoint sale - продажа сверх оговоренного лимита (“break” – native
English root, point has a Latin origin “pungere”), foreclosure- арест собственности за
неуплату долга (fore – native English root, “closure” comes from an old French noun closure).
The third classification divides banking terms by their area of distribution:
1) general scientific (thesis, problem, analysis, system, structure);
2) inter-scientific (economist, cost, vulnerable stock, underwriter);
3) narrowly-specialized (lessor, consensus forecast, perception study).
The next fourth type of classification builds special units according to the (meaningful)
semantic structure. Monosemantics, an indispensable requirement for the term, is found only in
theory, in practice - we see a completely different picture. This classification allows you to
1. Unambiguous terms (lazy capital - свободные средства, tax-налог, inflation-
инфляция, equity fund - инвестиционный фонд);
2. Ambiguous terms (market - рынок, 1) equipped or non-equipped area where mass hand-
held trading takes place; 2) the totality of economic relations between market entities regarding
the movement of goods and money, which are based on mutual agreement, equivalence and
competition; 3) organization (legal entity) - providing rental of retail space, real estate, and
commercial equipment, as well as a range of sanitary and hygienic services necessary for
conducting trade operations).
The fifth classification of terms occurs in terms of the formal structure of the term,
1) terms - words (simple or one-word terms) - (income -доход);
2) terms-phrases (complex or few words terms) – (public sector – бюджетная сфера).
Speaking of classification according to the form of the term, we terminate the terms-words
into 3 categories;
1) root or non-derivative (balance-баланс, option- опцион)
2) derivatives (lessor – лизингодатель, surcharge- наценка, depositor- вкладчик);
3) complex (competitiveness- конкурентоспособность, leaseback- возвратный лизинг);
4) Abbreviations and Acronyms (automated teller machine – ATM (банкомат).
I want to note that Golovin and Kobrin adheres to the same classification [13].
There are a number of researchers who classify in a different way. For example, S. Grinev-
Grinevichi divided the term words into several structural types [14]:
1) root terms (consist of one root), for example: state- государство, income- доход, tax-
2) affix terms (composed of root and affixes):
− suffixes, for example: liberalization -либерализация
− prefixes, for example: nonprofit - некоммерческая организация

− suffixes + prefixes e.g.: unemployment - безработица, insurance- страховка
3) complex terms are complex (consisting of two or more roots), for example: network-
сеть, lawmaker- законодатель, bootstrapping- самозагрузка.
From the point of view of origin, terms-words can be;
1) non-derivative - borrowed from other layers of vocabulary or other languages without
changing the form,
2) derivatives - formed using morphological methods of word formation, as well as formed
using various types of morphological and syntactic formation of words from phrases.
1. Composite (formed by adding the basics of the original phrase) depository bank-
депозитный банк – банкдепозитарий;
2. Elliptic (formed by the omission of one of the words of the original phrase) private
individual investor → private individual – «частный инвестор»;
3) abbreviations (formed from truncations of the original phrases) Client
Relationship Management (CRM) – управление отношениями с клиентами.
Derivatives terms are divided into;
1) prefixal (delisting- делистинг, recapitalization-рекапитализация);
2) suffix (investor- инвестор, shareholder- акционер);
3) apocope-terms, formed by omitting parts of the original word (due dil[igence] -
дью дил[иженс] – «должная добросовестность» — the procedure for drawing up an objective
idea of the investee, including an assessment of investment risks, an independent assessment of
the investee, etc.).
Abbreviations are divided into;
1) complex, formed by the addition of parts and whole words– invest[ment] banking
(IBK)- инвест[иционный]+банк;
2) complex-apocopated, formed by the addition of the initial parts (apocopes) of
words –invest[ment] com[pany]- инвест[иционная]+ком[пания];
3) telescopic, formed by adding the initial part of the first and final part of the second
word of the original phrase – web +[broad]cast;
4) acronym terms formed by adding the initial letters and / or sounds of the words in
the original phrase – I[nvestor]+R[elations]+O[fficer].
As for the terms, phrases, they are classified in terms of semantics:
1. Decomposable Terms
1) stable (including phraseological) phrases (production costs - производственные
2) free phrases (unfair competition - недобросовестная конкуренция).
2. Indecomposable Terms
1) terms - phraseological units ( Golden Parachute- компенсация, выплачиваемая
руководителям акционерного общества в случае их увольнения либо ухода в отставку по
собственной инициативе в результате поглощения этой компании другой или смены
собственника [24]). 
There is also a structural classification of collocation terms;
1) simple terms, phrases, consisting of two significant words (main and dependent), for
example; interest rate - процентная ставка:
2) complex phrases consisting of three or more significant words and service words, for
example; money market deposit account- депозитные счета денежного рынка.
Terms-phrases consist of several interconnected terms and are divided, in turn, into two-,
three-, four-, multi-component. When analyzing the corpus of English terminology, the
following terminological phrases were identified;
1) one component (beneficiary- бенефициар, льготник, получатель);
2) two-component (limited liability - ограниченная ответственность, individual
investor - частный инвестор);
3) three Component (chief communications officer- директор по связям с
4) four-component (corporate income tax rate- ставка корпоративного подоходного
5) five-component (money market mutual fund shares - акции инвестиционного фонда
открытого типа) and so on.
It is important to note that multicomponent terms for convenience turn into acronyms or
abbreviations: loan-to-value ratio – LTV (отношение суммы кредита к рыночной
стоимости залога); federal emergency management agency – FEMA (Федеральное
агентство по чрезвычайным ситуациям).
Another important point that requires a detailed study is the presence in banking
terminology of the English language of such terms as;
1) numerical term (8th bond- облигация с дивидендом в 1/8, 100-day moving average -
движущееся среднее значение рыночных цен с «шагом» усреднения 100 дней);
2) symbols - words;
1. Sign symbolic word (% - процент);

