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Paper 1


Mrs. Christine Paolillo

December 4, 2022

Thousands of people during different protests throughout the Unites States have been asking for

the state to defund the police. For years, community groups have advocated for defunding law

enforcement – taking money away from police and prisons – and reinvesting those funds in

services (Levin, 2020). These groups and many activists support the idea to cut law enforcement

budgets, which means to stop investing in the police and use the state money for other important

issues that need to be dealt. `These people argue that the government needs to stop investing

money on the police departments and instead should finance other government agencies, because

the strong presence of the police is not beneficial to the society. Many community groups say

that the state has failed to reform the police and that the police violence and people who have

been killed by the use of police force demonstrate that it is not worth investing in the police

anymore. “Defund the police” means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police

department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality (Ray, 2020).

Basically, this concept does not necessarily mean that the government should totally remove the

police and its functions but argues that the government should give more importance to other

crucial programs rather than the police officers. These programs can be in employment

programs, public health, education, infrastructure of the cities as well as any other crucial

program, which needs to be developed in order to help the people more effectively and

accurately. Those who are in favor of this movement argue that the police has failed to decrease

the level of crimes, has not been able to give answer to most of the violent cases like killings or
rapes and consider budget reductions as the right solution by regarding the police as ineffective

and not worthy of still getting so much money invested on it.

Reallocation of resources is an important part of and resource scheduling, which is the

scheduling of tasks and the associated resources that those tasks require to be completed

(Landau, 2022). So, with this we understand that reallocation of resources is based on scheduling

the information into specific tasks, which require the intended information. Resource allocation

is very important for organizations to function more effectively by seeking the most valuable

information that will help the organization to reach the goals and objectives, which would lead to

success. The problem is that the valuable formation is always limited and that organizations need

to carefully decide its main goals and focus on using the limited information the best way they

can and getting the best out of a limited amount of information related to something. Resource

allocation is essential in project management plans and should be done in the planning stage of a

project, which help to keep costs down, maximize productivity and get client satisfaction

(Landau, 2022). From what I read I understand resource allocation as a process, which allocates

and manages assets in a way that will help the organization to achieve its strategic goals.

Reallocation of resources is important in every project management plan of an organization, in

economics and every other field that requires a good division of information and strategic

planning. My opinion is that there is a very strong connection between the concepts of defunding

the police and reallocating resources and both of these concepts follow one another. The

common idea here is that both of these terms focus on choosing the best ideas to focus on and

scheduling the most valuable information or tools on where it is right to place them. In defunding

the police people ask the government to stop investing money on the police by moving away

from it and instead using those money to improve other important areas like hospitals,
community services, housing etc. While on resource allocation the work on an organization is

equally divided with the main purpose of selecting the best resources on finishing a project. So,

the common thing here is that both of the concepts have the same core, which is to properly use

the available resources at the best way to fulfill important tasks or goals. In reallocation of

resources, the information is the thing that should be chosen wisely, while in defunding the

police money is the thing that should be thought how to be used properly. I think that

reallocation of resources is an important and effective concept to understand and hard to be

followed, but if it is done carefully, it can lead the organization to success by helping the staff to

properly complete their tasks and end up with big profits by satisfying the clients. I think that it

is essential to help the staff be more organized because the available information used will be

chosen more effectively by avoiding checking the same information more than its needed and

tasks will be assigned more accurately. Related to the defunding of the police I agree with the

community groups that urge the government to pay more attention to other programs instead of

spending millions on the police. I think that the states in the U.S. have already spent enough

money on the police and it is now time to spend big numbers on other crucial programs like in

public health or employment.

Work cited:

Landau, P. (2022, July 25). What is resource allocation? 12 resource allocation tips for projects.
ProjectManager. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from 

Levin, S. (2020, June 05). What does “defund the police” mean? The rallying cry sweeping the
US – explained. The Guardian. Retrieved December 4, 2022,
Lutkevich, B., & Lebeaux, R. (2022, June 30). What is a resource allocation? CIO. Retrieved
December 4, 2022, from

Ray, R. (2020, June 19). What does ‘defund the police’ mean and does it have merit? Brookings.
Retrieved December 4, 2022,

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