Educ 10 LG Activities

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ADM – 002- 20- 0061


Name: _________________________________

Section: ___________________ A. Basic Literacy

B. Comprehension Literacy
Subject: EDUC 10 - Building and Enhancing New C. Early Literacy
Literacies across Curriculum D. Functional Literacy

Instructor: ______________________________
I. Instructions for Multiple Choice Questions with __________________________________________
explanation/discussion (5 points/item): __________________________________________
• Before each number, WRITE the letter which __________________________________________
corresponds to the BEST ANSWER – write E if there is _________________________.
none. NO erasures.
• Subsequently, EXPLAIN the reason for your answer
and/or the reason for disregarding the other choices. ___3. As the 21st century teacher we should be
Keep your answers clean and legible. You may add grounded in the principle of fairness called______.
extra yellow paper(s) if the provided spaces do not A. Diversity
suffice. B. Variety
• In discussion, you should demonstrate your C. Equity
understanding, analysis, and/or your synthesis of the D. Inclusivity
concepts – based on the readings, online discussions,
and/or additional research. Do not duplicate or
plagiarize the material. Explanation:________________________________
• All forms of cheating such as plagiarism will prejudice
the partial or the entirety of your score – may also be ____4. Lara believes that students of all ability levels,
a ground for disciplinary action.
physical disabilities, or learning disabilities deserve to
be included in mainstream classrooms. Lara
____1. Teacher Dan highlights activities such as reading,
demonstrates _______ as a teacher.
writing, listening, speaking, computing, and strategic
thinking among his grade 1 students. What literacy does A. Diversity
teacher Dan promote? B. Variety
C. Equity
A. Basic Literacy D. Inclusivity
B. Comprehension Literacy
C. Early Literacy
D. Functional Literacy Explanation:________________________________
Explanation:________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ _________________________.
____5. The following are part of 21st century literacies
and skills EXCEPT one, which is it?
____2. Rhea at the age of 10 can read and write that A. Eco Literacy
she uses in assisting at their sarisari store. What kind of B. Media Literacy
literacy does Rhea show? C. Social Literacy
D. Peace Literacy

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Explanation:________________________________ Explanation:________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
_________________________. _________________________.

____6. The central idea of this approach is that students ___9. The practice of identifying publishing methods,
learn much better at knowing, remembering, and using outlets, and sources while distinguishing between the
knowledge if they learn actively, rather than passive ones that are credible and the ones that aren’t is
learning. commonly known as being social literate. It means that
one is meeting and networking with others for mutual
A. Learning to be
B. Learning to live together
C. Learning to know A. Both statements are true
D. Learning through doing B. Both statements are false
C. Only first statement is true
Explanation:________________________________ D. Only second statement is true
__________________________________________ Explanation:________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
_________________________. __________________________________________
___7. It provides teachers and students with access to a
variety of educational resources that promotes
___10. It is important to understand the machines that
creativity, critical thinking, communication, and
collaboration. make the information age possible using technology. A
21st century teacher should have the foundational skill
A. Media in understanding facts, figures, statistics, and data by
B. Primary Sources developing Information literacy.
C. Technology
D. Web A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
Explanation:________________________________ C. Only first statement is true
__________________________________________ D. Only second statement is true
__________________________________________ Explanation:________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
_________________________. __________________________________________
___8. Creativity empowers students to see concepts in a _________________________.
different light, which leads to innovation. It can also be
shown in getting students to work together, achieve
compromises and get the best possible results from
solving a problem.

