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Preparing date:…/04/2021 Teaching date: …/04/2021

Period: Unit 10: ECOTOURISM

Getting started
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: In this lesson, students can get to know the topic, vocabulary about “nature lovers
and ecotourism” and revise conditional sentences Types 1,2
2. Competency: During and by the end of the lesson, students can develop the following ability and
- reading and listening for main idea and for specific information
3. Personal qualities: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to have a good trip
and they should also actively participate in the lesson’s activities.
II. Teaching aids and materials: textbooks, board, chalk, speaker
III. Procedure:
1. Activity: LEAD-IN
a. Aim: To introduce the topic of the lesson and to inform the class of the lesson objectives.
b. Content: Ask Ss to look at the map of Australia and the pictures, and guess what tourists can do
c. Product: Ss’ answer may vary
* Suggested answer: Tourists can go scuba-diving, ride camels in the desert, and see kangaroos and
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and answer the question
- Ss look at the picture and answer the question
- T calls on some Ss to give the answer
- T summarizes the Ss’ ideas and lead in the new lesson: listening to and reading a conversation at a
travel agent’s
2. Activity 2: PRESENTATION
a. Aim: To help Ss get used to some words and phrases in the lesson
b. Content: Listen and note down some new words
c. Product:
+ ecology /iˈkɒlədʒi/(n)  hệ sinh thái
=> ecological
+ ecotourism /ˈiːkəʊtʊərɪzəm/(n)   du lịch sinh thái
+ sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbl/  không gây hại cho môi trường; bền vững
+ safari /səˈfɑː.ri/ (n): dã ngoại
+ discount /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt/(n): giảm giá
+ name of animals: crocodile, snakes,…
d. Carry out the activity:
- T elicits the words and phrases, then guides Ss to read them
- Ss listen and take notes
- T calls on some Ss to read the words and phrases
- T listens and corrects the Ss’ mistakes, if necessary.
3. Activity 3: PRACTICE
3.1. Activity 3.1. PRACTICE 1
a. Aim: This activity focuses on reading comprehension
b. Content: Answer the questions about the conversation.
c. Product:
1. Because both Mr and Mrs Collins love nature.
2. Ecotourism means travel to areas of natural or ecological interest to observe wildlife and learn
about the environment.
3. Tourists can see different kinds of animals like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, birds,
butterflies and other rare animals; go scuba-diving to see the coral reefs; or go camping.
4. They would have to pay 6,000 dollars for two people.
5. A two per cent discount.
d. Carry out the activity:
- T explains the task and has Ss read the questions to understand them. Then T asks Ss to do the task
individually first, then compare the answer with a partner
- Ss listen to the T and do the task
- T calls on some pairs of Ss to ask and answer in front of the class
- T summarises the Ss’ ideas and gives the correct answer
3.2. Activity 3.2. PRACTICE 3
a. Aim: This activity introduces the grammar point: conditional sentences.
b. Content: Find the conditional sentences in the conversation and write them in the space below.
c. Product:
- If you also want to go on a camping safari, you’ll need another three days. 
- But if we could take the seven-day tour, how much would it be per person? 
- If you book early and pay two months before departure, you’ll get a two percent discount. 
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to find the conditional sentences used in the conversation and write them in the space
- Ss read the conversation and find conditional sentences
- T calls on some Ss to read the sentences.
- Then T writes the sentences on the board.
3.3. Activity 3.3. PRACTICE 3
a. Aim: This activity helps Ss to review the verb forms in conditional sentences that they have learnt
b. Content: Work in pairs. Underline the verbs in the conditional sentences in 3. Decide whether they
are type 1 or type 2.
c. Product:
- If you also want to go on a camping safari, you’ll need another three days. (Type 1)
- But if we could take the seven-day tour, how much would it be per person? (Type 2)
- … if you book early and pay two months before departure, you’ll get a two per cent.
discount. (Type 1)
d. Carry out the activity:
- T guides Ss to do the exercise and asks them to do it individually
- Ss listen to the T and do the exercise individually
- T calls on some Ss to give the answer
- T gives the correct answer and gives the structures of conditional sentences types 2,3.
4. Activity 4. APPLICATION
a. Aim: To help Ss apply what they have learnt in the lesson to make sentences about themselves.
b. Content: Make 5 conditional sentences about their ecotour, using structures of conditional
sentences types 1,2 and words and phrases in the lesson.
c. Product: Ss’ answer may vary
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to use what they have learnt in the lesson to make
- Ss listen to the T and make sentences
- T asks if ss have any difficulty doing the task
- T assigns this task for Ss’ homework.
Preparing date:…/04/2021 Teaching date: …/04/2021
Period: Unit 10: ECOTOURISM
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge: In this lesson, students can:
- widen their vocabulary about ecotourism.
- practise stress in words of more than 3 syllables.
- master the use of conditional sentences Types 1,2
2. Competency: During and by the end of the lesson, students can develop the ability and skills of
doing vocabulary, grammar and stress exercises.
3. Personal qualities: By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the benefits and
principles of ecotourism
II. Teaching aids and materials: textbooks, board and chalks
III. Procedure:
1. Activity 1: LEAD-IN
a. Aim: To activate students' knowledge/ language knowledge on the topic and check the previous
b. Content: Make 5 conditional sentences about their ecotour, using structures of conditional
sentences types 1,2 and words and phrases in the getting started lesson.
c. Product: Ss’ answers may vary
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to answer this question at home in advance.
- Ss answer the question in advance