2. Alphabetic symbol words (Basel Accord II- Базель II (Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision, International Convergence of Measuring Capital and Capital Standards,
QR code- код быстрого реагирования, (бар-код)).
The sixth type of classification describes the terms in terms of concretization of
meaning. So, banking terms may have;
1) specific meaning (share- акция);
2) abstract meaning (price lining- линейное выстраивание цен).
The last seventh type of classification reflects the grammatical aspect. It subdivides the
following types of terms;
1) noun terms (payroll- платёжная ведомость, bail- залог);
2) verb terms (to onsell- перепродать ценную бумагу или иной актив);
3) adjective terms (provident- экономный);
4) adverbs (on application- по требованию, charge-off- списанный долг);
5) participle terms of the 1st, 2nd type (galloping- галопирующий, mixed-cмешанный)
This classification is not accurate, since it does not convey the grammatical structure of
multicomponent terms. For a more detailed classification of multicomponent terms, I propose to
present each part of the speech with an abbreviation; N- Noun, V- Verb, Adj- Adjective, Adv-
Adverb, Prep- Preposition and other.
N: tax.
N N: cashpoint.
N+N: dividend account.
N + N + N: money market fund.
N Ad: charge-off.
V N: spreadsheet
Prep. N: withdrawal.
Adj-N: open-market operations.
Participle II+ N: broken date
Adj+N: national currency.
Participle I + N: emerging marke.
Participle I + N+N: accounting rate of return.
N + of + N: method of payment, letter of credit.
Prep + V: mismatch, и так далее.
Now, I want to introduce you to the non-linguistic classifications of banking terminology.
The first non-linguistic classification is the separation of terms by frequency of use;
1) high frequency (share- акция);
2) medium frequency (interest rate- процентная ставка);
3) low frequency (contango- контанго).
The second division of terms by field of use;
1) universal (percentage- процент);
2) unique (mortgage revenue bond- облигация под доходы от ипотек);
3) conceptual-author’s terms (stealth tax- скрытый» налог).
Terms can be considered, taking into account the historical aspect: for each era can be
created its own historical classification of terms, which indicate;
1) terms-archaisms (Sovkhoz, kolhoz)
2) terms- historisms (shilling);
3) terms - neologisms (Futures).
When considering the terms of economic terminology, it is necessary to give a
classification that depends on the structure of the industry. In this regard, banking terms fall into
such sections as:
1) banking (debet balance- дебетовое сальдо);
2) exchange transactions (cock date- неординарный срок);
3) accounting (general account- счет в главной книге);
4) investments (warrant- варрант);
5) insurance (compromised loss- компромиссный убыток);
6) management Theory (retention of staff- сохранение кадров);
7) trade (commodity swap- товарный своп);
8) legal terminology (first impression- отсутствие прецедентов).
The sociological approach allows us to construct a classification of terms by authorship;
collective and individual terms described in the literature. As soon as the theory in which this
term appears becomes generally accepted, being confirmed by practice, individual terms become
a social phenomenon.

2.3. Translation Analysis

In this part of our practical chapter, we resort to translation analysis. We quote the novel
and translation made by professionals and provide our comments.
 It was on Tuesday of that week that old Ben Rosselli, president of First Mercantile
American Bank and grandson of the bank's founder, made an announcement startling and
somber, which reverberated through every segment of the bank and far beyond [4].
 Во вторник Бен Росселли – президент банка «Фёрст Меркантайл Америкен» –
сообщил страшное известие, которое не только изменило общую ситуацию в банке,
но и получило широкий резонанс за его пределами [30].
Translation analysis.
Close attention is required to the translation of legal forms of companies and commercial
organizations, in particular. There are two main methods of translation: transliteration and the
use of an equivalent foreign term. Translators adhere to the first concept. However, in my
opinion, since the text refers to the fiction and does not apply to any kind of legal documentation,
the equivalent foreign term method should be used. According to the Merriam-Webster
dictionary, the meaning of the economic term “mercantile” is interpreted as: 1) relating to
merchants or trading; 2) relating to, or having the characteristics of mercantilism. The first
option is more appropriate in the context of this proposal: “commercial” [2]. To summarize the
above, in my opinion, a more successful variation of the translation is: «Во вторник Бен
Росселли – президент Первого Коммерческого Банка Америки – сообщил страшное
известие, которое не только изменило общую ситуацию в банке, но и получило широкий
резонанс за его пределами».
 The Austin Family Trust, which the Honorable Harold represented, held a big block of
FMA shares [4].
 Тресту “Остин фэмили”, возглавляемому достопочтенным Харольдом,
принадлежал крупный пакет акций “ФМА” [30].
Translation analysis.
For the concept of “big block of shares” in Russian, there is an equivalent that translators
have used. The abbreviation for the name of the bank was translated using transliteration. Big
block shares. Unambiguous term, phrase term. It may apply to both the banking and trading
industries. Three-component term. The structural formula is Adj + N + N. It is a high frequency
term. Stable phrase term.
 Of course, in return I may ask an occasional quid pro quo [4].
 Не исключено, что взамен я могу попросить quid pro quo [30].
Translation analysis.
Услуга за услугу (лат.). In the world of economics, as in the world of jurisprudence,
stable Latin expressions are often used. Many of them have equivalents in Russian, some lend
themselves to descriptive translation, but here the translators made the translation in
comments.Steady expression. Complete equivalence of translation.

