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Exercise 6A For questions 1 t0 4, use the method demonstrated in Worked Example 6.4 to determine the number of each type of participant or item required for a stratified sample. 1 a Ina wildlife park, 30% of big cats are lions and 70% are tigers. Select 30 big cats. b_ Ofice creams sold in a café, 45% are strawberry and 55% chocolate. Select 20 ice creams, A school is attended by 120 boys and 80 girls. Select 40 pupils. There are 84 pupils studying Maths HL and 126 pupils studying Maths SL.. Select 45 pupils. 25% of pupils at school play football, 35% play hockey and 40% play basketball. Select 40 pupils. 30% of fish caught are cod, 45% are haddock and 25% are mackerel, Select a sample of 20 fish. ‘A manufacturer produced 240 chairs, 90 tables and 40 beds. Select a sample of 37 pieces of furniture. A park has 64 oak trees, 56 willows trees and 32 chestnut trees, Select 19 trees. Anke wants to find out the proportion of households in Germany who have a pet. For her investigation, she decides to ask her friends from school, which is located in the centre of a large city, whether their family owns a pet. ceca oe 2 What is the relevant population for Anke’s investigation? b Name the sampling method that Anke is using. © State one reason why Anke’s sample may not be representative of the population. Leonie wants to collect information on the length of time pupils at her school spend on homework each evening She thinks that this depends on the school year, so her sample should contain some pupils from each year group What information does Leonie need in order to be able to select a stratified sample? Leonie decides to ask pupils in the lunch queue until she has responses from at least 10 pupils in each year group b Name this sampling method. © Having collected and analysed the data, Leonie found two outliers. For each value, suggest whether it should be kept or discarded, i 10 minutes ii 20hours A student wants to conduct an investigation into attitudes to environmental issues among the residents of! village. He decides to talk to the first 20 people who arrive at his local bus stop. a Name this sampling technique. b State the population relevant to his investigation,

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