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OF AMACC (insert Branch)



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Title :

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Name of Institution :

Adviser :


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Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to their Sex

Figure 1 shows the percentage distribution of the respondents according to their sex.

The population of the female respondents was 17.4% bigger than that of the population

of the male respondents.

Figure 2 Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to their Age

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Figure 2 shows the percentage distribution of the respondents according to their age.

The figure shows that the range of the age of the respondents who took the survey

was from 13 to 21. Most of the respondents of the study were 17 years old with the

percentage of 33.33%.

Figure 3 Percentage Distribution of the Respondents according to their Grade

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Figure 3 shows the percentage distribution of the respondents according to their

grade level. The figure shows that most of the respondents were from Grade 12 STEM
Meekness, with a percentage of 22.7%.

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Figure 4 Item Analysis

4.1 Lifestyle pattern refers to the routine that you regularly do for a whole

day. Did your lifestyle pattern change during the lockdown period?

Figure 4.1 shows that out of 75 respondents, 62 respondents or 82.7%

answered YES, 12 respondents or 16.00% answered Not Much, and 1 respondent

or 1.3% answered No. Therefore, most of the respondents’ lifestyle pattern

changed during the lockdown period.

4.2 Was it hard for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle pattern during the

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Figure 4.2 shows that out of 75 respondents, 55 respondents or 73.3%

answered YES and 20 respondents or 26.7% answered NO. Therefore, majority

of the respondents found it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the

lockdown period.

4.3 The following are list of barriers in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Which if these did you experience during the lockdown? Choose only 1.
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Figure 4.3 shows that out of 75 respondents, 8 respondents or 10.7% answered

“ Lack of time,” 17 respondents or 22.7% answered “Feeling of tiredness all the

time,” 10 respondents or 13.3% answered “Lack of motivation,” 25 respondents


DOING IT / LAZINESS,” and 15 respondents or 20.00% answered “Work or school

responsibilities. ” Therefore, most of the respondents found it hard to maintain a

healthy lifestyle due to laziness.

4.4 How often did you exercise during the lockdown?

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Figure 4.4 shows that out of 75 respondents, 32 respondents or 42.7%

answered 1-2 TIMES A WEEK, 16 respondents or 21.3% answered 3-4 times a

week, 6 respondents or 8.00% answered 5 times a week, 5 respondents or 6.7%

answered Every day, and 16 respondents or 21.3% answered Never. Therefore,

most of the respondents exercised 1-2 times a week during the lockdown period.

4.5 How was your sleep during lockdown? Do you have trouble sleeping?
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Figure 4.6 shows that out of 75 respondents, 45 respondents or 60.00%

answered YES and 30 respondents or 40.00% answered No. Therefore, most of

the respondents had trouble sleeping during the lockdown period.

The following are some indications of lifestyle changes. Pick one for


4.6.1 Eating Pattern

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Figure 4.6.1 shows that out of 75 respondents, 47 respondents or 62.7%

answered “I CONSUMED MORE HEALTHY FOODS” and 28 respondents or

37.3% answered “I consumed less healthy foods.” Therefore, most of the

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respondents consumed more healthy foods during the lockdown period.

4.6.2 Sleeping Pattern

Figure 4.6.2 shows that out of 75 respondents, 28 respondents or

37.3% answered “I had more time to sleep” and 47 respondents or 62.7%

answered “I HAD LESS TIME TO SLEEP.” Therefore, most of the

respondents had less time to sleep during the lockdown period.

4.6.3 Physical Fitness

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Figure 4.6.3 shows that out of 75 respondents, 32 respondents or

42.7% answered “I have been physically active” and 43 respondents or

57.3% answered “I HAVE BEEN PHYSICALLY INACTIVE.” Therefore,

most of the respondents have not been physically active during the
Page | 17
lockdown period.

4.7 Did the lockdown helped you improve your diet?

Figure 4.7 shows that out of 75 respondents, 16 respondents or 21.3% answered

Yes, 44 respondents or 58.7% answered NOT MUCH , and 15 respondents or

20.00% answered No. Therefore, most of the respondents said that the lockdown

didn’t help much to help them improve their diet.

4.8 Did your health improve or deteriorate during the lockdown?

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Figure 4.8 shows that out of 75 respondents, 18 respondents or 24% answered

“My health improved,” 42 respondents or 56.00% answered “MY HEALTH

STAYED THE SAME,” and 15 respondents or 20% answered “My health

deteriorated.” Therefore, most of the respondents’ health have neither deteriorated

nor improved during the lockdown period.