 «So, what? » "Sure," he added, "FMA will dip a point or two on the Big Board when this
news gets out. It'll happen because most stock transactions are on behalf of nervous
nellies who can't distinguish between hysteria and fact. But just as surely the stock will
go back up within a week because the value's there, the bank is sound, and all of us on the
inside know it"[4].
 — Ну и что? Они наверняка опять поднимутся в цене в течение недели — ведь
банк-то в полном порядке, и реальная стоимость акций останется прежней. Это
понятно всякому, кто мало-мальски в нашем деле разбирается [30].
Translation analysis.
In this passage, part of the original is omitted and a complete transformation is made.
There are no apparent reasons for omission; a more complete translation would be the following:
«Ну и что? Конечно, когда все об этом узнают, ФМА упадет на пару строк на Большом
Табло. И случится это потому, что большинство фондовых сделок ведется трусишками,
которые паникуют на ровном месте. Но ФМА отыграет свои позиции в течение недели,
потому что реальная стоимость акций останется прежней, банк в полном порядке, и это
известно тем, кто разбирается в нашем деле». Dip a point or two on the Big Board. The term
is a phrase. Consists of 2 terms. The first is "Dip a point" and "the Big Board". The first term is
a phrase term. Two-component, although 3 words are represented. The structural formula of the
term V + N. The term directly refers to the banking industry. In this industry, a high-frequency
term. Free term phrase. "The Big Board. Structural formula for the term Adj + N. A stable
phrase meaning a place in New York where shares in companies are bought and sold, or the
people whose job is to do this buying or selling. High Frequency. Refers to trading.
 The offices of the bank's top echelon executives were on the same floor as the
boardroom - the 36th, high in FMA Headquarters Tower [4].
 Кабинеты руководителей банка располагались на том же этаже, что и конференц-
зал, — на 36-м, в административной башне [30].
Translation analysis.
"Bank's top echelon executives". The term phrase. Four-component. The structural
formula of the term N + Adj + N + N. The term is unambiguous. It may relate to management
theory and banking. In my opinion, it refers to the conceptual-author's sphere of use. Medium
frequency term. Complex phrase term. It is noteworthy that in Eng. the term is four-component,
but translation into Russian is a two-component phrase. An unjustified generalization of meaning
is applied here. This passage could be translated more fully as follows: «Кабинеты
руководителей банка высшего звена располагались рядом с залом заседания совета
директоров - на 36 этаже, на самом верху башни, в которой располагалась штаб-квартира
 Pieter Vandervoort, Sr. had burdened himself with a bank loan and, to pay interest on it,
labored from predawn until after darkness, usually seven days a week [4].
 Питер Вандерворт-старший взял в банке кредит и, чтобы выплачивать
проценты, гнул спину от зари до зари семь дней в неделю [30].
Translation analysis.
A slight decrease in expressivity is allowed (the word “burdened” is omitted in the
translation), but in general this does not affect the quality of the translation. "Burdened himself
with a bank loan" and "to pay interest". The first term is a phrase. Five components.
Sustainable collocation. Definitely. The structural formula is Participle II + Pron + Prp + N +
N. Medium frequency Complex phrase. The second term is also a phrase. The structural formula
is V + N. Stable phrase. Medium frequency. If the number of words in the first term in Eng. and
Rus. have the same number, then in the first term it differs. In the Russian translation, a three-
components combination versus a five-components combination in English.
 Edwina D'Orsey was branch duty officer for the week and arrived promptly at 8:30, a
half hour before the bank's ponderous bronze doors would swing open to the public [4].
 На этой неделе Эдвина Д'Орси была дежурным администратором и пришла на
работу в 8.30 — за полчаса до того, как массивные бронзовые двери открываются
для клиентов [30].
Translation analysis.
"Duty officer". Simple term phrase. Two-component. High frequency. Stable phrase. The
structural formula is N + N. Terms with a grammatical structure in English N + N are translated
into Russian using the Adj + N structure. The number of components in English and Russian is
 In cash alone, nearly a million dollars in currency and coinage would be under his
control through the next six operating hours [4].
 Только наличными за шесть рабочих часов через его руки пройдет около миллиона
долларов — банкнотами и мелочью [30].
Translation analysis.
"Currency" and "coinage". Both terms are unambiguous word terms. Simple or root terms
words. High-frequency. Relate to almost all banking sectors; audit, trade, insurance and so on.
The structural formula of the first term is N and the second is also N. Both terms refer to terms
for objects. When translated into Russian, these terms have Russian equivalents.
 As Edwina stood back, the senior teller and Miles Eastin together swung open the huge,
precision-engineered vault door [4].
 Эдвина отступила назад, а старший кассир и Майлз Истин распахнули огромную,
сконструированную по последнему слову техники дверь в хранилище [30].
Translation analysis.
Paraphrasing. Descriptive Translation. However, in my opinion, I would change the order
of words «…дверь в хранилище, выполненная по последнему слову техники». "Precision-
engineered vault door". The term phrase. Stable phrase. Unambiguous. The structural formula of
the term N-Participle II + N + N.
 Because of his studies, Eastin had also become the resident expert on counterfeit money,
and doubtful bills which turned up were referred to him for his opinion [4].
 Кроме того, Истин был настоящим экспертом по части фальшивых денег —
всякий раз, когда банкнота вызывала сомнения, к нему обращались за
консультацией [30].
Translation analysis.
"The resident expert on counterfeit money". The term phrase. Four-component.
Complex, unambiguous, stable phrase. This term can be attributed to banking, trade, to the legal
terms of the banking terminal. The structural formula of the term is Adj + N + N + N. When
translating into Russian, a semantic substitution was made: the English word "resident" in
translation corresponds to its semantic equivalent "настоящий", since in this context, when
using the dictionary correspondences of this lexeme, "свойственный ", "присущий " would
have seemed inappropriate.
 Cash arriving in large volume always came early in the morning, having been
transferred earlier still from the Federal Reserve to First Mercantile American's own
Central Cash Vault [4].
 Огромные суммы наличных доставлялись в банк каждое утро [30].
Translation analysis
"Cash in large volume". The term phrase. Four-component. Ambiguous, complex,
unique, medium frequency. Structural Formula N +Prp+ Adj + N. Applies to all types of
banking industries; accounting, investment, insurance, trade. When translating this term, the
translator has aortic for the word "cash" plural. But you can also translate in the singular, while
the main meaning of the proposal does not change: "Огромную сумму денег доставляют в
кажде утро в банк" There are also a few more terms in this sentence; 1) Federal Reserve; 2)
First Mercantile American (bank); 3) Central Cash Vault. But the translator in this sentence
omitted part of the original and made a holistic transformation. But in my opinion, the best
translation would be; “В каждый день из Федерального резерва огромную сумму денег
доставляют в центральное хранилище «Фёрст Меркантайл Америкен» банка”.
 New currency, arriving from the Bureau of Printing and Engraving via the Federal
Reserve, was keenly competed for by banks [4].
 Каждый банк стремился заполучить новую валюту, поступавшую в “Федеральный
резерв” из монетного двора [30].
Translation analysis
"Currency". Term word. Root term of objects, hybrid term. Came to us from Middle
English as a "curraunt", but termination of the word came from Latin as a "-entis". High
frequency, simple, ambiguous. The structural formula is N. During transaltion into Russian, we
must use word-equivalent for this term: " деньги, валюта." "The Bureau of Printing and
Engraving." The term phrase, stable, complex, unique, low frequency, unambiguous. The
structural formula of the term N + Prp + Participle I + conj + Participle I. When we translate
into Russian, we must use a clear equivalent: " Бюро гравировки и печати." And no other way.
"Federal Reserve". The term phrase. Simple, unambiguous, stable, high frequency. The structural
formula of the term Adj+N. When translated into Russian, it has a clear equivalent:
“Федеральная резервная система” or, in short, “Федеральный резерв”. When translating into
Russian, the translators translated “The Bureau of Printing and Engraving” as “монетный двор”
This is fundamentally a mistake, since the “монетный двор” in English will be “United States
Mint”. Therefore, the correct translation should sound like this: “Каждый банк стремился
заполучить новую валюту, поступавшую в “Федеральный резерв” из бюро гравюроки и
 In First Mercantile American, as in any banking system, an acknowledged status symbol
was the size of a loan, which a bank official had power to sanction [4].
 В “Ферст меркантайл Америкен”, как и в структуре любого другого банка, статус
администратора определяется размерами ссуды, которую тот имел право
утверждать [30].
Translation analysis
"The size of a loan". The term phrase. High frequency, unambiguous, stable, simple phrase
term. Structural form N + Prp + N. Each term individually has a clearly defined meaning of the
word, so there is no difficulty in translating the term.
 Essentially, Edwina realized, Cliff Castleman was right because acceptable risks were
what banking was all about [4].
 В конце концов Эдвина пришла к выводу, что по большому счету Клифф Каслмен
прав — только степень оправданности риска и должна интересовать банк [30].
Translation analysis
"Acceptable risks". In order to translate this term, it is necessary to use a descriptive
translation method, which was used by translators. The term phrase. universal, high-frequency,
complex. The structural formula of the term is Adj + N. In principle, the Russian language can
be translated by a certain phrase: "приемлемый риск" or "допустимый риск". In addition, the
translator added the word "степень", which made the translation more emotional in color.
 It was here that Keycharge cardholders were given or refused credit [4].
 Именно здесь владельцы кредитных карт “Кичардж” получали разрешения или
отказы на кредиты [30].
Translation analysis
“Keycharge cardholders” is translated using the “Keycharge” transliteration method,
since there is no equivalent in the Russian language, and it is also used by a tracing method with
a change in grammatical design. In principle, in my opinion, the term "Keycharge" being the
name of one of the type of bank cards is comparable to the names of companies. Therefore, even
if "Keycharge" had an analogue in Russian, I find it more acceptable to transliterate this term.
That would be more correct. Also translate the name of other cards. For example, "Visa
Platinum" will translate as " виза платинум." The term word, stable, complex. It is formed by
adding two independent words "key" and "charge". The structural formula is N N. As for the
second term "cardholders", it is also the term word. Multivalued, unique, high-frequency, formed
by adding the two words "card" and "holder". The structural formula is N N. In the field of
banking, there is only one meaning (equivalent) to “держатель (владелец) карты”.
 These latest counterfeits," he queried, "is it likely that there's some kind of ring behind
 «Что касается этих свежих фальшивок, — спросил он, — за ними могут стоять
организованные преступные круги» [30]?
Translation analysis
"Counterfeits". Term word. The structural formula of the term is N. The term is borrowed
from the French language, which then adopted it from the Latin language. "contra-" means "in
opposition" and "facere" means "make". From French it came in the form of "contrefaire".
Unambiguous, high-frequency, applies to all sectors of banking activities. Within the framework
of financial terminology, it has the meaning of something fake, fabrication. In the general
concept, it has negative character.
In addition, there was a slight decrease in the expressiveness of the word “counterfeit” in
order to comply with stylization. In my opinion, in this case, “подделка” is a more appropriate
 Thanks to insane fiscal policies, misconceived by incompetent and corrupt politicians
who care solely about themselves and reselection, we are living amid financial disaster
which can only worsen [4].
 Благодаря безумию финансовой политики, проводимой несведущими и
продажными политиканами, сосредоточенными на собственном пупке и на
результатах выборов, нас постиг финансовый кризис, из которого нет выхода [30].
Translation analysis
"Fiscal policies". The term phrase. Simple, stable, unambiguous, universal, high
frequency. It is used in the banking, tax, exchange and investment sectors of the banking system.
The grammatical structure of N + N. When we translate this structure into Russian, corresponds
to the construction Adj + N in Russian, which was used by translators. But there is one "but."
The term "fiscal policy" has a more suitable equivalent in Russian: "налоговая политика or
бюджетная политика." Although the translator used "financial policy", which in my opinion is
not correct. "Financial disaster". The term phrase. Two-component. The structural formula is N
+ N. It is transmitted into Russian using the construction Adj + N. The term is unique, medium
frequency, simple, free phrase. In my opinion, the term “financial disaster” should be translated
as “финансовя катастрофа or бедствие”, since the “финансовый кризис” in English will be
“financial crisis”. I think that the author sought such a personal meaning, since he writes "we are
living amid", i.e. they are “inside” of financial disaster, they are at the epicenter of this.
Therefore, the best version for translating this sentence would be: "Благодаря безумию
налоговой политики, проводимой несведущими и продажными политиканами,
сосредоточенными на собственном пупке и на результатах выборов, мы оказались в
эпицентре финансовой катастрофы, из которого нет выхода".
 The possibility of a cash shortage, Eastin informed the group, first came to his attention
a few minutes before 2 P.M [4].
 Истин рассказал, что услышал о недостаче без чего-то два [30].
Translation analysis
"Cash shortage". The term phrase. Unambiguous, unique, high-frequency, stable, simple
phrase. The structural formula is N + N. There is a discrepancy in the lexical and grammatical
structure when switching to Russian: two lexemes of the source language correspond to one
lexeme of the Russian language (shortage – “недостаток, нехватка” наличные деньги”). In the
original translation, the translator “retold” the sentence in short form. There is a point, but in my
opinion, there is not enough color. The best way to translate this sentence would be: "Истин
сообщил группе, что впервые заметил о возможности нехватки наличных в районе двух
часов дня".
 `Wainwright, as a vice-president of First Mercantile American, was in charge of all
security matters in the Headquarters Tower and at branches, lithe credit-card security
division was only one of the responsibilities [4].
 Уэйнрайт, как вице-президент «Фёрст Меркантайл Америкен», отвечал за все
вопросы безопасности в Башне Штаб-квартиры и в филиалах, поэтому отдел
безопасности кредитных карт был только одной из его обязанностей [30].
Translation analysis
When translating this sentence, a grammatical transformation was made - syntactic
assimilation, which led to a complete correspondence between the number of language units and
the order from the location in the original and the translation. A tracing technique was also used
for the name of the First Mercantile American bank - “Фёрст Меркантайл Америкен”. "First
Mercantile American" is the term phrase, the name of the organization, in this case the name of
the bank. Three components. The structural formula is Num + Adj + Adj. Author term. "Credit-
card security division". The term phrase. Four-component, unique, high frequency, stable phrase.
When translating this phrase, the translator began to translate from the end. A kind of word-for-
word transaltion.
 Banks paid the ransom money, knowing the cost would be far greater if cards were
distributed through the underworld, and used [4].
 Банки заплатили выкуп, зная, что их расходы будет намного выше, если карты
будут распространяться по всему преступному миру и при этом использоваться.
Translation analysis
"The ransom money" - buyback; there is a discrepancy in the lexical and grammatical
structure when translated into Russian, two lexemes of the original language correspond to one
lexeme. Russian language. The term phrase. Two-component. Structural formula N + N. The
term is stable. Unambiguous. As for the term "underworld", this term is a word, affix term
(formed in a preffixal way), unique. It may apply both to the legal sphere and to the commercial
sphere of banking.
 Convert your U.S. dollars while you can (it may not be for long) into Deutsche marks,
Swiss francs, Dutch Guilders, Austrian schillings, Krugerrands [4].