- T calls on some ss to share their answer with the class
- T summarises the Ss’ ideas and leads in the new lesson
2. Activity 2: PRESENTATION
2.1. PRESENTATION 1: Vocabulary
a. Aim: To help Ss to revise and widen words and phrases related to the topic and understand the
words’ class.
b. Content: How do we form adjectives from nouns or verbs? Use a dictionary and complete the
c. Product: Expected answer:
Nouns / Verbs + suffixes Adjectives
1. culture (n) + -al cultural
2. nature (n) + -al natural
3. environment (n) + -al environmental
4. ecology (n) + -(i)cal ecological
5. interest (v) + -ing / -ed
6. sustain (v) + -able sustainable
7. relax (v) + -ing / -ed relaxing, relaxed
d. Carry out the activity:
- T explains the tasks and asks Ss to work individually first to do the tasks then work in pairs to
compare the results with their partner
- Ss do the task individually first, then compare the answer with a partner.
- T calls on some Ss to give the answers.
- T gives the correct answers and focuses ss on the note in their book, then explains to them more
about the words’ class and rules to form adjectives from a noun or a verb.
2.2. PRESENTATION 2: Pronunciation: stress in words of more than 3 syllables
a. Aim: To help Ss know how to put tress words of more than 3 syllables
b. Content: Listen and put a mark (') before the syllable with the primary stress.
c. Product: Ss know how to pronounce stress in words of more than three syllable words correctly.
d. Carry out the activity:
- T explains the task and plays the recording for the Ss to listen and do the task
- Ss listen to the T’s explanation, listen and put a mark before the syllable with the primary stress.
- T checks the answer with the whole class
- T gives the correct answer and asks Ss to look at the “Do you know?” in the textbook to know more
about the rules of stress in words with more than 3 syllables.
2.3. PRESENTATION 3: Grammar – Conditional sentences
a. Aim: To help Ss revise the form and use of conditional sentences types 1,2
b. Content: Read the “Do you know?” in the textbook, pages 50, 51 about conditional sentences types
c. Product:
- Ss revise the form and use of conditional sentences in the textbook- pages 50, 51.
+ Conditional sentence type 1: If + S + V (simple present), S + will/can + V
+ Conditional sentence type 2: If + S + V(past simple), S + would/could + V
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to look at the parts “Do you know?” in the textbook, pages 50, 51 to revise the form, use of
conditional sentences types 1,2
- Ss read the textbook
- T calls on some Ss to explains their understanding about the conditional sentences
- T summarises the Ss’ ideas and stress the form and use of the two conditionals
3. Activity 3: PRACTICE
3.1. PRACTICE 1-Vocabulary
a. Aim: this activity helps Ss practice doing vocabulary exercise
b. Content: Complete the following sentences, using the adjectives in 1.
c. Product: Key
1. sustainable 2. relaxing / interesting
3. cultural; natural 4. ecological
5. environmental 6. interested
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to read the sentences and pay attention to the context, that is, the words surrounding the
missing adjectives. For examples, for sentences 1, 3, 4 and 5, they should consider which adjectives
can go with the nouns that follow. For sentences 2 and 6, they should decide whether to use the
adjectives ending in -ing or –ed
- Ss do the task
- T calls on some Ss to give the answer
- T gives the correct answer
3.2. PRACTICE 2-Pronunciation
a. Aim: This activity helps Ss practise pronouncing stress in words of more than 3 syllables
b. Content: Listen again and repeat the words in 1.
c. Product: Ss perform their pronunciation practice
d. Carry out the activity:
- Play the recording for Ss to repeat chorally
- Ss listen and repeat
- T calls on some Ss to read the words aloud
- T gives comments on the Ss’ performance
3.3. PRACTICE 3-Grammar
a. Aim: this activity helps Ss practise doing exercises on conditional sentences
b. Content: Do Task 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the text book
c. Product:
Task 1:
1. leaves 2. will/may/might not get 3. fail 4. will/may/might get
5. pay 6. will/may/might eat 7. will/may/might call 8. will/might/may go
Task 2: 1. will be; fail 2. will help; have
3. will feel; comes 4. need; will you lend
5. throw; may/will eat; die 6. will cause; make; leave
7. will be scared; fly; make 8. will take; do not know
Task 3:
1. d lived; would / could work
2. a were; would tell
3. f didn’t start; would be
4. b used; would be
5. g Would you change; had
6. c were; would / could travel
7. h would / could go; was / were
8. e would be; stopped
d. Carry out the activity:
- For each task, T guides ss to do and ask them to do it individually
- Ss listen to the T and do the tasks
- T calls on some Ss to write the answers on the board
- T checks the Ss’ answers and gives the correct one.
4. Activity 4: APPLICATION
a. Aim: This activity helps Ss use their knowledge about conditional sentence type 2 to write the
b. Content: Read the situations and make conditional sentences. You can use could where possible
c. Product:
1.  If Victor could speak English, he could get a good job.
2.  If Nancy lived near the park, she would/could go running there every morning.
3.  If Nam could swim, he would/could go to the swimming pool alone.
4.  If Tom had a passport, he would/could travel abroad. 
5.  If there weren’t so many tourists visiting the national parks, the environment there would not be
badly polluted. 
6.  If tourists don’t throw litter in the river, the water would not be polluted.
7.  If these students worked hard, they would pass the exam.
8.  If Hoa didn’t have so much homework, she would/could go out with her friends tonight.
d. Carry out the activity:
- T asks Ss to read each situation carefully and decide which statement is the cause, and which is the
effect. Explain that the ‘effect’ should be the main clause of the conditional sentence. For example, in
sentence 1, he can’t get a good job is the effect, so it is the main clause. T has Ss do the task
- Ss listen to the T and do the task individually
- T calls on 2 good Ss to do the first 4 sentences
- T checks the answer and asks the whole class to write the last sentences at home.

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