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rr Table 2.6 Comparing the properties of solutions, colloids and suspensions Size of dispersed Extremely small. Larger than those ina Larger than those ina particles solution but smaller than colloid. those in a suspension. Visibility of Not visible, even witha Not visible, even witha Visible to the naked eye. dispersed particles microscope. microscope. Sedimentation Components do not Dispersed particles do not Dispersed particles separate if left undisturbed. settle ifleft undisturbed. _ settle if left undisturbed. Passage of light Light usually passes Most will scatter light. Light does not pass through. through. Appearance Usually transparent due to Translucent dueto the Opaque due to light light passing through. scattering of light, or may _not being able to pass be opaque. through. Solubility Solubility is the mass of solute that will saturate 100 g of solvent at a specified temperature. In general, the solubility of a solid solute in water increases as the temperature increases, Solubility curves A solubility curve is drawn by plotting solubility against temperature, as shown in Figure 2.3. © 10 20 30 40 60 6 70 #0 90 temperate /°C Figure 2.3. Solubility curve for copper!) sulfate (CuSO,) in water Solubility curves are useful to obtain different pieces of information, as shown in the following questions. of copper(ll) sulfate at 43 °C? The solubility of CuSO, at 43 °C = 23 g per 100 g water, 2 Acopperill) sulfate solution containing 100 g water is saturated at 34°C. What mass of copperil!) sulfate must be added to re-saturate this solution if it is heated to 71°C? Enon At34°C, 19 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g of water At71°C, 44 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g of water :. the mass of CuSO, to be added to re-saturate a solution containing 100 g of water = 44-198 358 2 Pure substances, mixtures and separations 3 A copper(II) sulfate solution which contains 300 g of water is saturated at 54 °C. What mass of copper(tt) sulfate would crystallise out of this solution if it is cooled to 22 °C? At54-°C, 30 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g of water At 22°C, 13 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g of water = the mass of CuSO, crystallising out of a saturated solution containing 100 g of water = 30-13 g= 17g and mass of CuSO, crystallising out of a saturated solution containing 300 g of water “ae 300g =5g 4 At what temperature would 84 g of copper(ll) sulfate saturate 150 g water? 84 g of CuSO, saturates 150g of water : a Bx 100 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g of water = 56 g of CusO, ‘Temperature at which 56 g of CuSO, saturates 100 g water = 82°C Separating the components of mixtures The technique used to separate the components of a mixture depends on the physical properties of the components. Filtration Filtration is used to separate a suspended or settled solid and a liquid when the solid does not dissolve in the liquid, e.g. soil and water. The components are separated due to their different particle sizes. ‘iter paper - as holes which ae fer fume ‘yg enough o tthe had particles i through, but ae too smal o alow the sold parcles trough solid ana feud macare residue ~ sold remaling inthe fier paper frat uid which pases through the er paper Figure 2.4 Separating components of a mixture by filtration } kas 2 Concise Revision Course: CSEC* Chemistry Evaporation Evaporation is used to separate and retain the solid solute from the liquid solvent in a solution. It is used if the solute does not decompose on heating or if a solid without water of crystallisation (see p.72) is required, e.g. to obtain sodium chloride from sodium chloride solution. The components are separated due to their different boiling points. The boiling point of the solvent, ‘must be lower than that of the solute so that itis converted to a gas and leaves the solute behind 3 | 2 sotvent evaporates quick cocoate tn AA AA 5 wate tres nthe sides of Be dish 1 the salient evaporates 1 stoam bats the sais Son in the | mma | boiling water — heat Figure 2.5 Separating components of a mixture by evaporation : Crystallisation Crystallisation is used to separate and retain the solid solute from the liquid solvent in a solution. It is used if the solute decomposes on heating or if a solid containing water of crystallisation is required, eg. to obtain hydrated copper(tt) sulfate from copper!) sulfate solution. The components are separated due to their different volatilities. The solvent must be more volatile than the solute so that it evaporates and leaves the solute behind. ‘ier paper ~ prevents Impuntes enterng the dP soWent evaporates sowly sohton S ataeeeatal AA evaporating dish saluten | 2 regularshaped enystals of Sole form slo atthe | ‘bottom ofthe dish | Figure 2.6 Separating components of a mixture by crystallisation Simple distillation Simple distillation is used to separate and retain the liquid solvent from the solid solute in a solution, e.g. to obtain distilled water from tap water or sea water. The solute can also be obtained by evaporation or crystallisation of the concentrated solution remaining after distillation if no impurities are present. The components are separated due to their different boiling points 1g Point of the solvent must be lower than that of the solute. ofthe vapour entering te condenser remains constant at the boing pot ofthe solver, therefore the seins © pure water inthe condenser fos inthe ‘opposite drecton tothe solent vapour soliton bois to create a permanent cold surface {andthe