 Обратите доллары- пока есть еще такая возможность (скоро ее не будет!) – в
немецкие марки, швейцарские франки, голландские гульдены, австрийские
шиллинги, ливанские фунты – в любую валюту [30].
 Меняйте свои доллары США, пока это возможно (маловероятно, что на долгое
время), в немецкие марки, швейцарские франки, голландские гульдены,
австрийские шиллинги, крюгеррэнды.
Translation analysis
"Convert into". The term phrase. Two-component. Simple, unambiguous, universal, high
frequency. The translator translated this word as “обратите”, which in my opinion is not true. It
can be translated as " конвертировать, менять, поменять” or “преобразовать", but not "
обратить". Structural formula V+Prp. “Dollars” is a word term. The root or simple term.
International, term of quantity. Structural formula N. This term is translated correctly by the
translator. “Marks”- term-word. The root or simple term. International, term of quantity.
Structural formula N. This term is translated correctly by the translator. “Francs”- term-word.
The root or simple term. International, term of quantity. Structural formula N. This term is
translated correctly by the translator. “Guilders” is the term word. The root or simple term.
International, term of quantity. Structural formula N. This term is translated correctly by the
translator. “Schillings” is a word term. The root or simple term. International, term of quantity.
Structural formula N. This term is translated correctly by the translator. “Krugerrands”- term-
word. The root or simple term. Author, international term of quantity. Structural formula N. This
term is translated by the translator incorrectly. Krugerrands is a South African gold coin named
after Transvaal President Paulus Kruger. And it is translated into Russian with one word: "
Крюгерранд", and sometimes "рэнд Крюгера". The term " Ливанский фунт" does not
correspond to the original, as the "Ливанский фунт" is the national currency of Lebanon.
The translator should have found information about Krugerrands. To all of the above, I
offer my, in my opinion, the correct version of the translation: "Меняйте свои доллары США,
пока это возможно (маловероятно, что на долгое время), в немецкие марки, швейцарские
франки, голландские гульдены, австрийские шиллинги, крюгеррэнды".
Summing up, we would say that the translation of terminology in literature must
precisely convey the meaning of the original text in a way that is as close as possible to the form
of the original text. The translator must resort to contextual restructuring term-meanings in the
SL that would match those in the TL.

