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In United States, Males have a 60% higher mortality than females, according to (Johnston, 1976).

leading cause of death among males is heart disease. Cigarette smoking in males is a major factor in
higher rates of heart disease. Furthermore, males have a higher mortality risk for lung cancer and
emphysema, owing to the fact that more men smoke cigarettes. which are encouraged or accepted
more in men than in women in our society, for example, using guns, being adventurous and acting
unafraid, working at hazardous jobs, and drinking alcohol.

Women have a higher life expectancy than males, but this advantage is less noticeable in poor countries.
In poor countries, women have a higher age-adjusted mortality rate than males in Most sub-Saharan
African countries due to diseases (Anderson & Ray 2010). The HIV/AIDS epidemic has devastated Africa,
reducing female life expectancy drastically.

Male population is greater due to 107 boys are born for every 100 girls born.

In essentially all societies, men earn more than women, which is why couples desire to have sons.
Favoritism toward boys encompasses both wanting to have sons more than daughters and choosing to
invest more in sons than in daughters. China is a large outlier in the sex ratio at birth. One reason that
the sex imbalance is worsening, even though son preference is not, is technological innovation.
Infanticide and neglect of infant girls have long been (proximate) causes of missing women, but the
ability to ascertain the sex of a fetus has given rise to sex-selective.

In poorer countries, the gender ratio is less skewed. In contrast, poorer countries have a stronger desire
to have more sons than daughters. As countries grow, Agriculture and manufacturing generally require
more physical strength, or brawn, than services, and men have a comparative advantage in tasks
requiring brawn.

Poorest Countries in the World 2022. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2022, from

Richest Countries in the World 2022. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2022, from

Burundi - Population, total - World Bank Data. (2021). Retrieved from

Jayachandran, S. (2015, August). The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries. Retrieved from
Amin, M., Kuntchev, V., & Schmidt, M. (2015, April 14). Gender Inequality and Growth: The Case of Rich
vs. Poor Countries. Retrieved from

Johnston, W., S. (1976, June 2). Why do women live longer than men?
Retrieved from

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