savent ‘on wch the vapour can condense ‘apouts rise up ‘he Mask obi thermometer eres ht he esate o cnesntce = a 2 : soins wi western: wil mae oo ee, inte Figure 2.7 Separating components of a mixture by simple distillation Fractional distillation Fractional distillation is used to separate two (or more) miscible liquids with boiling points that are close together, e.g. ethanol, boiling point 78 °C, and water, boiling point 100 °C. Miscible liquids mix completely and are separated due to their different boiling points. ‘arrears weieererares 2 orl eg te ote ee er sacks Seige Sag Siete ee sue She ta cone ewe e mt sat eon eae feos } {fractionating column — Lae | Seen a oe sce gestae Perey aS somo & condense ud = : serach ae 1 se 2 woe tela ae ‘wth the higher boing Som ina et Someones Staessen sec telsaegeae serge Ses sive age mains re vont tk bested ve Figure 2.8 Separating components of a mixture by fractional distillation As the mixture boils, vapours of both liquids rise up the fractionating column where they condense and evaporate repeatedly and the vapour mixture becomes progressively richer in the more vol component (the one with the lower boiling point). The vapour reaching the top of the column. and entering the condenser is composed almost entirely of the more volatile component and the temperature remains constant at the boiling point of this component. ‘The temperature begins to rise when almost all of the more volatile liquid has distilled over. This shows that a mixture of both liquids is reaching the top of the column and distilling over. This mixture is collected ina second container and discarded. When the temperature reaches the boiling point of the less volatile liquid (the one with the higher boiling point), that liquid is collected in a third container. Separating funnel A separating funnel is used to separate two (or more) immiscible li liquids do not mix and are separated due to their different densities. ids, eg, oil and water. Immiscible cui with the higher density sks V toss atthe Hu interface The taps opened ut almost al ofthe PAU ig withthe higher dest has run out ) The liq interface i un ino a second ‘ask ard discard, faves te vith the ower dens nthe fume oni ask gi win re higher density igure 2.9 Separating components of a mixture using a separating funnel Paper chromatography Paper chromatography is used to separate several solutes which are present in a solution. The solutes are usually coloured and travel through absorbent paper at different speeds, e.g. the dyes in black ink or pigments in chlorophyll. The solutes are separated based on: * How soluble each one is in the solvent used * How strongly each one is attracted to the paper used. absofbert sap sss ‘chedta he das rod The solvent moves up the paper, J | fastest moving dye “ctuaog ta tyes he mom : ‘cli nthe least tracted sik to the paper moves the fastest. eetnanesa ‘This forms a chromatogram. x solvent ite 0 seston oft eso Be es renal Se mie ire 2.10 Separating components of a mixture by paper chromatography 2 Pure substances, mixtures and separations (QE The extraction of sucrose from sugar cane The extraction of sucrose from sugar cane is an industrial process which uses several separation techniques. The extraction process is summarised in Figure 2.11. Sold on the local market or exported Used many to smanutoture "um, aeohol ‘an animal eed ‘unrefined sugar molasses) ROLLER MILLS Canes erased are water ‘sprayed onto desohe ‘Ncrse rm te cle Retured to _{2CtOrY UG) npurtes ace fered and the mud washed to exact athe sucrose Juce is concentrated by heating na sees of bolers at sucessuely reduced bressure, a process known 55 vacuum aistilation ce! ‘VACUUM PAN Syrup is erystalsed at low bressure to prevent chaning fd cramesabon bagasse eave fie), syrup (conceited crystals and ‘CENTRIFUGES Nassocute contrituged to separate the sugar crystals and mosses molasses ‘massecuit sugar Used to severe Seca ‘steam = FURNACE Bagasse is burnt and heats used to bol Lume (CaO sadied to * precipitate putes 50 they Sete out + neutralise he acidic ce to prevent sucrose breaking down Into glucose and tuctose. clear juice “team to het the rst evaporator molasses tuned torturer crystalsaton Figure 2.11. flow chart showing how sucrose is extracted from sugar cane Baas, 3 Concise Revision Course:C SEK" Chemiitry a Revision questions 1) Using table, show THREE differences between a pure substance and a mixture. 2) Define EACH of the following terms: a element b compound € solution d suspension (3) Referring to particle size, passage of light and sedimentation, distinguish between a solution, a colloid and a suspension. Give a named example of EACH type of mixture. “4 What is meant by the term ‘solubility’? ©5) Potassium chlorate(V) (KCIO,) was found to have a solubility of 9.0 g per 100 g water at 28 °C and 32.0 g per 100 g water at 74 °C. What mass of potassium chlorate(V) must, be added to a solution containing 350 g water which is saturated at 28 °C to make the solution saturated again if it is heated to 74 °C? : 6) Drawa labelled diagram of the apparatus you would.use to separate sand from water. ‘7) Explain how you would obtain pure water from tap water. Your answer must include reference to the principles involved. (8) Explain the principles involved in separating each of the following mixtures: a cooking oil and water b the dyes in a drop of black ink 9) Construct a simple flow diagram to identify the main processes involved in the extraction of sucrose from sugar cane. 2 Pure substances, mixtures and separations (QE

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