The subject of this thesis is devoted to the extremely important and applicable in practice
professional translation of economic and financial texts. This work reveals the prospects for the
development of translation and contributes to the improvement of the translation practice system.
The scientific community of the Republic of Moldova needs a permanent application of the
experience of scientists, which is impossible without adaptation of monographs and articles on
current issues.
The dynamic development of the sphere of economics and finance necessitates the
realization of broad prospects for the development of translations of scientific texts. In the
scientific literature, this topic is not fully disclosed and requires further research. Currently, there
is no single and complete system for translating texts on economics and banking. The
terminological base is not fully formed, and the definitions proposed by scientists are not
In the theoretical part, the concepts of translation were disclosed. Definitions, a method, a
method of receptions which the translator applies in activity were revealed. The concepts were
given to such words as “term”, “term system”, “terminological field”.

According to the results of the work, we can distinguish, the main features of the term can
be attributed; the presence of a definition, the correspondence of a term to a reflected concept,
great information richness, a tendency toward unambiguity, stylistic neutrality and lack of
expression, systematic nature.
The works of domestic and foreign scientists in this field were analyzed. Of the translation
methods, the most effective classification is literal translation, literal translation, adaptation, free,
idiomatic, literary / literary translations. For the most complete disclosure of the topic, a
classification of translation methods and techniques was also carried out. The transformational
method, interlinear, modulation, equivalence proposed by scholars are highlighted.
Having analyzed all the translation techniques, having carefully studied the classifications,
we can conclude that there is no universal way / method / technique for translation. The result of
the chapter was the conclusion that there are no universal methods, methods and techniques of
The analytical part represents the main differences in the lexical-semantic /
morphosyntactic structures of the Source Language and the Target Language, which make it
impossible to convey the semantics of each term element with one similar component during
translation. The terminology of economics and financing is an important element in the
professional vocabulary of all the languages of the world, and especially the languages of the
leading economic powers of the world. This trend is a reaction to the stable growth of the
economic sphere over many centuries.
In the context of this work, practical possibilities were proposed for translating,
contributing to the reader’s clearest presentation of scientific work. The proposed comments on
the existing translations of Arthur Hailey’s novel “Moneychangers” reveal, reveal and analyze
the mistakes made by translators. The final chapter resulted in proposals for correcting identified
errors and diversifying the ability to translate texts on economics and finance.
Summing up, we would like to note that;
1. Banking has a number of specific features that affect its terminological system.
2. The terminological system of banking is an open system that actively interacts with
other layers of vocabulary.
3. The terminology of banking is a system both at the conceptual level and at the level of
terms reflecting these concepts.
4. The terminology of banking has a clear conceptual hierarchically organized structure;
the concepts of this field of knowledge are verbalized by the corresponding system of terms that
build the genus-species hierarchy.
5. In the terminology of banking, as in any dynamically developing terminological system,
there is a phenomenon of ambiguity, reflected in the phenomena of polysemy and homonymy;
These phenomena, however, are regulated by the terminological system itself and do not give
this sublanguage an a systemic character.
6. The system of concepts and the verbalizing terms of banking, highlighted on the basis of
authoritative textbooks, is fully reflected in the speech practice of banking specialists.
7. The search for modern generally accepted Russian-language equivalents of English-
speaking banking terms can be carried out using a comparative analysis of the corpus of texts in
English and Russian.

