Presentation Notes

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Good afternoon! We are here to talk about the 3rd World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium
Conference that was held in the month of April in 2022

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What is the Youth Symposium?
- The Annual World Cultural Heritage Youth Symposium is being held on the occasion
of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.
- The Symposium is a contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals promoting
“Education 2030”
- It is also supported by the United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC). 
The official language of the Symposium is English.
- It aims to bring together students and teachers from all over the world in order to raise
cultural awareness
- develop mutual respect and contribute to the creation of a new generation of world
citizens that feel united in diversity and are willing to shape a sustainable future for

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What is the objective of the Youth Symposium?
 To give students the opportunity to present their countries’ culture (the tangible and
intangible heritage aspects), expose their ideas and turn cultural diversity into a power
for peace, security and development for all.
 To help students interact, understand different cultures and acknowledge the
importance of World Cultural Heritage at global, regional and national level.
 To invite students to reflect on and to propose what they would like to learn about
World Heritage and the Cultural Heritage in their country.
 To invite teachers to critically reflect on the way(s) the cultural heritage of their
country is integrated in curricular and extra-curricular activities in the primary and
secondary schools of their country.
 To give teachers a leading role in shaping the future generation through collaboration
with colleagues from all over the world.
 To bring the participants in contact with the ancient Greek culture and civilization.

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- The first picture is the housing area of the entire property of the Olympia compound.
This entire housing area consists of rooms for the delegations to stay at during the
- The second picture is one of the main spots attended by the delegations, the
lunchroom, where everyone gathered for all three meals
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Here is a rough program on the slide but we will go into a bit more detail about the
- The individual school preparation consisted of all schools preparing two presentations
of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of their own country and present it to the
peers of your own school
- 6th April was the arrival of the international delegations. A few of the countries at the
symposium were the United States of America, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Germany and
many more
- 7th of April was the opening ceremony for all delegations where they introduced the
founders, and all the authority figures gave speeches. It was followed by dance and
music performances to end the night
- Workshops were held from 8th to 10th April that will be explained in detail in a bit.
These workshops took place in ancient Olympia
- 9th April was when the closing ceremony was held

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These are the workshops that took place throughout the conference:
- Workshop 1: The Workshop played the role of an “icebreaker” to help participants
relax and feel comfortable. It will encourage conversation between the members of
the different delegations and will cultivate a collaborative environment.
- Workshop 2: The meeting was conducted on the 2nd day of the Symposium (“The
Agenda of the Symposium” – see program) aimed to:
a) clarify the role of the teacher in the Symposium and in the various activities and
b) provide teachers with training time so that they get familiar with the coaching
techniques to be used with the students in the working workshop “Awareness through
Education, Part 1”
- Workshop 3: All delegations including our school presented their tangible and
intangible cultural heritage presentations. The country that our school was assigned
was China
- Workshop 4: The participating teachers coached the groups. Students discussed with
members of other delegations the findings of the research conducted in their home
country (before the Symposium) on the way(s) the cultural heritage of their country is
integrated in school-based education. Then each group came to conclusions with
regards to the central question “How to raise cultural heritage awareness through
education?”. These conclusions were recorded by the coaching teachers to be used in
the next Workshop. Teachers collaborated to record and elaborate the results of the
previous Workshop were included in the declaration of the Symposium.
- Workshop 5: The Workshop aimed to motivate an international collaboration on
project planning. Teachers exchanged knowledge, expertise, experience and ideas to
design a long-term project for secondary school students. Each teacher group
designed a common project focusing on the intangible heritage and the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations. The Workshop was in line with the
Education 2030 Framework for Action . After the Symposium the teachers were
provided with the educational material produced in the groups during the Workshop.
- Workshop 6: This workshop addressed the students only to help them autonomously
implement the 21 st century skills: communication, collaboration, creativity, and
critical thinking. These skills are considered to be the most important ones for the
personal, social, and professional life of modern students.
Students were divided into groups that consist of participants from different
countries.Each group worked on a specific task to create a project vision that will be
shared with the rest of the participants.

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This is an image from the Opening Ceremony

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These are the pictures from the Archaeological Site Tour that took place on the second day at
Ancient Olympia.

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This is from all delegations presenting their country’s tangible and intangible heritage

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Zorba, as seen in the video, was taught to the delegations as well on the second day of the
Symposium which was considered one of the most memorable moments

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Here are some general pictures of all of us from the Symposium

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