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In the city…

o A : Hello my name is Anderson, Can I ask you a question?

o J : Hi I’m Jannytza nice to meet you Ander. Oh yes don’t worry.
o A : I have a emergency, are you know where is the hospital?
o J : Eh yes, I know, there is a hospital in front of the police station.
o A : And tell me, where is the police station?
o J : I think that in the fifth avenue, at the right of the park.
o A : Oh, really thanks, and is there a bank?
o J : Oh yes, there are two banks in our city, the first is on the corner is BANCO
CONTINENTAL and the second is behind of this store is BANCO DE LA NACION.
o A : Thank you, I need this information, now I go to search the places.
o J : Ok, good luck Ander and if you need me, here I am.
o A : Bye Janny, is a pleasure.


 Quispe Santos, Jannytza Marylin.

 Allccaco Madrid, Anderson Jhanpier.

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