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Annex 1
Glossary of Banking Terms

№ English Definition Russian Korean

1. absorption the process of renting up поглощение 흡수
newly built or renovated
office space or apartments.
The term "absorption period"
is often used to describe the
period of time necessary for
2. account an arrangement by which an счёт (в банке) 구좌
organization, typically a
financial institution such as a
bank or credit union, accepts
a customer's financial assets
and holds them on behalf of
the customer at his or her
3. accrued the amount of interest that начисленный процент 경과이자
interest has been incurred, as of a
specific date, on a loan or
other financial obligation but
has not yet been paid out.
Accrued interest can either
be in the form of accrued
interest revenue, for the
lender, or accrued interest
expense, for the borrower
4. affiliate a business organization that филиал 지부
shares some aspect of
common ownership or
control with another business
5. allonge a paper attached to аллонж 알론즈
negotiable instruments for
signatures when there isn't
enough room on the
instruments themselves for
the signatures.
6. amendment in a letter of credit, a change поправка 변경
in terms and conditions of
the letter (e.g., extension of
the letter of credit´s validity
period, shipment deadline,
etc.) usually to meet the
needs of the seller
7. annuity a series of payments made at аннуитет 연금
equal intervals. Examples of
annuities are regular deposits
to a savings account,
monthly home mortgage
payments, monthly insurance
payments and pension
8. appraisal the act of evaluating and оценка стоимости 값 매김
setting the value of a specific (имущества)
piece of personal or real
9. availability bank's policy as to when дата зачисления 자금이 계정에
date funds deposited into an средств на счёт 적립 된
account will be available for
10. available balance in checking or on- доступный остаток 사욘 가능한 잔역
balance demand accounts that is free
for use by the customer or
account holder
11. bank examination of a bank's проверка отчетности 은행 보고서 검사
examination assets, income, and банка
expenses-as well as
operations by representatives
of Federal and State bank
supervisory authority-to
ensure that the bank is
solvent and is operating in
conformity with banking
laws and sound banking
12. bank statement a printed record of the перечень банковских 은행계정의 목록
balance in a bank account счетов
and the amounts that have
been paid into it and
withdrawn from it, issued
periodically to the holder of
the account
13. banknote piece of paper money, банкнота, купюра 지폐
constituting a central bank's
promissory note to pay a
stated sum to the bearer on
14. bankrupt a person or organization банкрот 파산 선고를 받은
declared in law as unable to 사람
pay their debts
15. bankruptcy a legal proceeding involving банкротство, 파산
a person or business that is несостоятельность
unable to repay their
outstanding debts
16. barter type of trade, either between бартер 바터
individuals or organizations,
using goods and services
rather than money
17. beneficiary a person who is entitled to бенефициар 수혜자
receive the benefits or
proceeds of a will, trust,

insurance policy, retirement
plan, annuity, or other
18. bill a bill of exchange drawn by счёт, трата, вексель 계산서
one bank on another
19. book value the value of a security or балансовая стоимость 장부 가격
asset as entered in a firm's компании
books, the total amount a
company would be worth if
it liquidated its assets and
paid back all its liabilities
20. borrow To obtain or receive money одалживать 빌리다
on loan with the promise or
understanding that it will be
21. business day any day in which normal рабочий день 근무일
business operations are
22. capital wealth in the form of money капитал
or other assets owned by a 자본
person or organization or
available for a purpose such
as starting a company or
23. capital budget a budget allocating money бюджет 자본예산
for the acquisition or капиталовложений
maintenance of fixed assets
such as land, buildings, and
24. capital a sum of money provided to капиталовложения 자본 출자
investments a company to further its
business objectives. The
term also can refer to a
company's acquisition of
long-term assets such as real
estate, manufacturing plants,
and machinery
25. cash discount an incentive that a seller скидка при оплате 현금 할인
offers to a buyer in return for наличными
paying a bill before the
scheduled due date
26. cease and a document sent to an письмо о прекращении 정지명령
desist letter individual or business to stop противоправных
purportedly illegal activity действий
("cease") and not to restart it
27. certificate of a product offered by banks депозитный 양도성예금증서
deposit and credit unions that сертификат
provides an interest rate
premium in exchange for the
customer agreeing to leave a
lump-sum deposit untouched
for a predetermined period
of time

28. charge-off a debt, for example on a списанный долг 상각
credit card, that is deemed
unlikely to be collected by
the creditor because the
borrower has become
substantially delinquent after
a period of time.
29. checking a deposit account held at a текущий счет 지로
account financial institution that
allows withdrawals and
30. cheque an order to a bank to pay a банковский чек 수표
stated sum from the drawer's
account, written on a
specially printed form
31. collateral an asset that a lender accepts имущественный залог 담보
as security for a loan
32. collection a company used by lenders агентство по сбору 채무징수대행업
agency or creditors to recover funds платежей
that are past due, or from
accounts that are in default
33. collusion a non-competitive, secret, тайный сговор 비밀 이야기
and sometimes illegal
agreement between rivals
which attempts to disrupt the
market's equilibrium
34. chairman presiding officer of an председатель 회장
organized group such as
a board, committee,
or deliberative assembly and
other organizarions.
35. credit A form to be completed by заявка о 신용 조회
application an applicant for a credit предоставлении
account, giving sufficient кредита
details (residence,
employment, income, and
existing debt) to allow the
seller to establish the
applicant's creditworthiness
36. credit report a detailed breakdown of an отчет о кредитных 신용거래 보고서
individual's credit history операциях
prepared by a credit bureau
37. credit risk the possibility of a loss вероятность 미지불 가능성
resulting from a borrower's невыплаты кредита в
failure to repay a loan or срок
meet contractual obligations
38. debit an accounting entry that дебит 차변
results in either an increase
in assets or a decrease in
liabilities on a company's
balance sheet
39. debtor a company or individual who должник, дебитор 채무자
owes money
40. default risk the risk that a lender takes on риск невыполнения 채무 불이행 위험
in the chance that a borrower обязательств
will be unable to make the
required payments on their
debt obligation
41. delinquent something or someone who правонарушитель 범법자
fails to accomplish that
which is required by law,
duty, or contractual
agreement, such as the
failure to make a required
payment or perform a
particular action
42. demand a deposit of money that can депозит до 요구불예금
deposit be withdrawn without prior востребования
notice, e.g. in a current
43. depreciation a reduction in the value of an обесценивание 감가상각
asset over time, due in
particular to wear and tear
44. dividends a sum of money paid дивиденды 배당금
regularly (typically annually)
by a company to its
shareholders out of its profits
45. entrepreneur a person who sets up a предприниматель 사업가
business or businesses,
taking on financial risks in
the hope of profit
46. equity amount of money that would акционерный капитал 자기 자본
be returned to a company’s
shareholders if all of the
assets were liquidated and all
of the company's debt was
paid off
47. escheat the right of a government to право на конфискацию 국가귀속
take ownership of estate
assets or unclaimed property
48. escrow financial instrument whereby условное 에스크로
an asset or escrow money is депонирование
held by a third party on денежной суммы у
behalf of two other parties третьего лица
that are in the process of
completing a transaction
49. estate account an account held in the name счёт на имя умершего 에스테이트 어카
of a decedent that is 운트
administered by an executor
or administrator of the estate
50. fiduciary depending for its value on фидуциарный 수탁자
securities (as opposed to
gold) or the reputation of the
51. foreclosure the action of taking лишение должника 압류
possession of a mortgaged права выкупа
property when the mortgagor заложенного
fails to keep up their имущества