A. Both statements are true

B. Both statements are false
C. Only first statement is true
D. Only second statement is true

ADM – 002- 20- 0061
ACTIVITY FOR WEEK NO. 5-8 IV. International Conference on Peace Talks
for Students and Teachers
Name: _______________________________
Section: ______________________________ A. I and II only
Subject: EDUC 10 – Building and Enhancing New B. II and IV only
Literacies Across Curriculum C. I, II and III
Instructor: ____________________________ D. I, II, III and IV
Same instructions with the preceding activity.
___1. Which of the following learning outcomes best _______________________________________
reflects an integration of multicultural and global _______________________________________
literacies? _______________________________________
A. Discuss multicultural concept and relate it to _______________________________________
your personal experience ____________________________.
B. Create an artwork that depicts multicultural
dynamics C. Demonstrate care, respect and acceptance ___4. The class of Miss Aguilar enjoyed the interactive
of classmates belonging to indigenous group discussion of an interesting topic that caused overtime
D. Suggest ways in promoting multiculturalism and which delayed the next class with Mrs. Zarzuela. What
addressing conflict issues best attributes from the two teachers must prevail in
this situation to avoid unhealthy confrontation and
Explanation:_____________________________ relational conflict?
_______________________________________ A. Rights: Responsibilities
_______________________________________ B. Apology: Understanding
_______________________________________ C. Humility: Pride
_______________________________________ D. Self-Expression: Silence
____________________________. Explanation:_____________________________
___2. Which of the following is directly a contrast of the _______________________________________
concept of multiculturalism? _______________________________________
A. A staff who dislikes a certain food from the other _______________________________________
region because it does not suit his taste bud ____________________________.
B. A dean who refuses a student to enroll a subject
that does not adhere to prerequisite requirement ___5. According to reports, a great number of students
C. A student who does not prefer to have his are being diagnosed to have suicidal tendencies brought
education in a public school about by peer pressure, stress, home struggles,
D. A teacher who ignores students who cannot environmental contexts and media influence. As they
understand the lesson impact the school, how can this be resolved?
A. Strong counseling program
B. Effective instructional delivery modalities
Explanation:_____________________________ C. Efficient learning assessment procedures
_______________________________________ D. Advanced learning technologies
_______________________________________ Explanation:_____________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
____________________________. _______________________________________
___3. Schools have become open to the idea of
borderless global society. Which among the following
educational practices support the multicultural
___6. Media is a two-way process the information
perspective towards globalization?
provider and the receiver. Both have corresponding
I. Cultural Exchange Program responsibilities, such as: "Think before you click" and
II. International School Partnership "Assess before you access". In this case, which
III. United Nations Celebration dimension of media literacy is being shown?

A. Emerging technology literacy

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B. Research literacy ___9. Which of the following strategies can teachers
C. Resource literacy LEAST consider in preparing for their retirement?
D. Critical literacy
A. Continuing professional development towards
Explanation:_____________________________ promotion and increment
B. Sustain expenses relatively lower than salaries
C. Avail of life and retirement insurance
_______________________________________ D. Frequent trips with grabbed promo fares and freebies
_______________________________________ Explanation:_____________________________
____________________________. _______________________________________
___7. Which of the following teaching strategies best
demonstrates the use of media tools to respond to the
demands of 21st century education in the classroom? _______________________________________
A. Have the reports presented in class using the
latest innovative PowerPoint formats. ___10. Why are people victimized by financial scams
B. Have the pictures scanned and printed for that end up to the loss of properties, investments and
submission savings, and even to ruining their lives?
C. Use iPad in showing a topic uploaded from
YouTube and search engines.
D. Utilize Google classroom in performing blended A. They have not learned in school how to avoid being
learning in an out-of-class setting. scammed.
B. They desire for easy and quick money.
C. It is already their destiny that may happen anytime
_______________________________________ sketched in the palm of their lives.
_______________________________________ D. It is always part of life and it is just that they are not
_______________________________________ wise enough to cope with it.
____________________________. Explanation:_____________________________

___8. Surveys reveal that some teachers face their _______________________________________

retirement without savings at hand which usually bring _______________________________________
them to worse poverty scenario. What are the reasons _______________________________________
behind this? _______________________________________
I. Culture of extended family dependency ____________________________.
II. Lack of priority on retirement preparation
during earning career years
III. Strong passion and value for the teaching
IV. Lack of value on their career effort and
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. II and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV

ADM – 002- 20- 0061

Name: _________________________________

Section: ___________________

Subject: EDUC 10 - Building and Enhancing New Literacies across Curriculum

Textual Analysis of a Critical Issue: Read and analyze the two documents systematically through the provided guide
questions thereafter. Subsequently create an essay expounding your responses to the guide questions, eliciting further
inquiries, conclusions, and reactions. Essay should be written in academic English.