4.9 The following are list of food category that people of your age

commonly eats. Rate the following food category based on how much you

consumed of them during the lockdown period.

Fresh Foods (Includes fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and the likes) Non-

perishable foods (Includes canned goods and frozen foods) Ready-

made meals (Includes foods ordered from fast-food chains) Sweet

snacks (Includes chocolates, biscuits, candies, and the likes) Junk

Foods and Soft Drinks

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Figure 4.9 shows the rate of food categories based on how much the

respondents consumed of them during the lockdown period. It shows that

fresh foods, non- perishable foods, sweet snacks, and junk foods are being

consumed moderately by the respondents during the lockdown period. While

ready-made foods are being consumed less by the respondents during the

lockdown period.

4.10 Was the experience during the lockdown easy for you? Why or why
The majority of those who responded said no to the question. They replied no

primarily because their mobility was limited and they were unable to leave their

homes. There were also individuals who said no since the worry induced by the

pandemic had a negative impact on their mental health. While some claimed it
was not easy due to the stress they were experiencing as a result of online

classes and other school-related pressures.

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4.11 Have you felt anxious during the lockdown period?

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Figure 4.11 shows that out of 75 respondents, 63 respondents or 84.00% of the

population answered YES and 12 respondents or 16.00% answered No.

Therefore, most of the respondents felt anxious during the lockdown period.

4.12 What made you feel anxious during the lockdown period?
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Figure 4.12 shows that out of the 63 respondents who answered Yes in question

number 11, 22 respondents or 34.9% answered “FEAR OF CATCHING THE

VIRUS,” 17 respondents or 27.00% answered “Feeling of loneliness,” 16

respondents or 25.4% answered “Online classes,” 3 respondents or 4.8%
answered “Gaining of weight,” and 5 respondents or 8.00% answered “Others,
and provided other answers.” Therefore, most of the respondents felt anxious
during the lockdown period because they fear that they might catch the
COVID- 19 virus.
4.13 What were the things that you did to cope with your anxiety?

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Figure 4.13 shows that out of the 63 respondents who answered Yes in question

number 11, 13 respondents or 20.6% answered “Stress-eating,” 10 respondents

or 15.9% answered “Being physically active/exercising,” 7 respondents or 11.1%

answered “Got enough sleep,” 20 respondents or 31.7% answered “SPENDING

TIME WITH LOVED ONES,” and 13 respondents or 20.8% answered “Others,

and provided other answers.” Therefore, most of the respondents spend most

of their time with their loved ones during the lockdown to cope with the anxiety

that they experienced during those times.

4.14 Do you think that having lockdown helped you to feel safe against

the virus?
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Figure 4.14 shows that out of 75 respondents, 73 respondents or 97.3%

answered YES and 2 respondents or 2.7% answered No. Therefore, most of the

respondents thought that the lockdown helped them to feel safe against the

COVID- 19 virus.

4.15 On the scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you think are lockdowns to

contain the virus?

5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Neutral
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

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Page | 28

Figure 4.15 shows that out of 75 respondents, 34 respondents or 45.3% rated the

question on a scale of 4 . Therefore, they agree that lockdowns are effective in

containing the COVID-19 virus.

4.16 On the scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you think are lockdowns to

keep us, teenagers, safe from the virus?

5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Neutral

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree
Page | 29

Figure 4.16 shows that out of 75 respondents, 38 respondents or 50.7% rated the

question on a scale of 4 . Therefore, they agree that lockdowns are effective

in keeping teenagers safe fr jay yom the COVID-19 infections.

6.1 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number 1,

“Lifestyle pattern refers to the routine that you regularly do for a whole day. Did

your lifestyle pattern change during the lockdown period?”

6.2 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number 2,

“Was it hard for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle pattern during the


6.3 Majority of the respondents answered “SAYING MAGSISIMULA NA AKO

BUKAS’ BUT ENDS UP NOT DOING IT / LAZINESS” to the question in number 3,

“Which of these following barriers in maintaining a healthy lifestyle did you

experience during the lockdown?

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6.4 Majority of the respondents answered “1-2 TIMES A WEEK” to the

Question in number 4, “How often did you exercise during the lockdown?

