Course OVERVIEW Book Woocommerce MN

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Welcome to WooCommerce Quick Start!

Welcome! (Please Start Here) Notes
What This Course Is and Is Not

Section 1 – WOOCOMMERCE BASICS: The Fundamental

Things You Need Before You Start an E-Commerce Store
1.1 WooCommerce Introduction 1.2
A Short Tour of WooCommerce 1.3
Create Your Storefront Theme

Section 2 – ADD YOUR MUST HAVE’S: The Key Pages

Needed For Your E-Commerce Store
2.1 Add an About Us & Contact Page
2.2 Terms & Conditions and a Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy

Section 3 – DESIGN YOUR STORE: Creating a

User-Friendly Experience
3.1 Add a Logo
3.2 Create a Menu
3.3 Add a Sub Menu 3.4
Product Categories


Building Two Product Pages
4.1 Add a Simple Product
4.2 Add a Variable Product

Section 5: Prepare Your E-Commerce Store: Get

Your Store Ready for Customers
5.1 Housecleaning
5.2 Add Widgets and More

Section 6: Understanding Taxes: What You Need to Know

About Taxes
6.1 The 101 of Taxes

Section 7: Import Your Products Automatically:

The Plugins That Will Save You Time
7.1 Alidropship
7.2 WooDropship

Section 8: Create a Good First Impression: Improvements

to Your Home Page
8.1 Create Static Homepage 8.2
Clean Up Your Homepage 8.3
Adding A Homepage Slider 8.4
Paid Versus Free Images 8.5
Being Mobile Friendly

© 2023 by Carley Bakker-Reputation Management | 2 | DO NOT COPY OR SHARE THIS WORKBOOK


Section 9: Checkout Options in WooCommerce: Register

Customers & Allow Guest Customers
9.1 All About Checkout Options
9.2 Add A Customer Account

Section 10: Create Payment Types: Options for Customers

to Pay
10.1 Adding Payment Providers
10.2 PayPal
10.3 Stripe

Section 11: Shipping Details: The Basics of WooCommerce

11.1 Shipping Basics

Section 12: Start Your E-Commerce Business: What’s Next

12.1 Your Wins!
2.2 Next Steps

Office Hours 1: Building Credibility For Your E-Commerce Store

Six Essentials Any WooCommerce Store Should Have

Office Hours 2: SEO E-Commerce Strategy

SEO Master Strategy 1
SEO Master Strategy 2
SEO Master Strategy 3

© 2023 by Carley Bakker-Reputation Management | 3 | DO NOT COPY OR SHARE THIS WORKBOOK

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