Document 1: From The Philippine Revolution (La Revolución Filipina) by Apolinario Mabini, 1969 Translated into
English by Leon Ma. Guerrero
End and Fall of the Revolution
As I had foreseen, our improvised militia could not withstand the first blow struck by the disciplined American troops.
Moreover, it must be admitted that the Filipino forces stationed around Manila were not prepared for an attack that
night: General Ricarte, in command of the detachments in the south, and General San Miguel, commander of the
eastern zone where the attack began, were. then in Malolos. Little accustomed to war, the Filipino commanders and
officers hardly appreciated the value of military instruction and discipline so that the emplacements were not served
with anything approaching order and precision. The Filipino general staff had not studied or laid down any plans for
offensive or withdrawal movements in case of an outbreak of hostilities. Mr. Aguinaldo, who had scant appreciation
of the advantages of a unified command and coordinated tactics, had made no provision for the prompt restoration
of communications among the various it -- my units should a sudden retreat i nterrupt the telegraphic system. Mr.
Aguinaldo wanted to keep the forces around Manila under his direct orders, commanding them from his residence
in Malolos, although he could not devote himself completely to the proper discharge of the duties of this command
because of his preoccupations as head of the government and the conceit of personally deciding many matters which
should have been channeled through the departments of the central administration. Only after the outbreak of
hostilities, when the telegraph lines had already been cut, did he name General Luna commander of the forces
operating around Manila, but by that time the various army units had already evacuated their old emplacements,
and communications among them had become slow and hazardous. Furthermore, Luna resigned his command
shortly afterward because the War Minister had disapproved one of his dispositions. However, he resumed
command of the defensive operations north of Manila when the Philippine Government was compelled to leave
Malolos for San Isidro in the province of Nueva Ecija. Luna was able to raise fresh forces in Calumpit, forming a
number of companies composed of veteran soldiers. of the former native army organized by the Spanish
Government, and with these troops as a core he imposed a stern disciplinary system to stop the demoralization of
our troops. But many commanders, jealous of their authority, withheld from him the effective cooperation that was
necessary. This led to the cashiering by brute force of commanders who did not recognize his authority, or the court-
martialing of those who abandoned their posts in the face of the enemy, or the disarming of troops that disobeyed
his orders.

In spite of all these obstacles, Luna would have succeeded in imposing and maintaining discipline if Aguinaldo had
supported him with all the power of his prestige and authority, but the latter was also beginning to grow jealous,
seeing Luna slowly gain ascendancy by his bravery, audacity, and military skill. All those affronted by his actuations
were inducing Aguinaldo to believe that Luna was plotting to wrest from him the supreme authority. After the
Calumpit bridge had fallen to the American forces, due mainly to the scarcity of ammunition, Luna came to see me
in San Isidro and entreated me to help him convince Mr. Aguinaldo that the time had come to adopt guerrilla warfare.
I promised to do what he wanted, while making it clear to him that I doubted I would get anywhere because my
advice was hardly heeded in military matters inasmuch as, not being a military man but a man of letters, my military
knowledgeability must be scant, if not nonexistent. I could not keep my promise because after our meeting I did not
get to see Mr. Aguinaldo until after some time when he came expressly to seek my advice on whether or not it would
be expedient to reorganize the cabinet. Unable to overcome my sense of propriety even in those circumstances, I
answered in the affirmative, and, having relinquished office to my successor, Don Pedro A. Paterno, in the first days
of May 1899, 1 left for the town of Rosales near Bayambang. Some weeks later Mr. Aguinaldo sent a telegram asking
Luna to see him in Cabanatuan for an exchange of views, but when Luna arrived in Cabanatuan he met not Aguinaldo

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but death by treachery plotted by the very same soldiers whom he had disarmed and court-martialed for
abandonment of their post and disobedience to his orders ( he did not find Aguinaldo at home and was treacherously
murdered by the soldiers who were on sentry duty there ). Colonel Francisco Roman, who accompanied Luna, died
with him. While Luna was being murdered. Mr. Aguinaldo was in Tarlac taking over command of the forces which
the deceased had organized. Before his death Luna had his headquarters in Bayambang, and had reconnoitered
Bangued to determine if it met the conditions for an efficacious defense in case of a retreat; what is more, he was
already beginning to transport there the heavier pieces of ordnance. Notwithstanding, Aguinaldo established his
government in Tarlac, wasting his time on political and literary activates, a negligence which General Otis exploited
by landing his infantry in San Fabian while his cavalry, wheeling through San Jose and Umingan, took San Quintin and
Tayug, thus cutting all of Mr. Aguinaldo's lines of retreat and giving the deathblow to the Revolution.