6.5 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number 5,

“How was your sleep during lockdown? Do you have trouble sleeping?”

6.6.1 Majority of the respondents answered “I CONSUMED MORE HEALTHY

FOODS” to the question in number 4.6.1, “How was your eating pattern during

lockdown period?”

6.6.2 Majority of the respondents answered “I HAD LESS TIME TO SLEEP” to

The question in number 4.6.2, “How was your sleeping pattern during

lockdown period?”

6.6.3 Majority of the respondents answered “I HAVE BEEN PHYSICALLY

INACTIVE” to the question in number 4.6.3, “How was your physical fitness

during lockdown period?”

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6.7 Majority of the respondents answered “NOT MUCH” to the question in

number 7, “Did the lockdown helped you improve your diet?”

6.8 Majority of the respondents answered “MY HEALTH STAYED THE SAME”

To the question in number 8, “Did your health improve or deteriorate during the


6.9 Majority of the respondents rated the food categories Fresh Foods,

Nonperishable Foods, Ready-made Meals, Sweet Snacks, and Junk Foods

MODERATELY on how much they consumed of them during lockdown period.

6.10 Majority of the respondents answered “NO” to the question in number 10, Page | 32

“Was the experience during the lockdown easy for you? Why or why not?”

6.11 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number


“Have you felt anxious during the lockdown period?”

6.12 Majority of the respondents answered “FEAR OF CATCHING THE VIRUS”

To the question in number 12, “What made you feel anxious during the

lockdown period?”
Page | 33

6.13 Majority of the respondents answered “SPENDING TIME WITH LOVED

ONES” to the question in number 13, “What were the things that you did to cope

with your anxiety?”

6.14 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number


“Do you think that having lockdown helped you to feel safe against the virus?”

6.15 Majority of the respondents answered “4 – AGREE” to the question in

Number 15, “How effective do you think are lockdowns to contain the virus?”

6.16 Majority of the respondents answered “4 – AGREE” to the question in

Number 16, “How effective do you think are lockdowns to keep us,

teenagers, safe from the virus?”

6.14 Majority of the respondents answered “YES” to the question in number


“Do you think that having lockdown helped you to feel safe against the virus?”
6.15 Majority of the respondents answered “4 – AGREE” to the question in

Page | 34

Number 15, “How effective do you think are lockdowns to contain the virus?”

6.16 Majority of the respondents answered “4 – AGREE” to the question in

Number 16, “How effective do you think are lockdowns to keep us,

teenagers, safe from the virus?”

Page | 35


Lockdowns were imposed as a strategy to lessen the rate of transmission

of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Philippines. Basically, people were asked

to just stay at the comfort of their home, especially if it is not necessary for

them to go out, to lessen the risk of them catching the virus. In connection to

that, the lockdown had some various impact on people’s life, especially in terms

of health, nutrition, and lifestyle patterns.

From the information gathered from the respondents of this study, the

researchers inferred that the COVID-19 induced lockdown has many negative

effects in the nutrition, health, and lifestyle patterns of teenagers, rather than

having its benefits. Moreover, the COVID-19 induced lockdown has effects not

just in a person’s physical health but also in their mental health.

Good health is the only weapon to fight against COVID-19, but instead of

strengthening the body and continuing the healthy lifestyle patterns, life had

changed and it turns out that people didn't take care of themselves upon having
quarantines and

Lockdowns. Instead of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, people preferred Page | 36

eating readyto- eat foods.

During the lockdown period, teenagers also lacked motivation causing them

not to perform activities that can contribute to having good health, like

recreational activities. Teenagers instead settled in using mobile phones and

the internet. This made them physically inactive throughout the lockdown and

exercised only 1-2 times a week on average.

Teenagers don’t just have bad physical health, but they also suffer from mental

health issues leading them to anxiety and depression. This was primarily due to

isolation, self- quarantines and being away from family and friends, resulting in

feelings of helplessness, grief, anxiety and depression.

Quarantines and lockdowns though can help lessen the effect of the virus.

People felt safer at home, than continuing their work outside. Though isolations

can help, and can flatten the curve caused by the virus, it still had its negative

effects that made people not feel at ease during those times.
Based on the conducted survey, the researchers therefore conclude that it is

without doubt that the COVID-19 induced lockdown had an impact in the

nutrition, health, and lifestyle patterns of teenagers.

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