mortgage payments.
52. forgery The fraudulent signing or поддельная подпись, 위조
alteration of another's name поддельный документ
to an instrument such as a
deed, mortgage, or check.
The intent of the forgery is
to deceive or defraud.
53. garnishment A case when money is наложение ареста на 양궁
legally withheld from your финансы/активы
paycheck and sent to another
54. hedge One investment purchased компенсационная 헤지
against another investment in сделка
order to counter any loss
made by either
55. indemnity a comprehensive form of гарантия от убытков, 배상금
insurance compensation for компенсация убытков
damages or loss, and in the
legal sense, it may also refer
to an exemption from
liability for damages.
56. inflation a quantitative measure of the инфляция 인플레이션
rate at which the average
price level of a basket of
selected goods and services
in an economy increases
over some period of time
57. interest rate the proportion of a loan that процентная ставка 금리
is charged as interest to the
borrower, typically
expressed as an annual
percentage of the loan
58. lease a contract outlining the terms контракт об аренде 리스
under which one party
agrees to rent property
owned by another party
59. lender an individual, a public or кредитор, ростовщик 대출자
private group, or a financial
institution that makes funds
available to another with the
expectation that the funds
will be repaid
60. loan contract a contract between a контракт на получение 대출계약
borrower and a lender which кредита
regulates the mutual
promises made by each party
61. loan fee any fee associated with a комиссионные по 대출수수료
loan or credit card that does кредиту
not include the interest rate
62. local check a check payable by, at, or местный чек 로컬 체크
through a bank in the same
check processing region. It is
the location of the branch of

the depository bank
63. malfeasance an act of outright sabotage in должностное 부정행위
which one party to a contract преступление
commits an act that causes
intentional damage
64. minimum the minimum amount that a минимальный остаток 최소 균형
balance customer must have in an
account to receive some
service benefit, such as
keeping the account open or
receiving interest
65. mortgage a debt instrument, secured by заклад, ипотека, 저당권
the collateral of specified закладная
real estate property, that the
borrower is obliged to pay
back with a predetermined
set of payments
66. mutual fund an investment programme взаимный фонд 뮤추얼 펀드
funded by shareholders that
trades in diversified holdings
and is professionally
67. outstanding a check that a company has неоплаченный чек 미결수표
check issued and recorded in its
general ledger accounts, but
the check has not yet cleared
the bank account on which it
is drawn. This means that the
bank balance will be greater
than the company's true
amount of cash.
68. overdraft a deficit in a bank account овердрафт, 당좌대월
caused by drawing more превышение кредита
money than the account
69. overlimit it refers to a cardholder превышение 오버리미트
account that has surpassed допустимого лимита
its credit limit with a
70. passbook a book issued by a bank or банковская расчётная 통장
building society to an книжка
account holder, recording
sums deposited and
71. payee a party in an exchange who получатель платежа 수취인
receives payment
72. payoff the amount necessary to pay выплата 지불
a loan in full,with all accrued
interest and fees and the
prepayment penalty, if
73. payroll the list of employees of that платежная ведомость 페이롤
company that are entitled to
receive pay and the amounts

that each should receive
74. periodic rate a rate than can be charged on периодическая ставка 페리식 레이트
a loan, or realized on an
investment over a specific
period of time
75. phishing the fraudulent practice of фишинг 피싱
sending emails purporting to
be from reputable companies
in order to induce
individuals to reveal
personal information, such
as passwords and credit card
76. prepayment an accounting term for the предоплата 선택 반전
settlement of a debt or
installment loan before its
official due date
77. profit a financial gain, especially прибыль 이익
the difference between the
amount earned and the
amount spent in buying,
operating, or producing
78. redemption the repayment of any money погашение (кредита и 속죄
market fixed-income т.д.)
security at or before the
asset's maturity date
79. redlining an unethical practice that отказ (например, в 레드라이닝
puts services (financial and выдаче ссуды) по
otherwise) out of reach for расовым соображениям
residents of certain areas
based on race or ethnicity
80. refund a payment from the state or возмещение 환불
federal government taxing
authority to reimburse an
individual for overpaid taxes
81. renewal substitution of a new обновление, 갱신
promissory note for a восстановление
maturing one;
continuation in force and
effect of a previously
existing arrangement for a
new period, as a lease or
note, on the same or
different terms
82. resolution a formal document резолюция 해상도
expressing he intention of a
board of directors of a
83. return the money made or lost on доход, прибыль, 수입
an investment over some оборот
period of time
84. reverse a financial agreement in обратная ипотека 백지백
mortgage which a homeowner

relinquishes equity in their
home in exchange for
regular payments, typically
to supplement retirement
85. right of offset the legal right of a bank to право банка арестовать 오프셋의 빛
seize deposited funds to депозиты заёмщика
cover a loan that is in default для погашения
просроченного кредита
86. safekeeping the storage of assets or other хранение 세이프키핑
items of value in a protected
87. satisfaction of a legal document indicating документ о погашении 모기지 만족도
mortgage that a mortgage loan has ипотечной
been paid in full and all the задолженности
adjacent obligations have
been fulfilled
88. security a thing deposited or pledged обеспечение (долга), 담보
as a guarantee of the залог
fulfilment of an undertaking
or the repayment of a loan,
to be forfeited in case of
89. stakeholder a party that has an interest in стейкхолдер 이해관계자
a company and can either
affect or be affected by the
90. stale-dated a check is considered to be просроченный чек 기한 수표
check stale when it is outstanding
for a period of six months or
more. A bank is not
obligated to pay a stale
91. stocks a share which entitles the акции, облигации 주식
holder to a fixed dividend,
whose payment takes
priority over that of ordinary
share dividends
92. student loan loans made, insured, or студенческая ссуда 학자금대출
guaranteed under any
program authorized by the
Higher Education Act. Loan
funds are used by the
borrower for education
93. substitute copy of checks used by копия чека 대체 체크
check banks in lieu of the original
94. tax evasion the illegal non-payment or уклонение от уплаты 탈세
underpayment of tax налогов
95. trust account a legal arrangement through доверительный счёт 트러스트 계정
which funds or assets are
held by a third party (the
trustee) for the benefit of
another party (the