Until now I cannot believe that Luna was plotting to wrest from Mr. Aguinaldo the high office he held although Luna
certainly aspired to be prime minister instead of Mr. Paterno, with whom Luna disagreed because the former's
autonomy program was a violation of the fundamental law of the State and as such was a punishable crime. This is
shown by a report in the newspaper La Independencia, inspired by Luna and published a few days before his death,
which stated that the Paterno-Buencaminio cabinet would be replaced by another in which Luna would be prime
minister as well as war minister. When a few days afterward Luna received Mr. Aguinaldo's telegram calling him to
Cabanatuan, Luna thought perhaps that the subject of their meeting would be the new cabinet; he did not expect an
attempt to assassinate him precisely at the critical juncture when the Revolution most needed his strong and skilled
right arm; nor could he believe that a licit and correct ambition should inspire fear i n Mr. Aguinaldo who had named
him commanding general of the Philippine army. Luna had certainly allowed himself to say on occasion that
Aguinaldo had a weak character and was unfit to be a leader, but such language was only an explosive outlet for a
fiery and ebullient temperament which saw its plans frustrated by the lack of necessary support. All of Luna's acts
revealed integrity and patriotism combined with a zealous activity that measured up to the situation. If he was
sometimes hasty and even cruel in his decisions, it was because the army was in a desperate position due to the
demoralization of the troops and the lack of munitions; only acts of daring and extraordinary energy could prevent
its disintegration.

The death of Andres Bonifacio had plainly shown in Mr.. Aguinaldo a boundless appetite for power, and Luna's
personal enemies exploited this weakness of Aguinaldo with skillful intrigues in order to encompass Luna's ruin.

To say that if Aguinaldo, instead of killing Luna (allowing Luna to be killed), had supported him with all his power, the
Revolution would have triumphed, would be presumption indeed, but I have not the least doubt that the Americans
would have had a higher regard for the courage and military abilities of the Filipinos. Had Luna been alive, I am sure
that Otis's mortal blow would have been parried or at least timely prevented, and Mr.. Aguinaldo's unfitness for
military command would not have been exposed so clearly. Furthermore, to rid himself of Luna, Aguinaldo had
recourse to the very soldiers whom Luna had punished for breaches of discipline; by doing so Aguinaldo destroyed
that discipline, and with it his own army. With Luna, its most firm support, fell the Revolution, and, the ignominy of
that fall bearing wholly on Aguinaldo, brought about in turn his own moral death, a thousand times more bitter than
physical death. Aguinaldo therefore ruined himself, damned by his ow n deeds. Thus are great crimes punished by

To sum it up, the Revolution failed because it was badly led; because its leader won his post by reprehensible rather
than meritorious acts; because instead of supporting the men most useful to the people, he made them useless out
of jealousy. Identifying the aggrandizement of the people with his own, he judged the worth of men not by their
ability, character and patriotism but rather by their degree of friendship and kinship with him; and anxious to secure
the readiness of his favorites to sacrifice themselves for him, he was tolerant even of their transgressions. Because
he thus neglected the people forsook him; and forsaken by the people, he was bound to fall like a waxen idol melting
in the heat of adversity. God grant we do not forget such a terrible lesson, learnt at the cost of untold suffering.

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Document 2: “Paunang Salita sa Munti kong Talambuhay” – Ayon kay Isagani Medina, posibleng inakda noong 1944,
sa ika-77 kaarawan ni Emilio Aguinaldo. Anotasyon at pagsasalin ni Emmanuel F. Calairo, Saloobin: Sagot ni Hen
Emilio Aguinaldo sa mga Paratang ng Dakilang Lumpe (Cavite Historical Society 2002).

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16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5
Unresponsive to the question
Responsive answer with (whether or not: written
Responsive answer with fair
insufficient factual basis; something; with presentation
factual basis; admirable
admirable examples and/or of related factual basis; true and
examples and/or analysis; and
analysis; and commendable sound conclusion)
commendable logical conclusion
logical conclusion

Responsive, structured with Presented no or incorrect

true and sound logical Fair example(s) and/or analysis; Lacks example(s) and/or factual basis; whether or not
statements, demonstrated responsive answer with definite analysis; responsive with the answer is responsive; has
completeness in factual basis factual basis; commendable sufficient factual basis; examples and conclusion.
and example(s) and/or logical conclusion commendable logical conclusion

Conclusion true, partially Presented his answer gravely

Conclusion is true but does not incoherent and illogical;
coherent to the premises;
present soundness; partially whether or not the answer is
responsive answer with
responsive with sufficient responsive; has factual basis;
sufficient factual basis;
factual basis; admirable has examples.
admirable example(s) and/or
examples and/or analysis

Guide Questions for Textual Analysis:

1. What is/are the subject(s)/topic(s) appeared in the texts?

2. When do you think each text were written? How do you know?
3. Who are the authors and for whom are the texts written for? How do you know?
4. Why might the authors have written each text?
5. What might be the resolution and/or controversies that might appear upon evaluating both texts?


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