Solubility Practical

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Solubility practical

The following procedure was carried out to determine the solubility of potassium nitrate Please read
carefully then do all the activities required


1) 10 cm3 of boiling water was transferred to a boiling tube using a burette.

2) 15 g of Potassium nitrate (KNO3 ) crystals was added to the water and heated gently until all the
crystals dissolved.
3) The solution was cooled just until crystallisation begun. The temperature of Crystallisation was
recorded as T1 and the volume of solvent as V1 .
4) 2 cm3 of water was added to the mixture above. This was heated again, while stirring to dissolve
the crystals. The resulting solution was cooled until crystallisation begun. The temperature of
Crystallisation was recorded as T2 , and the new volume of solvent as V2
5) Step 4 was repeated 3 more times until T3, T4, T5 etc and V3, V 4 and V5 etc were attained.
6) The relationship below was used to determine the solubility at each temperature

15 100
100 =

The following results were recorded from the experiment

Temperature 0C 74 66 58 54 49 45 42 40
Solubility of 150.0 125.0 107.0 94.0 83.5 75.0 68.0 62.5
g solute/g of

1. Plot a graph of solubility versus temperature. (Solubility on y axis and temperature in x axis.
Ensure that you design a suitable scale for your graph. Your graph should cover over 75% of the
area of the graph)

2. Use your graph to:

(a) Predict the solubility of KNO3 at 100 0C and at room temperature (250C)
(b) Calculate the mass of crystals which precipitate out of a saturated solution of KNO3 in
100g of water when it is cooled from 600C to 400C.

Complete and submit via email by 12/10/2020 by 8:45 am. You can submit before time.

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