beneficiary), which may be
an individual or a group
96. usury the act of lending money at ростовщичество 고리대금업
an interest rate that is
considered unreasonably
high or that is higher than
the rate permitted by law
97. wage a fixed regular payment заработная плата 임금
earned for work or services,
typically paid on a daily or
weekly basis.
98. wire transfer an electronic transfer of электронный/ 와이어 트랜스퍼
funds across a network телеграфный перевод
administered by hundreds of
banks or transfer service
agencies around the world
99. withdrawal a transaction in which a снятие денег со счёта 철수
customer receives back
money he/she had previously
deposited at a bank, pension,
or trust.
100. yield the amount of cash (in доходность 대상
percentage terms) that
returns to the owners of the
security, in the form of
interest or dividends
received from it

Annex 2.

National Enterprise National Workers

Economy Economy Terms Economy Terms Economy Terms

Economics of Economy
the Banking, ECONOMIC Insurance
Credit and System
Financial Terms
system Terms

World Foreign Trade and Economic of and much

Economy Terms Marketing Terms transport Terms more…

Fig 1. The Vertical Classification Level of the Terminological System of the Economy
[elaborated by the author]

Annex 3
Mathematics Statistics Informatics

Economics Econometrics Economic Economic

math statistics inform

Law Economic ECONOMIC Economic Geography

law CCCCCCCC geography

For Example
Economic Economic
policy history

Politics Oral Historical

Speech Science

Fig 2. The Horizontal Level of Classification of the Terminological System of the

Economy [elaborated by the author]

Annex 4
lN f(b

Fig 3. Main Styles of Speech [elaborated by the author]

Annex 5

S. T. T. T.
3 4



Fig 4. Types of Translation According to the Presentation form of the S.T. and the T. T.
[elaborated by the author]

1 –verbal to written translation (translation of the written source text, performed in

2 -interpretation (interpretation of the oral source text, performed orally);
3 -written–oral (translation of the written source text, performed orally)
4- oral-written translation (translation of an oral source speech work performed in
Taking into account the criterion of the time of translation, one can also distinguish such
varieties of interpretation as:
Consecutive translation - interpretation, performed either after the utterance of the entire
original speech product by the speaker, or in the pauses of the speaker's speech.
Simultaneous translation - interpretation, performed by the translator simultaneously
with the pronunciation of the original work by the speaker.

Annex 6

Military Medical Radiotechnic and other

and technical Socio- publicistic

Written Oral


Simultaneous Translation

Unilateral Bilateral

Liaison one-way

Fig 5. Types of Translation [elaborated by the author]

Annex 7

Translation of
Translation of general Translation of texts
financial and
economic texts of medium on management and
accounting texts,
complexity. marketing
including audit
(Macroeconomics or reports
enterprise economics,
TRANSLATION Translation of
logistics). This refers to
OF ECONOMIC texts on banking
texts where terms such as
TEXTS field
"expenses- затраты",
"spendings - расходы",
"income доход", and
"profit прибыль" are
Translation of texts Translation of texts
repeated in different
on insurance on exchange field

Fig. 6. Types of Translation of Economic Texts.

Annex 8

1. Text segmentation method ( written translation)

determination of the size of the text;

text segmentation;
isolating dominant information from each segment;
symbol of the distinguished information;
translation of detailed sentences into the Target Language;

2. Recording method (consecutive translation

division into separate parts of key information

its fixation using abbreviated letter writing

3. The method of transformation of the source text

lexical transformations
grammatical transformations
speech compression

Fig.7. Methods of Translation by R. Minyar-Beloruchev [23].

Annex 9

Word-for-word Literal translation “What are you

translation (London is the thinking about?” it distorts the meaning of
capital of Great Britain. – what was said and the output is «Что ты
Лондон – столица думаешь о? » instead of «О чём ты

Communicative думаешь? ».

translation (When Amory

Adaptation (While at
was five he was already a
delightful companion for METHODS the Elementary level,

OF the reader can enjoy

her.-В пять лет Эмори
Mark Twain's work
уже был для нее TRANSLATION
“Tom Sawyer,” for the
upper-intermediate and
собеседником и
advanced levels, “The
товарищем (перевод М.
Adventures of Sherlock
Free translation Holmes,” written by
(translation-arrangement, A. C. Doyle.
contains a subjective
Idiomatic translation
(Bush is becoming a Semantic translation
Faithful translation
lame duck (from CBS (it reproduces the text in
(tries to reproduce the
News by 17.06.2006). – the target language
exact contextual meaning
Лидер оппозиции не without adhering to the
of the original text within
оправдал надежды style, form or content of
the limited framework of
избирателей (“a lame the original). No
grammatical structures in
duck”- politician who Smoking-Курение
the target language.)
ends his tenure). запрещено. Instead of
«Не курить».

Fig. 8. Methods of Translation by P. Newmark [9]

Annex 10
1) Interlinear
Indirect 1) Sign translation
(translation according to
predetermined, 1. Transposition (expressed in
I.I. Rezvin
linguistically 2. Modulation translation operations
J.P. Wine
3. Equivalence
V. Yu. Rosenzweig
homogeneous R.K.atMinyar-Beloruchev
the formal-sign
J. Darbeln
4. Adaptation level)
S. Barkhudarov

2) Transformational 2) semantic
Direct (literal)
(based on the translation
1. Calque
derivation of complex (identification of
2. Literal translation
syntactic structures denotatus, preceding
3. Borrowing
from simpler ones the search for foreign
3.1. Transcription
using transformations) language
3.2. Transliteration

Syntactic (functional)
transpositions Grammatical
consists of 2 transformations

Complete or
Incomplete or morphological
syntactic transposition

Fig. 9. Various Translation Ways (Modes) Proposed by Various Linguistic-Scholars

[elaborated by the author]

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