M Islam Proposal

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(For the undergraduate degree programs)

Department of Physical Education and Sport

Govt/Private College Mardan College of Health and physical Education

ACADMIC YEAR/Semester 2021

A. General Information

Student Name: Muhammad Islam R.No 3961

Superviso Designation: Lecturer

C0-Superisor Designation: Principal

Project tittle
Project Abstract (Not more than 200 words)

The purpose of the study is to examine and describe “The Role of physical Activity in School The perception
of Teachers”. For This purpose Data has been collected From 50 Physical Education Teachers From 50
Different Government High schools at District Mardan Tehsil Takht Bhai, Data is collected through Structured
Questionnaire under five points Liker’s scale such as ‘Agreed’, ‘Strongly Agreed’, ‘Disagreed’, ‘Strongly
Disagreed’, and ‘Undecided’. So The Result clearly shows that The Majority of Teachers Believed That
Physical Activity is not only for physical benefits of students rather Physical Activity positively influences
Students Learning, Behaviours, Academic performances and social Life of the Students. Many of the teachers
Believe that Students Take Parts in Physical Activity prevented themselves from different types of Drugs
Abuse And different types of diseases. The physical activities and other exercises are the key to healthy
lifestyle contribution in the later stage for students which definitely cause their physical and mental ability in
positive way and provide good personalities to the societies. Specifically the physical activities are very less in
the less developed areas of KPK especially at Takht Bhai, the main issues is the availability of grounds and
related resources which is the key to conduct regular sports activities. This study's research evidence is
essential for the development project of strengthening the role of physical exercise in improving fitness, metal
health, and learning among Dir Lower students. A country's growth needs high-quality physical education. The
consistency of the bachelor's degree program should be increased in order to provide more eligible graduates
for the area of physical education and athletics.

Keywords: Curriculum, Physique, PE, DPA, ADHD, OED, Questionnaire

Project Phases.
1. Related study
2. Existing study
3. Problem statement
4. Requirement Analysis
5. Student Contribution
6. Result and discussions
7. Conclusion
8. Reference

Recommendation and Approval Process:’

The Tittle, Supervisor, Co supervisor and abstract are recommended in the meeting attended by two internal faculty
members in the relevant department, one external Expert from the concern department of the AWKUM

Faculty member -1 Name _______________ Signature _______________

Faculty member -2 name __________________ Signature ______________

External Expert (AWKUM): Dr _________________________

Approval by Dean __________________________________ (Approved/not Approved)

The Role of Sports in Children’s Education in District Mardan

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