After Pandemic Ruiz Ayala Adair Inter 4

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 Student: Ruíz Ayala Adair

 Teacher: Márquez Gómez Gabriel
The covid 19 pandemic was definitely a radical change in our lives, absolutely all
aspects of daily life became, on many occasions, a true nightmare.
From a general point of view, it could be said that not only did it change our ideas,
but it also upset us and alerted us since we were at high risk of getting sick and
that our symptoms would worsen even to the point of death.
Well, that's what we all know, in addition to knowing all the unfortunate
consequences of a pandemic of this magnitude, I imagine that most of them lost
family members, their jobs, their businesses, friends, even their homes and many
other things.
I hope that at some point I will be able to carry out my activities as I used to do
them. Now that the new normal begins, I think the most important thing is to take
advantage of everything we have within reach, I mean family, our jobs and schools,
that is, take advantage of each and every one of the opportunities
I am aware that this pandemic is far from over, it is definitely under control,
however it still exists and will exist for a long time, just like other diseases. Then it
is important to resume our activities progressively and safely. It is a situation that
got out of control and it is incredible that everything happened so quickly
I remember that I was in the second semester when the pandemic appeared in
Mexico, from then on everything became virtual, after that only until the fifth
semester very sporadically did I go to school to do practice or hand in homework or
a project, already in sixth semester I went a couple more times but the sanitary
measures were the same . I hope that in this new semester things are face-to-face
and in a certain way as they were before all this. Too many things happened in
everyone's life, students, teachers and even directors or mayors will no longer
return. In this new stage we have to be empathetic and very patient because we
do not know what situations our colleagues find themselves in.

We must adapt new aspects, what many call a “new normality”. If we want to
survive the pandemic with low loss of human life, it will be necessary to change
some of our habits, for example: the way we transport ourselves, that is, we must
try to travel in sanitized units and with enough space, the hygiene measures that
They must be stricter, the ways of socializing since the cases have decreased, I
think it can be as before, only to avoid massive events. Lastly, I consider that ideas
have changed for everyone and that is why I reiterate that it is essential to have
empathy and a little Respect for others and situations
Some aspects that I would consider are the following: The application of vaccines
is of great help but it does not exempt us from getting sick. Healthy distance and
santiraruas measures must prevail although the degree may vary. Spaces at work,
school and public places must be adapted and ready before any situation, we must
not let our guard down. Another opportunity will be to inform us by reliable
scientific or relevant sources. And last but not least, I believe that caring for the
environment also has an influence, since one of the main hypotheses for the origin
of covid-19 maintains that it emerged from a market in the city of Wuhan in China,
where wild species are traded.
Rates of emotional and behavioral health disorders, such as depression, anxiety,
substance use, family violence, and suicidal thoughts, have increased since the
beginning of 2020.

Referring to COVID-19, recovery and the period of reintegration into daily life is not
always easy, it is vitally important to know what affects us and how we can feel
better, mental health is just as important as physical health, after the pandemic
What I hope is to be able to create new links, new experiences, take on new
challenges and begin to see a new beginning, not literal but one that allows us to
grow, not to be left with fears, bad ideas or bad times.
On a personal level, taking care of what we eat and the physical activity we do is
something that has changed but must continue because our health is the first thing
to consider. In short, the return to daily life will always be informed, with all the
measures and always taking care of my family, friends and myself.

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